Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 08 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CYCLE ACTION THEATER presents The Greatest Motorcycle Video Cassettes Watch t hem over and over! . (#410) 1990 _ S-- _ _ Compiled from the best momenta of the 7 ~ Warld Soperbikl Sarin, the 1990 alISon miew ofItrs the thefantastit sid~ inaction. From PtMef1POlU Video. (#81B) 1991 USGP ~ 50aI Diffmm thM\ the- NBC/ESPN broadcasts. 1his video (#130) It's, T....... • sp8ldway Californ Sid ia ecarChampionship. go minutes Manufacturing of thl classic prl -unil Triumph !rum RAl Vidtto. moton:ycle. 30 minutes !Tom Motll'lideo (#134).1991'" _ _ ... R... (#131) TIne ia ~ '68 Exci'lingaction from theweekend ofthe 1991Spaedway Followthe earlyhelOllS of late '60's motocross around I.C . W .E orld Championships al Tucson. Arizona. 60 till E uropean circuit as theycorrtest thll 1969 Be lgian, minutes from RAZ Vidoo. F rm:h, and Swiss MXGP's F Motovideo . rom most memarable and aetion-padted footage of each includes compIBte CO'V81'3Q8 & commentary of 500 and round. From triumph to dlfeat, across the vigoroos 250 d8lSll1, sidecar1 too. 52 miootllS from G Video P trlIdts of the world. H a. Y ond amaha and D UCBIi lead a fllree manufaetan11' fight featuring their top rac ers: (#9611) 1991 _ _ n _ PrI. theU.S.' Flying Fred Mer\(a~ Fram'. Raymond Roche, Rot.nd two of the se at the new Eastern Creek Britain's Rob M rias cEJnl a. italY. Giancat10 Falappa and 's rsports cireuit. featuring outst8nding racing in the 500cc and Australia Rob Phillis. 90 minuttlsfrom Powa 2SOCC dasses. Great oo-bike camera iequel'lC8l too. Vidllo. 52 minut a from G i PVideo. I #(B:lB) 1991 s,-. n _ Prb Almost 200,000 tans pacbd the Jem citcuit lor the ftJUrth round of ttle series IS Rainey, Doohen IIOlI I (#65) - - . .... _19B9 America s best motoaoss champ take on1ha world Kocinski banled in the siulingheat. Includes coYerave ! ions in Ihis special 60 minute sfiow !rom Gaildorl, West of 250ct Ind Sidecar daun too. 52 minutes from GP Video Glnnany. From Matlllideo. l (#76) 1919 W.... III GP _ The bell: of what happened in tI1I '89 flM World MXGP ehese has been captlnd on this vi eo w!lith d vividlyportrays-.tlat warld-level motoatlSSis all about. Suberb f00l8ge of the SftriIS from Holland, Fr1lncll, Italy, San Marino. Britain. Belgium. lunmbota-g and Switmland. 60 minutes ~ Powellportl Video. #(831) 1991 _ n Gnod Prb Set 10.000 lralian fans go crazy as lJIwsoo grab! the ho/eshot on the Cagiva & battle tor top position (#132) 1961 Lawio a-ic RoodaT ravel back in time to the 41st annual latonia C1assll; races. held on June 1ft-18, 1961. 46 minutes from Motovideo (#133) . . - fl-.:Io A look back to the da'fS Ydlen Brit bikes ruled the Impire of motortYc!ing. Footage from. "T riumph 99.9" , the 1969 Isle of M anTI, the ''Northwest 200 Mill(' l tmh road rBClIs,. "M to Grip~, a documentary on ade (_) _C

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