Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 07 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eLOCAL EVENTS e 80 SR: 1. Christia n Flo res (Suz ); 2. w avee Lowery (Kaw). 80 J R: 1. J im Boyer (KT M); 2. Kendell Goodrich (Raw). 80 BEG : Don ny Jackson (!taw ); 2. Cole Brown (Kaw); ! . Bria n Can io n (Kaw); 4. Tcha d Leeds (Suz). 60 SR: 1. Barry T un le (Kaw); 2. La na Smith (Kaw); ! . Casey McNeal (Kaw); 4. Drew Dunbar (Yam). P/W: I. Aubr~y Landfried (Yam): 2. Bran don Beabout (Ho n ): 3. Kenn,.. Jon es (Yam ); 4. Joshua T uttle (Yam ); 5, Michatl Pu rks (Yam). VINT: I. Kevin Hon on (Hon); 2. J oe Bwby (CZ); 3. Mike J ay (KT M); 4. Mike Ha nce (Yam ); 5. Alan Davis (Suz). OVE R 50: I. Gary Anderson (Kaw); 2. Bill Camon (KTM ). OVE R 40: I. Andy Trott (Suz); 2. Don McNeal (H en): !. Wayne Lowery (Kaw), OVE R ! O I. Kevin Horton (Hon ); 2. Steve Cardwell (Sw ); : 3. Sam Knowlt on (Hon ); 4. Jon Mesky (Yam); 5. Mike WOOl (Hon ). OVER 25: I. Keith Sim mons (Ho n) ; 2. Steve Ca rdwel l (Sw ); ! . Jo hn Middleton (Ho n); 4. Sha un Mar tin (Yam); 5. David Brede nbeck (Sw). 4-STR K: 1. J ohn Renk en (Ho n ): 2. Darren Por ter (H o n) . 200: I. Lee Dubose (Han ); 2. Tracy T errell (Kaw); 3. Ra y Ra mirez (Raw); 4. Emmett Smi th (Kaw); 5. Gerry Booher (Raw). .Harvey wins Weaverville AX By Michael Rich Loren Bjorkman (40B) won at Carlsbad, despite Dennis Voll's challenges. 125 C: I. Rod Fumell (Ka w); 2. Mark Eghigian (Kaw) ; 3. Brian Wheeler (Han ); 4. David Babb (Ha n); 5. La man Padgett (Kaw). . 125 B: I. Kyl~ Myns (J{aw ); 2. Lonnie Blackburn (Kaw). 125 A: 1. Bret Beauchamp (Ho n ); 2. Kevin Crtne (Hon); -S. Travis Blackbu rn (Kaw). 250 C: I. Jim Baker (Ha n); 2. Ja red Decamps (SUl); 5. David Babb (Han); 4. ~ RiUard (Ha n); 5. J ames Hensl ee (Han). 250 B: 1. Shan e Thomas (Kaw ). 250 A: 1. Kevin Otne (Han). OPEN RIC; l. P~e Nicolosi (Ka w) ; 2. Ph ili p Whi tla rC (Han ); 3. Km Rudd (H an ). 15-24: 1. T ravis BlackbumgKoiw ); 2. jared Dt:Cam ps (SOl); '! . Shane Thomas (Ka w) ; 4. ete Dubose (Han); :». Lo nn ie Blac kburn (Ka w). +25: 1. Ralph Mundell (Han); 2. Jam es Hoyes (SOl); 3. David Sla[ford (L w); 4. D~w Ju stice (Ha n). +30: l. Dav id Shdlds (Yam ); 2. Drnv Justice (Han); 3. Steve Steph ens (Ha n); 4. David Sufford (Han). Bjorkman bags Carlsbad ST By Greg Booth CARLSBAD, CA, JUNE 22 . Loren Bjorkman scored th e Open Expert class win at th e second round of th e Carlsbad Ra ceway Summer Series. The first Open Expert heat began with Skip Cri sty grabbing th e holeshot, Crai g Armstro ng moved through two rows of nders to challen ge Cri sty for the lead. Armstrong bumped Cri sty in turns one and two, and slid ou t. Ri ght on Armstrong's wh eels were Dennis Voll , Bjorkman and Kesler , wh o cou ld not avo id a four-bike pileup. Arm strong was hospitalized with a broken femur and underwen t surgery . The restart saw Crisr y score the win. The second hea t and th e main event were wire to wire victories for Bjorkman. In th e main, Bjorkman took the holeshot and was never challenged. Cristy maintained a secure second, while Rick Schroeder a nd Jim Kesler battled th e entire ra ce, with Schroed er fini shing th ird. The 250cc main was a hotly contested battle from start-to-finish, between Dave Pelton and Tyson Vol l. Pelton rode smooth and co nsistent to hold off Voll ' s a dva nces to th e checkered. .Results OPEN EX: 1. Loren Bjorkman (Yam); 2. Skip Cri&ty (Ya m ); 3. Rick Schr oeder (Suz): 4. Jim Kesler (Yam ); 5. Ni ~1 C OIle IH· D). O PEN JIl: 1. Dav e Pellan (Ho n); 2. George Snodgrau (Yam): 3. Peter Mayforth (Yam); 4. Tim Kdly (Yam); 5. David La ngri dge (H an ). OP EN VET: 1. Skip Cristy (Yam); 2. Ride.Schrorder (Suz); 3. P eter Mayf orth (Yam ); 4. J oe Winston (Ya m): 5. Tom Clark (Yam). 