Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 07 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GuikShop Wanted : Boring Bar Borem aster in good shape, please call Mel or Greg at COVINA KAWASAKI. (B1BI 967· 41 B1. CA. . (228 ) 19B9 HONDA CR250 NEW TIRES. Suspens ion by J ake. extra s. 52ooo/o bo. (213)54 2·2 757. CA. (12 B) AIRCONE STILL SPECIAUZES 19B9 VZ250W YAMA HA 51B50. Well main tai ned. extras. must sell fast . (714) 927·48 99 excelle nt buy!. CA. (12 8) (702) 456-4177 Origi nal. unr est cred. under 7000 miles. both seats, as perfe ct an orig ina l example as you will find in cones, megaphones, silencers, U·Bends, complete pipes. Call AlRCONE ' 7 7 Ducati 90055 5 0 50 "F" S t eptoe Avenue La s Vegas. NV 89122 510 .500 . John (4151454·5906. CA. (128 ·29) '91 Honda XR250L Dual span, 3000 miles• . excelle nt condi t ion , XR250 R carbo Renth als. Make off er. (6 19) 95 1· 7679 . CA. (128) Dealers Sell t he Motorcyc le Road Racer Il lustra ted ' 99 1 Yearbook...A vail able now, quantit ies limited. Call to order at (2 13)427·7433 . Ask for Steve in Dealer Sales. (5281TFNI ~"" :Pn>vtn 2'rrfrmn=a CYLINDER SERVICE Zero Gravlty's o rig inal li n e of PREMIUM QUAL ITY w indscreens now featu re s- Introducing "Tra"lc Ligh t e". Zer o Gravity's new line o f sport bike wind screens Exce llent qu al i t y a t a surprising ly affordable price : • 25 Sport Bike Models • Clear, smoke & 5 colors • Excellent optical qua lity ~G ~tt&E.'" #. .- It:lO.. ... ~ . '. " '1! # Amber • GUARANTEED FIT $54 95 $769 5 _ $899 5 $6995 _ (:> ~~~ ~-(S03)6~8430---~ • II CA LL TO ORDER Orde rs Onlv (BOO) 346·9791 .....- - - - - - -................iiiioio.Oii................... ~ • TAL L/SPORT TOURING windscre ens tor selected mod els • p~O SERIES race rep lica wmd scr eens for Ae-30 OWOI , GSXR & others .1991 MODELS now in stoc k. New co lors inc lude Purpl e & Handcrafted Cylinder Uners-pon ing. engine balancing on our new PMC Beta Vibr ation Analyzer. Bill Wagn er's Nonhwest Sleeve and Engine Works. 150 -B N.E.Vietory. Gresham, OR 97030. De.~" lnfo: (81 81597-9791 WEB-CAM "'"""patio. Gamma 7 14/369-5144 2 6 , 2 4 06 MOTORCYCLE GUIDES at (328·29/ P) PERFORMANCl: CAMSHAFTS 1B15 Massachusetts Ave. • Riverside. CA 92507 r 0 'he Motorcycle Guides, P.O. Box 580, Pismo Beach,CA 93448 (805) 773-6011 Excellent condition. never raced. never dow n. stoc k except fo r jet kit . both seats. 6800 miles. pr iced for qu ick sale, 538 50 . (503) 752· 1456 . OR. (12B) '9 1 VZ 250 YA MAHA UKE NEW. three ri des (12 B·30) 52700 . (805 ) 583 ·1211. CA. 1975 ' BULTACO 250 PURSANG. restored to origi nal. bars. gr ips. shocks. etc. sacrifice $2 200. (805) 583- 12 11. CA. (128· 29) "c.llfom;., Colorado , Now,", New Mex ico, Utah & Wyom ing. Are you trave ling to t hese areas??? Send $2.95 (P&H) per issue , specify: Southe rn CA, Northern CA or Rocky Mountain to: Bimota Tesi Number Seven 199 1 wi t h 900 miles. As seen cover. Cycle Ap r il issue . Best of show in May 199 1 Italia n Coneours. Serial number 00007. Never raced or down. 53 1,856 (41 5) 922· 1454 eves. 7· 9pm. CA. ( 6 6 J 0 0 '86 FORD SUPER VAN. WALLED off for thr ee bikes. seats five. 460. air. rims . 56500 . (805) 5B3 12 11. CA. (12B·29) 1984 Yamaha IT 490 Rent hals, Barkbusters. DG pipe. Answer silence r. Boyesen reeds. adult owned, excellent cond iti on. 51 100 . (41 5)4B9-17BB. CA. (128 ·291 ETZ~~~ 1991 CR 250 North America's Largest Roadrace Contingency Program Excellent. less t han 40 hours on engi ne. extras. 