Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 09 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~~~~~~~~~_A_D~ __C_S6_00_m_d7_~_a_S~~~~~~7 ROAD ~CEB DuHamlflawless in Kansas 600 e ; By Pa u l Carruthers Ph oto by Werner Fritz TOPEKA, KS, SEPT. 8 ommonwealth Racing's Miguel Du Hamel rode such a masterful race at Heartland Park Topeka that he made a normally exciting class of racing rather dull. Leading from start to finish, the .French Ca n adia n and his Honda CBR600 F2 blasted away from the pack to win by an unheard of margin of 18.491 seco nds. DuHamel avera ged 79.573 mph in completing the 14 laps of the 2.5-mile race track in 26 minu tes, 23.449 seconds. A distant second place went to Two Brothers Racing's Steve Crevier on a similar Honda CBR600 F2 ahead of the Yamaha FZR600 of Vance & Hinesbacked Larry Schwarzbach. 'Atlan tic Motorsports Group 's T om Kipp and self-sponsored J eff Farmer rounded out the top five finishers. DuHamel's victory, his sixth of th e season, gives him a nearl y insurmountabl e points lead over Kipp, 120-86, with two rounds and 40 points still up for grabs. In the Top Expert point standings - for first -year AMA Pro license holders and AMAlCCS Expert licens e holders - Tripp Nobl es held on to his lead with a seven th p lace finish,' one pos ition behind John Choate, who moved up from sixth place in the point standings with his sixth pl ace finish. Choate, inci den tly, was riding Rich Arnaiz 's vacated Commonwealth Honda CBR600 F2 in a on e-off opportunity he was given by team owner Martin Adams. Nobles leads Choate, 104-75. Fast heat race win ner DuHamel blitzed off the start for th e 14-lap race and never looked back. He led by 6.4 seco n ds at the si x -la p mark a n d stretched to over 18 seconds at the finish. "They (hi s crew) gave me a plus 5 or plus 7 (on his pit boa rd) and I thought 'really?' " DuH amel said. " I just kept a good pace. You never know - that time can go away." Crevier 's race wa s also rather uneventful, at least after some fairing bashing with early second place man Schwarzbach. Crevier got by the Texan on the fourth lap and was never headed as he tr ied in vain to run down DuH amel. Sch warzbach finished a lonely third after being disposed of by Crevier and the only real race came behin d him. Two Bro th ers Raci ng 's Takanobu Koyama was the first man to hold down fourth place, but he was soon dislodged from the postion by Kipp. Shortly thereafter, Koyama tossed hi s CBR600 away in the final comer. He remounted, crashed again the following lap and then got going again to fini sh 13tho The crowd's attention then turned to the battle for fifth between Choate, . Farmer, Nobles and Doug Carmichael. Eventually Choate and Farmer cleared away from the other two with Farmer getting the nod at the finish line. " I didn't have much mid-range," Crevier said. " I couldn't get off the corners. I hit Larry (Schwarzbach ) twice - maybe he was helping Miguel (Du H amel)." Schwarzbach concurred: "Maybe I was holding him up a bit. I was trying my damdest to keep him behind me." CN C Resul ts REA T t : I. Tom Kipp (Hon); 2. T akanob u Koyama (Hon );.5. Jeff Farmer (Han ); 4. John Choate (Hon); 5. Doug Carmichael (H on ); 6. John jacob (Ya m); 7. Roy Nicholson (H on); 8. Rona ld McGill (H e n ): 9. Mike Himmelsbach (H on) ; 10. Gr eg H utcheson (Ya m); II. Rod Brueske (Ya m); 12. Gary Lenzmeier (Ya m); 13. Jorda n Brown (Yam); 14. Michael Dy. (Ya m); 15. Many Coyne (Ya m). -T ime: 9 mm., 36.353. DUtancc~l s, 12.5 miles. a Av.rag. S : 78.077 mph. Victory: 0.198 sec. H EAT 2: I. Miguel DuHamel (H on); 2. Steve Crevier (H on); 5. LourySchwarzbach (Yam) ; 1. Tripp Nob les (Hen): 5. James Lealie (Hon); 6. J im Sab in (H o n ): 7. William Wh ite (Ya m); 8. Thomas Mon ta n o (Ya m); 