250 EX: I. David Pelt o n (Kaw ); 2. T yson v o n (Yam ); 5. Mark Aragon (CA); 4. Bob Ga bler (Yam ). 250 JR: 1. B~t Bemis (Yam); 2. Jam ~s Rust (Yam); 5. John FrancIS (Yam), CO Bland's day at Mad Max ST By Lee Abernathy 28 ERIG, co, JULY 7 After years of talking and very little doing, dirt tra ck ra cing fin all y returned to th e Colorado area. Thanks to th e efforts of Meryl a nd Ma ry Lou Pieper wh o co nvinced Bra d Linkus of Mad Max ' s Cra sh and Burn combi nation mot ocross and go·ca rt Moto pl ez that wha t he reall y needed to complete th e ensemble was a combination IT, sho rt track a nd speed way oval. Ab er lunning the heat races , in the BOcc B class it was a repeat of the heat with Brad en Bla nd and Blake Baker pull in g away, th e only difference was th at in th e clos i ng laps, Baker ma de a serio us ru n a t Branden and mIght have passed with a few more laps, but it was Blan d's day to collect the go ld. . The 250cc B class tUl ned into a race of attritio n. Robert Wilfon g, as he had don e in the heat race , took the early lead in the final with Kirk Hamilton in tow , but by lap three Hamilton had tak en an off-tra ck excu rsion that ended his ride . Wilfong co n tinued to lead with John Pease insecond and J osh Aberna th y in third. On lap six with th e race clearl y in hand, Wilfong lost the sprocket and chain from th e rear, ending his ride, whi ch left Pea se in first, Josh Abernathy in seco nd and Tim Kerbs in third. By lap seven of the IO-lap final Kerb s took an on top look of the berm in the right hander and promptly lost th e ba ttery out of his Honda. Un daunted Kerbs waited for th e checkered flag a nd pushed the expired Honda across th e fin sih lme for third. On th e last two laps there were only two riders remairiing: Pease an d Josh Abernathy, wh o finished in that order. The Open B final , again. was a clo se ra ce, wit h Brad Bradley and Eric Bland dicing for the win, and Fred Reiter and John Pease for th ird. This time around Bland had figured away through 'the right-hander and Bradl ey ' had no real opportuniti es to get by. Fred Reiter had worked on the right-hander as well a nd held off Pease for th ird . Bradl ey, again, took hi s Yamah a to th e front in th e Sen ior class and was never serio usly con tested , as well as Peter Perez in second, but war rag ed for third. Fir st Terry Stine threw away third in the ri ght-hander , bl am in g the mistake on th e BSA's foot peg, th en , Fred Reit er thr ew it away in a left-hander. That left smoo th and steady Ron Bland slide hom e .in th ird for a trophy. Shade shines at Riverside Raceway Motocross By Robert Wiegel SAN ANTONIO, TX, JUNE 30 David Shade inched by Kent Howerton for the overall victory in th e 250cc Pro class at Kent Howerton's Riverside Raceway , at the las t race in a series , sponsored by the Dirt Bike Club of San Antonio, Alamo Cycles and Yamaha. H owerton beat Shade in th e firs t molO easily , but Shade grabbed the holeshot in the second moto and held the form er National Champion off for seven laps despite Howerton 's attempts to pass Sh ade on th e fin al three laps. In the Over 30 class, Steve Cardwell