Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 07 31

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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2!JO AM: I. Lana ump: 2. John Twom ey; 5. Mikc= ShonsIft'Ve'; 4. Ted Robinaon; .s. Ja~ Sca rp ulla . OPL"Il NO V: 1. Kevm Tykr; 2. Bruer Wilk n ; 5. Jttmly R UMdI; 4. Bm Sna gcr; .s. Dan Bown1 . SR: 1. Field: %. John T wOlIlq; 5. 8ri.. n Rroa dwd l: ... T om P~ .s. T erry Hoa lJand. 125 EX: I. om, Colf'llWl; 2. Btua' Str.ill o n ; 5. Rob Nnwl; 4. R w ry Hess: .s. Q uinn Bmdc=y. 250 EX: l. Oris CoImun; 2. BI'U«' S!r..uon: 5. 8m Dressner . Parlow pounds Indus-Trial By Corina Chen QiICAGO,IL. JUKE 16 The Indus-Trial , a unique event held just outside of Chicago in the Elk Grove fndustrial Park has a broad focu s so that a ll riders with various skill levels ca n participate. The course for the da y con sisted of two stadium style sections. One being a see-sa w section wit h pyramids nex t to the street, and the ot her being a mo nster-tire section spread across the parking lo t. The remainder of th e sections were of the na tural type co nsisti ng of logs, boulders, hills a nd concrete slabs. Most people that wert not familiar with th is even t, were surprised to see trials terrain ro me o u t o f one of the Ilattest landscapes o n earth. All of the sections were trucked in and lan dscaped . - In the crowded Nov ice class it was Eric Parlo w who domi na ted , riding an aging Montesa. Parl ow was consisten t wi th a 2~2~ 2 score. Mark H oed el co uld have ta ken th e wi n if he had bettered hi s firs t loop scor e o f seven. H oed el posted zeroes o n loo p s two and three. The J u nior class was fu ll with 15 riders. Doug Hay riding a TY350 Yamaha do minated the class after a four year absence fro m trials to take th e class win with a total score of o ne. R ichard Gibbs put o n a d ispl ay o f balance with hi s Spanish Merl in to tak e 12 poin ts ove r Aprilia-rnounted Michael McConauj(hy. It was Peter Blonian wh o too k his four-strok e H onda just two points behi nd th ird pl ace McConaughy. Ex~t rid er Jim Sne ll sho wed off hi s new Spanish mad e Gas-C as. Sne ll. now a two time Indus-T rial winner , cruised to a win o ver vetera n rider Noel Smage . Greg Rhein sm ith too k th ird place o n his Aprilia. Fina lly th e Cham pionship class win ner. J onny Andersson scored th e win o n his Yamaha T Y250. Fo r spectators . he was imp ressive to wat ch . Second p lace Dave Rohrschneider slam med up the entrance o n ly to lose it a nd see h is Famic n y. loop upSIde down. a nd sla m o n the pavemenL The remainder o f th e sections were less fierce and being more technically d ifficulL Promoter Sven Bley got nerv ous after seeing his a wesDme seco nd loo p sco re o f 17 and co uldn't co ncen tra te o n th e third loop to beat Roh rsch neider for o ne poinL J ohn Clark had a bad fir st loop o f 41, bu t dro p ped his score for th e serond loop to 28. Du e to m echan ical problem s ea rlier in the da y, Clark 's rushed third loop brought h is score to 31, for a tota l of 100 points. R esu lts NOV : 1. Eric P....low (Mon ): 2. Mar lr. Horfkl ( Yam ); 3. Larry K.incanno n (Hon ); 4. T im Detwi Jer (Suz). JR: l. Do ug Ib.y (Ymt ); 2. Richard Gi bbs (Mer); 5. Mikc= McConau4hy (Apr ); 4. Petri" Bion ian: (H o n ). EX: l. ..J im Snc=lI (G-C); 2. Noel Sm.. gc= (Ya m ); 3. G~ Rheinsmith (Apr ): 4. Robert Wri hn (Yam) . CSH IP: I. Jonny Andttuon (Yam ); 2. Da.Vf' RohrschneidrT (Fa n); 3. SYe1l S IC")' (H o n); 4. John e .... 