Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 07 31

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GuikShop MICHELIN MOTORCYCLE RADIALS SIX TIME WORLD CHAMPION DUCATI DUCATI DUCATI ': ~ ~ ·'. "~ ~~i ~7· ~ a a 1985 · 1986 · 1987 · 1988 · 1989 · 1990 , 1\ , _ lE'@)D©&l~ M ichelin Race Winni ng Radia l Tech nol ogy Is A va ilab le To You With Our Pro ve n Prod ucti on Racing TX 1 1 I TX23 Hi-Sport' Radials and Our Cha mp ionship W inning M ic helin Radia l Road Racing Tires U.S.A. Distributor for: MARVIC W heels (All Bikes ) Con t i II $ 45,150 00 BIB BUCKS COIItIIIpneJ Certificates For 1911 Exha us t Sys tems For EXPERT and NOVICE ~~~~~~ rbu reto rs Ca "bi: Iffo)'.! Tools .'1. AllANM'IC.....11 Call or write for jnforrnati~ AlU/CCS........ ............ • ....... C.. &I1 . . .. • WIllA ....... t C.....I " II" ...... High Performance SlJeetand Racing Kits. Original Parts/Service. . .. .. Michelin nre Corporation C Dept., P.O. Box 19001 , Greenville, SC 29602·9001 (803)458-6053 ycle . .. .. ...- re ..... ...11 160 Sea Cliff Ave.. Glen Cove. NY 11542 FAX (51 61 67 4·4001 (51 6167 4· 3319 Southeast. Mid At lant ic, Northeast Midwest, Southwest Region s AlU/CCS Carbon Fibre Racing Pans: Tanks. Fairings etc . '-YAllAHA.SUZUKI. PARTS & ACCESSORIES Scott USA Oakley Du nlop Anawer Racing NOK Bell RACERS DISCOUNT Tauboki D "', D• • I.,.. -R e p a lr Shop ..Acc••• o rf•• Store Ord-. Proce..... een f or Who....le O eM PIIrb VISA • MoolefCotd M ID-ATLANTIC PARTS "'::":;;; 2 4 N. I, " • .!!!!II c....... A.... H_ . __toWft, liD. 2 174 0 .. ' .201 . 72.... 5 2 .. . "0 The Country's Most Complete KTM Parts Inventory Special Orders Welcomed / UPS Daily White Power Suspension Service B BaITY Higgins y One D Tumaround At ReasonablePrice. ay Your Most Knowledgeable Source Of KTM .~. MotOrcycles, Parts & servic. e @H&H@ STREET RACERS We've Got Yoor Nu ~ • .. . Cylinder Head PorIi - 20BHPIMPflOVEMEfIrGSX·R FZR, tx: CaR, V-MAX. NI JAF GS. KZ . N J, EXCHANGE HfADS OIl f WEEK DElNE1lY Computer Designed seats Reploced ' - - -- - Ports R epails 8820 8right Star Rd..Douglasville. GA 30134 (New Phone #) 404 -920-1371 ORDER BY FAX 80: SAVE! (New FAX #1404·920-9198 V' 'iili!l M ... l~' l "' d Q' SCl) I/ t', d na CO D , e c c e o t e c I" . T, .. ,ltfbo ,'l b .. O" !> PB t S p roc !o. ph ~ ol " d (l , .Ar "l , 1) ",op0'1 P,p.. , H&H P ro d u ct , & M o rl!! :l," .".• (I"~"h'dn' Comp Volve Jobs .-1. 305) 414-69691------' For qualitymotorcycle apparel · Fasl u ne Boots. G loves. ColdlVeatller Clolhing. Jackets. FR EDETTE RAC ING PROD UCTS KDX & KX SPECIALISTS IDX ·O ~n . . ... U'" a $,udo lit s • • .. . .. • nus 1<01"""""'' _ Pants· tor both men and women. Plus Cus tom l eathers anda newlineof std . sized Ready toRace one-pieceand Canyan King two-piece suits. MostItemsin stockready 10' you to try onand buy. Send$3 lor complete catalog. tlUS lDX Sc-dos FWp_ed _. _' ZU!i U1X Portl ll _____••• •• I!t.!5 n Op.n T-F 10 ro 6. Sot, 10 10 3 .... lWlllltI6e f MF Plpel Itsl.ll H~ 1I ••• •••••••• I41.M 1. " te-erlNln 11 _••• 1151.1S UPS 0*" - eM' Of Wm. For C.,Mog 8123 Wnt189th Street. Mobna. IL60448 ..,... (213)_35 655 1. 660 W 16th SI .. long B. ach. CA. N, Long Beach FWY (7101 & Pacific Coasl Hwy . . G _ Ga ry . " Factory Performance for the Pr ivateer " - E. Emig R. Rac ing Motor & Susp en sion Experts Fast Part s Serv ice Illinois (70 8) 97 1·2602 C.C. SPECiAlTY 6036 CC lane Lawrenceburg. TN 38464 Send " .00 f",C6t.1og r = (412) 586-7383 UPSOa IIy .1 0 ......... (. ( ", o l o . e ., e l l Dealer Inquiri es InVIted &wSr&7iJr ~ IUC( PIVo'l"N PACD.CTS EUAOP£"S BEST SL mtmI R:M'EJl PlPfS & MUFfURS MXA NO-SlP S£ATS . 