Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 07 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eDIRT TRACK e AMA Grand National Championship_ _el_Pr_o_er_ : R /C_am S ies__O_UD_d8 _ On the restart , Pri ce was away first ahea d of Freitas a nd J ames Hart. H art was qui ckl y up to second and tri ed stu ffing under Pri ce in turn two with an aggressive bump. A lap later he was in th e lead, Price taking it right back o n the next to the last lap with a lat e braking pass go ing into turn three. Pri ce held Hart off for the win , Freitas was back in third wi th Bill Newki rk fourt h and J erem y Lu cy fifth. Freitas, wh o has scored two Junio r National wins this year, leads the point sta n d i ngs, 66 to 57, over Paul Polhemus. ~ Resu lts Ronnie Jones (16) led Will Davis (21) ip th e early stages of the Nationa l until Pegram ma de his move. T erry Poov ey (18) finished fourth; Grand National Champion Scott Parker (1) soldiered on through an oil leak to finish eighth. Dan Ingram (31) and Rodney Farris (31) battled until Farris crashed on lap eighL "You co uld see a line of oi l for abo u t th ree laps. It had to be leak in g because th ere were three lines. I was leading, of course, so I wasn 't too thrilled," Davis fini shed third ahea d of Poovey with Ingram fifth wi th a brok en rear shoc k. " It fla t wore o ut and was leak in g and whe n it got hot it went away . It wor ked great for five or six la ps. Then ' it was spi nni ng and sliding and I cou ldn 't go as hard," In gram said. Aaron Hill and Mike Hal e were sixt h and seventh, respec tively, with P a rk r e ig h t h with th e leak in g eng ine . " T hey sho u ld've sto pped the race," Parker said. " It was dan gerous. I don 't wa nt to see nobody get hu rl. Besides that , I was scra mbling lik e hell." Junior N ation al 12 Californ ia ns won the two Junior heats , Wink Freitas of Newman taki ng the first and J eff Eklund of Pleasanton tak ing the second, though hi s was hard-fought with Georgie P rice just two len gths back at th e chec kered flag. Eklund 's main even t wasn 't nearly as successful, though it started well. He led earl y, Price got pa st, th en former Expert Freitas took the lead o n the fourth lap. On th e fifth lap the race was red-flagged when Eklund fell on the back straight, though he was able to make th e restart after some hasty repairs, TIME T RIALS: I. La rry Pegram (24.332); 2. Rodney Farri s (24.332 5CC.); 3. Scot t Park er (21.42 1); 4. Mike Hal e (21.14 1); 5. Dave Dur elle (21.417); 6. Steve Mo rehea d (24.449); 7. Will Davis (24.456); 8. Kevin Ath ert on (21.1 70 ); 9. Ch ris Ca rr (21.550); 10. Ronnie Jones (21.571); I I. T erry Poovey (24.619); 12. Cu rt Rehmer! (21.652); 13. Dan Ingram (24.656); 14. Steve Burkholder (24.680); 15. RUSlY Ro gers (24.698); 16. Billy lIerndon (24.756); 17. Cra ig Este lle (24.771); 18. Aaro n Hill (21.823); 19. Kellh Day (21.842); 20. Steve Beanie (21.874); 21. Don Estep (24.877); 22. Ja y Sp rings teen (24.882); 23. Sco u Sau nders (24.887); 24. David Llo yd (24.891); 25. Mark G ruber (24.895); 26. Oeo rge Roed er II (24.901); 27. Rex Fisher (24.926); 28. Ian Segnly (24.973); 29. Cha nce Dar lin g: (25.006); 30. [',a rdo n Scho pieray (25.037); 3 1. Darrin Er ichse n (25.041); 32. Robe rt Le wis (25.043); 33. Bria n Ti llso n (25.044); 34. Rand y Texter (25.048); 35. Kris KiK r (25.116}; 36. G reg Sims (25. 129); 37. Sieve Aselti ne (25. 