Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 07 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eM orOCROSS e World Championship 250(( MX Series: Round 9 .--------, LaRocco (right) and Stanton share a smile after the ir battle in moto two. Mike Healey still felt the effects of a hard practice crash when he p ulled out of moto one, bu t he recovered to battle his way to a sixth-place finish in the second moto, Sweden's Peter Johansson fini shed third overall with 6-3 moto fin ishes. first, but LaR occo immediately retal iated an d kep t the RM2 50 tuned by his father, Mike Sr., a head to beat Sta nton by a few bike length s. Johansson shook off Evensen in the second ha lf and rode to a lo nely thirdp lace finish, nearly one and a half minu tes beh ind Stanton. Evensen then faded back as a battlin g Bervoets, Van Doorn and Healey went past to fin ish 4-6. Healey had been struggling wi th his Mousse front tire and p ut on a lastlap charge that came up just sho rt of Van Doo rn at th e fin ish . Holvoet also passed' Evensen to fin ish seventh. Parker, who had settled into ninth, was passed by Holland 's Dave Strijbos at o ne po int. But Strijbos , who DN F moio one , cras hed la te in the race and pulled ou t, allo wing Park er to finish ninth behind Evert sen and ahead of Pek ka Veh ko ne n o f Finl and. Vehkonen retir ed from the fir st moto after he said he go t sick to h is stomach. 125 Support Jeff Emig holeshot the first of two 30 minu te, p lus two-lap mo tos, but he soon fell a n d re mou nted a rou n d midpack. Mik e Kied ro wski passed Doug He nry on the fir st lap , th en m~i ntained a few seconds to gra b the W ill . 8 T he Swede was loc ked in a ba ttle with Even sen , while Hol voet held down fift h, Bervoets, Van Doorn and Healey weren 't too far behind. Parker trail ed the bu nch and lacked the dri ve he had in moto one. "At the start I go t m y foot caug h t in the rear whee l of ano the r rider and twisted m y knee," said Parker. " T hen I fell an d fell aga in. I got up and just wanted to fini sh ." ' Stanton was back on La Rocco 's tai l a co uple of la ps after his fall , and for the las t 15 minutes of the race the two foug h t for the lead. At times Stanton would be rig ht on La Rocco's rear fender, on ly to fall back as he struggled wit h the soft spo ts on the trac k. " He was taking all the good lines, and wh en I'd try to find a different one I'd get bogged in the m ud," said Stanto n. Stanton did find a line as they began the last lap an d stuffed LaRocco for Steve Lamson and Henry battled for second before Lamson took the position for good when H enr y bega n to fall off the pace . Lam so n coul dn't close in on Kied rowski an d was for ced to settle for second, whi le Henry dropped way back, yet stayed ahead of the ch a rg i n g Emig fo r thi rd . ' R o n Tichenor completed the top five afte r passin g Denny Stephenson late in the race. ' Emig hol eshot mo ta two while Kiedrows ki was forced to fight his way up from 10th. Kiedrowski charged to second, then passe d Emig late in the race to 'secure the win by about 10 seconds. Emig held on to finish second over T ichenor, Lam son and Stephe nCN son. Results 250 TIMED PRACTIC E: I. J ell Stanton (2 min .. 