Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 07 31

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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HI-PERFORMANCE PISTONS s» =-= l..1-;..- LA SLEEVE CO. . ~ . M Central Region id 8/3-4 8/17-18 8123-2 5 8/3 1-9/ 1 9128-29 TIlIdop. At E. St. lDuiI, M O long Pond. PA Milli ..... 1W . Tolladop, At South Central Region 81J.4 toIolll Stoli TX 8124-24 toIogo Stoli TX 8123-25 long Pond. PA 8131-9/ 1 Mili. ..... 1W 9/ 14-15 toIogo $loIion. TX 10/ 12-13 H ......-- TX Inf 8lJ3l681-YrolA o IESC C'ship MX s.ries 1128 8/11 8118 8125 9/ 1-2 9/ 8 9115 9122 9/29 10/6 10120 10/21 1113 11/10 Into 413/ 712·0685 MA Middlobora. MA C. ViDogo. CT Southwicl MA lIwisl ... M E MA M iddl.boro. MA C. YIIIogo. CT MA Middl. bonl. MA Southwicl MA MidlIlobanl. MA MA M MA IETRA C'ship Enduro S. ries 1128 Olford. MA 9/8 Windso<. MA 9/ 22 Adoms. MA 9/29 W G,lOnwic!l, RI . 10120 W. W ..... MA 1113 Stafford, CT 12/1 Mortbon>ugll. CT In 203/8 15-5151 fo IETRA C'ship Hlr. Scrlmbl.s s.ries 8/ 4 """""- CT 8/11 bstom. MA 8/ 18 Union, CT 8/25 ClIoshi o. MA r 9115 N. Pot. rsllurQ. NY 10/ 8 F-"" NY Info 203/875-5757 IETRA Turk. y Run S. ries 8/ 4 W ashin gton. MA 8/1 1 SoultMOSI. MA 8/ 18 _ Bo. vr 8125 Glrdno,. MA 911 A11 . - NH •. Swi_r. N H 9/8 Otis. MA 9/ 15 10/ 8 WmdIondoo. MA 10/ 13 N. Conway N . H 10/ 20 Cope Cod. MA 10/2 7 Control Vi I . CT I 11/17 8o~ i n. MA 11124 Plympt... M A Info 203/875-5751 ECEA Ellluro S.ries 1128 CtussfoIb. PA 8/4 M bury Co...... PA iddt. 8/1 1 SpoodlVil1o. NY 8/ 25 MIUrim-. NJ 9/ 15 Shippensburg. PA 9122 BrIndonviI•• PA ·9/ 29 W GIOOnwic!l, RI . 10/8 Groonbonl NJ 10121 _ .DE 1111 0 W ...n Gruvo. NJ Info 609/893·1294 AHRIIA Historic Cup Rolli RIC' S. ri.S 8/31 los V oga. NY 9/ 14 _ Sprinp. CO 9/ 28 • _lion. 6A Info 115/ 842-9699 AHRIIA SlIowces. RaIlI RIC' S.ries 813-4 Loxingloo.~H 917-8 TopoI:o. I(S 9121-22 - . CA Info 115/ 842·9699 lIroomo·r_ NY 9/2 1 10120 EnaliJIIt..... NJ Inf 2011385-5595 o IV Stitt C'ship Hire ScntHles Series 7128 South e - . N Y 8125 littIo ~ NY 9/ 8 South e - . NY 9129 Auburn. NY 10/21 South Edmonst... NY Info 315/635·3396 CIIA C'sWp Supercross Series 9114 _ II. o..boc, CAN Info 416/ 383-9035 VA C'ship Hire Scrlmbles Series 1128 PulalQ. VA 9/ 15 M iddlobrool:. V A 9129 MlII1insviD VA •• 10113 Nowpatl N ..... V A 1113 Suny V . A Info 703/980·0591 AMA Soudlelstern Regionll C'ship MX . Megl Series 6/4 8/ 18 6125 9115 9129 l DI26-27 Into615/ 323·5497 Morvanton. N C Wytll.vill•• VA B1ountvill•• 1W B1ountvill••1W Kingsport. 1W B1ountvillt. TN SERA C'ship Enduro Series 1128 Good..... MS 8/ 11 BrIO HiD. LA " 9/ 15 Binnina!ll", Al 9129 TUlby Crool. MS 10/1 2 Souci•• MS 11/ 3 MoplelVille. At Info 601/ 843-3251 SERA C'ship Hire Scrlmbles Series 9/ 1 Binninaflom. At 10120 Goodmon. MS Info601/843-3251 PITS C'ship Trills Series Donner. CA 8118 Donner. CA 9/8 Spltb. NY 9128-29 Sintl Cruz. CA 10120 11/9 -10 Pitta"... CA 11124 Auburn. CA Info 9161723-9580 A1l loWI Tril ls Riden Assn. Series 8/ 3-4 DocItur. IA 9/8 N IA 9/2 9 Mriolt IA Info 319/377-8069 1011 Oldtimen C'ship MX Series 1127-26 8/ 31-9/ 1 Into 208/48 7·3593 Sondy. OR Fomley. NY 8/3 1 los Vigil, NY 9/ 14 _Sprinp,CO 9121 P1lIIlInd, DR 10/20 So. . Painl. CA Info 415/829-8091 8/3-4 JocbonviU N .. C 911-8 ~ oville. KY 10/5-6 Atto. NJ 1118-10 1Irod...... Fl Info 6091168-4824 AHRIIA Vi..... Trills S.ri.s 8110 TlII1ll1lo. DH 9/12 Ste.mbootSprinjl. CO 10/ 19-20 Wb I:ity. ll it. Info 609/426-4381 EVIIR V' lIItIg. Motocross Series 6/4 8/3 1-9/1 9/ 15 SIIopy 1IoIIow. PA Sou!h Borwicl ME Sauthwicl MA CRA FaU Cross Country Series 9/ 15 Millp OH .... 