Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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fro m fourth overall to unlucky 13th; way beh ind six th p lace Force. Meanwhile, everything was going well for DAK Racing. Steve Heil man , Rod Kirian , a nd Tom Wilson didn 't have a problem all day, except, of course, for the two Team Suzuki bi kes who ran in fro nt of DAK all afternoon, relegati ng them to third for the entire race. Still DAK took the last podium spo t, a nd third in Heavyweight Superbike. In the last hour, Force raci ng turned up the wick , retaking laps lost on the Pasta .Marin crew to secure fourth overall, two laps down on DAK. Pasta battled with Roswell Racing all afternoon, fighting for the fourth overa ll spo t until Roswell pi tted twice in the last hou r, dropping them back to six th overa ll. Natura ll y, .Pasta was fifth overa ll , fir st in Midd lew ei ght Superbike. Hall ' N ' Still would encounter no more rotten luck - they ran up from the 13th spot in the fourth hour to 10th in the next hour. Wh en the check ered £lag dropped, they had gained another three posi tions, fin ishing seve n th overall and second in H eavyweight Production. In the ir mad dash to the front, Hall ' N' Still displ aced the exNorthstar GTU brothers Mike and Scott Ru ehle, who teamed up wi th Devin Baker and Ken Dobl e to form T eam Masher, into eighth overall; second in Middleweight Su perbike. Middleweigh t Prod uction honors went to loca l Poor Boys Racing team members Dav id T essier and J oh n Staska. They capitalized on a last hour error by class poin ts leaders Motion Systems to nab the class win: In the fina l hour, .the Motion pit board blew around 180 degrees to show the " IN" sign to rider Mike H ugh es , w ho follo wed directions, and pulled in. H e co uld not find anyone in the pits, so Hugh es took off, a nd later related th e story: " I was out riding, and they (T ony Rauseo and Chris Hugh es) think I wa nt to come in for tires or someth ing, not even kn owin g I saw the ' IN ' board, then th ey had the 'IN' board again , and I was going, ' No, No, N o l' " R au seo a dded: " T h en we wanted him in , and couldn 't get him in , he was out there mak in g rude gestures at us." All thi s foolery cost Motion System s a class win. H owever, they still retain a decent points lead over the Swi ne Dudes, and look set to take a class win , but i n th e p a ndem on i u m th at is endurance racing, who can tell... Resul ts OVDULL: 1. T...", Swuki Endurance (Sw); 2. T...", Swuki II (Su,); 3. OAK Racing (Su,) ; 4. For a Racing (V. m); 5. T eam 1'. .... Marin (Vam) ; 6. Roswell Racin g (Sw); 7. H. II ' N' Still Racin K(Sw); 8. Tea m Masher (Vam) ; 9. Ehlmling MOlOn ( Vam~ 10. T...", G.teway (Sw); 11. T...", Rush 'N Raci ng (Vam) ; 12. Poor Boy. Racin g (Hon); 13. Motio n Systerm Racin g (Hon); 14. Two Gu y. Racin g (Vam); 15. Tam SW ine Dudes (H an); 16. Faster Foster Racin g (Ho n); 17. Arclig ht Racing (Hon); 18. Nonhcm Boy, Racing (Ha n); 19. Hitching Post Racin g (Raw); 20. Nordang's Racing {Yam]. HIW S&: 1. Tram Suzuki Endurance (Suz); 2. Team Suzuki 11 (Sw); 3. OAK Racin g (Su,); 4. Team G.teway (Sw); 5. Team u p. (Sw). MIW SIl: 1. Team 1'asta Marin (Vam); 2. Team Masher (V. rn); 3. Ehlerdi ng Motors ( V.rn~ 4. Team Rush'N Racm g (Yam); 5. Faster FOSler Raci ng (Ho n). 