Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 07 31

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ MOTOCROSS 1 5(( MX Series:Round 9 2 e Pedro Tragter kep t in stride of Everts, posting a 2-2'm o to score. several spots. On the second la p , T ragter got by Sweebe for the lead, then Everts and Surratt passed the fadi ng Sweebe a couple of laps later. On the sixth lap, Everts passed Tragter and then pulled away to comfortable lead . At the halfway point, Everts was well ahead of T ragter, Surra tt , Moore and Kar lsson , as Sweebe dropped back and eventuall y retired from the race. La te in the race, Karlsson mounted a cha rge and pushed his way past Moore and then Surratt. Karlsson co u ldn ' t catch Trag ter and fin ished th ird behind th e Du tchman a n d winner Evert s. Surratt hung o n to fourth at the fini sh ahead of Moore, while Van Rees took six th o ver Yves Dem ari a, Andrea Bartol ini , Van Drunen and Albertijn. £II bikes and th e riders got their first look at th e rich, dark earth that made up th e tra ck. Laid o ut on level ground, the man -made cou rse was in gr eat co ntra st to th e hilly, o pe n -terrai n tracks the riders normally encou nte r in Europe. The FIM felt that a nearby track o n the side of a h ill was too narrow and had a few trees in the way , so the flat course was used. Surra tt descr ibed th e hard , dry racing surface as bein g similar to Ascot Park 's old MX track , whi ch was extremely hard and slic k. The co urse was a p paren tly to Surratt's liking, how ever, as he set th e fast time in timed practice to get the first pick on the gate fo r both 40- m i n u te plus two-l ap a mOlOS. Stefan Everts extended his series points lead with a I-I moto tally in G uatemala. Everts moves in on title w ithGuatemalan GP swep e By Dennis Suter AMATITLAN, GUA TEMALA, JULY 14 elgian Stefan Evert s tightened his grasp on the 125cc World Championship by winning the Guatema lan GP. The Bieffe Suzuki rider swept both motos and extended his advan tage in the standings to 35 points over American Bob Moore. Moore was suffering from the effects of jet lag and a stomach ailment, yet posted 3-5 moto fin ishes which left him fou rth in th e overall standings, one place above fellow Californian Willie Surratt. Holland's Pedro Tragter followed Everts to the fin ish line in both motos to secure second o verall, wh ile Swede Joakim Karlsson edged Moore o ut of the final position on the rostrum with 5-3 finishes. B 12 . After la st-m i n u te n egot iati ons between the promoters and th e teams saved the event just a few weeks befor e the GP was to take place, the Eu ropean co ntingent shuttled between Holland, Sp ain, Miami, Florida and then to Guatemala City. The rid ers arriv ed lat e Thu rsday night a fter 24 hours of travelling. They were up ea rly Friday for festivities which sta r te d with an adventuro us police escort to Guatemala's Capitol Building to meet the president of the country and the mayor of Guatemala City. Busses then shuttled the entourage south to the track, wh ere the mechanics broke open the crates con tain ing th e South Afr ican G reg Alb erti jn gra bbed th e holeshot at th e sta rt of th e first moto and soo n wa s th e on ly recog nizable rider as the track had been heavil y wa tered prior to the race. Everts, Surratt and Moore had started o ut of th e top 10, but by the end of th e firs t la p wer e running sixth th rough eigh th o . By lap eigh t, Tragter had moved to second behind Albertijn with Evert s, Moo re and Surratt in line righ t beh ind the Du tchman. A few laps later, Surra tt fell an d Karlsson moved in to fifth. Tragter and Everts moved in to a pp ly pressure to Albertiyn, and at th e start of