Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 07 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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BuikShop 1971 Yamaha XS1 B 650 Orig inal paint and chrome. second owner, r uns pe rfect . $750. (21 6) 543 ·5034 . OH. (327 · 28 / C) 1964 Honda CA77305 Dream Unr esto red. excellent running. all original except hand lebars. $500. (216) 543·5034. OH. (327 · 28/ C) V INTAGE M X BIKE SA LE: 30 Bikes. AJS . Bulteco. Husky. Kaw asaki. Rickman. OKW and more. (60219 67 ·3386. />L (127- 30 /C) cz. Laverdas Wanted Dead or A live. (509) 924·5131 . Fax: (509) 928091B. W A . (209 /TFN / C) Steamboat Springs Vintage bike w eek t ransport at ion available by enclosed carrier. Leave north er Californi a 9 / 6 . retu rn 9 /16 . Tria ls. M lC,RR. (2091 B32·5387. CA. (327-28 / C) SLnstor rnalcas !he"lg1test otf-rood sprockets .... !he wor1d' . Mode wtlh orcratl oIl.YrbJm ald !he Ialest deIoelopmellt .... press tec:l'llOlogy 1hat reckJces weight wt!hout Iosng sITeng1tl. /UN9Tt..~ ~ 307 Hi -P er for mance Parts & Services for J apanese & Du ra ti Su per h ikes Specia l Vintage Racin g Pa rts U PS Q vern ig tu Deli ver y Ava ilab le 1974 Ex-Works BM W 750GP Formu la O n e. sponso red by BM W fact ory and Butl er and Smith. Featured in numer ous books and maga zine s (see centerf old of MOTORAD. A ugu st 197 4). Ridden by many famous r iders. Enti rel y han dbu ilt. onl y on e of two, Rob North Frame. magn esium and t itani um used exte n sivel y. A hi stor ica l museum qual ity racer sol d as is . $ 19 . 500 or BO . m us t se ll imm edi ately, make off er. 197 2 Ex-works BMW 750GP Formu la On e also sponso red by BMW fact ory and Butl er and Sm it h. Entirel y han dbuitt for Isle of M an. Daytona and lmola . Fon tan a. Cerient, and all the good ies . featured in numerous publicat ions. A h isto rical m useu m quality machine sold as is . $1 7.500 or BO. must sell im mediately. make Qffer . Substa ntial discount for imm ediate serious cash offers. Deliv ery no problem . Call (60 3) 89 8-6446 . NH. (32Q-32/ C/ PI ARIAS . MEG ACYCLE . MIK UN I KEIH IN CR = 1&11 S. Easto n Rd.. Will uw G rove. PA 19090 T EL (215) 657-1276 FAX (215) 657-3832 .~ . PIPE PROTECTORS t.Ioro. WahJt. CA 9 1719 YAMAHA Full Mach in e S ho p . Chassis Prep Classic Racers For Sale ~ HONDa.. High way 24 West Qu incy . MO 634 71 *CR / VZ Parts of Complete Stock *Shipped UPS Daily Parts/Accessories Fox * Boring & Machine5elvices MSNer · Gaeme Thor * Racer Discounts Bel-R ay Beli Shoei The S. nzM Br os " PIPE SKID " DIAL 1-800-255-9648 Avalable . 1 your de.l.r Dealers please call : .'MM .... (71& SSl-14C2 . B.nni Bros Racing . THE MORE YOU KNOW THE BE I I ER IT GETS 1972 HUSKY 400WR GOOD WHEELS . no seet, tank. fenders. fair fra me. eng in e has compress ion . (128 / CI Best offer . (7 14) 492-2 170 eves. CA. For Sale Racer Project Honda CBn 1964 red . $700. Suzuki X6 $1000. 