and Kevin Horton fought for second. Horton took th e holeshot in the first molO and stayed in th e lead for two laps but was passed by Mike West. Cardwell was quickly closing on the two , but his en d u ro -ready Suzuki RMX couldn't catch West 's and Horton's modified Hondas, allo wing th e three 10 fini sh in that order . Cardwell stole th e holesh ot in the second mota and held off Horton IS ad van ces unti l the th ird lap. Horton held on to win with Cardwell o nly a bik e length behind. Results 250 EX: I. David Sha de (Hon); 2, Kem Howerton (Ha n); 5, Don Roland (Han). 250 NOV: 1. John Meskey (Yam ); 2. Sha u n Mart in (Yam); 5. John Middl elon (Hon). 250 BEG : I. Gal')' Anderson (Kaw); 2. Marc Fantic h (Kaw); 3. Edward Hixon (Suz). 125 EX: I. Rowdy Flana ga n (Kaw); 2. Chad OJ.ristian (Kaw); S. Joh n Boy~It~ (Suz). 125 1N1": I. Micha el Peacoc k (Kaw). 125 NO V: 1. T ratt Brown (Suz); 2. Daniel T rott (Ha n ); 3. Ti m Kip ley (Ho n). 125 BEC : I. Pedr o Qu inta nilla (Suz); 2. Kadj o I..eeW (Hon); S. David Murra y (Suz); 4. Eric Wiegel (Yam ); 5. Jamel Mou re (Kaw). 125 YTH: I. Pedro Qu in u n illa (Suz); 2. Eddi e Sunila ( W EAVERVILLE, CA, JULY 4 P et erich Cycl es-sponsored Jerry H arvey dominated the acti on in the BOcc Seni or class at the 4th Annual Weaverville Arenacross. The even ' sponso red by th e local Lion's Club, was the cen terp iece of the Fourth of July celebratio n in the small northern California town. The program consisted of two qualifying hea ts to establish starti ng positions for the main in each class. In the first 80cc Senior qualifier, Harvey gated m id-pack, while Tony O'Mara took th e lead, followed by Ryan Duntson and Justin Brown. H arvey's mastery of th e tra ck was eviden t. as he soared pa st several riders a t a time o ver the triples. By the second lap, Harvey had established himself in third, just behind th e leaders. As O 'Mara approached the triples on the third lap, he was feeling the pressure from Duntson and Harvey. As the trio lan ded, O'Mara went dow n hard and Harvey moved past Duntson for the lead . Harvey the n opened a substantial lead that he maintained to the end of the race. At the finish, Brown was able to pass Duntson for second. Duntson took the lead at the start of the seco nd heat . with Harvey in close pursuit . Harvey wasted little time, and passed Duntson o n th e triple. Duntson was able to mai ntain seco nd to th e end, despite repeated attacks by Justin Brown. As the ligh ts flashed green a t the start of th e ma in , Harvey roosted away from the rest of th e field . Brown came ou t in second, followed by Duntson in third. Harvey quickly moved away to an insurmountable lead, leavin g Brown and Duntson to fight over second. These two riders pounded on each o ther for th e next eig h t laps, without eit her giving an inch. In the end, Brown was able to steal second at th e lin e with Duntson taking third. Results PIW : I. Nik ki Harris (Ho n) ; 2. J05h Milligan (; ! . Jell Thom pson (Kaw). 80 JR: l. Mike Cross. (Yam): 2. Sam Hunt (Hoe ): 5. KeJ q Maasen (Kaw); 4. Jerem y Rcw lin s (Hen). 80 SR: 1. Jerry Ha rvey (Suz); 2. Justin Brown (Yam): 3. R yan Dunstan (Kaw), BEG: 1. Wes Taylor (Raw ); 2. Eddie Pritt (Yam): 3. Mike William ll(Kaw). 125 NOV /JR: 1. j ason Ritchie (He n) : 2. J Ultin Puzz (Kaw); 5. Dan ny Rutherford (Yam ). 