9. Joh n Stan ley (Ho n) ; 10. Fra nk Ha mpel (Ya m); II. Joh n Beldock (Ho n); 12. joseph Pru ssiano (Hon ); 13. Michael Su Hivan (Yam) ; 14. J oh n Weiss (Yam) . T ime: 9 mi n ., 24.558 sec. Distance:~ s, 12.5 m iles. Ja Average S : 79.708 mph. Margin 0 Victory: 3.288 sec. 600cc SS FINAL.: I. Migu el DuHamel (Ho n); 2. Steve Crev ier (Hon) ; 3. Larry Sch warzbach (Yam); 1. Tom Kipp (Ho n); 5. JdC Farmer (Han); 6. John Choat e (Ho n); 7. T ripp Nobles (Ho n); 8. Doug Carmichae l (Ho n); 9. Ron al d McGill (Ha n ); 10. j oseph Prussiano (Hon ); I I. Roy Nicolson (Hon); 12. Joh n Jacob (Yam); IS. Wil h am Whit< (Yam): 14.1'akanobu Koyaba (Hon); 15. Mik e H immelsba ch (Ho n ); 16. J oh n Sta n ley (Hon ); 17. Grg< SPttd: 79.575 m ph . Margin oCVietory: 18.491 sec. 600ccSS CSHtP POI NT STAl'lDlNGS: I. Migu el Du H a md (120); 2. Tom Kipp (86); 5. La rry Schwarzbach (70); 1. JdC Farmer (57); 5. T ripp Nobl es (19); 6. Rich ard Am a iz (47); 7. j amie James (15); 8. Takanobu Koyama (56); 9. S,eve Crevi et (32); 10. (T t E) J ohn Choate/Jim Lealie (30); 12. Michael Bames (28); IS. Soott Zampach (27); 14. Mike Moores (25); 15. (IlE) Doug Carm ichael /John j acob (22). ~brgin 0 Russell overcomes mud slides By Brent Plummer TOPEKA, KS. SEPT. 8. acing in a thundering downpour that swept across the pl ains of Kansas, Scott Ru ssell scored hi s third straight 750cc Supersport win a t Heartland Park Topeka to remained undefeated in the class this year. And more importantly, he wrapped up hi s second stra ig h t 750 cc Supersport Championship. However, due to the rai n , th is one was close. At the star t, Russell naturally -'- sat on the pol e. When the green flag waved, so did Russell 's rear tire: He spun it through the big puddle that was the front stra ight. J eff Heino was gridded immediately behind Russell, and almost ran over h im in an attempt for the lead. The two ra n dangerousl y near, and quit e slow towards the first tum. Russell would later elabora te: " I just spun it, and then I was trying to get out of th ese gu ys' way. I didn't want to be up there in the front anyway, in case someone tossed it away." Surprisingl y, every one m ad e it through the first turn without an incident, but th en the race turned chao tic. Britt Turkington led the pa ck off the line into turn one, around the first few tu rns , and stra igh t off th e track in turn 10. " I went off there and was trying to get it turned an d then here .comes Rus sell up in fro nt of me. Everybody was everyw here on th e first two laps, it was hideous, really crazy." Turkington said. " I saw Turkington go straight, and whoeve r was in secon d - Bue, I thin k - he took off through the grass and R Miguel Du H amel (17) was perfect in 600cc Supersport as he won for a six th time. I thought 'Yeah, I'm go ing to get these guy s, and I tried to turn it, but the bike went 'no,' and I went through the grass," Russell said. " T u rkin gto n already had his bik e turned coming (towards me), and I thought 'Oh no, I'm gonna T-Bone him ,' but I went rig h t in fro nt of him." L uckily, Ru ssell got his Muzzy bike stop ped while remaining upright, and rej oined the ra ce m id-pack . T urkingto n was more fortunate, reentering in the top three. T itian Bue, Bob Sandy, an d Jeff H ein o also followed Turkin gton off the track, with th e latt er two going dow n in the mud. H ein o rem ounted, and promptly pulled in the pits with an injured wrist. H e shru gged off th e accident. " I saw this sign out th ere that said 'Mud Slides,' with an arrow, so I foll owed it, right off into th e bogs," He ino said. San dy was ab le to cont in ue, thou gh his bike fared a bit worse; he was blackflagged the next lap. A quick pit stop to rip a flapping right fairing lower off, and Sandy was back