36.40 sec): 2. Peter Dirkx (2:37.45); 3. Mike La Rocco (2:37. 47); 4. Oe rt-jan Va n Doorn (2:37.63); 5. Marn ico Bervoets (2:37.70); 6. Axel Hol voet (2:38.49); 7. Yan n G uedard (2:39.62): 8. Mick y Dym ond (2:40.29): 9. T ra mpa s Par ker (2:40.53); 10. Edwin Evensen (2:41.25); II. Dave Str ijbos (2:41.31); 12. Alessan dro Pu zar (2:41.34); 13. T eus Visser (2:43.25): 14. Mike Fish er (2:43 .93); 15. Michel e Fanton (2:44. 11); 16. Peter l oh a nsso n (2:44.22); 17. J or gen Nilsso n (2:45.28); Ill. Pekka Vehko nen (2:45.42); 19.. Keit h Bowen (2:45.71); 20. Will ie Van Wessel (2:46.03); 21. Yannig Kervella (2:46.23): 22. Kurt McMillen (2:48.5 1): 23. Mikel La rson (2:48.72); 24. Bader JM anneh (2:49.39): 25. Dag Bovesen (2:49.62); 26. Chris Co leman (2:50.76); 27. Rod ney Smith (2:51.39): 28, Dani el J an nette (2:5 1.46): 29. Ray Sommo (2:52.10); 30. Shane Drew (2:53.30): 3 1. Mike Healey (2:57.31); 32. Jim Kapitan (2:59.78): 33. Gary Michael (3:01.83); 34. Pedro Go nzalez \3:04037); 35. Phi lip Carlin (3:14.76): 36. Mar c Ties er (3:17.63); 37. Joe Elli ngton (3:17.63); 38. Carlo Coen (3:18.03); 39. Mar k Pillion (3:30.68); 40. J ames Nagt Jr . (3:33.52). 250 MOTO I: I. Jell Stanton (Ho n); 2. Trampas Pa rker (H on ); 3. Mike LaRocco (Suz); 4. Micky Dymo nd (Yarn): 5. T eus ' Visser' (Ka w): 6~ Pet er Jo h an sson (Ya m) ; 7. Gert-j a n Van Doo rn (H on); 8. Yan ni g Kervel la (Ka w) ; 9. Marn icq Bervoets ( Ka w) ; 10. Jorgen Ni lsson (H a n) ; I I. Mi ke Fishe r (KTM) : 12. Ed wi n Evensen (Ka w); 13. Ku rt McMi llen (Suz]: 14. Axel Holvoet (Kaw): 15. Ray Som ma (Su z); 16. Dag Bo vesen (Kaw ); 17. Bad er Man ne h (Yam ): 18. J ames Kap itan ( S U 1~ ; 19. Shane Drew (H o n ); 20. Rod ney Smith (Suz); 2 1. M ike Larson (Ha n ); 22. Phili p Carlin (Han); 23.. Joe Ellington (Han); 24. Mark T 'iesler (Hon); 25. G ary Michael ( Ka w). T ime : 48 mi n u tes, 1.08 seconds 250 MOTO 2: I. Mike La Rocco; 2. Jeff Stan to n: 3. Pet er Johansson; 4. Marn icq Bervoets: 5. C enJ an Van Doo rn ; 6. Mike H ea ley (KT M) 7. Axel Hoevoe lt : 8. Edwin Evertsen : 9. T rampas Parker; 10. Pekka Vchk one n (Ya m); 11. MikeFisher: 12. T eus Visser; 13. Yann ig Kervella: 14. Michel e Fa nto n (H a n); 15. Ra y Sommo; 16. Dag Bovesen: 17. Bader Mann eh ; 18. Keilh Bowen (SUl ); 19. Willie Van Wessel (Ka w); 20. Dan iel j annett e (S Ul); 21. J ames Kapi tan ; 22. Ph ilip Ca rlin ; 23. Mike Larso n ; 21. Ped ro Gonzalez (Yam); 25. Mark Tiesler; 26. G ary Michael ; 27. Joe Ellington: 28. Mark Pillion (Ha n); 29. J a mes Hagy (SUl). Time: 46:31.63 250 0 / A: I. jerr Stanton (H a n); 2. Mik e La Rocco (Suz): 3. Peter Johansson (Yam) ; 4. Trampas Par ker (Han) ; 5. Mam icq Bervoets (Ka w ); 6. Gert-jan Van Doorn (Han ): 7. Teus Visser (Ka w); 8. Mick y Dymond (Ya m ); 9. Edwin Evensen (Kaw ): 10. Axel Hol voet (Ka w); I