250 NOV /JR: 1. Milo Ford (X.a 2. Jim Fergu son (Hon); w); 3. Brad Putnam (Suz); 4. Jeff Jarvis (Xaw). OP EN NOV IJR: I. Ran dy jennings (Ho n); 2. Xenny Thoreson (Hus). INT: 1. RU Il~1 Lee (K.a.w); 2. Seth Card (Suz); S, Lan a: Sellers (KTM ). VET JR : 1. Mall Coleman (Hon ); 2. John Coo k (Ho n); ! . Allen Th omason (Suz); 4. Scott Doorman (Ho n ), VET SR: I. T om Odeki rk (Yam); 2. Ron Milli gan (Suz); 5. Lance Sella rs (XTM). PRO: 1. T om Odekirk (Yam) ; 2. Dustin Bloo mfield (Ho n ); 5. Shad Echelberger (Yam ); 4. Low ell Mou ral Jr . (Ho n). Atkinson on top at Hurricane Hills Motocross ' By Rolfe O tterness MAZEPPA, MN,JUNE 29-30 Mik e Atk in son topped th e field of A riders in bo th the 125 and 250cc classes on Sunday at the Hurricane Hills MX track. This was a lwo -day event with a complete set of races each day. One of Atkinson's closest com pe ti tors, Co ry Keeney; raced Saturday and took wins in th e same twO classes, but he did not race o n Sunday. Only 92 riders entered on Saturda y and man y cla sses were combined to help sho nen th e day . Sunday had 225 en u ies competing . Sco tt Stein le ju mped o ut front early in th e first moto of Saturday's Plus 25 clas s. He qu ickl y built a lead o n his Da le ' s Performance-prep~ bik e and left th e pa ck behind. Brad Enckson and Brad Redfield duked it o u t to hold second and th ird a t the checkered flag. Scott Mclaughlin came ou t of retirement to take fourth. Redfield came Ou t hot and took off for the win in th e second ma lO, while Steinle had to mo ve up after a bad start to take second and th e overa ll win. Tim McLauglin and Rob ert Vme rounded out the top four. One of the best classes for actio n on Sunday was th e 17-24 A class. J ay H oenk pulled th e holeshot wi th Marty Clark and Pat Donaho settling in beh ind. Hoenk led for th e first half of the race, while Don ah o wor ked to pass Cla rk. Then he closed in on Hoenk and tried to make a pass throu gh the wh oops for th e lead. He pulled a long side but a fter comple ting the double H oenk grabbed a handful of th rottle a nd burst ah ead in to th e next corner. For th e rest of th e mot o th ey battled with Donaho having th e adva ntage in th e tight stuff and H oenk po weri ng down the straights to hold on to th e lead . At the checkered flag Hoenk held o n for th e win. Don ah o ended up just sh ort of the win wi th Clark third a nd Jay Mereill fo urth. Craig Sch warz jumped out fron t in th e second start, but Clark soo n took over o u t front. Donaho dropped Schwarz another po sit ion o n th e seco nd lap, while H oenk had to pl ay catch up after tro uble on the first lap. Near the halfway mark Don aho displaced Clark with Hoenk o n the mov e. Hoenk clo sed on Clark and made th e pass co m ing ou t of a dip in th e track. Clark la tched o n to Hoenk' s tail and th ey closed in on Donaho until th e last lap com ing in to the wh oop section. All thre e rid ers were very close as th ey bounded thro ugh · th e whoops and hit the doubles. It loo ked like any on e had a sho t at the lead, but Donaho grabbed th e in sid e lin e through the berm and H oenk had to try a desperation move on th e outside as the y headed for th e fin ish lin e. Hoenk lost tra ction on the fro nt wheel and went down and Donaho sailed over th e finish lin e jump a few feet ahead of Clark. Hoenk jumped up to take third ahead of Scharz. Results SATURDAY MINI P/W : 1. M ik~ Kann ; 2. Co urtney Sampso n; 5. Maxwell Ander son : 4. Thor Math ison. MIN I SR: 1. Shawn W ~hlagt'; 2. Shelly Kann ; 5. Todd Fletcher; 4. Michael Hoefs. . 