Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 08 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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IN THE WIND By Papa Wt21ey Con tinued from page 3 two days after Lusk won the Motorcycle Grand Na tio nal Championship at the August 6- 11 N MA Gran d National Championsh ips In Po nca City, Oklahoma. SabscripdoD Rate Schedule First Class Service DOMESTIC 1 year 50 issues 5108.00 6 months 25 issues 555.00 Trialsub. 15 issues 533.00 1 year 50 issues 5122.00 6 months 25 issues 560.00 Trial sub. 15 issues 536.00 CANADA 1 year 50 issues 6 months 25 issues MEXICO 5122.00 560.00 Trial sub. 15 issues 536.00 ALL OTHER 1 year 50 issues 5127.00 COUNTRIES 6 months 25 issues 562.00 Trial sub. 15 issues 538.00 Second Class Service DOMESTIC 1 year 50 issues 6 months 25 issues Trialsub. 15 issues 1 year 50issues 6 months 25 issues Trial sub. 15 issues MEXICO 575.00 538.00 523.00 1 year 50issues 6 months 25 issues Trial sub. 15 issues CANADA 535.00 518.00 511.00 575.00 538.00 523.00 ALL OTHER 1 year 50 issues COUNTRIES 6 months' 25 issues Trial sub. 15 issues 575.00 538.00 523.00 Air MaU Service DOMESTIC Not available CANADA 50 issues 5137.00 1 year 6 months 25 issues 570.00 Trial sub. 15 issues 542.00 MEXICO 50 issues 5137.00 1 year 6 months 25 issues 570.00 Trialsub. 15 issues 542.00 ALL OTHER 1 year 50 issues 5224.00 COUNTRIES 6 months 25 issues 5114.00 Trialsub. 15 issues 568.00 Two year subscription prices available upon request. Use the order form in the IN THE WIND section or send your order, including payment (check, money order, charge to VISA or Mastercard) payable in U.S. funds, to: Cycle News, Inc. Attn. Circulation P.O. Box 498 Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 Phone (213) 427-7433 24 IIr. FAX order line (213) 427-6685 (charge orders only, please) The Women In Motorc ycling exh ibit, a series of murals by New England artist Paul Jamio\; depicting the long history of important contributions made to motorcycling and th e motorcycle industry by women, has retu rn ed to the Motorcycle Herit age Museum. The exhibit was part of the museum 's inaugural display last year , but was removed earlier this year when the museum changed exh ibits. However, according to a museum spokesperson, a steady ou tpo u ring of interest fro m visitors who had not visited th e m useum - located inside the headq uarters of the AMA in Westervi lle , O h io - promoted the reinstalla tion of th e exhibit. More th a n 30 women are hon ored in th e exhibi t, includin g our very ow n Sharon Clayton, who alo ng with her husband Chuck founded Cycle News in 1965. BORN: 'Ma tthew Michael Farley, son of former Camel Pro Series competitor Mike Farley and h is wife Reggie o f Villa Par k, Ill inoi s, on July 16. " I contin ue to su rvey race tracks across the co u ntry fro m my perch as an airli ne pi lo t, but after ho ld ing National n umber 89 for seven years , I mi ss standi ng on a race track every Su nday, " said Farley in his birth announcement letter. CORRECTION: In the "Tire co ntroversy" sideba r in our coverage o f the August 7 Rapid City Ha lf Mile, we inadvertently listed the tire manufacturer as Bridgest o n e, ra ther than Goodyear . Goodyear is cu rre n tl y th e o n ly manufacturer p roducing dirt trac k tires approved by th e AMA fo r G rand National Ch am pionsh ip/ Ca me l Pro Seri es competition. • APPOINTED: Paul T rotta, 49, as d ir ecto r, field sa les. b y Kawasaki . Motors Corp., U.S.A. T rotta , who will co n ti n ue as regional sales manager for Kawasaki's east regi on, replaces Don Pruitt, 39. who has accepted a new assign ment as dir ector. business development, due to a series of healthrela ted in cidents. T rotta is a 23-year veteran of Kawasaki. based in New' J ersey for the.past 18 years. CORRECTION: In the New P rod ucts section of issue #30, we listed the phone number for T ech no USA. manufact urer of Tech nomagnesio wheels , incorrectly. The correct phone number ·is 303/989-3415. STOLEN: A 1991 Kawasaki ZXII , 1O#ZXAZXBC IIMB502572, and a 1990 750 Ninja, 10# JKAZXDFI2LB509522. from Cla rke Kawasaki of Orange, California. If you have any information, call 714/532-0133. MOVED: In fosport , th e publisher of th e Da yt ona 200: T he History of Amer ica's Premier Mo torcycle Race by Don Em d e as well as T he Emde Report .. . On Mo torcycle Reta iling, to 30011 Ivy G lenn Dr., Suite 114, Civic Ce nter Pl aza Bu il d i n g . Laguna Niguel. CA 92677, 714/ 249-2270, FAX 714/ 249-2332. HIRED: Ri ch ard Maxwell , by the AMA to head up its professional racing department. Maxwell formerly was in charge of Chrysler 's racing program. Accor di ng to an AMA spokesman, Maxwell's duties will be defined when he reports in September. RESULTS Motocross Burleson MX Pk. Burleson, TX July 14 By Kat Spann 60 Jamb)mos 110 B EG TOIIlIIlY Brock Mike W alsh Chad Trawick David !.ott Ralph IleiIad 110 NOV Travis Spann ldlSmith Chris Cadirux J3SOIl EckhoIt Michael Brock 110 OPEN Travis Spann )elfSmith Chris Cadirux Ralph Biezad Brian IliJII 1 BEG 25 B Rhnme rian Joey Suamele Dan Traskelt Kir.Goad Robert)ohnson 125 NOV Chip Bumll Dee Ann Wood BrianColmer MattFeiI Scotty }OO, 12500 Joey Pratt Chris DaulilI Bob Abbntt 125 OPEN MattFeiI DeeAnnWood Ktnt Bart ldlDw Chris DaubilI 250 OPEN·BEG Scott Fuller )ames Stanton llogtr!of SteveBoward Man: Cleveland 30> . TonyRhodes Eddie Coile Rhett Smith ENDR M BUITOlIghs . ~ JR Dennis Springs 125 B G0-1 E Matt Kroeger Curtis Taciley Robert Runkle NlI'icl< Clasto Chris Vendley 125 BEG0-2 Mart Kroeger C Blak. had David Krupp Robert Runkle C Tackley unis 125JR J3SOIl Garcia Saul Smoak Eddie McClintod llari Rayback Bobby Bondurant Greg McKeuzie Tun Krlcham jimllreneisen Rod Lawler VET EX lion Yam Rtx Rtx Rtx B·D Hnn Iloo Yam Kaw Kaw Suz Kaw Bon Yam Yam lion Yam Suz Suz Yam ATK Bon lion Kaw Kaw Ka.. Bon Ka.. Kaw A TK Iloo Sacramento Rcwy Pk Sacramento, CA Ang.IO SeanRtath Donovan MitcbeII Ti Dughman m G"iKel1y TonySlov" Shawn Moore SlMIIemande% SOOBEG Robert Woehrle Todd Raybrl Kaw Kaw Motocross SOSTK Kellen CbadwicI: Nathan Mitdlell Anthony ScarJ>oini Robby Lawrm:e Marthew Bainard SO MOD J3SOIl Waite Randy Norman V'mcent Blair David Cassin 601h'l Randy Norman Chris Siln }aaIb G"lII RichanI Fratus 609-11 Danid Blair Robert B1aI:. 110 BEG John Schwindt BobbyDwon RodLawei ~Edv.Wi , JRMINJ Ktnt StaIIo Josh GniD SRMINJ }dfrey Williams Mi:haeI Boydw1I 125C Tunmy EInxI Allen Ruci:tn Chris Peog Eric Moore 250 BEG 0-1 Brian Bones Kenny Miller Shawn Moore ll Stmo Yoder Ka.. Ka.. Kaw Kaw Yam llm Kaw Bon 2SOC Gary Strunk Chris Woll. M'1ChaeI Faullt Dennis Runkle Ariis SIru2e OPEN B RichanI Fanner Gary Good Eric Schwieterman George Mers y Ktvin Gains 250 A Chuck Ibmilto n Srott Kirpatrici V3liU Carl 11>24 Eric Bolling'lworth Eric Scwieterman AI B ubala 125YTB J.T. M uni Derek G ayheart Steven Kaylor Ronnie Brown Mari Edwards Kaw Hnn Kaw KTM Bon Yam Kaw Bon Suz Kaw Suz Yam Ibm IIno Iloo Suz

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