53300. (717) 358 -3513 eves. PA. (128) 1986 Husqvarna 400XC 1-800-SAY-RACE ~ , ,~ '" For info on th~ WERA Pro Series, SBS/PM WERA Nat'l End. or WERA Nat 'l & Reg'. Sprints contact: (803)681-WERA (9372) ~ ~. ...... II -.1...? . . . . l!!flt:Jllrl CALL 414-363-3767 Purch ased new J anu ary 1987. ri dden twic e in last two years. Expertly maintained includes ICO speedometer . 51 100 . (71 4) 528· 4033. CA. (12B) ~"CI!'rQ He8vywalght AywhHls Enduro Conv.rslon pans 1-800·II00SE·rr 2595 N. Hwy . 67, Sedalia. Colorado 8013 5 FINE LINE RACING AI K. SALES-PAR~ERVlCE Custom XR Hondo Frome K1!s Custom Engine Building Call for your ~Motorcycle TV/ /A Watercraft PIston Catalog Custom Suspension 5ervIce 1828W.11th st.• #G. Upland. CA91786 (216) 951-6600 CALL (714) 985-0078 THEIl'S 10. .AI AI IRRESPOISlI.E RIDER ON THE IIIAD,BTHER. a~~.ff~~ 0 1991 Amerbn Honda MOf f Compan y. lncorpor.nC'd( FebNary/9D O ~~ WIN~r~fM~e~ENS ~ L. .QiiiI ~ ~.. ~..dI """S fAt,. @ GUSTAFSSON PLASTIC S 6310U.S.l N.l P.O. Bo 3567 x SI. Augustine, FL 32085 Clear & I lnteo Ffu crescents s Opaques Dlla InQ Hles .w ~ ler ,. U ZOO G FA X(9041471·4897-21 Hrs. Tel. (9041824 ·2119 - 24 Hrs. 720 1 IndusrriaJPark Blvd. Mentor. OH 44060 ,-----Honda Parts--- -, Hayward Honda/Suzuki II large Dirt81 StreetInventory UPSO.ily CR Support Deeler HONDA Come ride with us. 27955 M ission8Ivd.. Hayward CA 94544 415·886-0644 Jim ...... 's ~,.t1 . ,,,,,.I: ..... HONDA ,;:§.... -~ ~< er-'0 .... tfTOO' 0;. . Corne ridewithU<;. Yo u r CR Experts' . Support Dea ler WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD 6408 Fairburn Rd.• Dougla.vill. , GA 30134 1 4 ~4) 920·1033 MOTORCYCLE CRATING Crate t o shi p from So . Cal. to anywhere in the W orld . W e al so deliver fully assem b led m otorcycles throughout So. Ca l. A sk for Ke n or S teve 42 D & D MOTORCYCLESERVICE 2 13 ·530·5634 ~~ ,P/.er .¢tor . .:>~ /-rIL:Wd.<.y5~: .si'''1lC 7V Catalog A vailable - Call for Information (714) 993-5400 TRIALS FREE INFORMATION 6106 Land 0' Lakes Blvd . Land 0 ' Lakes, FL 34639 (813) 996·3754 ACTION YAMAHA No rtheast America's Leading VZ Yam aha Team Center FZR · PARTS F,,' UPS B'IKES On "m;,h'st PARTS ' O Reque (908) 494·5555 . YAMAHA. 1990 Yamaha XT600 Purchas ed new in 1991 . approximately 2000 easy mil es on speedo. excellent condition. $2500 / 000. (61BI 6B4· 5196. 1L. (12B/ PI Dymag Wanted Prefe rably a rear f or Honda hub, but w ill take any onw wh eel. pan s or sets, Brian at (70B) B63·5B26. IL. (128) Attn : ZX-7 Owners Brand new M uzzy exhaust. Used t hree days. Fits ·B9· ·90 'ZJ(·7. Paid 5400. Yours for S350. Call J im (207) 7B3· 6739. ME. (1281 '91 YZ125 Great condition w ith extras, 52400. (714) 897· 39B3 . CA. (12B·29) 1990 RC30 Brand new. Never serviced. $2000 disco unt . Ser ious inqui rie s on ly. Can arrange delivery . HONDA OF W INSTON·SALEM. (919) 76 5·0330. . NC. (22B· 31 ) 19B3 GS 750E B13cc. Wiseco top-end. Supern acp. White powd er coated wh eels. W hite Bull et seat . polished swingarm and covers. new Dun lops. o miles on new engine . Beaut ifu l bike, $25 00 . (7 14)761 ·0720. CA. (32B-29) 19B7 KX250 GOOD CONDITION. 51000. 1990 Suzuki DR100 as new 5900 . (7 14) 76 1·0720. CA. (32B· 29) ·B2 XRBO for parts 5100 . M . Roberta boots size 9-9'h . plast ic w /liners 550. (619) 949·4527. CA. (12B) I

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