Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 07 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eLOCA LEVENTS ~ T eam Lips (Peter Christensen pictured) won the Firecracker 500 Endurance at Willow. diate moto to cla im the win . Pratt stayed rig h t behind him to finish second while Kevin Foster and Mike Kurz passed Brian Deega n to clai m third. In moto two, Dement and Pratt held first and second throughout the race, wi th Dement recording the win over Pra tt and Foster. The 125cc Interm edia te class saw Pra tt score an u nco n tested wi n as Dement ha d to wor k his way up from eig hth to finish second. Shawn Morga wor ked hard to get around Foster for third place. Dement got a better start in moto two as he took the lead and stayed there or ollowed Pra tt for £ the win. Morga £ three laps until he passed him for second and stayed there to the checkered.flag . Prat t finis hed thi rd ahead o£ Foster. Dement also added the 125cc Open class to his wi n list with a two-mote sweep. T he firs t Mini Sen ior (14. 16) mo to saw Clint Latha m grab the holeshot, bu t he soo n reti red with a brok en chain. Reynard put a move on Robbie Skag gs to set himse\£ for first place. Skaggs went under the checkered flag second, wi th Daniel Davis rig h t behind him. Latham got th e holeshot once again in moto two and this tim e stayed out front through th e checkered fl ag without a mish ap. Reynard finis hed second ahea d o£ Skaggs to cla im th e overa ll win . Reynard won th e Mini Open class after leadin g from start to finish in moto one the n pa ssing Kevin Windham on the last lap of moto two for the victory, the n added the Mini Stock (14-16) class win with a sweep o£ bo th CK mo tos. Skaggs; 3. Billy Ga rt ma n; 4. Bill y Akers ; 5. Brad Woolsey. . MINI STK (14·16): I. Robbie Reynard: 2. Robb ie Skaggs; 5. Bill y Akers; 4. Cli", Latha m; 5. Bill y Gartman . MI NI OPEN: 1. Robb ie Reynar d : 2. Kevin Win dham ; 5. Robbie Skaggs: 4. Cli nt Latham ; 5. Billy Akers. 125 STK NOV : I. Man Day; 2. Ray Mitchell ; 3. Brian Oesuick: ". j oey Moore: 5. Rand y Denby. 125 NO V: I. Mau Goleman; 2. j oey Moore ; 3. Bria n Oe srrick: 4. Mau Day; 5. Ra y Mitch ell 125 STK INT: I. Jeff Dement; 2. Joey Pratt. 3. Kevin Foster: 4. Shawn Morga: 5. Mike Kurz. 125 BEG: I. Adam Florev: 2. Sco u Baldwin: 3. Alan McG ehee: 4. Ra nd y T im ms; 5. Bri an Montgomery . 125 INT: I. Jeff Demen r; 2. J oey Pratt: 3. Sha wn Morga ; 4. Kevin Foster; 5. Brian Deegan. 125 OPEN: I. j eff Demen t: 2. Sha wn Morga ; 3. Kevin FOSLer: 4. Aaro n Justu s; 5. Brian ~n . 125 EX: I. j ason Edwar ds; 2. Terry T in ney: 3. Pedr o Gonzalez; 4. Cla y H oensh elk 5. Raylom Young. . 2S0· 0 P EN BEG: I. J oe Walker ; 2. j o seph Carleton; .5. Lo nnie Rathbun: 4. G ary Anderson: 5. J imm y Bro ussard. 2SO NO V: I. . Eric Rogers; 2. J ason Arti n ger: 3. Chad P lumlee; 4. Donn ie Fox ; 5. Alan Belt 2SOSTK INT: I. Todd Bates; 2. j efrr

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