9122 Conol Fulton. DH 10113 Ti pocanoo. OH p 10/ 20 Mm rn. OH 10/ 27 Rne_ OH 11117 Amh.rsL OH In 216/ 538-2220 fo IDBA IIt1 C'ship Drlg Rice Series 8110·11 9/ 14-15 10/ 19-20 Info 205/ 849-1686 Rudin;. PA DH Adant.. GA _I~ Drlgbikel lat1 C'ship Drlg Rice Series 7127-26 8124-25 917-8 9/ 21·22 10/5-6 10126-27 11/15-17 Info 3151135-1 681 Riling Sun. MO Rachatat. NY Bokonfi. 1d. CA Indilnopolis.IN Boton Ro~ .. LA Ph oo.... 1J. G nolVille. Fl ll LOS ANGELES SLEEVE CO., INC. 83 11 Chetle Ave. , Santa Fe Springs, 10th Annual s.ollm. OH Mllvom. OH Millport. DH Amhl rsLDH Competition Riders of America Inc . TRIATHALONMOTOCROSS HARESCRAMBLES • SHORT TRACK. WHVSC C'ship Summer Series Hoot Pl lm "" Hunt. P Imyro. N Y N Y N Y NY August 17 & 18, 1991 MINIS' BIKES. QUADS Info: CRA POINTS (216) 636-5505 PAYING EVENT PLUS Bonus Points WIVSC'C'ship Fall Series 6/11 Si nford. N C 911 Dlnvo,. Nt '9115 lozy Rivo,. NC 9129 Mt. Airy NC . 10/6 Brown MIn. Nt 10/13 Grohom. NC 11/3 lonoi, NC . 11/ 17 Raidovilil. NC Info 704/ 483-4394 ARRA RO d l Rice Series 6/ 17·16 WiDow Sprinvs. 9/ 14-15 WiDow Springs. 10/19-20 WiDow Springs. 11116-17 Willow Springs. 12/14-15 Willow Springs. Into 805/966-5100 OMRRA C'sh'p Raid Race Series 8118 9/2 1-22 10120 In f.5031221-1487 ·Concessions-food-Beer · Pa n s -in-the-Pits - Free Overnight Parking -Fa ir Prices - - - Calendar of Events- -- MX RA CE DATES PRA CTICE DATES July 21 Aug. 11 Sept. 22 TransCal Oct. 6. 12 Nov. 24 Dec. 8 MARATHON Aug. 4, 11 Sept. 8. I S, 29 Oct. 13. 20 Nov. 3. 10 .17 Dec. I , 15 .22 Sept . 8 D3 6 -AMA smooth track TT J uly 2a -Aug. 25 includes DTX classes Gatea Op en at 6 :30 a m Practice at 7 :30 am Sign-Up at 7 am First Race at 9 :00 a m Practice Dayo $1 D Cla nes -Spor1lman $26 Beg , Jr, Int-S em i-Pro S6 plus $2 0 BO, 1 26, 250. 500 t o purse Pro--1 25, 260, 600 Genera l Ad mission $6 Old Timer (+4 0), VetaChild re n 6 -12 $1 ran (+3 01. UrH (+2 6) S e nio r Cit izen Oil - Qu a d ·· Sport smen. (714) 364-2542 24 Hour Info O range County Feirg ro und s. Costa Mela, CA expert 30'1 TroPhies to Winners 1()()% Plybeck to all Pro . Pa id by Mot o and Ove rall NoCogs Allowed--e, Pay $10.00 per dogll PITRIDERS will be disqualifted without warn ing a nd no ref unds given . SPECTA TORS witness;ng these events ASSUME All FOR INJURIES ,"ullingthe'ofrom. BUY OR SELL ~Ienl Hun y . nd reserve '/Our spacel ._they go Q Ud!y. Spaces include 10' .. 10' aru. tor 530•• nd . 10' x 15' a nd prime spaees for S40. There ', a specia l area for selli ngmotorcycSes. toO. For 520 anybOdy can display 8 bike In • MoI orcydes.()n1y .re. SO people can see what you ~ to se ll Anyone ean be • sel ler. Indoor wal l spaces sokI -.out...10'.1 Q' ou tdoor IPKeS available - same pnce . FOR INF ORM ATI ON, CALL (916) 6783 5 92 or 678-9956- - -..J SELLER'S SPECIAL ~ All prepaidspaces. priorto Monday, July 29 $5.00 DISCOUNT PER SPACE PortIllId. OR PatI1tlld. OR Portlond. OR INTER· SHOWS ---~ BOX2910/MISSJONVIEJO. CAUFORNJA 92690 MRA ROld Rice Series Offica HOUTI: Mondoy thru FridlY. 