17·24 A: 1. Ru sty Sorense n: 2. Many Cla rk; 5. Mark Borgen ; 4. ~WN~~~heIlY K.inn. YTH: I. Jam es Povoln y; 2. Tim Pospisil; 3, Ron Anderson. 25 PLU S: I. Scon Steinle; 2. Brad Rftlfil!ld; ~ , T im McLaughlin; 4, Robert Utne. • VET C: 1. RoJ£~ Otterness; 2. Mark Anderson; 5, Marl ow Kirchhoff. VET A: I. Je ff Sorensen: 2. Scott McLauglin; 3. Jack Parenteau. SR: I. J im Denn-an; 2. Tom CI ~,k 125 C: t. Chad Luhman: 2. Jere my Joh ns ton: 5. Lan a Wadem ; 4. William Tilford. 125 B: I.J irn Povol ny; 2. Thor Malh illOn: 5. Scha d Priem: 4. Jelf Wom eldorf. 125 A: 1. Co ry Keeney; 2. Todd Lenc: 5. Mike Luoma: 4. Tim McLa ushlin. 250 C: 1. Mike Janovsky; 2. William Kren ik: 5. George Hodkinson : 4. Jeffrey Ri sch. 250 B: 1. Tim Pospi sil ; 2. Monte Megaw ; ! . Jeff Womeldorf: 4. Roroy VeM"I. 250 A: I. Cory K«ney; 2. Mike Luoma; 5. Scott Steinle; 4. Todd Len tz, OPEN C: I. Ran dy Osrrode; 2. Brian Luhman ; ! . John Hughes, • O PE N A: I. Jeff Soren sen : 2. Marty Clark: 5. Jack Paren teau . SUNDAY 50 AUTO: I. Nath an Broughton; 2. Collin Buw=; ! . Bill y O lson ; 4. Ricky But ee. MINI P/W: I. Co urt ney Sampson; 2. T hor Mathi son ; 3. Douglas Bakken ; 4. Corey Edmi sten . WMN : 1. Shell y Kann. MINI SR: 1. Sha wn w eh tage: 2. Shell y xa nn : 5. H6I th J VOllll; 4. Tony Bacon . YTH: 1. jamie Fab rendholz; 2. Co rky Smolich; , . Josh Harens: 4. Chris Stem . 17·24 A: I. Pat Donah o ; 2. Ja y Hoenk; ~. Mar ty Clark; 1. Cra ig Sch wan. 17·2 4 C: 1. Jeff Lee l: 2. Brand on Stovem: 5. Bill Medek. 25 PL US: I. Ch ris Hughes: 2. Mike Grail ; 3. Dana. H unt; ' 4. Robert Bergstrom. • VET C: 1. ren Hahnen : 2. Mich ael Scbe ppkei 5. Rick Lambrech t: 4. boug Mulln er. VET A: I. Jeff Sorensen: 2. M ik~ G r.lif; 5. AI Novo tny; 4. Randy Nagel . . SR: 1. Allen Staige: 2. T om Clark ; .5 Ji m Denevan ; 4. Tom Mysembo ur g. 125 C D·l : 1. Ca.5e)' Sta igt'; 2. Bill Medeil : 5. Mart y Bri25tewb~2:Tf"f!tdn}~her; 2. Schad Priem ; .5. Jason Vanlaningham; 4. Tom Lundquist. 125 B: I. Brent Sieven sen : 2. Chad Luhman ; 5. Brandon McKean ; 4. Bob Goblirsch• 125 A: 1. Mike Atk.inso n: 2. Co~ Holcomb ; 3. Mik.e . Luom a; 4. Pat Don ah o. 250 C: 1. Cra ig Gjerdingtt: 2. Dave:' Zinl: 5. Krn Goblirsch ; 4. Brandon $tov ern . , 250 B: 1. Dana Hunt; 2. Thoma s Willi amll: ~. AI Novotny: 4. Rol')' Ve5e1. 250 A: I. Mike Atkin son ; 2. RobeYt ~strom ; 3. U rill Hughes; 4. Mik~ Luoma. O P EN c: 1. Kril Jahoz; 2. Jef f Hahnm; S. GreK Kalis; 4. Boyd Peterson , O P EN A: 1. Ja y Hoenk ; 2. Jeff Sorensen; !. Many Clark ; 4. Scon T ruempi. King claims Com Country HM win , By Bill Holt MENDOTA, IL, IULY 4 Rich King and Brian Kromroy were th e top Pros at th e Independence Day, Budweiserl Pepsi-sponsored Corn Country Ha lf Mile, held at the T ri-Co unty Fairgrounds; ".T he track was rough, dry and d usty by the time we go t o n it , bu t I want to thank all of the fan s for comi ng out to cheer us on," said King . . Kin g led the first 600cc heat , running up to ,h e hay bales fa st and roosting th e fans off the fences to take the win from Rex Fisher a nd Steve Kasten . The second heat belonged to Bret Beyer. Beyer held off Dave Camlin and La rry Davis . Kyle Lo ng p ut it together win the semi·fin al over Donny Pau l and even tual 500 winner Brian Krom roy. Kin g and Beyer lined up side-by-side o n the l lin e for the fin al, and stayed that way for several laps. King event ua lly pulled away for '0

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