1_ "wt..t _\'t>... 1 HlLP \11...,..... V... C!_ , .'" ~ IOO U C l rt "0,..,...,.,... TUMd" ComPete ShocIt. Fork Revalving. Shalts. SUb. Springs. 8odiII. lines. Shims, 0lC. In Stock. FICIDry Authori"'" DeoIor - t 5 YIIrI~! A nc: Sliles & Service Also . 2625 Honolulu Ave.• MontrOM. CA 91020 {S ' SI 2 8 S -S IKE I!. k" ; ~~ '~~l: ory 'tUl' . lit nperince • ~------~ Motorr:yr:le & Jet SIri Products " Worl d'. Leader in Performance Fuela ~ E NGIM Pt:RftIlMNlC( • SUSP£1CSIOtI • -_nee ---- --, E. Walnut s i., Pasadena. CA 91106 (818) 449-ERIC C2 P ET I TI O N #1 IN PERFORMANCE PHONE: 704·482 -6169 WI D E OP E N RAC ING , RSCHER COMPEl111ON CYC LE ~ 615 -162 ·6995 67 Stickl.. Pond Rood. Newton. NJ 07860 (20 1) 383· 1061 NEW PARTS lor OLD DIRT BIKES Precision Bor ing-M achin e Shop 136 1 • Specialize in Portlng. S uspe ns Ion. Mod Ifica t ions I • Com plete Lrne of Scat Covers and Decal sl . ll • Our Own BI C Two Str oke Pre-M e Racing Oe • PIpeS For A ll S.kes & S I C P l~ Den t Rem over l Long Carbide / SandpaperRolls & MOfe #1 US M.nuf6Ctu'M of Port ng Tools i Petta Stocked For All Hercules. 10Qcc·35Occ Penton/Sllchs 6&7 Speeds Plus Hodako. Rickman and Old Huskys CALLFOR PRICn. Mailing Ust and Receiwe FREE OECAl Drive Motors / goo & Straight Handpieces 1~367-5209 READY FOR LEFTOVERS1 GREAT SAVINGS ON NEW 1 _ KTII, "TIl. HUSKY. To Get: On Our All Equipment Needed for Porting an d Po lish ing Any Motorcycle. ATVo rWaten:raft B.R. LA504-355-4525 And Now, The Fantastic fT1rTFI",~ New Swedish-Buitt ~ RACE MODIFICATIONS PORTING T OO L S P AY OFF!!! Mike's Cycle Supply DUc:An' Husqvarna Suspen sion a Motors Pipes 0 Etc. Western US Call (714) 783·7570 Eastern US Can (816) 4 61 ·7223 YZ Dow ners Grov e Yamaha RM ~~,tc!!S ~ MAICO NEED PARTS? UPS DAILY Oh lins &. Wh ite Power Experts Suspe ns io n -Po rting - Hel iar c Weld ing ( 8 1 5) 469-4011 - - -- ~ c:.AG..VA Itnttl (105) &Z2&7• Fa (I051 253-0135 %3163 Mal CoI:I1 • li • CA • '135(1 _ '"" LEARN FROM T : i::.~::::;. ..... JI,.. ""'....· PROFESSOR OF MOTOCROSS . ·""1';,. ' Cell or Writ. For Info On All School. and Schedul•• • r'!: ~,&(0'~i-~ ~ ~\e9 . C; 30 Ad ams St. ~ Manchester. CT 06040 ~y ,&(o.~ (800) 348-0070 ~ ~,&~e ~...\ ~\ • CO~ 1\)\"" 'World's I.lIrgesl $uppU.r of Cycl'. Prgducts!· Call or Write for FREE Catalog 889W.MiII St., I'l"'" ~ used L!>s ~Iy ~ MOTO GUZZI CLASSICS AuthorlzfK1 Dealer 2370 Walnut Ave. Long llea<;h, CA 90806 213-9_79 z. m ~~ Cycle Supply san Bern., CA 92410 714-889-2761 Buy and 5el1 Used Bikes Helmet Service BEU. HElMETS • _ you III _ Ibout I!IIir faclory QlIlllmIr Senioo 00pI. They till ..... BoI _ "" III fiw yoon modo. _ . 1hoy . . III do IIpIinb. fnIo NpocIionond priesquo1I. Call e.- Senioo 00pI. _ B a.m. ond 5 p.m.. Mon-Fri. (2t 31921·9451 _1!lIy'" Benafici.1For All Off Rood Riden l not "'" rmJI:IIIIIII//j DEALER ~ INQUIRIES DEI RiJ;SER . : IN VITED. Training Vtdeos . Tips & Techniques P.O. Box 130 0 Axton. VA 24054-0130 ...,;;;;;;;,=;..", (703)650-3030or FAX (7031 65D-21 20 FAX : 704-482 -61 80 (714) 588 -1077 2572 1 FAX (7 14) 588·6350 oe-e-c Dnve . Unit F, MISSion VIera. CA 9269 1 47

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