Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 07 31

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ LOCAL EVENTS e Bart Bast (left) and Jim Sisemore advanced to the U.S. Speedway Nation als. Bast, Sisemore top Speedway C'ship Qualifiers By R .C. Jones AUBURN, ~/jULY 12 NAPA CA,juI::Y 13 , h e two speedway r id er s w ho would rep resent no rt hern Califor nia in the U.S. National s, were dete rmined by poilus after .two qual ifying races held in Auburn and Napa. After two ni ghts of hard, fast, thrill in g actio n, Bart Bast and Jim Sisem ore came o ut on top, taking the two spo ts for the U.S. Nationals to be held in October at the Costa Mesa track. Each rider scored a win a t the two tracks, whi le J ess Ochoa wai ted for either rider to make a mistake. On Friday night, the Mill er Genui ne Draft round held in Au burn, was won by Sisemore, wh o came back to tie in the last round, and won th e runoff. In the first ro und, Sisemore almost saw ' hi s ni ght come to an end afte r a poor start. Sisemo re, aboard hi s Surf & T urf P er fo r m an ce /Oil zali l Ar ai /NJK I Thor/Cire llo Racin g-sponsored .Weslake, ha d to battle past Mike Parso ns a n d Rich Marcu cci before ta kin g seco nd, behind Bobby Hedden. In ro und two, Bast got his scare when he was o u t-gun ned by Paul Orlandi. Bast strea ked pas t Bobby Hi cks, then set up Orla ndi . After a fake to the ou tside, Bast dro pped low and inc hed alongside of Orland i as they shot out of turn four. Bast managed to get better traction, and wo n by a wh isker. Fina lly, it was show time in ro u nd five. Bast was perfect thro ugh four ro unds, and Sisemore was a point behind. Whe n the tapes flew, it was Sise more blas ting o u t of ga te two for th e lead . Bast was mired behind Mike Kain a nd Darrell Bus y. Bast suc ked it up . a nd wen t past Kain and Busby, th en a fter Sisemore. Sisemore was long go ne, and had it in the bag as the win gave h im a tie with Bast, and a runoff. In th e runoff Sisemore ou tgated Bast, then Jed th ro ugh th e turn and scored the win. Och oa' s o n ly Josses were to Bast an d Sisemore, and he gave bo th riders a run for their mon ey, fini shing third. The Coors and 7-Up Qualifier in Napa had the best race; Bast was perfect with five win s in five rounds , and was the overall win ner. A hard fought ba ttle developed in the th ird ro und, when Bobby H edden go t the hol esh o t T 22 o ut of gate one. Bast, sponsored by K.M. Concrete/Pererich Cyclel Ara i, got o u t of ga te fo ur, and shu t the doo r o n H edden at the turn . Hedden slipped to the o utside, and gave it a ru n unti l the edge went away, settlin g into seco nd . Sisem or e, meanwhile, was rea lly mowing them down. Round after ro und, Sisem or e literall y blasted into th e lead and was gon e by the back ch ute . In the last race, Bast and Sisemore squared off. By now, both had enough points for the Natio nal s, so now it was for p ride and bragging righ ts. Sisemor e had th e po le, Bast sat in the drea ded gate three, with Steve Martin in two a n d Rob ert Curry fou rt h . Sisemore led off with h is fifth perfect ga te, and the lead into the firs t corner. Bast made th e move of the nigh t. First, he cut down