I. Yannig Kervel la (Kaw ); 12. Mike Hea ley (KT M); 13. Mike Fisher (KT M): 14. Pekka Vehk o nen (Yam) ; 15. J or gen Ni lsso n (Hen): 16. Kurt McMillen (Su z); 17. Michele Fanton (Ho n); 18. Ray Sommo (SUl) . WO RLD CHAM PIONSHIP 250 MX SER IES POINT STANDINGS: I. Alessandro Puzar (205); 2. T rampas Parker (193); 3. Mike Healey (179); 4. Dave Str ijbos (164); 5. Marn ieq Bervoe ts ( 158); 6. Peter J oh an sson (154); 7. Pe kka Vehk on en (136): 8, Edwin Even sen ( 107); 9. Peter Dirkx (99); 10. Michele Fanton (98 ). 125 MOTO 1: I. Mike Kied rowski (Kaw): 2. Steve Lamson (H o n ): 3. Doug Henry (Yam ); 4. J (,o(( Emig (Ya m); 5. Ron Tichenor (SUI): 6. Den n y Step he nson (Suz); 7. Barry Ca rs ten (Suz); 8. Eric McLear (Yam); 9. Brian Sw in k (H on ): 10. La nce Smail (SUl ); II. Pa trick Bart on (SUl) ; 12. David Beck in g ton (SUl); 13. Bru ce Stt anon (Ya m); 14. T y Wa llace (Ka w); Andrew Stacy (Suz): 16. Scott Sh ea k (Kaw); 17. Ruddy An tunez (SUI); 18. Tyso n Vo hl and ( Ka w ): 19. Ra ndy McCan n (Kaw): 20. David Ga ylord (Suz); 2 1. Bria n Austin (Hon); 22. J ames McIlvai ne (H o n); 23. G rf'g Nels on (SUl ); 24. Thomas Co le (Ka w); 25. Doug Step he ns (Yam); 26. Todd Si nclair ( Ka w) ; 27. Steve Brow n (H o n): 28. JeH Pritc ha rd (Ka w ]: 29. Shane Lawson (H on); 30. Ma rk Arualek (Ho n ); 3 1. J ell Yentzer (Kaw); 32. Pa ul Van hatt en (Hun); 33. Roma n Garbacik (H a n ); 34. J. Slater (Yam ); 35. Lawrence Ma xwell (Ka w): 36. SCOll Siadov ni k (H a n); 37. Carl Weiss (S UI); 38. Steve Lemo n (Ka w) ; 39. Ji mmy Button (Ya m) ; 40. J ames Coy (H e n ): 41. SIeve Earnest (Kaw) . T ime: 36:04.31 125 MOTO 2: I. Mike Kiedro wski: 2. jerr Emig; 3. Ro n Ti chenor; 4. Steve La mson ; 5. Den n y Stephenson : 6. Ra rry Cars ten : 7.. Ji m my BUH ; 8. on Buddy An tu nez: 9. David Becking ton : 10. Do ug Hen ry; I I. Scott Sh eak; 12. Patrick Barton : 13. Bru ce Seancnrt t . And rew Stacy; 15. La nce Smail; 16. Sha n e Law son ; 17. Da vid Gay lor d ; 18. R an dy McCa n n; 19. Bria n Ausun : 20. Greg Nel son; 21. J ames McI lvai ne; 22. Ty Wall ace; 23. Steve Bro wn ; 24. Thomas Co le; 25. J eH P ritch ard ; 26. Ca rl Weiss; 27. Paul Van ha tten: 28. Mark Anta lek; 29. J. Sla ter: 30. Brian Swink; 3 1. Todd Sinclai r; 32. S COll Sladovn ik: 33. Eric McLe ar; 34. Steve Earnest; 35. Jeff Yen tzer . T ime: 37:28.46 125 0 / A: I. Mik e Kiedro wski (Ka w): 2. Jeff Emig (Yam ); 3. Steve Lam son (Hun); 4. Ro n Tichenor (SUl ); 5. Denny Step henson (SUl): 6. Doug H en ry (Yam ); 7. Barry C arsten (Su z); 8. David Beckington (Su z); 9. Patrick Barton (S UI ); 10. Bud d y An tu ne z (SUl); II. Lance Sma ll (Su z); 12. Bruce Stratton (Yam ); 13. Scan She ak (Kaw): 14. Jimmy Bu tto n (Ya m); 15. Andr ew Stacy (SUl) ; 16. Eric Meek.ear ( Ya m); 17. Brian Swink (Ho n); 18. Ty Wal lace fKaw): 19. Shane .Lawson (H o n ); 20. David G ay lor d (SUl); 21. Randy McCann (Kaw ); 22. Tyso n Voh land ( Kaw]: 23. Brian Au st in (Ho n ): 21. Gr eg Nel so n (SUl) .

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