148); 38. Martin Lavoie (25.202); 39. Michael Sca li (25.207); 10. Pa ul Crum ling (25.404); 41. Steve Rasm ussen (25.422) 12. Robe rt Sweet en (25.504). HEAT 1: I. Steve Mor ehead (11· 0); 2. Dan In gram (Han) ; 3. Will Dav is (H- D); 4. Larry Pegram ( liD); 5. Aaron lIill (H- D; 6. Curt Reh mert (II- D); 7. . Keith Da y (Han); 8. Mark Gruber ( H-D); 9. Gn"K Sim s (II- D); 10. Damn Eri ch sen (11-0); I I. Gordo n Scho pieray (II- D); I2.David !.l oyd (II- D); I ~ . Robert Sweet en ( H- D); 14. Steve Aselt ine ( H · D). T im e 4;08.459 HI:AT %: I. Rod ney Farris (II- D); 2. Kevin Ath ert on (H- D); 3. Da ve Durette (H· D); .1. TnT)' Poov ey (H -D);5. Steve Bolli r ( H -D); 6. Craig Estell e (11·0); 7. Steve Burkho lder (II -D); 8. Kris Kiser(lIon ); 9. Scott Saunders (H -D); 10. Ruber t Lewis (II-D); II. Chance Darl ing (H -D); 12. Martin La voi e ( HD); I ~ . George Roed er (H · D). Time 4:07.138 HEAT 3: I. Scot ' Parker (II- D); 2. Ch ri, Ca rr ( li D); 3. Ron nie Jones (Ha n); 4. Mike Hal e (H- D); 5. Bill y H erndon (Han); 6. Do n Estep (H -D); 7. Rusty Rogers (Ha n ); 8. Rand y T exter (H- O): 9. Rex Fish er (H·D); 10. Ian Segedy (II -D); II. J ay Sp rings teen (H ·D); 12. Brian Ti llso n (II- D); 13. Mike Scoll (Ho n); 14. Paul Crum ling (Ha n). Time: 4:08.341 SEM I I: I. Larry PeKJ'3m (Ha n); 2. Mike Hale (H -D); 3. Steve Burkh old er (II- D); 4. Cu rt Rehmen (H ·D); 5. Do n Estep (H -D); 6. Cha oce Darling (II · D); 7. Scou Sau nders (II -D); 8. Ian Scgedy (H -D); 9. Mark G ru ber (H- O); 10. Steve Beatti e (H -D); II. Randy Tex ter (H- D); 12. Darrm Eri chsen (H -D). T ime: 4;08.614 SEMI %: I.Terry Poov ey (H- D); 2. Aa ron lIi ll (HD); 3. Kei th Day (Han); 4. Rill y Herndon (Ho n); 5. Cra i~ Estelle (H- D); 6. Ru st y Rogers (Han); 7. Kris Kiser (Han); 8. J ay Sp rings teen (H- D); 9. Gordon Schopieray (H- D); 10. G reg Sims (II- D); II. Ro bert Lewis (H · D); 12. Rex Fishel" (H -D). Time; 4;09.7 17 NATIONAL: I. Larry Pegram (Ho n ): 2. Ronn ie J on es (li on); 3. Will Davis (H- D); 4. Terry Poo vey (II -D); 5. Dan In KJ'3m (Ha n); 6. Aaro n lIill ( II - D); 7. Mike Hale ( II- D); 8. Sca li Parker (H- D); 9. Steve Mor eh ead (H- D); 10. Chris Carr (H- D); II. Kevin Atherton (H- D); 12. Dave Dur ell e (H- D); U . Keith Day (H a n); 14. Steve Bur kho lder (H- D); 15. Rodney Farris (H- D). Time 8:17.421 AMA CAMEL PRO SERIES POINT STANDINGS: I. Ch ris Carr (116); 2. Srou Parker (112); 3. Ronn ie Jones (82); 4. SIt"V(' Mor ehead (64); 5. Kevin Atherton (59); 6. Ricky Graham (55); 7. Larry Pegram (47); 8. Jay Springs,een (45); 9. Will Da vis (43); 10. Rod ney Farm (42); I I. Dave Dur ell e ( ~ 9) 12. Terry Poo vey (38); 13. (TIE) Bill y Hern don /M ike H ale (25); 15. Keith Day (23); 16. R usry Roge rs (22); 17. Ceorge Roed er II (16); 18. Dan InKJ'3m (13); 19. (TIE) Ia n &gOOyl Aaron H ill (9). J U NI OR HEAT I: I. Win k Freitas (W-R); 2. Mike Varnes ( II -D); 3. J ere my Lu cy (II- D); 4. Mike Dill on (W· R ); 5. Brent Armbrus ter (W-R) ; 6. Roy Han (WR ); 7.Ton y Donah ue (H -D); 8. Co nra d Pa rsh all (HD); 9. Geo rge Garv is (Ho n); 10. Paul Polhemus (WR ); I I. Dale Nen nema n (H- D); 12. jess Roed er (HD ). Time: Non e du e to restart J U NIOR HEAT%: I. J eff Eklund (W· R ); 2. George Price (W-R); 3. J am es Hart (W· R); 4. Bill Newki rk (W-R) ; 5. Ti m Selby (W-R); 6. Mike Klo pp; 7. Ban Sch m ulbac h(W-R ). Time: 2;32.024 J U NI OR NATIONAL: I. Geo rge Pri ce (W· R); 2. James Hart (W· R) ; 3. Wink Frei tas (W-R ); 4. Bill Newkirk (W-R) ; 5. J erem y Lu cy; 6. Ro y Hart (WR ); 7. Tim Selby (W-R ); 8. J eff Eklund (W-R) ; 9. Mike Varnes (H -D); 10. Kenneth Mohler (H -D); I I. Mik e Klopp; 12. Mike Dillon (W-R) . T im e: Non e du e to restart 1UNIO R NATIONAL POINT STAN DINGS: I. Wmk Freita s (66); 2. Paul Po lhemus Jr. (57); 3. Jeff Eklund (55); 4. T im Selby (50); 5. GrorKie Pri ce (48); 6. Ja mes H an (44); 7. Co ry Perreau lt (37); 8. Michael Dillon (23); 9. (TI E) Allan McBee/ S,ev e Mayf ield! Da le jenneman Sr.lDanny Koelsch (20); 15. Clint Vah sholtz ( 17); 14. (TI E) T on y Don ahue/Brei Beyer/ John Resso III (16); 17. Frank Kaiser (13); 18. (TIE) Ken ton Longcor /Bill Newkirk ( I I); 20. J erem y LuC)' (10 ).

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