Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 07 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Team Pepsi-Suzuki Poster Wanted To Buy 19B7 Beta TR34 M otor fo r Honda VF1000R. Speed equipment for (327-28) sam e. (7 13) 4 96- 12 11. TX. Tubeless Michelin s 51 100 or trade for XR 2 50 or 350. (216)543 -50 34 . OH. (32 7-2 8) TZ750 RC-30. NEW $13.500 FIRM . HONDA OF RA LEIGH. NC. 80b 81 evin s (91 9) 82 1-70 70. (226-29) Lots of spares . Fresh cra nk.. New paint. Two sets (327-2 8) of pipes . (303) 697- 515 9. CO. 1990 Ducati 750 Sport Fast. beautiful and f ull sort ed, Dell 'orto carbs, Verlicch i pipe. Corbi n seat, f ull set soh lugga ge, shop manual and more . A bike with a history . $5995/obo. (818) 24 2-77 37 even ings and weekends . CA. (3 27- 28 ) Parting '91 Suzuki Bandit Also '88 600 Katana and '88 250 Nin ja . Please leave message . (40 5) 842-6177. OK. (3 27- 28 ) RZ500 8UELL RA CING CHAM8ERS. carbon fi ber tip s. like new . $500/ 000. M ark (4 12) 561 -5922 days. PA. (125-28 ) Wanted : Trackmaster Frame For 650 Yamaha. or complete bik e. evenings (708) (326-29) 42 9 -41 97 .IL 19B4XR-1000 1()()% or igi nal . absolutely immaculate. 750 miles. titled, April '89 no flaws. $11 .800. (818) 705 -6813. Parting Out 1989 ZX-7 CA. (326-28) Ask fo r Dave. Days (800) 33 6-68 34 . eves. (609) 429 -4252. NJ . (327-28) Set-up by M uzzy. Fox shock , fork spri ngs. Pert er mance Machine brakes . Perfect condit ion. never raced. $15 .000/obo. Days (213) 594 -4794 . eves. (2 13) 4 33 -4 13 5. CA. (32 6- 29 ) Mazzaferro Husqvarnas 1986 RS600 HONDA. KNIGHT FRA ME. M uzzy head. fresh motor. 500 cylinder. (206)446 -7 725. WA. . (127- 28 ) 1991 's availa ble immadiately. UPS daily . (800) 397-7250. CA. (208 /TFN) Suzuki RG500 Gamma Buy -Sell -Trade. Performance items, new pans and accessor ies. LANCE GAM MA. 80x 481 . Yucaipa . (32 7-2 9) CA 92 39 9. (714)794-9644. CA . KZl000R '8 2 or '8 3. (8 18) 76 3-0600 days. (213) 275 -0188 eves. Tad. CA. (324 -03) 19 90 CR500. Noleen fork s. Jones shock. Metzeler tires, excelle nt con dition, w el l maintained. 52800/ (32 8) obo. (81 8) 88 3 -7875. leave mesage. CA. ' 8 5 Honda XL350 New engine. low miles. $1200/ 000. (213) 42 5 8487. CA . _ (128 -29) ' 8 6 CR250 Parts Have most parts. forks . shock. radials, fr ont brake assembly, pipe. engine. Call for prices. (408 ) 66351 72 . CA. (127-28) Frame &. title. Al so gas tan k. upper front fairi ng . Robin so n. (7 18) 726 - 4764. leave m es sag e. NY. (32 7-28 ) Honda CBX 1979 1 red. 1 silve r. $3700 each . 1616) 957 -5144. MI. (32 5-28) Neon Zip Ties 1991 Ducati 888 HD 500 DIRT TRACKER. V ERY FRESH. very f ast. big valves. 44mm MIK carb o New Works Performan ce shocks. mu st sell . $4500/000. Tom (2 15) 566-5562. PA. (227- 30 / P) YA M AHA RZ500 PARTS. frame. f orks. sw ingarm . shock and st ock pipes . Best Offer. must sell . (327- 28) Greg (609) 345 -8 132 nights. NJ . 19 91 Ducati 900SS $9500/ obo.(70 7) 426-1677. CA. (32 5-281 Wanted New Suzuki Spares Price Reduced: '89 Honda RS250R Fed up w ith raci ng street bikes? Experie nce racing at its best! Own a race ready Honda RS2S0R. Gain the edgel Race wi t h t he best. Join t he grow ing n umb er of racers swi tchi ng to Lightweight GP. Raced cntv .one season . Excell ent cond it ion . Very fast. Many spares...sprocket kit. gear kit. heads, pistons. cra nk. wh eels. rain t ires...on ly a panial list. Call Jay . A sking $84 99 .(2 12) 3 66·9203. NY. (326-28/ P) Big & Tall Motorcycle Apparel Hot. Hot colors . Neon yellow. neon green, blue, red, white, 8 inch neons 56 per 100, ot her $S per 100. Plus $2 shipping and hand ling per f irst 100. Dealers wanted. Buzz Pr itz , 40 23 North Oakley. Chicago. IL 6061 8. (312) 539 -1253. FAX (312 ) (3 26- 29) . 