Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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for the Grand Natio nal Cham p ionship, where he trail s Harley-Davidson team riders Chris Carr -an d Scott Parker. With five rounds remaining, Carr sits a top th e sta nd ings with 153 points, o ver Parker 's 133, a nd Jones' 130. " I ca n' t go riding," complained T eam Harley-Davidson 's Kevin Atherton, in a phone co n versa tio n from h is White Pi geon, Michigan, home. " I wore all of my motocross gear at th e Peoria TT, a nd it 's still in th e team . van , which is in Indianapolis now." When Papa suggested that he borro w ri di ng gea r fro m Team Honda's Jeff Stanton, who lives nearby, Atherton rep lied, " Yea h , I guess I co uld. I have before. . . bu t his stuff is so damn big !" The six-ro u nd 9th Annual Florida Gold Cup MX Series kicks ' off on . September 22 a t Gain esvill e's Gator back Cycle Park an d con tin ues o n consecu tive Su ndays a t Motocross o f Mar ion County in Redd ick, Dad e City Racew ay, Flori da Motorsp orts Comp lex in O cal a and Diam ondback in Cocoa. The final ro u nd will see act io n return to G at orback o n O ctob er 27. Twenty-four cla sses ar e o ffered , rangin g fro m 51cc Au to matic Stock to 125, 250 and 500cc Pro classes. For more in form ation, call WoridSpor ts at 813/ 822-8929. Ann "Vickie" Schrock passed a way on August 5, j us t three da ys sho rt of her and husband Harry's 56th wedding anniversary. The Schrocks have owned and ope ra ted Aircone, th e Las Vegas, Nevada-based aft erm a r ke t ex haus t system manufacturer, since its in ception over 20 years ago. Vick ie is surv ived by husband Harry, daughter Sh irley Will iams, grandsons G ary Will iams, Eddie Williams and Ronnie Williams, and great-gran dda ug hter Amanda Williams. Godspeed, Vickie. Team Honda's Jean-Michel Bayle, th e newl y crowned Supercross and 250cc MX National Champion, will make a spec ial appearance on Friday, August 23, at H onda World in San Bernardino, California, in conjunction with th at weekend's U.S. 500cc MX GP at nearby Glen H elen OHV Park. Bayle will be at th e deal ership between 4:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. to sign autographs an d m eet his fans. For di rections or more informa tion, call 714/888-7755. Bridgestone, the offici al tire sponsor of th e August 25 1991 U.S. 500cc MX GP, will host a number of activi ties at th e event. Seven-time AMA National Ch ampion Rick Johnson, a ne wly a p pointed Bridgesto ne spok esman, wi ll be on hand to sign autographs. Spa niard Jordi Tarres (Bet) topped Fin land's Tommi Ahvala (Apr) a nd Itali an Diego Basis (Fa n) a t ro und nine of th e World Champ ionsh ip Observed Trials Seri es held recently in : Cervin ia, Italy. Going into th e August 23 Finnish ' round, defending Wo rld Champion T arres lead s Bosis in the po int sta ndings, 162-138, whil e Ita lia n Donato Miglio (Ap r), wh o fin ished fourth in Italy, lies th ird wi th 132 points. First State Racing of Dover , Delaware, has asked Papa to relay the word that th ey ar e not hosting a motocross on October 6. Accor ding to J oseph Ga tely of First State Racing, " It (a listing for an October 6 race ) will appear in the AMA magazine (Octob er issue) , and i t is too la te to correct the error." T he next First State Racingp ro m oted MX will take place on September 15 at the Delawar e State Fa irgrounds in Harr in gt on. Motocrosser Ron Tichenor is currentl y recu p er atin g at ho m e in P al m Harb or, Florida , from th e b roken shou lder, vertabra a nd cracked ri b he suffered a t a J apanese supercross ra ce o n July 19. "The doctor said I' m no t su pposed to r ide for th ree m onths a nd that I can ' t eve n exercise fo r about si x weeks," sai d Tichenor. "My ba ck and shou ld er a re still sore, but th ey a r e a lot better th a n before. I'll basically be o u t for the rest o f th e year, but I plan to co me back n ex t year. " W hat's Tichen or d oing with th e time off? " I go to the bea ch and la y in the water a lot. The sa lt wat er seems to help. " Parker crowned in hP_an_-----..,.