Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 07 31

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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The Race Isn't Over Until You've 'It In. America's Weekly Motorcycle Newspaper STA RT YOUR SUBSC RIPTION TO CYCLE NEW S TODAY ! Get th e latest n ews, facts and detail s about motorcycle racin g m onths faster than the monthly magazines. Cycle Nf!ws is you r " VI P Ticket" to upcoming events w ith the constantly updated Ca lendar Section . An d , o u r classified advertis in g is you r weekly guide to h ard-to -fi n d v intage and collectors used bikes, parts and, accessories. If you can 't wait for your Cy c leN ew s, subscribe today! ~------ ------~----- --------- --- ]j'ffi o YES I Start my subscript io n ~ Subscription Order Fo rm immediat ely to Cycle New s. 1 year/ 5 0 issues for $35.00. That's ove r $65.00 off t he regular newsstand priceI (Please fill out comp lete ly and print clear ly) Name (Cali f orni a residents add $2.75 state sales ta x) Address _ City Sta t e Phone Zip _ Order Dat e Send Order To : _ ~ii!ill lI[[Jj ' CN L o = Card No. - - -- P.O. Box 498 Long Beac h, CA 90801-0498 'Phone Orders (2 1 3) 427-7433 • -6 68 5 24 Hour FAX r d er Li ne (2 1 3) 427 This is a 0 New Subscrip tion 0 Renewal Pleasebillme' payment of 0 $35.000r 0 $37.75 (CA) Bill me 3 EZ payments of: $1' .67 each for non·California residents o $12.59 each for California residents o Check or Money Ord er Payment Enclosed o Charge my credit card O :::!!: 0 Sign at ure - -Exp. Date - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- _ One year (50 issues), 2nd class Canada or Mex ico and all other f.oraign coun tr ies $75 .00 (US Funds). , st class and airmail rates available upon request. ° ~-------------------------------------------------~ . 37

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