1r. (Rn ). Kasten sweeps Plymouth ST By A.J. Su m mer PLYMOUIll, WL JUKE 28 Steve Ka sten overcame atrocious racing co nditio ns to claim wins in every race he entered. including the prestigious Dash Fo r Cash at evening's end at Plymo u th Short Track Kasten began the nigh t by winning his SOllee Pr o-Am heat race, over Mark Gruber a nd Brian Kromro y. Kromro y led the first two laps o f th e ma in even t. while Kasten overcame a poor star t to grab the lead o n lap th ree. G ru ber sto le the lead momen taril y o n lap seven. b ut Kasten reta liated a lap la ter. th en used lapped traffi c to h is adva ntage for the win . In th e 750cc Pro-Am fina l, Kasten wasted no tim e in asserting himself a t the poinL At the halfway n ags. Verne Browne slipped past to lead the next twO ro u nds. On lap eigh t, . Kasten reclaimed the lead and held 11 to the nag. Frank Kaiser mad e a late race charge to move up to third. The 250cc Pro· Am class saw Dave Cartwrigh t reverse the sole hea t race resu lts by leading Mark Gruber for the entire race. The Dash For Cash pitted th e top th ree riders in each Pro~Am final a~inst o ne another. Verne Browne led th e in iual lap , but Kasten charged past on lap two. On lap four, Kaiser began yet another la le race charge. which carried him past Browne and into a battle with Kasten. On the last lap. Kasten and Kaiser came together. knocking Kaiser's Ro tax ou t of gea r and allowi ng Bob Vbem a to bliu pa st Browne in the co nfusion and inlO Joh n Clark nego ti a tes a tricky section at the In dus-Trial. second pl ace. Kaiser sa lvaged th ird place ah ead o f Brow ne. Resul ts 500 P RO· AM: I. Sin't' I(.., Itn (Y..m ); 2. Mark G ruber (Rtx); I 3. Brian Krommy (H · D); 1. Bob Ybema (H- D); 5. G ~ Quick (H ·D). SR: I. Ron Schrul (Ya m); 2. J ~ Pokbmy (Ya m ); 3. Tom BItt) (Hon); 4. STn't' Az~ (H· D); 5. AI Sumnrr (ATK). 50 A: I. unndlo Hnnande1 (lti); 2. Dan Mitchl n (Suz): S. Tykr Smuldtn (h j); 4. Brad Roulbeaux (Ya m) ; 5. P:urid Rob mson (Ya m ). s.o 8 : I. Tim Win (Ya m) ; 2. J1Win Suu (Yam ); 5. Cart')' Sta u (Ya m ); 1. M..u McGrath (Ya m ); 5. Bill HuntAingn ( Y.. m ). %SO PR O · AM: I. 1hW' Canwright (Ya m ); 2. MoIrle. Ct'Uba (Suz); 5. Marie. Konw-Ily (Sw ); 4. Grc=g Quid. (Y..m ); 5. Todd Darling (Hon ). 750 AM: I. Art MilChlrr (Tn ); 2. Ron Schtttl (Y..m ); 5. Slrvc= Captain (No r) ; 1. John Dr icken (T r i) ; S. J ot' Stoppkworth ( Y am ). ANTQ: I. Frnidy Pttlis (H · D); 2. S~ uptain (Nor); 5. ~ O.aUo,d (H . D): 1. John Harding (Nor); S. Mike Petri IH -D ). 250 AM : I. Cun Knill ( ; 2. Dave Cilnwri(ht (Ya m ): S. Mark K.omelly (SUt): 'I..Kun Ktomroy (Suz); 5. MIIe.c= Bertran lK. w). 750 P RO- AM: l. St~ K:ntm (\"'· R ); 2. \'ttne Brownr(RUt); 5. Frank K.ailn (R Ut); -4. Bob ~ (H · D): 5. Sl~ ~mpinc= (H ·D ). DFC: I. Slt'Yt= JC..;,stm (W. R ): 2. Bob Ybema (H· O); 5. Frank LtiKr (R Ut); 1. Vnne 8rowne (Rtll); .s. Bn.. n K.romroy (H· Rick Hawk (1IA) topped J ack Franklin (7F) at T rail-Way Short Track. B 201·250: l. Ou is Ch iitom; 2. Jdf Altman: 3. Rob in D ubose: 4. Ri ch Ri chards: .s. Bill y Nob ln. a 25I · 0PEN: 1. John Barr; 2. O~Sewd l ;3 . J am " Smi lh ; 4. Pau l J on n ; .s. 1""ony O rtlulela. B 6-200 t NT: l. C. Burchridd: 2. Bymn Lan e; 5. Alltn Vin f'5; 4. Cleve Altma n; 5. J ohn Schoen. a 2Ot ·O PE N t NT: I. Pau l Cost jr.: 2. C ary Ja cb on; 5. Jack H.. rriao n; 4. Dann y Ryals: .s. Keith T arver. a SR : I. Larry Whi te'; 2. Tom my La ne; S. Cerald P(";jIrMll1; 4. R.:tynor Edwards; 5. Marvin CraVCl. B 4·STRK: I. M. Fm1crick; 2. Ph il B~ux: 3. Andy H.. y"; 4. M ik~ Ruh lin; .s. David Lott. Ta~tF~~:~Lr~:-J'=n Vaug hhlt'r. 3. Tom C 6-200: 1. J eff Tbompaon: 2. J . Pentl"C05t; 3. Bob Si lll ; ... en. Smith; .s. J()('y Culligan. . C 20 1.() PL~ : I. M. Ltdingham: 2. M....k Hnrort; 5. Gordan Alkn: 4. WOIh Crice: 5. John Rybozt. WMN: I. Carol J o no; 2. Elaine Nobl n ; 5. utt'Y Joon; 1. L Schnnavder. S. Michc=lc= Roa ch. jR: 1. Brad Lane; 2. Knight; 5. Ry..n Bnlrdm; 1. Ron B4hop: 5. Oris Roberts. TR 6-200: 1. G ary McCtt; 2. Scan Kum lrr ; 5. M.uhr-w Rob

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