8 1W PROD: 1. Fora Racing (Yam): 2. H.II ' N' Still Racin g (Sw ); 3. Team Infern o (Yam): 4. Team Ca ngreen (Raw); 5. Top Line Cycle Racing (Raw). M/W PROD: I. Ponr Boy. Racin g (Hon); 2. Motion Systems Racin g (lion); 3. Te am SWine Dudes (Han); 4. Arc1i h t Raci ng (Ha n); 5. Northern Boys Racin g g 1 (H o o). L/W: I. T wo Guys Racing (Yam); 2. Team 510lh (V. m); 3. 0.. 1, Gap Racing (V. m); ·4. Lapped Traffic (Raw); 5. Cho ice Racin g (Yam). C'SHI P POI NT STAN DINGS: 1. T eam Suzuki End ura nce (1157.03); 2. Force Racing (841.23); 3. Hall 'N ' Still Racing (739.23); 4. Roswell Racin g (683.54); 5. OAK Raci ng (678.2); 6. Team up' (634.49); 7. Motinn System. Racing (62l.32); 8. Red Hot Racing (588.0 1); 9. Team 1'asta (583.04); 10. T eam Swine Dudes (573. 11); I L Eh lerding Motorspom (562.75); 12. Ard igh. R. cing (5.Yl.49): 13.T eam Rush ' N Raci n g (547.48); 14. Madness Raci n g (.Yl2.92); 15. Northern Boy. Racing (523.88). Presents T he ( SHOEI) c uNITEDSl; #~<1LJ ~\>~f& Glen Helen OHV Park San Bernardino, California August 24 & 25, 1991 New 1992 Yamaha YZsandATVs On Display at Moto Expo One-day t icket: $20.00 Tw o-day tickets: $25.00 USGP Tickets Available From These Participating Yamaha Dealers YAMAHA OFCUCAMONGA HANFOfIP SUZUKI YAMAHA HONIYAMlKAWOFOCEANSIDE CALIFO RNIA 9760 Foothill Boulev ard BEAUMONTYAMAHAIKAWflSAKI C ucamonga. CA 91730 680Beaumont Avenue (71 41987·2411 Beaumont,CA 92223 (71 41 845-48B2 E LCAJON HOND YAMAHA A 660 E Cajon I BELLFLOWER YAMAHA E Cajon, CA 92020 I 1040 1AIondra (619)442-3338 Bellflower, CA 90706 (213)925-5097 SAN DIEGO Y AMAHA I P ERFORMANCE CYCLE & MARINE 4455 E Cajon E Cajon CA 921 15 I . 7521Ora"Vethorpe Avenue 1 619)284-D411 Buena Park, CA 90621 (7141522·B2oo NORTH COUNTY YAMAHA BURBANK YAMAHA 1315 Nutmeg Avenue 1801Wesl Burbank Boulevard Escondido, CA 92026 Burbank,CA 91506 16191432·9501 IB181 845·8738 JOHN BURR HONDA YAMAHA SUNWEST C YCLES 900B Sierra Avenue 111 1 East6thS treet Fontana CA 92335 , Corona, CA 91720 (714) 823·133B (714)735-7721 Y AMAHA OF COVINA 1011 WestSan Bernardino lAvina, CA 91722 (8181332·6249 . ORANGE COUNTY CYCLE 13666 Harbor Boulevard GardenGrove, CA 92643 (7141530-7340 101 South 11th Avenue Hanford, CA 93 230 (2 582·6716 091 HEMET CYCLE CENTER 41 931 Florida Avenue H emet, CA 92343 (71 4)925-260 7 ANTELOPE VAllEYKAW·YAM 400 West Avenue I Lancaster, CA 93534 1 805)948·1019 LONG BEACH YAMAHA 4001 East Anaheim Long Beach, CA 9OB04 1 213)498·6578 TED EVANS YAMAHA 1334 7West Washington Los Angeles, CA 90066 (21 31 306·7906 . YAMAHA OF TEMECULA 26860 Jefferson Avenue Murrieta. CA 92 362 (714)698-4123 KEARNYMESA YAMAHA 8063 Balboa Avenue San Diego, CA 92111 1 91 292-5454 61 DALE'SMODERNCYCLES MONTClAIR Y AMAHA 225 E Baseline ast 11 195-1 Central Avenue San B ernardino CA 92410 , Ontario, CA 91762 - (714)B84-8464 (71 4)62B-4748 SIMIVAllEY CYCLES Y AMAHA OFREDLANDS 2902 Los Angeles Avenue 405 West Redlands Boulevard .Simi Valley CA 93065 , Redlands, CA 92373 (805) 522·3434 (71 41 793·2473 THOUSAND OAKS YAM/KAW DESERT SPORT CENTER 238B EastThousandOaks 413 North China LakeBoulevard Thousand Oaks. CA 91360 Ridgecrest, CA 93555 18051497·3765 161g1375·254O B&B CYCLES MALCOLM SMITH MOTORCYCLES 13B1 5 ParkAvenue ViClorville, CA 92392 7563 Indian a (6191 241 ·73B7 R iverside, CA 92504 (7141687·1300 HUTCHINSMOTOR SPORTS 15 So Hill Street 55 uth Oceans CA 92054 ide, (61 9)722·1941 ~ ,ill (jJt ~fh -~.~- Yucca Valley CA 92284 , (619)365-6311 YAMAHA OO~~Ub.y ·· WRE NWINNING IS TRE NAME OF THE GAME... B EL-RAY IS THE NAME O FTHE OIL Mid·Ohio AMA National Superbike:_ - - _ W · Thomas Stevens inner 250 G W -JimmyFilice .P. inner 29