Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Blake wins at Red Bud MX By Larry Wit m er BUCHANAN, M I,JULY 27 Justin Blake high li~hted Saturday nig ht MX at Red Bud by winnmg both th e l25cc Junior an d BOcc Expert class es in fiying style, Blake, however, was n't th e only rider to watch , as Scott Sch oenbeck sco red th e win in th e 125cc C cla ss, which featured the largest turnout of riders of th e night, Schoe nbeck used co nsistency as the key to success, putting toge the r a 3-3 mota ta lly to nai l sh ut the overa ll victory . Kenny Dasse and Pete Sassano were the mo to winners. Dean Bearing co nti n ued his winning way s in the 250cc C di visio n with 2-1 moto fin ishes , wh ile Frank Crowley landed second after winning the first moto and fi nishing th ird in th e second. Resul ts so AUTO : L Rnchi e ( hm ~ Muo~ (Yam): 2. N ico las Var go . 80 J R: 1. T im Carber (Ho n); 2. Quincy Vana tor (Ya m). 80 C: I. Ben Furrow (Kaw); 2. Jam eson Bemeue (H on ); Ju stin Sloc'U m ( Ka w); 1. Bobby PUKh (Han); 5. Adam Karriem ( Ka w) . 80 EX: L Justin Blake (Ka w); 2. Will ia m MI:C ( SUl~l ; .oy 3. Nath an Mill er (Ra w); 4. Jaso n Snod~aM (Yam ); 5. Rya n O lthoese (Sull . 125 JR: I. JU!olin Blake (Kaw ); 2. AhRLild Owen s (Ho n ); Sieve K..;,aylor (Hon); 1. Ronnie Brown (Ya m ). .s. .s. 125 A; I. DWIRe Ander son. 125 8 : I. Brian Roush ( Kaw ); 2. Mike Vla sic (Sw:); 5. Jam es Ge no vese (Ya m); 4. Larr y Lee (Suz); 5. Nelso n Copeland (Hon ). 125 C: I. St."Ot 1 Sc:hurnbrck ( Ka w); 2. Kt'nny Da sse (Suz); 3. Pete Sassano (SUl); 4. Kevin H ant z (Hon): 5. Mike ' Sam ulsom (Ka w) . 250 B: I. Ru ssett Si~r1 (Hon); 2. Jer ry Birky (Hon); 5. Dave KOrlf: (SUl ); 4. Jl'W' Davis (Suz); 5. Denn is Sta nle y ( Kaw). 250 C: I. Dean Ik-drinK (Ho n); 2. Frank Crol~ (Yam): .5 Ron Kamin sky (Suz); 4. Den n is Run kle (H on); 5. Arlis . Siru re (Kaw). . +25: 1. La rry Witm" (SUl); 2. Carl V,iIfgo (Ho n); 3. G r~ Altof£(Yam); 4. Milt f: Ml.C ' ..ann (H on ); 5. Carl Horuanh (Kaw). +50: J. G rag Allon (Ya m); 2. Larry witmer (SUl) ; 3. Jerry Birky (H un); 4. R ick Walsw orth (H on); 5. C h u ck Thebo (H on ). +40: I. Ron Mal ey (Han ). +50: 1. Lewis lkauill'(H us). VINT: I. T im Bowers (Mon); 2. Ra ymon d C..rnick (el); .5. Jam es Smith (CZ); 4. Da rrin Beattie (H uI); 5. Thomas L« (Bu l). T-Shirt (Back Design) To order you r Team Smitty T-Shirt, use the order form located below the A dvertisers Index in this issue of Cycle News. ""CO LLECTO RS" Buy, Sell or Swap " Coltectible" motorcycles, parts, accessories and memorabilia. Wood, Walters whip Argyll MX By Nuklear Neukam CYCLE NEWS is America's source for vintage, antique and collectible motorcycles. Buy or sell your 15 year or o lder, street or dirt, racer or c lassic, motorcyc le in the Cycle News "Collectors" want ad section. DIX CA, JULY 21 ON, Kawasaki-mounted Dave Wood roo sted -the Vet Pro class at Argyll Park's CMC MX races w hile Sp ud Walter s p u t an o th er Green Machi ne in th e winner' s ci rcle as he flew to th e overa ll victoryin the l25cc Interm ed iate class. Wood flew to th e fir st Vet Pro moto win unchallenged while G ray Rab e followed in for second . In mota two , Wood had 10 work a little hard er as Rabe ga ve a brief cha lle nge. Wood was even seen uncharacteristically out of shape as he landed o n the fro nt wh eel off a jumpl Bu t it was shan-lived as Wood resumed hi s smoo th style and mo tored to the win and th e overa ll. Rabe and La w were again second and th