Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 08 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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r-------------------------------------------------~--~------ - - - - - - - - - - - ~ . ---- DIRTTRACK e " I' m happy with fifth, I guess," sai Atherton. "We had trouble all day , w changed the bike everytime we rod but nothing seemed to work. I gues fifth 's half decent for as much as w struggled." " I felt good!" said Herndon, happ with sixth. " I cou ldn 't get going unti about halfway, th en I twisted m knee ," Durelle worked into seventh after bad start. "I spent most of the race tryin different lines, and I finall y found on that worked for me towards the end,' Durelle said. "That was weird," said eighth plac finisher H ale, who summed up th night's track conditions. " We're usu all y fighting to find traction, bu tonight we were trying to break it." C jh!SMI L~ 9 1 ....._.:. ~ I O, OOO . T T ell kW3ll1ul &Jill!JO __ O ,,,,,I, Umw£ 13't1lltd Resu lts Wink Freitas came from th e second row to win the Junior National. (Left to right) Carr, Miss Camel Georgia Nixon, Davis and Herndon celebrate after the Camel Challenge, Thus far, Davis is the only rider to have won twice in 1991. Ronnie Jones celebrated his third National win this year. through the field. By lap three, Freitas had moved into third, behind Perrault and Mayfield, but within an other lap had displaced bo th riders for the lead . Freitas scored h is fifth Junior Nation al win of the season, ahea d of Perrault and Mayfield . " I was a little nervou s sta rt ing from the back row ," said Freitas. " Bu t it worked out okay. These guys made me - work for it tonight, though." National race, I go t o ut front and just ru n her wid e ope n a n d pray ed for n o mistakes!" Davis' list of sponso rs is longer tha n th e road fro m Rap id City to Sturgis, b ut he ackn o wledged the bac king pro vided by Moth er Fletcher 's , Z Galleries and Danny Malf atti, Circle Bell , Zoo m, KK Motor cycle Su pp ly, North Carolina H-D Dealers Associat ion, Bell , Cal ifornia V-T wins , Aut olite, Barnett , La rry Gordon, Win ch ester H -D, Storz Performance, Mary & Mac McCa nas and Dennis T owne. With bike owner and engi ne builder Edd ie Adkins remaini ng at hom e in West Vir ginia to prepare the team 's bikes for the str ing of upcoming mile races, Adkins' XR750 was tended to by Towne at Rapid City. Junior National 12 Cory Perrault and Stephen Mayfield topped the two six-lap Junior heats , while the dominant Junior of th e season thus far, former Expert Wink Freitas, finished fifth in his heat and was forced to start the main fro m the second ro w. Perrau lt was fastest at the flash of the green light, and grabbed th e holeshot ahead of Mayfield, James Hart and Paul Polh emus. Fr eitas started sixth, but quickly began to slice Jones occupied the outside po le at the start of the 20-lap National, next to fa st-h eat-winner Carr , Davis , Parker, Farris and Ingram. Roeder, Herndon, _ McD owell, Ath erton, Durelle and Pegram sat on row two , while Taylor, Ha le and Poovey made up ro w three . Dav is led th e Rollin g Thunder Sh ow through turn o ne o n th e clay banked oval, but as the field began lap two th e running ord er was Carr in front of Davis , J ones, Parker, In gram and H erndon. Pegr am was mired at the star t, and ro unded the track in 12th. " I did a big wh eelie off the lin e and go t smo ked," said Pegram. Roeder ran as high as seven th , but coasted off the track on lap four with a brok en cha in. " It stinks wh en a low-doll ar par t like that can cost you thewhole race," said Roeder. " Oh well , a t least it's easy to fi X. " I On lapsthree thro ugh six, Ca rr and Davis began to p ull away from J ones and Parker, but as the race neared the ~rossed flags, J on es began to reel them' m. " Off the line I thought I coul d stay wi th them," said J on es. " Bu t they started to pull away and I got a