__ L o u isiana's T rampas Parker (ri ght) wrapped u p his first 250cc MX World Championship a t the Au gust 17-18 J apanese 125/250cc MX GP in Suzu ka City. Californian Mik e H eal ey (KT M) mad e it a n American 1-2 by finishing seco nd in th e final point standings, just three poin ts behind Parker. H on da-m o u nt ed Parker, who won th e 1989 125cc World Championship, recorded 3-6 moto fin ish es in th e 250cc class to earn fourth overall. Parker 's sponso rs incl ude Emmepi, the Italian Honda im porter , and Ch ambers, a European clo thing manufacturer . Michigan 's Jeff Stanton (Hon), wh o com pe ted in ju st two rounds of th e ser ies th is year - winning both at Unadilla a nd Japan, swep t both rnot os with Heal ey following him across the finish line in each race. Deposed 250cc World Champion Alessandro Puzar (Suz) finished third overall with 4-3 mot o fini shes. The final standings have Park er o n top with 241 poin ts, Healey second with 238 and Puzar third at 232 points. . In th e I25cc MX GP, Cal ifornian Mike Kiedro wski (Kaw) was th e overall winner with 1-2 moto finishes, but Belgian Stefan Everts wrapped up th e Wo rld Championship with a sixth-p lace finish in the first moto, Suzuk i-mo u nted Everts failed to finish in the to p 20 in the secon d mo to. Ca lifornian Bob Moore (KT M) finished second overall with 3-1 moto finishes, and he was also the ru nner-u p in the final standi ngs where he trailed Everts, 377-368. Min neso ta 's Donny Sch mi t (Suz), th e 1990 125cc World Champion, was third overa ll with a pair o f fourth-place mot o finishes a nd ended the season tied for eig hth in the final stand ings . Ca li forn ia's Willie Surratt (Hon) was seven th in the final sta ndi ngs . . T he Harley-Davidson Twin Sports N atio na l Ch amp ionship Road Ra ce Series challe ngers, who kicked o ff their title chase a t Daytona International Speedway in March during Camel Mo torcycle Week, ar e set to retu rn to th e Florida trac k. A sto p a t Dayton a for the running o f the penultimat e ro u nd - as part o f the O ct ob er 17-20 AMA/ CCS Race o f Ch ampion s a t th e Speedwa y - has been added to the H -D series schedu le. Racers and fans shou ld note that th e a nnual race m eet has been moved to the th ird weekend in October from th e last weekend o f O ctober date o f previous years. Brandon Rose, 9, th e 1991 AMA A ma te u r / Yo uth 65cc Dirt T r ack National Champi on, su ffered severe head injuries while taking part in a half m ile ra ce at 1-96 Speedway in Odessa, Michigan, o n Au gust 17. Rose is hospitalized a nd li sted in critica l cond ition, Cards and letters can be sent to Rose, c/o Butterw orth Hospital, 100 Michiga n N.E., Grand Ra p ids, MI 49503. According to the AMA 's Hugh Flem ing, th e recent co u p that ous ted So viet Un io n President Mikhail Gorbach ev, shoul d have no effect on next month's International Six Day Enduro in neighboring Czechoslovakia. " I've already had a few phone calls, asking if th e Six Days is still o n," sa id Flem ing, on Mo nday, Au gust 19. "As far as we can tell , righ t now , yes, th e Six Da ys is on and we don't foresee a ny problems ." Steve McSwain, th e 1990 Nort h Carol in a H ar e Sc ram b le s Series Champion who is currently ca mpaigning the Na ti onal Champion sh i p Har e Scram b les and C r o ss Country Seri es, has left the KTM facto ry-b acked team and will finish up the 199 1 season o n a Kawasaki o f Ch arl ott e- s p o n sored Ka wa sak i KX500. According to a KT M spokesman , McSwain left on fri endl y terms. Troy Lee Designs wi ll spo nsor a benefit raffl e a t the August 25 U.S. 500cc MX G P in San Bernardino, CA, for Debbie Donnelly, wife of motocro sser Pau l Do nn ell y who suffered fa ta l injuries i n a p ra cti ce crash , Au gust 6. Raffl e tick ets will be avai lable at th e Troy Lee Designs booth for $2 each, and the draw ings for helmets don ated by J eff Wa rd , Larry Bro oks , Doug Dubach, Eric Keh oe, J eff. Matiasevich will be held before th e sta rt of the secon d 500cc mo to, West Valley Suzuki/Kawasaki in Cano ga P ark , Cal if orn ia , will be holding a n open house on Satu rday, August 24. Mot ocross legend Bob Hannah will be in attendance fro m II a. m. to 2 p .m., alo ng with Miss Suzuki, Mich ell e Lynn, wh o will be a utograp hing free copies of her Suzuki poster. Mikuni American will have its new 1992 ca len d a rs avai lab le fo r purch ase a nd one of th e calendar models will be on ha nd to a utogra p h th em . T here will be a displa y o f race bikes, alo ng with free refres hments, door p ri zes, a nd free West Vall ey sport bo ttles to ' th e first 200 visi tors . T he deal ersh ip is locat ed a t 7045 Canoga Avenue. in Ca noga Park. Fo r more informa tio n , call 818/347-2000. Mo tocro sser Ezra Lusk suf fered a broken low er left leg on August 13, the first day o f com pe ti tion a t the AMA/ Honda Amateur MX National Championships in H u rr ican e Mills , Ten nessee. 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