Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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by the fir st tum. Petersen started slo w
again, and ran third beh ind leader
Graves and T urking to n. O li ver wasted
no tim e in thi s race, darting in fro nt
in tum six , the second lap.
The third go-around saw Petersen
pick off Turkington for third, whi le
Graves hounded Oliver down the front
straight. The YZR puIled a bit of a
lead in o ne and two, and from then
on, Ol iver was never chaIlenged.
Back in fifth, j acks and Martin were
going at it again. The two had team ma te Turkington in sig h ti ng distance,
steadi ly drawing nearer. On the sevent h lap , Petersen caugh t and passed
Graves, wh ose tires were givi ng out,
and j acks was closing o n fourth p laced
T ur king to n. T wo mor e laps, and j acks
was trying his lu ck at getting ar ound
Turkington. On the 10th lap jacks
passed The Turk, but Martin co u ld n't,
and stayed moored in sixth. HaIl was
seventh, battling with Brian Bernard,
who was two laps down after early
problems, with Stevie Patterson hot o n
hi s heels , in eig h th . This o rd er
remained th e same to the end; Oliver,
Petersen , Graves, j acks a nd Martin in
the top five, foIl owed by Martin, H aIl ,
Patterson, Roger Hendricks and Noel
Kalilnoski roundin g o u t the to p 10.
In the winner 's circle, Petersen stood
param o unt , flanked by Graves in
sec o nd, a n d j a ck s thi rd ov era ll.
Petersen pocketed the $3200 winner's
share of the $12,500 F-USA purse.
By virtue o f hi s 16-1 fin ish es, Oliver
ended up eig h th overall, H e is still four
points ahead of team ma te Petersen ,
and quite happy wi th the performance
of the new moto r: " The second bike
was faster tha n the fir st," he said.
" T ha t's a good mo tor that Tve got in
th ere now, I m ight just keep it in th ere
- that th ing runs good. I expec ted it
to run cruddy; the spare bike has never
run on a track in America, on ly j apan.
We had ' no idea if it ran or no t, or
if parts wer e missing out o f the
engine." Luckil y, it was a ll th ere . . .
On the outside of the track, nearing
th e wooded areas that approaches
highway 371, is a set of garages. Chuck
Graves was wedged int o a comer of
one of the smaIler ones, explaining
. how he does so weIl compa red to other
four-stroke teams: "They (meaning
Team Suzuki) think it 's all speed, but
it is all in hooking up and carburetion.
The Yoshimura carbs and exhaust gi ve
more midrange than boring it o ut
(T eam Suzuki bikes are rumored at
126Occ). The best thing to do is try and
save weight, GSXRs hav e too much
midrange to start with ; the more power
you mak e, th e more yo u spin tires ."
Graves must be do ing so meth in g
correct, He is solidly positioned in
third in th e po ints, and is determined
to stay there.
Formula II
If the Air Tech Formula 2 race was
a 125cc race, Kenn y Roberts, jr. ma y
have dominated, but it wasn't, and he
didn't. Roberts' Wayne Rainey Racing
machine would not run on both
cylinders all weekend, which was only
part of the numerous woes encountered by the Otsuka Electronics team
at Brainerd.
Crew chief Dave Peterson, along
with mechanic Sandy Rainey, changed
everything on the bike, except for a
small capacitor mounted on the head
tube. Britt Turkington borrowed one
off someone at the AMA National at
Ohio on Saturday, and brought it with
him that night to Brainerd, but it
didn 't help, the little TZ250 still
refused to run.
Nor was Allen Scott having a better
time with his Rainey Racing machine.
His motor ate a big end bearing in
Sunday's practice, hammering the
, Petersen is four points behind Oliver.
piston into the head ; total destruction
was th e resu l t. The elder Rainey
fran tica Ily replaced the motor with a
spare, whi ch did not help eit her. Scott
would run second for half of the race,
until th e clutch sea l went so u th ,
mi sting th e rear wh eel with oi l.