little discouraged. Once I go t com forta ble and settled into a . pace, I could see myself gaining." Parker foll owed a few bike-lengths back in fo urth , wh il e Fa rris a n d Pegram began to wo rk their way towards the front-runners. On lap 14, Jones found a way past Davis as they blasted th rough turns o ne and two, and set o ut after Carr. " I hate to say it," said Davis. " But I started to get tir ed; I'm ou t of sha pe! I thought I was go ing good, th en all of a sudden Ronni e ca me out of nowhere!" After following Carr for a lap and studying his lines, J ones rode the front straigh t wid e, and dove to th e inside of turn one and took over the lead. A surprised Carr drift ed wide , and immediately began to slow with a flat rear tire. " I think it had a slow leak from about the halfway point," said Carr. "It was really hard to ride , and I lost my brakes about lap 12.That's all there was to it." . " It didn't loo k like he had a flat before I passed him " said Jones. " H is bike didn't do anyth ing weird down the strai gh ts or in the turns." Once in the point position, Jones rode off to an uncontested win. Davis zoo med past the ailing Carr and assumed second with a co mfor table lead over Parker, Farris and Pegr am. On th e la st lap, Parker slowed consi derably with a motor that began to spew oil. "I think it dropped a valve or something," said Parker, who seemed unaffected by his misfortune, " I was holding my own, and all of a sudden , she just went," "T ha t was wild; first we fly by Carr, then the next thing I kn ow , I see Scotty blowing oil !" said ESP Racing-backed Pegram . As they rounded turns three and four for the last time , Pegram slipped under Farr is to steal third pl ace. "Aw www, I cho ked!" sai d a disgus ted Farri s. " I can 't beli eve it !" " I saw an o pen ing, a nd I too k ill" Pegram said. J on es scored the win with a comfortable margin of victory aboard th e Gar vi s H ond a To wn /M otorcycl e Stu ff! Arai / Missle Engineeri ng / Honda li n e/ T X - I O/ H ic kman Ra cing/ R enth al -b acked H ond a , a head of Davis, Pegram, Farris and Atherton , who suffered a poor star t, " I didn ' t kno w that I had such a lead ," said J ones. " I bobbl ed in turn three o n the last lap and expected Carr .to pass me. T h is win is especia lly satisfying, becau se I struggl ed with my bike all n ight long. I'm pumped up, th is is the first time that I' ve won three Nat ionals in on e year, now I'm after my first mile win," Davis limped from the podium after twisting hi s knee in the late stages of the race. ' " I caugh t my foot in one of the holes," said Davis. " Bu t I'm real happy ton igh t. Second pla ce? I'll take it! " In th e last fou r races, Pegram has stood on the podium three times. " T h is is great, Hagerstown and Oklahoma were both groove tracks," said the 18 year old. " I think my performance tonigh t on this tacky track proves that I'm a versatile rider." " I' ve got to get out of this fourth place stu ff," jo ked Farris, who's best finishes have been fou rth at th e Springfield Mile an d the Ok lahoma City Half Mile. " I mean go up, though, not down!" TIME TRtALS: I, Chris Carr (21,756 seconds 2, Wilt Davi s (21,808); 3. Dan In gram (2 1,895); . Ricky Graham (2 1.920 ); 5. Ch an ce Dar ling (2 1.994 6. Bill y Herndo n (22.035); 7. Rodney Farris (22.095 8. La rry Pegram (22. 104); 9, Kevin Ath erton (22.149 10. Scot t Park er (22. 171); I I, Bobb y McDowd (22.202); 12, Geor~e Roeder (22.217); 13. Mik e Hal (22.270); 14. Ronnie Jones (22.289); 15. Dave Durell (22.263); 16. Anthon y Don ahue (22.487); 17. Mar Gifford (22.484); 18. T ed T ayler (22.507); 19. Ric Hocking (22.555); 20. T erry Poov ey (22.559); 2 1, Ja Spr ingsteen (22.603); 22. Dave Ca mlin (22.622); 2 Steve Mor eh ead (22.629); 24. Cha rl ie OTT (22.667 25. Aaro n Hill (22.683); 26. G reg Sim s (22.707); 2 Don Wil son (22.724); 29. See n Stump (22.724); 3 Speed y Kell (22.805); 31. Keith Day (22.9 17); 32. Stev lka llie (22.919); 33, Kris Kiser (22.924); 34. Mike Rei (23.029); 35. Marl in Lav oi e (23. 