Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 08 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eMOTOCROSS e AMA National Championship 125/500(( MX Series: Rounds 8/1 Jimmy Button/Ta llon Vohland (66); 16. ' Ron T ichenor (62); 17. (TIE) David Beckinl;!on/Jerom y Buehl (57); 19. Butch Smith (49); 20. Mike LaRocco (I ) (42). 500 QUAL I : I. Doug Dub ach ' (Yam); 2. Craig Noa ck (Kaw): 3. Kip Sand ell (Yam); 4. La nce Smai l (Kaw); 5. Mike Roth (H on): 6. Keith Johnson (KTM): 7. J ell G lass (H a n ); 8. Don Forma (H on ): 9. Greg Ra nda (H on ); 10. David Faylord (Kaw); II. Bru ce Stratton (Yam); 12. Tracy Bach man (Ha n) ; 13. La wrence Ha rm (Han );, 14. Mark Allgood (Ka w}; IS. Chris Knox (Kaw); 16. Micha el Nath e (Kaw); 17. Todd Baker (H a n ); 18. Sanlord Buchalter (Kaw); 19. J ohn You ng (Kaw); 20. Eriks Ezeri ng (H e n). Time: . 8:59.57 500 Q UAL 2: I. Dam on Bradsh aw (Yam); 2. T odd DeHoop (Kaw); 3. Shaun Kala s (Kaw); 4. Jason Buttle (Kaw); 5. Greg Zitterk opf (Kaw); 6. Derek Brow n (Kaw); 7. David Niemi (Kaw ); 8. Sha ne Drew (Hon); 9. Derek Brown (Kaw); 10. J a mes Kapi tan (Kaw): I I. Jell Pesta na (Han); 12. Mikel La rson (Ha n); U . Jay H oenk (H a n); 14. Dave Pyskor (H on ); IS. Eric Sandsuom (H a n ): 16. J oh n Rickel (Ka w) : 17. Mark. Bolten (Ha n ); 18. Mart y Clark (H e n): 19. Todd Si nclai r (Kaw): 20. T odd H ooper (Ha n ). Time: 9:05.09 500 CO NSI: I. Sanford Buchalt er (Kaw); 2. Eric Sandstro m (H o n ); 3. Michael Na th e (Ka w); 4. Mar k Bayle (8), here pursuing Bradshaw, scored the 500cc class win via a I-I mota tally. 8 time in the sand section in the whoops. This is a very difficult track and easy to make mistakes on. I was just letting everyone make all the mistakes; that makes it easier to pass ." Swink held on and fin ished the moto all alone in third, while Emig scored an uncontested fourth. Rounding out the top five was Lamson, while Cooper settled for six th. Suzuki 's Denny Stephenson, Henry, Team Peak/ProCircuit/Honda's Jerem y McG rath and Suzuki's Budd y Antunez filled ou t the top 10, in that order. T h e secon d moto saw Lamson jump out to a commanding lead and at th e end of lap one, he enjoy ed a four-second lead ove r Emig, th en LaRocco , Antun ez, McGrath a n d Kiedrowski . It took LaR occo just two laps to get a round Em ig a nd once he did, LaRocco found tha t a seven -second gap lay between himself and leader Lamson. So, LaRocco quickly got down to bus iness and whittled awa y at Lam son 's lead, gaining about a second per lap on th e Honda rider. By the halfway point, Lakocco was brea thing down Lamson's neck , and then he passed h im in a section of whoops. " When LaRocco got into second, I just" started thinking about him too mu ch ," said La mson. "I wasn 't think- . ~ . ing about rdi ng. " . '" I ' O nce in to the lead, La Rocco continued to cook, . t I ~u llin~ JJi to a nine-second lead on Lamson. l-1 La Rocco's main con cern, Kiedn)~~ki:6 . was no th reat ; as"he had a iougli time getting aro u nd Em ig. When Kiedro wsk i finally did motor p ast the Yama ha rider - abou t four laps from the fin ish - Kiedro wski didn't have enough time to catch Lamson who was in second, let alone LaRocco. Swink landed fifth behind Emig in the moto, while McGrath, who crashed in the first moto, finished sixth, just ahead of Antunez. Stephenson held Cooper at bay for eigh th , while Sooner Suzuki-backed Cliff Palmer of Oklahoma rounded out th e top 10. " By the time I got into third , LaRocco was gone," said Kiedrowski. " Bu t it didn't reall y matter, the main thing was that ' I gained points on Cooper. Now I can breath a little eas ier." Two 13th place finishes earned Princeton Honda-sponsored Junior Jackson l Oth ove rall behind nine factory-backed riders, reason to smi le all the way back to his home in East Moline, Illinois. 