T he leak ing oi l wou ld eventually be
Scott's downfal l. In the middl e of the
14th lap, he began sliding through
tum ni ne - a relatively slow rightha nde r - and coul d not avoi d event ual
second pl ace finisher Dave Sjoblo m.
With both the Roberts boys o ut,
Donnie Greene wa s left to run a
solitary race; he never saw anyone after
th e sta rti ng grid. Greene, wi th his
Dianetics-sponsored ma chine, ran well
in front of Sjoblom, finishing over a
minute ahea d at the end.
Kurt HaIl dominated both th e A and '
B Superstock races at Brainerd. HaIl
ran away from Bruce Baldus and
Michael Martin in the B Superstock
race, but it was the A race that had
the crowd going.
In this race ~ whi ch HaIl ruled from
flag to flag -Stevie Patterson, a fan
favor ite, was hounding Chuck Graves
from th e th ird lap on, vying for th e
number two position. H e finally
passed Graves in the infield, on the
fifth lap. Soon aft er, at the beginning
of th e sixth lap, Graves made a bold
move and swung around Patterson in
the ultra-fast tum one. This whole
scenario was repeated on th e seventh
lap, with Graves leading onto the front
straigh t to begin the eigh th lap. It was
th en that Patterson gritted hi s teeth
and held his Suzuki wide open through
one, passing Graves on the outside. the
two swapped back and forth repeatedly , but in the end, Patterson got the
better drive out of turn 10 to take the
checkered ahead of Graves.
f -USA RACE ONE: I. Robbie Petersen (Yam);
2. Oluck Gl3V<> (Suz); 3. Mich.>e1 Martin (Suz);·1.
Donald jacks (Suz); 5. Brirr -Turkington (Suz); 6.
Brian Bernan:I (Yam); 7. Kun Hall (Suz); 8. Stevie
Patterson (Suz); 9. Roger Hendricks (Suz); 10. Paul
Vogel (Yam); II. Michael Dye (Suz); 12. Olri'lOpha
La cy (Yam); 13. Doug Carl son (Kaw); 11. David
Gro" (Suz); 15. Noel Kalinoski (Suz); 16. Rich Oliver
(Yam ); 17. Casey Bearm an (Yam ); 18. Andrew T ocko
f·USA R.ACE TWO: I. Rich Oliva (Yam ); 2.
Robbie PC'IC'fSC'n' (Yam); 3. Chuck Gravo (SUI); 4.
. Donald Jacks (Suz); ~. Britt Turkington (Suz): 6.
Michael Martin (Suz); 7. Kun Hall (Suz); 8. Stevie
Pauezson (Suz); 9. Roger Hendrick. (Suz); 10. Noel
Kalinoski (Suz); II. Michael Dye (Su,); 12. Paul
Vogel (Yarn); 13. ChriSl0l,lher La cy (Yam); Ii. Doug
Carlson (Kaw); 15. DaVId Gmu (Suz); 16- Brian
Bernard (Yam); 17. Andrew Tuck" (5uz); 18. Casey
Beannan (Yam).
f-D: I. Don Greene (Yam); 2. Dave Sjobl om (Hon );
3. Mike Reed (Hon); 1. Brian Bernard (Hon); 5.
Olcuk Kurkowski (Hon ); 6. SCOff Ruehle (Yam); 7.
Billy Vassili ou (Yam); 8. Doug Lundholm (Hon );
9. Kenny Iloberts, jr. (Yam); 10. David Stanrcn
The top (our-stroke rider on the day was Chuck
Gra~ the
Californian went 2-I.
Donnie Greene easily won the F-II final in Minnesota; he's third in the championship.
(Hon); I I. Alan Scou (Yarn); 12. Thomas Montano
(Yam) ; U . Casey Bearman (Yam); 11. Stephen
Vlasbho m (Suz).
C S ISTI: I. Bruce Baldu s (Hon); 2. Thom as
Mon lan o (Yam); 3. Mike R.eed (Ho n); 1. Dale Kie/la
(Yam); 5. SCOll Ru ehle (Yam ); 6. Matthew Mach