the 17th lap the lead er slid o u t in a fast right-hand turn and dropped to third. On the next lap , Everts passed Tragter for the lead , th en Moor e got by Alberti jn o n th e fin al to set th e finis hing order. Everts scor ed the win ah ead of Tragter, Moor e, Albertiyn and Karlsson. . . Rem y Van Rees finished sixth over J erom e Belval and Marcel Van Drunen , while Surratt crossed the finish line ninth aft er recovering from hi s fall. Charrel Sweebe co mp leted th e to p 10. The start of the second moto was delayed because som e bikes were still in the wash line as the impound tim e ap proach ed. All riders made it to th e line, whe re in the distance they could see an acti ve volcano spewing smoke and ash into a somewhat overcast sky. When the second moto go t underway. Dutchman Sweebe led the start after the track had received its customary ba th which left sta nding wa ter in Resu lts t T IMED PRACTICE: 1. Will ie Surratt (2 minu tes. 15.83 seco nds ); 2. Pedro Tragter (2:15.88); 3. Andrea Bartol ini (2:16.88): 1. Stefan Everts (2:17.04): 5. J oa kim Karlsson (2:17.65): 6. Bob Moor e (2:17.81): 7. Greg Albcnijn (2:18.08); 8. Marcel Van Dru nen (2:19.08); 9. Rem y Van Rees (2:19.13); 10. Charrcl Sweebe (2:19.29); II. Yves Demaria (2:19.84); 12. J erom e Belval (2:20.17); 13. Peter Beirer (2:20.39); 11. Mathew Go rdo n (2:21.87); 15. juan Mora les Go nzalez (2:22.32); 16. Edua rdo Lope z Montero (2:23.24); 17. Pedro Go nzalez Va llejo (2:23.30); l B . Adrian Robert (2:23.79); 19. Estuard o Ga ma lero (2:23.96); 20. Wa lter Ragazinni (2:24.57); 21. Rodrigo Castill o Ca lderon (2:26.32); 22. Hu go Ca rmona (2:26.63); 23. fritz Klimcwitz (2:26.75); 24. Arturo Rob ert (2:27.3 1); 25. Adr es Cas tillo Cal dero n (2:27.58); 26. Dani el Mu rillo (2:28.79); 27. J im Holl ey (2:28.85); 28. Adolfo Cast illo Go ngora (2:29.13); 29. Ro lan do Pu ent e Ga rcia (2:31.65); 30. J ean Paul Briere Samayoa (2:32.47); 3 1. Enriqu e Trabau ino (2:32.70); 32. Anton io Villa loros (2:33. 11); 33. Rod rigo Castillo Lacayo (2:34.34); 34. Juan Pablo Mazari egos (2:34.62); 35. Daniel Agu ila r Zareo (2:38.19); 36. Robert Trigueros (2:45.60); 37. Rene Cha mo rro (2:52.19); 3B. Santi ag o Mejia (2:39.23); 39. Juan Carlo s Ruiz (2:45.27); 40. Rud olfo Penha .(2:39.45). MOTO 1: l. Stefan Everts (Suz); 2. Pedr o Tragter (Suz); 3. Bob Moo re (KT M); 4. Gr eg Albertijn (H on); 5. J oakim Karlsson (Kaw) : 6. Remy Va n Rees (Ka w ): 7. J erome Belva! (Suz); 8. Marcel Van Drun en (H em); 9. Willi e Surratt (Ho n ); 10. Charrel Sweebe (Hon); 11. Peter Beirer (Suz); 12. Math ew Gor don (H en ]: 13. Adri an Robert (Yarn); 14. Juan Morales Gonzalez (Ya m); 15. Pedro Go nza lez Vallejo (H o n). MOTO 2: 1. Stefan Everts; 2. Pedro Tragter: 3. J oakim Karlsson ; 4. Willi e Surratt; 5. Bob Moo re; 6. Rem y Van Rees: 7. Yves Demaria (Suz); 8. Andrea Bartoli ni (Suz); 9. Marcel Van Drun en; 10. Gr eg Albertij n; 11. Pedro Gon zalez Vallejo; 12. Adri an Rob ert : 13. J erome Bel val : 14. Juan Moral es Go nzalez; 15. Rodrigo Castillo Ca lderon (Ho n). O/A: 1. Stefan Everts (Suz); 2. Pedro Tragter (Suz); 3. J oak im Karlsson (Kaw); 4. Bob Moore (KT M); 5, Willi e Su rra tt (Ho o); 6. Remy Van Rees (Ka w); 7. Greg Albertijn (Ho n ); 8. Andre a Bartolin i (Suz); 9. Jerome Belval (5 uz); 10. Yves Demaria (Suz). WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 125 MX SDUES POIN T STA NDI NGS: I. Stefan Everts (299); 2. Bob Moore (261); 3. Pedro Tragter (20 1); 4. Yves Demaria (146); 5. Will ie Su rratt ( 144); 6. Donny Schmit ( 129); 7. Mar cel Van Drun en (125); B Greg Albertij n ( 114); . 9. Andrea Bartolini (108); 10. Joakim Karlsson ( 106).

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