0'1 Results Allgood (Kaw): 5. Mart y Clar k (Han); 6. Mickey Mickelson (Ha n ); 7. J ohn You ng (Kaw); 8. Todd Bak er (Ho n); 9. Chris Knox (Kaw); 10. Eriks Ezering (Han); I I. T odd Sincl air (Kaw); 12. John Rickel (Kaw); U. T odd Hooper (Ha n); 14. TodWilliamson (AT K); 15. Mark Bolten (Hon); 16. Aldod Cirelli (Kaw); 17. J ohn H un' (Ho n ); 18. Dave Pyskor (Han); 19. Robert Radu enz (Ho n); 20. Briu Woodr ing (Hon) . . Time: 9:45. 12 500 MOTO I : I. J ean -Michel Bayle (Hon); 2. Dam on Bradsh aw (Yam ); 3. 'Jell Stanton (H a n); 4. Jell Ward (Kaw); S. Ron Lechien (Kaw); 6. Keith Bowen (Kaw): 7. Gene Naumec (Kaw }; 8. Fred Andrew s (Kaw); 9. Lance Sma il (Kaw); 10. Kip Sandell (Ya m); II. Todd DeHoop (Kaw); 12. Mikel Lars on (KT M); 13. Mike Roth (Ha n ); 14. Keith Johnson (KTM ); IS. Craig Noack (Kaw); 16. James Kapitan (Kaw); 17. Jell Pestana (Hon); 18. Bruce Stratton (Yam); 19. Shaun Kalas (Kaw); 20. David t25 QUAL I: I. Dennis H awthorne (Kaw); 2. Eric McLear (Yam); 3. Denny Stephenson (SUI); 4. David Beckingtcn (SUl); 5. Butch Smith (SUI ); 6. Junior J ackso n (H on); 7. Clill Palmer (SUl); 8. Bryan Emi g (Yam); 9. Dwayne Pater son (SUI); 10. Tony Grav es (SUl); II. Jason Gra y (SUl); 12. Rob Engst rom (Hon); US. Daniel j annene (Suz); 14. Ja son Fren ette (Hon); IS. Bradl ey Stru nk (SUl); 16. Bob Mu gan (SUI); 17. Mark Nedock (Ho n); 18. Kyle Pyskor (Ho n); 19. D'Arcy Walther (H on); 20. Blan e Armb ru ster (Hon). Time: 8:55.497 125 QUAL 2: I. Mike La Rocco (SUI); 2. Chad Pederson (Yam); 3. Tim H odes (SUI); 4. Jimmy Gaddi s (SUI); 5. Jason Langlord (Yam); 6. Ji mmy Randa (SUl); 7. Ja son Kem pel (Hon); 8. Paul Lindsey (SUI); 9. Don Bisceglia (SUI); 10. Kyle Lew is (Yam); I I. Chris Ridgway (SUI); 12. Chris Hense (Kaw); 13. ' H arold Wikel (Kaw); 14. Tim McClintock (SUI); IS. Bruce Baker (Ha n ); 16. Ru sty Ou (SUI); 17. Mark Morris (H a n ); 18. Bria n Battaglia (SUI); 19. Dory Gerrard (H a n ); 20. Rodney veneper en (Kaw). Time: 9:01.17 125 CONSI: I. Tim McCl intock; 2. Brian Bartaglia; 3. Mike Atkin son (Ya m); 4. Mat thew Crown (SUI); 5. Bradl ey Strunk; 6. Chris H unter (SUI); 7. J oe Bruce (Han); 8. Ru sty Ou; 9. Mark Nedock; 10. Bob Mugan (SulloII. Ja red Carison (Kaw) : 12. Dory Gerrard (Ho n ); 13. Ja son Frenette; 14. Kyle Pyskor; 15. D'Arcy Walther; 16. Brian Sh rout (SUI); 17. Bruce Baker (Han ); 18. Duane Beischer (Ha n); 19. T odd Schmitz (Han); 20. Mark Wrigh t (H a n), Time: 9:45.03 125 MOTO I: I. Mike Kiedrowsk i (Kaw); 2. Mike LaR occo (SUI); 3. Brian Swink (Han); 4. Jell Emig (Yam) ; 5. Steve Lamson (Han); 6. Guy Cooper (SUI); 7. Denny Stephenson (SUl); 8. Dou g H enry (Ya m); 9. Jeremy McGrath (Han ); 10. Budd y Antunez (SUI); 1L Burch Smi th (SUI); 12. Dennis Hawthorn e (Kaw); 13. Junior Jackson (Hon); 14. Eric McLear (Yam); 15. J immy Gaddis (SUl); 16. Chad Peder son (Yam); 17. J ason Langford (Ya m); 18. Bryan Emig (Ya m); 19. T o ny Graves (Han); 20. Rob Engstrom (Han); 21. Mat thew Crown (Suz); 22. Dan iel Janneue (Suz); 23. Bradl ey Strunk (SUl); 24. J im my Randa (SUI); 25. J ason Gra y (SUI); 26. Pau l Lindsey (SUI); 27. Don Bisceglia (SUI); 28. Tyson Yohland (Kaw); 29. . ,T im H odes \SUI); 30. T im McClintock (SUI); 31. Brian "Batcig m (Ho n );"32.'Mil:\, 'Atkinson (Yam); • .330 Maiol

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