1968 for vintage road racer Honda . CB400F 1975 $700. also many pans avail able new and old . CBl 60 Yosh im ura cam pi sto n new $150 . CBl60 basket $100. Sm ith Taco f or gold star H-D KR $100. Tomaselli clip on and bar CR750 Honda 1970. (81 BI 365-0916. CA. (32 8/C I MOTORCYCLE SAFETYFOUNDATiON 7 2 C24OO.extra s. $89 5 . '75 C2400 Falta $1095. Wan ted : nice '74 C24OO. Cl ay (50 3) 393 -B979. OR. (3 2B/C) HORSEPOWER BY For The Motorcycle RlderCourse Nearest 'tbu . . .Call Toll Free: MOSSBARGER RACING 800-447-4700 Reed V.I'llts. R.cingEq lripment Eng Wo....for fbci •• 2-Strolln ill ~J'ln"""'''''''--' . . . . . . twr=' .a,;_-;,,;:... Dealer Rental Center ATV . Karts. MX (513) 642-202 7 Available Now l MICHELIN ~ Rebu ilt Race Va n - ' 67 Chevy Custom pai nt . new motor. new ra diato r . new spring s. new brakes. pane lled . two beds. C8 and AM /FM cassette. 40 gall on gas tank and trailer hitch. $IOOO/0b0 . (61 8) 68 4 -5 196 . IL (1 28 / C/ P) 1975360 BULTA CO PURSANG . orig inal. almost new . $600 firm . (216)722 -52 27. OH. (12 B/ C) Wanted: Vintage Maicos Private collector wa nts to buy 125 and 50 1 Ma icos, running or not . Prefer west coast area . A lso buyi ng earty 70's deal er item s. signs. decals. poster. etc .. relat ed to M aicos. I'm also bu yi ng 7 5. 7 6. 77 AW plast ic fend ers. ai r boxes. side panels in red . yell ow and white. Prefer Falk brand. (503) 382 7508. OR. (327 -2 8 /C ) Private Collection 19n MV Agu sta 850SS. 197 4 Laver da 750SFC. 19n Ducati 9OOSS. 19 58 BSA Goldstar ctubman, 1970 Ducat i 4 SOJ upit er. A ll bikes are show qu al ity restoration s. A lso 1991 Harl ey Davidso n Stu rgis. Brand New l Ofiers or tr ades fo r spo rt scar s. (32 B-33 /CI M ich ael (50819 99- 6000. MA. VINTAGE M OTO· X BIKE. Classic 197 3 Penton 175cc Jackpin er . Looks good . runs better. Or ig in al owner. $399 / 0bo. Days (21 3) 982·5989. eves. & (328 / CI w eekends (2 1314 20 -4 731. CA. Older Ducatis 197 B 900 GTS. 190 900SS (bl ack & &80Id). ) 9B2 600 Pe nte h. 19 n 9OOSS. 1974 75 GT. Al so si ngle cyl ind er models. A ll in stock. avai lable for im mediate worldwide deli very . GHOST MO TOR· CYCLE S. large st Duc at i d ea ler in U.S.. PtWashington. NY. (5 16 ) 883-5300; FAX (516), 76 7-36 32 . (328 / C) 1969 HUSKY 400 $995. '73 Ossa SDR $995. '74 AJ S 4 10 $99 5. '7 3 Husky 125 $6 95 . '72 CZ 250 $550 . '72 C2 12 5 $595. '7 3 Rickman 250 $795. Montessa VR parts bike $400. 7 2450 Husky parts bika $200. '72 C2 frame $75 . Call Jeff (50 3) (328/C) 653 -2936. OR. 19 70 AM ERICA N EA GLE/ LA VERDA $89 5 . Rickma n Kaw asaki 1975 $29 50. 19B7 Honda Hurr ica ne. 4000 m ile s. mint $3900. (50 3) 287 8086. OR. (328 / CI W Over 150 e xc it ing motorcycle videos In stock. Supercross. motocross. road roeing. Bib mousse- Oesert-MX-Tri als U 5 Dist r ibutor flat trac k. instructi on- Starsport 0 1$ end more. 24111 J e ron imo Roed, EIT oro. CA 92630 FORDEALER INFORMATION (71 4) 770- 3477 CAll T ODAY! 1 -a~ CRA NI\ SHAFT RECONDITIONING FAX (71 4)499-5570 u ro pea n bike s, r oller bearing type P.e. Bol< 501 Soutnl.oguoo. CA 92677 J; STREET &: RACING. 2&:4 stro ke . f r om B~W to Zundopp , singles &: twi n s. o • Be tter t h a n ong ine l. BIIY V intage. O of Bier Enginnring i,.. 700 Chou A ve.• E ero"•. IL 60007 lk rol (708) 437-0671 . fax (708) ' J7- 0592 T\-\O BAOTl EI IS RACING ~ Honda Race Parts & Service • =- 714-632-8820 2890 VII Mlrtllll, Anl helm, cA 928015 11II -=- World's Best-Selling Line of Premium Quality .,... i:..~l

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