out. Normally, the sto p would have cost him any chan ce o f winning th e ra ce, but everyone was ru nning so slow that 15 seconds in the pits really did not matter. Fast starter Tripp Nobl es was al so off in the mud, though he did not make it past th e turn eight chicane. A bit dazed from the wreck, Nobl es left hi s Honda CBR600 in fir st gear. With th e tra nsmission engaged, the bike would no t start, so he just sat there , until abou t 30 seconds late r, he realized the error, plunked it jn neutral, and was o ff, somewhere around last. With so many people down, Turkington, Dave Deveau, and Jacques Guenett e were vying for the early lead. Ru ssell soo n regrou ped, unshaken from the three off-track excursions he encountered, and took hi s accus tomed spot, at the front of the pa ck. From the re on, Ru ssell and T urkington, who was running in second, would not relinq u ish their spots, fin ishing in that order. The race for th ird was relegated to Guenette, Sandy, Dean Mizdal and Dave Deveau . Mizdal was th e first to bo w out, losing a lap . whi le pi ckin g mud out of hi s bike th at it scoo ped up in a crash. Guenette too wo uld fall - in spectacular fashi on - do wn the front straight. H e slid at least 60 yards, spinning on h is back the whole way. After finally stopping, Guenette stood u p, loo ked around , saw h is u nda maged bike and dashed for it. He would remount in time to stay on the lead lap, finishing ninth overall. Scott Russell clin ched the 7SOcc Supersport title with an other victory. Un offic ially, Sandy was running th e fastest laps of th e race, which helped . him take th ird overa ll, slightly ahea d of Deveau. Trip p Nobl es stru ggled up to fifth , with Mike Sullivan, Jam es Schaefer, Louis Saccoccio, Guenette and Robin Holida y staying relatively upright to rou nd out the top ten. ar Results HEAT 1: I. Britt Turki ngton (Suz); 2. T itia n Bue (Sur ); 5. Mar k McDani. , (Sur ); 1. T ri pp No bles (Hon); 5. J am es Scha efer (Suz); 6. Sam McDon ald (Sur ); 7. Dean Mizdal (Suz); 8. Mik. Surratt (Suz); 9. Da vid R05no (Suz); 10. John Erdrich (Kaw); I I. John Stan ley (Ho n); 12. Louis Saccoccio 11 (Kaw). Time 9 min.• 37.258 sec. Di.stanCC:~l., 12.5 miles. a>g< S . 77.955 m ph . Mvgin Victory: 1.406 sec, HEAT 2: I. Seen Russell (Kaw); 2. Ja cques Ouenene. J r.. (Ka w); " Jeff H eino (Suz); 4. David 5. Dev eau (Sur) ; 5. Bob Sanay (Kaw); 6. Owen w eichel (Sur) ; 7. Robin H oli da y (Sur ); 8. Rusty Allen (Kaw); 9. Da vid Hansen (Suz); 10. Dennis Burke (Suz); I J. Frank Hamed (Ya m); 12. Michael Dye (Sur) ; IS. J. C H mo~ (Kaw). C Time: 9 mm .• 21.916 sec. Di.stana:~ s, 12.5 milo. la>g< S : 80.085 mp h. Margin Victory: 12.215 sec. 750ce SS FINAL.: I. Scott Ru ",,11 (Kaw); 2. Britt Turkington (Suz); 5. Bob Sandy (Kaw); 1. David Deveau (Suz): 5. Tripp No bles l Hoo); 6. Michael Sull ivan (Yam): 7. Jam es Schae B (Suz); 8. Louis Saccocchio n (Ka w); 9. Ja cq ues G uenett e. J r. (Kaw): 10. Robin H ol ida y (Sur) ; II. Titian Bue (Sur); 12. . Andrew Deatherage (Sur) ; 13. Dan Mizdal (Sur ); 11. Davi d H an sen (Suz); 15. Mike Surratt (Suz); 16. Sam McDonal d (Suz); 17. Den nie Burke (Suz); 18. Rusty Allen (Kaw); 19. David Rosno (Suz); 20. John Erdrich (Kaw); 21. Owen weicbel (Suz); 22. Mark McDaniel (Suz). Timc: 36 min .• 51.561 sec. Distance: l 4 la ps . 35 miles. Averag. Speed: 56.975 mph. Margin o(Viclory: 56.5U sec. \.-7SOcc SS C'SHtP POINT ST ANDtNGS: I. Scott Rus",11 (110); 2. Bri tt Turkington (97); 5. Jacques G uenette, Jr. (8 1); 1. Titian Bu. (60); 5. Bob Sand y (52); 6. Tripp Nobles (19); 7. JdCH.ino (17); 8. (IlE) J ames Schae fer/Glenn Barry (55); 10. rr!E) Andy Deatherage/Mike Moores (26); 12. LoUIS Saccoccio (22); IS. Todd Hoge (19); 11. G

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