o n Mart in to get to the pole. Sisemo re, still leading, had a normal drift com in g o ut of the turn, but Bast was able to pull al ongside and steal the inside line. Bast pulled hard out of the turn, and led down the back chute . Sisemore kept putting the hea t on , bu t Bast was in co nt ro l. Sisemo re provided more thrills when he hoo ked up, whee1 ied and spun out in turns three and four o n the last la p , caus ing Martin and Curry to lay it down. Bast was the overa ll winner, sp litting wins with Sisemore. Och oa , who was tied with Steve Martin , won th e run off.for third. CN Results 0 / A: I. Bart Bast (Wes) 29 pt s: 2. Jim Sisemore (wes) 26; 3. Jess Ochoa (j aw ) 24; 4. Du stin Schroeder (G M) 19; 5. Robe rt Curry (Wes) 18; 6. Steve Mart in (wes ) 17; 7. Bobhy Hedden / Darrel! Busb y (wes) I'> . FR IDAY: 1. Sisem or e ( 14); 2. Bast (14); 3. Jess Ochoa (13); 4. Du stin Schroeder ( I J); 5. Cu rry/ Bus by p urse after he scored the overa ll WIn wi th 2-2 moto finishes. Mike Brown blazed to th e front o f the first moto, leading Bill y Cox, Shane Tem pleto n, Brent Rams ey and Wal ston into the first, hard left turn. For two quick laps, no one gained any g ro und on Brown , but h alfwa y through lap th ree he pulled off with a broken chain. Wi th Brown out of co nte nt io n, Cox grabbed th e lead and proceeded to leave the rest of the pa ck, ope ni ng up a n eight second advantage o n his way to the win . Wal ston foll owed Templeto n's every move until the last la p wh en he scooted pas t in the whoops to cla im run ner-u p . In th e m eanti me, Ji m Ch ester wa s re co ver i ng fr o m h is eig hth -p lace start and he also was in a pos ition to threa ten T empleto n. Time ran out, however, and Ch ester fin ished fourth. When the lin e formed for mot o two , it included Brown with a new chai n. Walston and Brown rocketed side-byside into the firs t turn , and Bro wn was the one who yielded, allowing Walsto n to take the lead for a lap and a half before recla iming it co ming ou t of the ba ck- sect io n dropoff . Bro wn a nd Walst on rode their own race for the rest of the moto to finish 1-2. Cox ga ted seventh rig ht beh ind Chester a nd began his marc h to the fro nt foll owing Ch ester who attempted to use Arnold as interference between himself a nd Cox. Whi le Chester was busy wit h Arn old , Cox slipped arou nd both of them and turned his attention to Rock Wood in th ird. Cheste r was wa tching Cox , a nd when Co x sli p ped pas t Wood , he followed, pu ttin g Rock down to fifth. For th e rest of th e rn oto , Cox was kept bus y holding off advan ces fro m Ch ester 10 finish third behind Brow n and Wal ston. Tim Hod ock hol eshot the fir st 125cc B moto, but a fall put him dead last in the field of 15. Steve H yatt moved 10 the front when H odock went down, and rema ined there for the rest of the race, holdin g off threats from r unn er -up Na tha n R a msey a n d Patrick G reer a nd Hodock . H odock climbed step by step until he finished fourth just beh ind Greer. Mike Nu tter com ma nded the second mo to fro m start to finish , brin gin g hom e a convincing wi n despi te Wes Cave's late th rea t. Cave fin ished second in mo to two, but 15th in mot o o ne