Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 07 31

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eLOCAL EVENTS e ~~~~~ Blackmeer masters Muskegon TT By Grace DiBenedetto BRJDGETOS, ~II , JUNE 30 - - Mike Babka fin ished third in the Open Expert class at Bridgetown TT. Zahrt on top at Glen Helen MX By Seymour Bett ys ( Hon). SAN BERNADINO, CA, JUNE 23 David Zahrt stormed to two commanding moto wins en route to the overall win in the 250cc junior class at round two 01 the CMC Summer Series, held at Glen Helen OHV Park. Melton Morales ripped 011 the line in the opening moto, with Zahrt, Mike Little and Chuck Valenzuela in tow . Zahrt stole the lead on the opening lap, and never looked back. Little hounded Morales, and lound his way past a lew turns later. Zahrt greeted the checkered nag first , ah ead 01 Little, Morales and Valenzuela. Zahrt grabbed the lead early in rno to two , and was never seriously challenged. Morales and Little argued over the runner·up spot, and Little pre-·ailed. Zahn was uncontested lor ,he overall, while Liule ,opped Morales lor second o vera ll . Rex Staten swept six mOIOS to capture the overall wins in the Vet , 250 and 500cc Pro cla sses. Staten topped both Ve' molOS with ease, while Kenny Zahrt a nd Tim Cauby argued over second pplace mon ey. Zahrt prevailed. In ,h e 250cc Pro class, Staten smo ked to both mot o wins with little resistan ce C rom j ohn Ray an d Nicky Pounds, and wen' on 10 top T im Lu nde and Greg Young in bo th 500cc Pro mo los. Brian Sweany and josh Poole traded moto wi ns in the 80cc Beginner class. with Sweaney winning the second. deciding molO. J oe Ryan secure third li nished third in both outings o vera ll. '0 Resul ts PIW STX BEG : l. Kn-in Roberts (Ya m ); 2. j ustin J ordan (VOIm). PIW STK JR : I. Rou eArn.. ( Yam): 2. Dylan Lord ( Yam ). P/W MOD: 1. Bobby Bond . ( Yam ): 2. Rou C incia (Y am ); . S. 0,1= Lon! ( Yam ). 60 0-8: 1. Bobb y Bonds ( ); 2. Bbk~ Vnn. ( Kaw) ; 3. JUiun J on:bn (La w ). 30 VET MSTR.: 1. Rod. Richard50n (H on ); 2. Bob T ip p it (Ho n ): 5. Carl Cazafy (H on ). VET PRO: l. Rex Stat en (Hon ): 2. Km bhl1 (H en): 5. T im Ca uby (H on) : ... Gn-gg Young (Hon ); S. T im Lundt- . 60 9-11 I. Duttio Ryky (K.a 2. Shotd Vnn. ( w); S. : w); Nick Pucrio (Ka w). 80 BEG : I. Brian Swnnq- (H a n); 2. J o.I\ PooI~ ( Han); 5. Jor Ryan (K.3w); 4. Tom Irwin (Ya m): S. T yson T .1Iylor (Hon). 80 1:"00" : l. D.J . SVonnqo (Hon). 80 EX: I. Trny Panoru (Han). I ~ BEG: I. Ou.d . Parkft" (Ya m ); 2. Mik~ FC»lt'f (Ka w): 5. Brian McDougall (Hon); 4. Jason Fidcb (Ya m); 5. M.1Iu Pucci o (K.3w). . 125 JR: I. Jnao lngasoll (Sw); 2. Mik~ Link (Suz}; S. SlrY~Thornton (Sw ); 4. Ma x Nd50n (Y.1Im); S. Jrif BI.Klunor~ (Yam) . 125 I"'' ': 1. T erry Panom (Hon) ; 2. J .J . PelCh~11 (H On ); 5. Colin CoUlO (Kaw); t . Ju!uin McMurrich (H a n ); S. Todd D.1Ivi6 (H o n ). 125 PRO: l. John Ray (Sw); 2. Dean Grant (H o n). 