Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 07 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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l3uik Shop M~CHELIN MOTORCYCLE RADIALS ••• SIX TIME WORLD CHAMPION DUCATI DUCATI DUCATI 1985·1986·1987·1988·1989·1990 Michelin Race W innin g Radial Technology Is Ava il able To You W ith Our Proven Produ ction Racing TX1 1ITX23 Hi·Sport"'Radia ls and Our Cha mp ions hip W inn ing Michelin Radial Road Racing Tires MARVIC Wheels (All Bikes) Con ti Exhaust Systems $113,875.00 BIB BUCK S ContinCenc:y Certificates For 1991 can or write for more information Carburetors Tools (ll;O~~"i~:~O)~ 1I e t High Performance Street and Rac ing Kits . Carbon Fibre Rac ing Parts: Tlnks, Fairings etc. Original Parts / Se rvice . 160 Se a Cliff Ave .. Glen Cove. NY 1'542 (51 61 674·3319 FAX (51 61 674- 4 0"1 H_ WDtA ....... Chi I plr. 1\ s.tes AIlA/CCS Pro-Am . .......1Chl .pll • •hlp. MICHELI BECA USE 50 MUCH 15 RIDING ON YOU R n RE51' Southeast. Mid At lant ic, Northeast M idwest. Southwest Regions Michelin TireCorporation Cycle Dept., P.O. Box 19001, Greenville, SC 29602·9001 (8031 458·6053 t'lUUIia.SUZUKI. PARTS & ACCESSORIES Scott USA Oa kley Dun lop Answer Rac in g Tsubaki NGK Ball RACERS DISCO UNT Ord-. hoce• .-d Dan, D••lers-R e Sho~Acc •••o r l•• Store Cal. fo r W hol. . .le OI!M Perb VISA• M..le ~ H &'" P"' ;" .Jq~ '" ,vi " ,.. .. - - (305) oIU-6969-----J For q.aU moto/tYCl. apparel · ly ooll, Gloves. Cold Weath.r Clothing. Jackets. Fast un. B Pants- lor both men and women. Plus Custom luthe~ std. sl",d R.ady to Rae. on.·pi. .. and Canyon Kingtwo-piece suits. Most l1 ems in stock ready FREDETTE RAC ING PRODUCTS KDX & KX SPECIALISTS anda new lin. 'or yo. 10tryonandbuy. SendSJ' o' complet. catalog. Open T·F 10 '06. Sat. 10 10 3 I DI·D ~ •. ••• 1J1.15 ltI ICrtI •• • ••• , U ll.1i 111..15 KDX SpmIn Rt,.., td •• • 124._ .... ... IiI ..... f Uf P!pn 115". KOX POtb/lI • • • • • • • •• • t'''• Kill • • • . tll". ~ ~ 18" KIl'",-_ ........... a' eo.wm.on (2131.35 6551. 660 W 161h 51.. Long B. ac h. CA. UPS Ollily . CMI IN Writ e FIN CetMtJg 8123 West 189m Street. Mok enll . IL 10448 N long 6uch FWV (7tOI & Pacitic Coast Hwy. r. -- G. Gary E. Emig R. Racin g RM " Factory Perform ance for the Pri vet eer " RACE MOD IFICATIONS Suspension I Motors Pipes I Etc. (71 4) 783-7570 US Call (81 61461 -72 2 3 Western US Call Ill inois Eastern PORTING TOOLS PAY OFFI!! Pol ish ing Any Motorcycle . ATV or Watercraft Dr ive M ot ors / 9Ct & St ra ight Handpieces Long Carbide / Sandpape r Rolls & More S.nd $1 .00 for C.t.'og ~~Ac!!S NEW PARTS lor OLD DIRTBIKES =' r , ", o ' O' C 1' e l ' ' . 