ird, respectively, for the sa me o vera ll fin ishes. Walters topped th e 125cc Intermed iate cIass in both motos. Sta n Fin ney rod e an excelle n t ra ce, especia lly in th e opening mo to, to fin ish second in both mo tos. Fi nney went down in turn one of th e first mota. ' remou nted and started flyin g. By mote's end he had wo rked all the way up to second and even closed the gap on , Wa lter s, but time ran out and he'd have to wait for the fina l moto. Finney had a much bett er sta rt in moto two and even had the lead for a while. Bu t o nce Walt ers ass umed the lead he began 10 pull a way and stayed o ut fro nt for the win. Finney wa s again second for second o verall with th ird overa ll going 10 Eric Liddel l. Liddell topped Paul Ep ley in th e 250cc Interm ediate d ivision as Ron Gi lliga n reco vered from a first-moto DNF to ta ke seco nd in ro und two for th ird overa ll. CN Plus: Find hard-to-find pa rts, accessories and motorcycle memorabilia - finisher pins, patches, trophies, posters, prints, pictures, videos and more! DEALERS: A CALL TO ACTION! Clean o ut your ratters, Attics, back rooms, basements, warehouses and storage frollers, Sell your o ld. pieces and parts. All regU lar want ad deadlines, prices, rules and regulations apply. Call, write or FAX your collectors want ads to Cycle News NOWl Co ntact: Cycle News c/o Collectors Want Ads, P.O. BOX 498 Long Beach , CA 90801 (213) 427-7433 24 Hr FAX (213) 427-6685 (ch arge or commercial open accounts only, please) SHOEI WINS WERA Northwoods Nationals Brainerd Int'l Raceway, Aug. 4 Formula USA 1st ROBBIE PETER SEN Results VET PRO: I. Dave Wood (Kaw); 2. G e uy Rabe (Han); 5. Steve Law ( Ka w). VET MST R: l. Daniel Sturgeon (Hon ). VET (NT : l . S tf:WO Matl oc k (Vam ]: 2. G I~n n Walsh (Ha n ). 01' MST R: I, J im McC linton (Yam); 2. 8i1l McC Limon (AT K), OT jR: I. Bill Newman (Hon). VET J R: l. Ro ss Swet land (Ho n); 2. Brian Odell (Kaw); $. Andy Jannings (H on); 4. J uhn Cum m ings (SUl ); 5. Robe n Fidds (Ho n). 125 PRO: I. jrH Pestana (SUl); 2..Chr is Ward (S uz). 125 INT : I. Spud Wall ers (K..a w); 2. Sian Fin ney (Kaw ); 3. Eric Liddell (Ka w): 4. Sa m Killou (; 5. Dan n y Nelso n ( 250 INT : L Erit': Lidd el l ( Ka w); 2. Pa ul Epl l:}' (SUl ); ~ . Ro n Gill iga n { H o nj. 500 INT: l. Emm et! Ra m irll' (Han); 2. Joel C hristensen l (H a n); 5. Steve Law ( 60: I. J.J. Cu m m ings (Kaw); 2. Dan iel Blair ( Ka w); 5. Kevrn Chrislen~n (Kaw ). . 80 BEG :.l. Dann y Smit h (Kaw); 2. Er ic 'Thomas (Suz). SO JR : l. Iknnis S pr i n~ ( . 125 BEG: I. Erik Edm ark ( Ka w) ; 2. Ch ar les Mon tgomer y (Va m ): 5. Shawn Walborn (Han ); 4. Ro b Thorn ber g (Kaw); 5. Denni s Spri ngs (Kaw). 125 J R: I. j ohnny Cipollina (Ho n ); 2. Troy Amer iue (Kaw); 5. Oli ver Sousa (Kaw ); 4. ROCkY Mullina x (SUl ). 250 BEG: I. Tony O ' Reilly (H an ); 2. DU!lilin Madhlrnoh (Vam ); 5. JI)(' Vo la! (Suz); 4. Shaw n Wolburn (Ya m ); 5. Ste ve Billick (Ho n). 250 j R: 1. Man Kirar (H on). . 500 BEG : I. Tony Cerve lli (Ha n ); 2. Grq Burler (H a n); .5. Marc Smit h (H on). AMA Nat'l Road Race Series Mld-Ghio Sports Car Cours e , Aug. 4 250cc G.P. 1 st JIM FILICE 2nd NICK IEN ATCH 3 rd BRAD SA WYE R 600 Supersport 1'st MI GUEL DuHAM EL Pro Twins G.P. 2 1st STEPHEN MATHEWS 2nd ROBERT MEISTER 3rd RONALD McGILL AMA/CCS G,T.U. Endurance 1st TEAM TOO MER 2nd ORION RACIN G For Com fort and Confidence, Top Pros rely on_ Robbie Petersen '( SHDEI) 2228 Cotner Ave .. Los Angeles, CA 90064 ' (2 1 3 ) 477-605 1