250 BEG : I. John Venn (Han); 2. Jim Thrill ( KAw)~ S. C ay WilIi lOn (Hon); 4. IY=lJy McDougall (H a n); 5. Rich Canol (Ho n). 250 J R: I . (H on ); 2. Mlk~linl~ (Hon ) ; 3. M~hon Morai n (SUl); 4. Omck Va1mzuda (H a n ); 5. Monk Fiugn-ald (Han). 250 Il'I."T: I. ).J. P~tchd (Han); 2. Mik~ Ulrich (Han ); , . T o ny S«kman (Ha n): 4. Mark Olson (Ho n). 250 PRO: l. Rn: Staten (Ho n); 2. John Ray (Sw): S. Nick y Pounds (SUI). 500 J R : I. Jim Harr is (Han): 2. Scuu HoHman (lio n); 3. Pauyl Novack (Kaw) . 500 INT: 1. Tom Enge l (Han): 2. Car l Gazafy (Ho n): 3. Bob T ippit (H o n); 1. Brad Sloan (H o n). 500 PRO: I. Rex Stat~n (H on): 2. Tim Lund~ (H a n): S. Gr t'KR YounR (Han); 4. Tim Cauby (H on). UTH JR.: 1. Sca li Halfman (H a N ); 2. M ~hon Moral es (SUl); 3. Mark T rou p (Hon ); 4. Mike Carr (H a n). t.rrH l:'S led the way with Tracy Chaffee on his tall. Chaffee ~tuck ' 0 Kops lik e a Fly on a No Pest Strip taking o ver the lead in the white nag lap in the horseshoe, leaving Kops with no time to r~tal iate. Directl y behind were joe McCormIck and Scot t J en sen locked in a duplicate battle lo r thi rd. McConnick co u ldn 't sha ke loo se j e~ sen and in th e last 100 Ieet 01 race j ensen fired his la st ro und o f ammunition at the Yam aha rider, scoring a d ir ect h it just as th e two cros sed under the lin ish line. _ j ason Wilke scor ed back-to-beck wins in the 85 a nd 200cc classes. Wilk e wired th e Iield in bo th the heats and linals. Results 80 BEG : I. Bill Lyon (Kaw): 2. Jeff F .dw3nh (Ka""). 80 JR: l. Jothua (Ho n ). 125 BEG : I. Cuni. Crolt (Ka w ); 2. Deron Sridman (Ya m); 5. Bob Bell (Ya m ): i . Bill Browning (Ya m): 5. Aaron TnT) ( . 250 BEG : I. Gerry Campbdl (Ha n); 2. joe Pri ce (Ya m); nhnJu (ATK): S. Bruer S. Cam CamM"on (Ya m); 4. Jack :'IJo Fori nash (Ya m). 500 REG : 1. Troy Ph rl pt. (Hun): 2. Ga ry Bryn [H o n): 3. I Dennis Greene ( K.: W); 4. Rc pbe rt Brtdyk (Ha n ); 5. Quck C"",itnn ( H()n~. 125 JR: 1. J im my Salazar (Yam ); 2. Ty Kady (K.a 3. w):. G rrg Grinhahrr (Y..m ): 1. j o nat ha n Knight (Kaw); 5. Tim O lson (H o n j. 250 JR: I. J rif Ar~a mb (Ya m): 2. bnd y Bu~ (Hon ): 3. H o mr-(r-u Lonergan (Kaw); 4. Beau Wil ht"'e (H a n); 5. Todd Blackman (Kaw). 500 /R: I. Bill Adsit (KTM). 125 NT: 1. AI MI Fumtn (Yam). 250 I!'on" l. Sco tt Sr-:IIIr'" (SUl); 2. Dua nr Po us (H e n ): .s. : Lee Baron (Sw ); 4. Lin coln '-i r-nol (Hon );5 . Do n Ri("f'( H on ). 500 1NT : 1. Robert Wibhirr- (ATK ):2 . Todd Fm'ltal ( Ha n): 3. J ohn Nrill (Han ): 4. Robert Fa ili ng (Ha n); S. Tim Ha rris (KTM). PRO: I. Willy Mutlogravr (AT K); 2. J im O1ambr-r ldin (SUl) ; 3. Dua ne Bmncr (Yam): 1. Tony Amarad io (Yam ): S. J am es Gorhma05ky (H a n). Bombe r: I. Robert Failing (He n ). 25-29 BEG : t. Gr n )' Ca mpbell (KTM); 2. Doug Ruh dn s (SUl); S. T om Brinegar (Ho n): 4. Ma rio Gar cia (Kaw); S. jrif MOfl{:.ln (Ho n). 25-29 JR: I. Man Kun ko wski (lio n ): 2. Mich

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