101); 36. Mark Gibso (23.221); 37. j -rr De itz (23.230); 38. Rex Fish, (23.367); 39, Brian Anderson (23.384); 40. Joe Kop (23.445); 41. Geoffrey Clark (23.469); 42. David L10y (23.492). HEAT I: I. Chr is Ca rr (H -D); 2. Rodney Farri (H -D); 3. Bill y Herndon (Ho n ); 4, George Rcede (H -D); 5. R ick Hocking (H -D); 6. Mike Hale ( . D); 7. T ed T aylor (H -D); 8. Steve Beanie (H -D); Rex Fish er (H -D); 10. Aaron Hill (H- D); I I. Geollr Clark (H -D); 12. Keith Day (Hen ): 13. J ell Dim (H D); 14. Charlie O rr (H -D). Time: 3 minutes, 42.946 seconds. HEAT 2: 1. Will Davi s (H -D); 2. Ronnie jone (Ho n ); 3. La rry Pegr am (Ho n); 4. Bobb y McDow el (H·D); 5. Ch an ce Darli ng (H -D); 6. Marc Gielor (H- D); 7. Speedy Kell (H- D); 8. Terry Poov ey (H D); 9. Steve Mor ehe ad (H- D ); 10. Greg- S im s (H-O I I. Kris Kiser (Ho n): 12. Dan McDon nell (H · D ); I Brian And erson (H- D); 14. Mark G ibso n (H- D ). Time: 3:54.518, HEAT 3: I. Sco tt Pa rk er (H · D); 2. Dan lngra ( Hon) ; 3. Da ve Durelle (H -D) ; 4. Kevin Ath erto (H -D); 5. J a y Sp ri ngsteen ( H -D ); 6. Anthon Donahue (H- D); 7. Sco tt St u m p (H -D); 8. Marti Lavoi e If-l-D): 9. J oe Kopp (H · D) ; 10. Da ve Ca m li (H -D ); 11. Don Wil son (Hon); 12. Da vid Uoy (I-I-D ); 13. Ri ck y G ra ha m (H o n) ; 14. Michael Rei (H -D). Time: 3:46.625. SEMll: I. Athert on : 2. Roeder; 3. Hal e; 4. Darlin 5. Kell: 6. Moreh ead; 7. Beauie: 8. Ca ml in: 9. Ki se 10. Donahue; 11. La voi e; 12. Hill. Time: 3;46.853. SEMI 2: I. McDo wel l; 2. T aylor; 3. Poovey: ' Hoc kin g; 5. Spr ingsteen: 6. G iHord; 7. Sim s; 8. Clar 9. Stu m p ; 10. Kop p ; II. Wilson; 12. Fish er. Time: 3:46.913. CAMEL CHALLENG E: I. Will Da vis (H · D); Chris Carr (H- D); 3. Bill y H ernd o n (Ho n ): 4. Da Ingr am (H a n ); 5. Cha nce Darl in g (l-l-D); 6. Rick Graha m (H a n ). . NATIONA L: 1. Ron nie J ones (H em ); 2. Wil Davis (H -D); 3. Larry Pegr a m ( Ha n ); 4. Rodne Farris (H· O): 5. Kevin Ath ert on (H- O); 6. Bill Hernd o n (Ho n ): 7. Dave Du reIlt" (H ·D ); 8. Mike Hal (H -D); 9. Chr is Carr (H -D); 10. Bo bb y McDowd (H- D); I I. Ted Tay lor (Hon); 12. Dan Ingr a m (Hon) 13. Terry Poovey (H -O); 14. SCOll Parker (H· D); 15 George Roed er (H· D). Time: 7:25.3S8. AMA CAMEL PRO SER IES POINT STAN INGS: I. Chr is Carr (152); 2. Scou Parker ( 133); 3 Ronnie J on es (130); 4. Kevin Athert o n (83); 5. La rr Pegra m (8 1); 6. R icky G ra ha m (75 ); 7. Stev . Mor ehead (71); 8. Rod ney Farris (68); 9. \Vill Davi (60); 10. Dave Dur elle (52); II. Mike Ha le (48); 12 J ay Sp ri ngsteen (45); 13. T erry Poovey (44.); 14. Bill Hern do n (42); 15. Dan In gra m (30); 16. Keith Da (23); 17. (TIE) Gee Reeder/Rusty Rogers (22); I (T IE) Aaro n H ill/Rich Kin g (17). JR HEAT I: I. ('. G')' Perr ault (W-R ); 2. Da nn Koelsch (H -D); 3. J a mes Hart (H- D); 4. T im Sdb (W-R ); 5. Wink Freitas (W-R ). T ime: 2:19.117. JR HEAT 2: I. J eff Eklun d (W-R); 2. Pau Po lh em us (W-R ); 3. Steve Mayfield (H· D): 4. Georgi Pr ice (W-R); 5. Dale Jenn eman (H· O). T ime: 2;20.209 JR MAIN : I. Wink Freita s (W-R l; 2. Cory Perr auJ (W-R); 3. Steve Mayfield (H- D); 4. Dale jen nema (H -D); 5. T im Selby (W-R); 6. j eff Eklu nd (W-R) 7. Dann y Koel sch (H- D); 8. J am es H an (H- D); 9 Paul Polhemu s (W-R); 10. J erem y Lu cy (H- D); II La rr y Davis (H- D); 12. Georg ie Price (W-R). Time: 3:49.127. JR NATIONAL POINT STANDINGS: I. Win Freita s (126); 2, J ell Eklund (86); 3. (T IE) Co Perrault/T'im Selby (75); 5. Pau l Poh emu s (7 1); 6 G eorgie Price (68); 7. Ja mes H art (61); 8. 03 1 j enn eman (44); 9. Steve Mayfield (36); 10. Dann Koel sch (31); I I. J ell Annen (25); 12. Fran Kaise (24); 13. Michael Dill on (23); 14. Allon McBee (20) 15. Ro y Han (18); 16. Cl inton Vah scholtz (17); 17 (TIE) Tony Donahue/Brei Beyer/John Resso (16) 20. Jeremy Lucy (15).

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