91m to 5pm (7 14 ) 364-0515 CRA C'ship Raid Rice Series 9/ 6-8 Suzuki Specialists Ilroinord. MN HDRA/SCORE lnt'l Desert Rlcing Series Novodl 500 RM 80. 125. 250 only " Performance Engine Kits " Mot ocross Suspension " _ _ 213-864-8218 ~ G Com 300 old Jean. NV 8ojll 000 . EOSInlds. B.t.. MEX Int 616/869-9216. . 1111-10 Golden Crown of Bajl Series 1/ 26-28 G Corrwro do Ensonodo ran Ensonodo. B.t.. MEX IlIO"Jo PRO PAYBACK MX R.cing Eve ry Friday Night . t LACR G8tn Open 5pm Practice Spm Race 7pm Sun. July 21 MX LA Co u nty Rlcewav S..... Aue- 4 MX Per ri. S..... Aue- 11 MX LA County Rlcewsy Sun. Aue- 18 GP S unrise Pa rk REGIONAL& NATlONAt SANCTIONS-UCENSE INFORMATION (714) 855-1602 (213) 868-8 112 P.O. 80X 46 NORWALK. CA90650 National Motosport Association CALIFORNIA eRe RACE SCHED ULE Pahrump Station. NY 10111-13 WESTERN RESERVE (2161337-8077 (216) 337-8005 11 miles south of Dixon 0 Hwy . 113 on 4915 Cool< Lane 8/ 4 Puoblo. CO 8118 Mountlin Y_. CO 9/ 14-15 SlIombolt Springs. CO 9129 SoClUlll C rlOl. CO Into 3031789-2 429 9/ 14-15 Info 612/ 332-4010 or *$1000 .00 Minimum Purse * At Western Reserve M .C. S a le m , Ohio co unt A dmissi on $3 CA CA CA CA CA (21 6) 538-2220 PROCEEDS GO TO FUND THE C.R.A. AWARDS BANQUET to Each Entrant . 8/25 Sihoor Spri"lls. NY 9/ 1 . Auburn. NY 9/ 6 H N unt. Y Silvo, Suri"lll, NY 9/ 15 9129 Silvo, Suri"lll. NY 10/6 PoImyro. NY 10113 Silvo, Silrinvs. NY 10/20 Auburn. NY 10/2 7 Silvor Springs. NY Into 116/594-8680 NCHSA Hare Scrl mble Series CA 9066 0 (213)945-7578 Dea le rs call or write fo r y o u r free catalo g a n d dece ls. CRA Fall Motocross Series SIII IviIl.. M O 8/4 Sod li.. MO l 8/ 25 Cont... MD 9/8 Collins. MO 9/ 22 Rat River. M D 10/ 6 Potosi. M O 10120 Info 314/39 2-2475 Proster 11(1 C'ship Drag Rice S.ries 9/13 510_ Sprinvs. CO Info 115/842-9699 817-9 ~SD CopomisIl. MI 8124 9/ 1 Saib• • NE 9/ 14-15 Kobmo.lN 10/5-6 800chm0rn.KY Info108/250-0838 7/ 26 6/ 4 6111 6118 Int 116/ 594-8680 o MX/ATV High performance race style pistons manufactured from special high-silicon alumi num alloys. Piston kits supp lied with rin gs, circlip s, wrist pin. For leading makes and models. See your dealer. AMRA AI Hl rley Drlg Series 9/6 9121 9128 10/21 Info 216/636 -5505 -.,l.a L_---------~ MANUFACTURED IN JAPAN 8/ 24-25 . 80.... Silrinvs. PA 9114-15 Sol OH 10/19-20 Fwmingt NC 11/16-17 T8A Int 9191229-4871 . 9/ 15 Coel.. Flits. CA 10/6 Carrol Conyon. CA 10127 lucomo VIUoy. CA 11/ 10 littI.roct Cyn.. CA Info 2131259-663 1 8110-11 Toronto. OH 10113 Toughk,nlmon.PA Info 3011775·7209 ~ GEN U I NE RACING PARTS MO Hire Scrambles C'ship Series AHRIIA-WISt C' . , RaIlI Ree. S.ries AHRIIA Vi..... Irllll IIt1 IIX S.ries HDRA AI Harley Drag Rac. Series ATA Obsen ed Trills C'ship Series Mid-Adlntic Vintlge Trills Series ~ - :~ ___ ~ '"e''' o utJ.w l'lImop R.u· Sun. Aue- 11 LA County Raceway ••0rHfI hxtJce3 Tracks. Pee W ee. - 60 & 80 • M otorcycles 9a m·2pm Every Sat . - LA Coun ty Raceway L-_ _ CRC Info 805-272-8889 - --' 33

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