Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 07 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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WEHA Regio.el C'ship . ROld Rice Series Nonheast/Mid-Atlantic Region 811 0-11 8/17·18 8/23-25 8/31·911 9128·29 10112·13 Rockingham. NC Point. WV Long Pond. PA G_II•• 011 G_ttsvill•• 011 Summit Point. WV Summ~ Southeast Region 7120·21 811 0·11 8/23·25 8/31·911 911415 F.uIIMII•• GA Rockinghllm. NC Long Pond. PA Millington, TN F. ulkvill•• GA T.lladega. AL 9128·29 Rosamond. CA 9/ 21-22 Inf 715/ 842·9899 o AHRIIA-West C'ship ROl d Rice Series 8/31 Las V.g... 9/ 14 St•• mboat Spring.. 9/21 Portl.nd. 10120 . S.... Point. Info 415/ 829·6091 GI1IlllIn, MI l Sl Loui.. IL Long Po nd.PA G . _II•• 011 Gran.... MI C.nnont.IN 8/17·18 8123·25 8/ 31·9/ 1 917-8 10/5-6 9113 St•• mboat Spring.. CO Info 715/842·9899 AHRM AVintage Trials Series 8110 Toronto. 011 St•• mboat Spring.. CO 9/ 12 10/19·20 Whila City. IL Info 809/ 428-4387 EVMR Vintage Motocross Series Mid Central Region 8/ 3-4 8/ 17-18 T.llad. ga, A L l Sl Louit. M O Lana Pond. PA illinvton. TN M, A L 8123-25 8/ 31·911 9128·29 SoUth Central Region lI.ndarson, TX ColleII'Station. TX ColleII' Station. TX 8123·25 Long Pond. PA 8/31·9/1 M illington. TN 9114·15 CoileII' Station. TX 10112·13 lI.ndarson, TX Info803/881-WfRA 7120-21 8/ 3-4 8/24-24 IESC C'ship IIX Series 8/11 8118 8/25 9/1-2 9/8 . 9/ 15 Soutllwidr.MA Middlobonl, MA C. Viii..... CT Sout!Iwidr. MA Lawiston. M E Soutllwidr.MA M iddlobonl, MA 9/22 .C. y.... CT 7128 SouIhwidr. MA Mid......" MA SouIhwidr. MA Middlobonl, MA Middllboto. MA Middl.boro. MA 9/29 to/8 to/20 10/2 7 11/ 3 1111 0 Info413nn-0885 lETHA C'uip Eltluro Series· 7128 Ollford. MA 9/8 Wiodaor. MA Adams. MA 9122 9129 10120 11/3 W. G...-. III W Warran. MA . Statlord. CT MartlIorouth. CT 121 1 InIo 203/875-5757 lETHA C'sIIip Hire Scrl.bles Series F-..NY 8/4 Thom.-. CT 8/ 11 wmm. MA 8/ 18 Union. CT 8/25 Chnhira. MA 9/ 15 N. PIlIrsburg. NY 10/8 Fis!lo-. NY Info 203/875·5757 7121 lETHA Turkey Ru. Series _ ...n, ME W shington. MA . ~... MA llartonsvilla. VT 8125 G ardnor. MA 9/ 1 AIlanat ..... Nil . Swiftw. tar. Nil 9/ 8 9/1 5 Oti . MA . W indllndon. MA 10/ 8 N. Conway. Nil 10/1 3 Cap. Cod. MA 10120 10127 Cantral ViIIill'. CT Berlin,M A 11/17 Plympton. MA 11/24 Info 203/8 75-5757 7121 Englisht...... NJ 8/ 4 SI•• py 1I001ow. PA 8/3 1·911 South Berwidr. ME Southwidr. MA 9115 9/ 21 Broom.·Tiog.. NY 10120 Englisht..... NJ . Info 2011385·5595 7121 IY Smte C'ship Hare Scrambles Series ECEA Enduro Series 81ain, PA CroutO

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