539-1620. IL. DONELSON CYCLES. St . Loui s. M O. 1314) 4271204. (326-2 8) 1991 ATK's Low, low prices. 406 cro ss count ry, 250 MX. w ill deliver. TJ 's CYCLE. Aus ti n. TX. (512 )453-62 55. (22 4/TFN) HI-DOLLA R 8RIDGESTONE MTB . excel. extras. cons ider t rade, sale ' 87 KTM 350, 500, Hus 430, '88 Hon 500. anyti me (40 81296 -6563. CA. (125 -28) In stock now , T-shirts, J erseys; XXXL Pant s 44 • . boots 14. Gloves. belts, hel mets ; XXL Custom lettering. Visa. UPS. C/ M CYCLE 1619) 352 -28 30 . (227-31) CA. YZ Sale '9 1 VZ250. Race Tech suspensi on. Bill's pipes. many extras , also '90 Yl125 . w ife's bike, both excelle nt cond ition and low hours. $2900 for 250, $2100 for 12 5. (21 3) 68 1-8706 days. (7 14) 592 8765 eveni ngs. CA. (32 5 & 28) FXRT Fairing, FXR Forkbrace FXRT fairing 4 gauges . $300. (2 13) 450 -85 71 . CA . (126 -28) 1990 Ducati 888 Superbike Fres h FBF race engin e equipped, carbon solo sea t. #1 CCS S.E. reg ion . must sell . Day (703) 550-8800. (326-28) eves . (70 3) 6BO-5557. VA . r-------------------------------------------------, i WAN BLANK TAD _ __ . . Cycle New s, P.O , Box 498. Long Beach, CA 90801 -0498 2 13/427-7433 24 Hr. FAX 0r!~!-~~~2:.?::~ WANT AD RATES Prices A re For One Issue O n ly Run my ad in th e followi ng special sectio n: _ _ Help Wantad _ _ Bu. ine.. Opportunit ies _ _ Co llectors(1974 or old ar) _ _ General Merchand i.. Black and While Photos. No color slides lOne phot o per ad - Pri nted image size lim ited to 1 1 /2 ~ hi gh. 2 1 / 4" wide) COMMERC IAL/ HELP W ANTED Pe r w o rd $1 .20 Headline i n bold t y pe •• • • • • • • • : S11 extr a Bl ind Box Service C har g e • • • • • • • • • $ 6 .0 0 Photo (no larger than 5x7) • • • • • $17 extra PR IVATE PARTY Per Word • • • ••• • • •• • • • ••• •••••• •• $.50 Headl ine in bold type ••• •• • • • •• • $5 e x tra Photo (no larger than 5x7) • • ••• $1 0 e xtra PHOTO S RETURNED ONLY WITH SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE ! WANT AD DEADLINE _ FRIDAY 12 NOON for next w eek's issue. No cancellations after deadli ne. Ads are accepted on a first come fi rst serve basis . Cycle News reserves th e right to edit /abbre viate copy & bold headlines. Any di screpancie s must be reported w it h in one w eek 01 pu blication to recei ve any _- I -=- - .~ - _ ~______ _ Please run my ad in City A dd ress # of issues. PRINT BOLD HEADLINE HERE Zip State (Leave spa ces) Want Ad minimum $ 5 .00 • Bold headlines do not count towards want ad word count. - - -- _ -1. 2 --' _ ----, 3 4 --" 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 _ - 16 17 18 19 20 21 B 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 31 34 3~ 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 ( - 14 22 L 9 15 4 Expen Nat iona l level caliber equipment. expertly maintained by Shell Racing . fresh motor , ready to race. $4500/000. (714) 768-0822. CA. (128- 29 ) Ducati: Brand new 1988 851 , red. w hite & green race bike w ith slicks . In stock. availabl e for worldwide del ivery . GHOST MOTORCYCLES. largest Ducati dealer in U.S.. Pt. Washington. NY. (516) 883 5300; FAX (5 16 ) 767 -3632. (32 8) '90 Hon CR250 - '88 Yam YZ250 Both have Race Tech, Pro Cir cuit and move. Raced and mainta in ed by seni or rider . Hond a, 52500; Yamaha . $1200. (6 191943 -8 260 . CA. (3 28- 29) We Love 4-Stroke Twins!! EX500 GSSooE Hawk s Ducat is etc. - Now form ing SUPER TWINS Own ers gr oup. Free inf o and st ickers w it h SASE. SUPERTWINS. P.O. 80x 9625. Ven ice. CA 90295. EX500 Racebike and pans and tec h and charm . Eddie (213) 396-3280. CA. (12 1-30 ) Collectable Factory Yamaha XY750 factory colors . Dell 'Ort c carbs, very fast. all complete. $4700/obo or tr ade. (5131 832 -0694. OH. (3 27 -2 8 ) Rotax 600 Ross Frame I _ Name 4 Wood Rotax 600 Fresh motor, new paint . Big valves and exhaust. very clean and fast . $4500/obo. (513) 832 -0694. (327 -2 8) OH. _ Expiration Date XLR RACE MOTO R AN D/O R PARTS. Cam cover and cy li nder head s need ed. LANCE W ElL AKA RICKEY RACER. Contact Fiona at (213)461-8238. CA . . 