gave him o nly eig hth o verall, H ya tt didn 't fare so well at the beginning of rnoto two as he ga ted sevent h , but muscled his way up to third a t the finish which was good eno ugh . for th e overa ll win . Gre er fin ished an eye blink beh ind H yatt , CN earn ing secon d overal l. (9). SATU RD AY: I. Bast (15); 2. Sisemore (12); 3. Oc hoa (I I); 4. Martin ( I I); 5. H edd en ( 10). SU PPO RT FRIDAY: 1. Ted Scr ug gs (Wes); 2. Pete Marcu cci (jaw ): 3. G lenn Moo re (Ja w); 4. Derek Co le (Wes). SATUR DAY: I. Cra ig Eist in s (Wrs) ; 2. Mart y Mat th ews (jaw ); 3. Gl enn Moore (J aw ); 4. Dou g Mig na no (Wes). W alston wins Pro Sport Motocross By Barba ra an d Loren Williams WYTHEVILLE, V JULY 14 A, ro Sport MX Park hosted the Mark IV Honda-Su zuki-Y am ahaKawasaki Virginia Sta te Champi onship, drawing 282 riders from a ll over the Southeast and O hio to co mpe te for a guaranteed pro purse of $ 1200, p lus conti ng enci es from Scott, Pa rts Un li mited and Tucker Rocky Distri bu tors. Lee Wa lsto n took hom e the largest ch unk of the 250cc Pro P Resul ts 50: I. J ason Baulr (Ya m); 2. Mark Berge n (Yam ): 3, J oshua Wood (Yam); 'i . Ch ad Hampton (Ya m): 5, J im my HenSC'1 (Yam ). 65 7· 11: I. James Ga rreu j r. (Ka w) ; 2. Joshua Wood ( Ka w): 3. j osh See n (Kaw); ·1. J ohoa Su mm ey ( Ka w ): 5. Ran d y Roach (Ka w). J R MINI 7· 11: I. J on Boruff (Suz]: 2. Paul j ustus ( Kaw): 3. J am es C arreu (Kaw ]: 4. J osh Sco tt (SUI); 5. J ason Welshan ( K3W ), SR MIN I: I. Sha wn Schultz (Ka w)'; 2. ScOIl G raves (Kaw): j. Sha ne Berryhi ll ( Ha n); 4. Cage Fortson (Su z): 5. Michael Hodges ( Kaw ). SCH B\': J. Tres Bru ce (Kaw ); 2. Patri ck Ge n e (H a n); 3. James Sma llwood (Suz): 4. Kevin :vf i ll .'i (H a n); 5. Paige Hillia rd (H an ). EN D R: 1. C had Mu llins (Ya m); 2. Mark Thom pso n (Stu); 3. Ern est War d (Ka w). 125 A : 1. Mike Bro wn (H o n) ; 2. Ji m Che ster (5Ul ); 3. Lee Wahton (Ya m): 4. Shane T empleton (Su z]: 5. Manul Arnold ( Ka w ). 125 B: I. Stevy Hva u (Kaw); 2. Pa trick Gr eer {Hon ): 3. T im Hodock (H a n); 4. Mike Nu tter ( Kaw): 5. Harold Coga r (Kaw). 125 C: I. Soon Moore (Hon ); 2. Michael Poor e (Yam ); g. Chad Newt on (Suz); 4. Les lie Belcher (Hon ); 5. Ja son Rankin (Ya m ). 125 NON-CU R R: I. Shawn Sch u ltz (Kaw); 2. J ell Wib.on (Ka w]: g. Ro bb y Rh oa d s (H a n ); 4. R icha rd Bish op (Yam); 5. Mich ael Arr ington . 250 A: I. Lee Wal ston (Yam); 2. Bill y Cox (Suz): j ; Jim Chester (Suz]; '1. Sha ne Tem p leto n (Suz); 5. Rock Wood (SUl). 250 B: 1. Ed ward Sa nt uk (H a n); 2. Mike Nutter (Kaw); 3. Do ug Mohr (Kaw); 4. J a y H ay", (H o n); 5. J ohn Sharpe (Hon). 250 C: l. Sem i Moo re (He n}; 2. Lee Williams (Ya m) ; 3. Clint P ilgrim (Ka w) : 4. Kenn eth Bailey (H u n); 5. Don Cri sp (H on). 250 NON-CURR: l. Deway ne Fender (Yam); 2. Benson Metca lf (Han ); 3. e M. Munsey (Han) ; 4. Gerriu Haynes (Ho n). . 25+ A: l. Ron Jo nes (Suz): 2. Rock Wood (Suz): 3. Jay H auser (Ho n); 4. Barry Nel son (Hon); 5. La rry Harriso n (Su r). 25+ B: l. Edward Santu k (Ho n ); 2. A.C. Bru ce (Kaw ): 3. Bobby Gi lbert (Kaw); 4. Doog Moh r (Kaw); 5. T im mi e Bowma n (SU7.). 25+ C: I. Barry Harvey (So,) ; 2. Chris Ro se (Kaw); 3. Mark Thompson (Suz); 4. Scott R un ion (Ka w ]: 5. Marc Cleveland (H a n ). 