0 0 u e 1 1o _ _ Moron:ycle & J.t Ski Producrs '1lynorro,... T....d" Com.... Shock . FoR RIVIIving. ShoftI. SooIt. Spring~ - . Una. Shima. ote. In Stock. fOCIllIy Au1Iloriad DooIor · 15 V . E.q>orience! . ATK Sa les' _ A..... 2121 H0n0iuiu Ave •• Montro.. CA 9 1020 (S I 81 2 48·8IKE ~ ERIC'S MOTORacu: co. ~... ~ C ~PETr.xr IT IO~ # 1 IN PERFORMANCE FAX: 704·482.5180 ~used lJ>s~ rJ9"'~ MOJO GUZZI CLASSICS 213-9_79 Buyond SBlIIJs8d 81m WI D E OPE N RAC I N G ~FAL- Cycle Supply fNGlf« PfAfOFlMAllC( • SUSPENSION • RAt( PlVJf:N PAOOI.CTS f UlllOPf"S lEST SL CtfTf POW£Jl PlP£S" MUFn[RS [ N uu, fIIO.SlIP SE ATS. 1. .1 I4£lP V. .... "World's urgest Supplier 01 Cycl8 Products!· "/.aJ.l W '"'t- y_ e... ~;,t. " om" 0J:zy" Osl~mMl , lon'nIr laclorY Call or Write for FREE Catalog .=Il'-=,.. ~:c~n~ tilt . W:: 889W.MlII St., San Bern., CA 92410 (1051 m-ZZU • fa (1051 Z5W135 Z3II3 .... Cult • Vallildl • CA • 11m - ~-~--" " ' O' ''' A N C I ~~ ,IouthorlzfId OfIaler 2370 Walnut Ave. long Beach, CA 90806 ~ - - ----- ~ (818) 449·ERlC PHONE: 704-482·5169 Dealer Inquiries Invited RSCHEIl COMPETITION CY CLE (412) 586-7383 ' UPS Dally Oh lin. & Wh ita Powar Experts S uapenaion·Poning -Heliarc Welding Prec ision Boring-Machine Shop 1361 E. Walnut St ., p.iadena , CA 91106 • Complete Lme 01 Sea t Covers and Decals! • Ou r Own S IC Two Stroke Pre-Mill Racmg 0 1 11 • P IpeS For All Bikes & BIC Pipe Dent Remover! Mike's Cyc le Supply B.R. LA 504-355-4525 1-800-367·5209 Parts Stocked Fo r A ll Her c ules. 100cc·350cc Pen ton /Sachs 6&7 Speeds Plus Hodaka. Rickman and Old Hu skys READY rDR LEfTOVERS 1 l:.EAT SAVINl:S ON NEW ll1l1O IITM, ATll, HUSKY. CAU r OR PRI CES. • Specia lize in PanIng. SUsPens ion. Modifica tions I C.C. SPECIALTY 6036 CC Lane Lawrenceburg. TN 38464 6 t 5 -762 -6 995 Tools And Now . The F. nu atic ~ t:\fffi'0lP1 New Swedish-Bu ilt ~ To Gat On Our MaIlIng Uat and Receive. FREE DECA L All Equipmen l Needed for Porting and o( Paning MAlCO DUCAU Husqvarn a NEED PARTS1 UPS DAilY (8 15 ) 469·4011 # 1 US @I ~ CAG'6VA 714-889-2761 , ..... ,... LEARN FROM TH;,#E ~:~~~:::;. ""'l ~' MOTOCROSS . , J!,..,~,.".. PROFESSOR OF . c.n or Write For Info On An School, ond Schedul., Tr. ining VKleol. TiPI .. Techniques Bane fici.1 For All Off RoadRida..' P.O. &ox130 a Axton. VA 24054-0130 ....,;;;,;;;;;-.,, 11031650-3030 or FAX 1 7031650-2t 20 M f ~! a Computer FlowBenchPorting a Cylinder Sleeve Installation • AllMakes / Lo Cost w ;.:,: " • ' Koup 's 189N. Harri sburg , Street ,1<", nil llarrisburg, Oberlin. PA irna ' _$ rvu (717)939-7182 F""Cata1oK Helmet Service BEll H ElMETS · _ YOII .. _ _ dloir ~ ..-_ Oopl. '!hoy........ 801 _ live,... . . thoy're.... _ . !hoy .. not ID ID dorepoims. Free "-""" and price _ Col Oopl. _ 8 u n. and 5 p.m.. M.... Fri. 12131 921·9451 e.-- _ rJIEI:IIIIIIIj DEALER ~ IN QUI RIES UEIlBi/;.EB o IN VITED. (714) 588· 1077 FAX (714) 588·6350 25721 Obrero Dnve. Unrt F. M,ss",n V"jo. CA 92691 47

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