1228/ EOI) _ Fill in the Visa/Master Charge blank or send check or money order to Cycle News at above addres s. Signa ture Ducati Laguna Seca Racer Montju ich spec engi ne , Verlicch i TI2 frame and swi ngarm , 31 0 mm Kosman disks, Ohl ins shock . 17" wh eels. M ikuni carbs . $5500. (4 15) 455-9514 evenings. CA. (32 7- 281 I adjustment. CREDIT CARD LIM IT MI NIMU M $5 .00 PLUS .5OCPOSTAGE A ND HAN DLING. T2D.T250.T500. GT5OD.GT750. GS750. GS1 000 and GSX l l00. Any amou nt considarad. ALL EN' S MO TORCYCLES. 24 A Sh ear ing Hill. Ged l ing . Nott ing ham . England . Tel. 0602 -6159 15 or FAX 0602 -401 631 . (3 27 -28) Trade '83 GS Yosh Superbike Street legal, cherry 18.000 miles one race . '8 3 restored lat e '90 load ed corvene silver fox, st age II cam s, M etzeler , race headers , plus t our line black leath ers . Ara i helmet tr ade for 2 late model dirt bikes prefer KTM. RM X. RM. Husky. Suzu ki; fa st in twist ies. but gr eat str eet bike . showbike qual ity. Will meet half w ay. (606) 436-3225. KY. 1 26- 29 ) 3 1 1 111 1 11111111111 1 Print name. add,e" a nd ad copy cle an y . - 1990 Ducati 888 SP2 #294. like new. title in NC. 1400km. (413) 429 9615. MA . (127- 28 ) WANTED: STRAIGHT TITLED FRAMES for '8 6 GSXRll00. and '90 lX7. (609) 596-971 8 leave message. NJ . (32 7- 281 XR-7 50 HARLEY KNIGHT 8RA ND NEW. ready to race . best of everything. (70 8) 246-4971 . IL (328- 2 9) Needs min or cosmetics. 1700 mi les, $6oo%bo. (6 16 ) 4 55 -2 812. MI . (3 25-28 ) (127-2 9 ) 1990 RC30 19B9 KTM 250 E/XC Ducati 900SS 1977 Wanted: '87-90 CBR600 Wtd: '82-83 KZ1000R Eddie Lawsaon Rep lica Brand new. no miles, f ull Honda warranty. Call LOW ELL HONDA KAW A SAKI. Chelmsford. MA. (508)25 1-4440. (12 7 -28) Low hours, like new, many ext ras, $2200. (408) 636-8028. CA. (125- 29) 1989 SUZUKI GSXR750 FRONT END. comp let e $62 5/000. BOmm Honda Hawk pistons $175. (50 8) (328- 29) 56 2-7610 aft er 6pm EST. MA. FOR SALE 1990 KTM 300 MX ·er. excellent condition. many extra pans. $2300/000. 1 151 8 (3 27 -28 ) 232 -3822 Of (815) 443-2629. IL Pay top price. IBOO) 833-3778. CA. Wanted: Weslake Engine Single OH cam . Mark 1.2 or 3. long rod preferred. (127-281 Contact Dan at (408) 659 -0 329. CA. Wanted: Eddie Lawson Repl ica * Honda CR500 * Clean * 1991 Kawasaki ZXR750R M otorcycle Road Racer Illustrated pro mot ional poster feat uri ng 1988 Team Pepsi-Suzuki. 17 " x 22" full colo r post er. li mited quantity. send $2 .00 for posta ge to: Cycle News Product s. P.O. 80x 49 8. Long 8each. CA 90801. (526 -29) Cycle Ne.s Is not ........nslble for . .... phone n........... or copy. Ant- Code/Ph-. No. Phone . eoun.... one Astralite Race wh eel s easy to buy, easy to service. U.S. Impo rters. SLAT ER 8ROS . P.O. 80x 1. 'Mice. WA 99023. Tel. (5091924-5131 . FAX (509) 928 -09 18. (228) ***Parting Out*** FZR600 . FZ600 -700. ZX10. ZX7. ZX600. EX5OD. V F50 0 , C8R600/1000. GS XR750. GSXll00 . EX250R. VX25 0. D&M SPORT8IKE, (219) 4836833. IN. (216/EOI) Sprockets 55 WQ.d ------------------------- Four-Stroke Sing les NATIONAL OWNERS CLU8 . lf you own a Thumper. you sho u ld join in on t he fun l FREE r-smn. new sl ett ers, decal. Send 520 w ith sh in size to : J ack Robins on . FSSNOC. P.O. 8 0x 1804. Hutc hi n (1 16 -34/ EOI/ P) son. KS. 67504-1804. J Current and early years, Din and Str eet. Europea n and Japanese. MIKE 'S CYCLE SUPPLY. Baton (202ITFN/ EOI) Rouge. LA. (800) 367 -5 209.

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