30. A: I. Ro n jones (S UI ); 2. Larry" Harrison (SOl ). 30+ B: I. Alle n Lunsford (H o n) ; 2. A.C. Bruce (Kaw); 3. Denn is Sca lf (Kaw); 4. Ja ck Ph ill ips (Suz]: 5. j erry Hrhrl (Hon). 30+ C: I. Chris Rash ( Ka w); 2. Wa yne Nix (Yam ); 3. Jay Lan kford (Ya m); 4. Rick Cooper ( Kaw); 5. JeH Lane (Suz). 40+: I. John Gi hso n (H a n ); 2. jack Phillips (Su z); 3. Ken Jor dan (H o n); 4. Howard Benn ett (Suz): 5. Ted Fields (Yam ). U/L AM: I. J ay H ayes (Ha n ); 2. Mike Nutter (Kaw); 3. Joh n Urho n « Kaw); 4. Ra nd y Wom ack (Kaw); 5. Mikr Edwards (Ka w) . 4-ST R K: I. Jeff Lane (SOl) ; 2. Geo rge Ga llowa y (Ho n). OPEN AM: I. Ch ris Shoruidg e (Kaw); 2. Ja y Ha user (H e n ): 3. Ra y Boruff (H e n ): 1. David Farris (KT M); 5. Marc Clevela nd (Ho n ). Lusk dominates CarolinaStadiumMX By Davey Coombs CHARLOTIE, NC, jULY2-3 ifteen-year old Ezra Lu sk answere d some lofty ex pec ta tions when he cleaned up at the sta diu m mot ocross portion of Charlotte MOlOr Speedway's J uly 4th Mot ocycle Wee k. T he Suzu ki- mou nted L us k, fro m Bainridge, Geor gia , has been du bbed th e. next Dam on Brad shaw by man y sou theastern racing fans. He did nothing to damage th at repu tat ion in Damon's hom etown, winning all four A clas s even ts that he ente red over th e co urse of two days. Tuesday was the first day of racing on the inf ield of one of America's most p restigious mo tor rac ing facili ties. L usk do minated the action wi th a fOUTmoto sweep. Kirk Johnso n was the ru nner- up in the 250cc A class , wh ile William Wilso n trail ed in the qua rterli ter group. The o nly o ther two-race win ner in Tuesday 's amateur pro gram was Robbi e H or ton .: Hort on top ped fell o w T eam G reen rid er Ro bbie Skaggs to earn the 85cc (12-13) class win an d then battled back Ma keha Hoyl e. The field was stacked against Lusk in Wedn esday's Pro-Am co mpeti tio n, which was open 10 all expe rt-rated riders. In the 125cc race Lu sk hol esh o t everyo ne and qu ickly o pened a lead o n h is Scott/ lOO% PJI/FMF/CTil R&: DI MS Racin g-backed Suzuki. Nin eteenyear old Ji m Ches ter, Todd Benn ick and Mike Andrews a ll gave chas e, but L us k had too mu ch speed 10 be Benn ick, C hester, cha llenged . Andrews and Ha nk Moree rou nded o ut the top five in the first heat. Lu sk was again o u t front early in the seco nd I25cc race but th is time J eff Glass and Todd DeHoop were shado wing. Both G lass and DeHoop su ffered through mediocre opening rn o to s and hoped to challenge Lu sk for at least second rno to ho nors. But in the end DeH oo p inju red hi mse lf wh en he lan ded short o n the in field tri ples a nd coas ted ho me in l l rh pl ace. Glass backed off of Lusk 's pa ce and settled for secon d ahea d of Andrews , whose . 4-2 was good for second overall beh ind Lusk' s perfect tall y. Ch ester was th ird o vera ll with a 3-4 record . As th e o pen ing 250cc Pro -Am race ' blasted into an immediate lead and never looked back, Del-loop, sixt h at th e end of the first half-m ile lon g lap and fourth after three laps, stayed behind Chester and Andrews unti l the F

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