Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 07 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ ; LOCAL EVENTS 'Keeton . Cru tenden go t aro u nd both Keeton a nd Geer, but again in the late r stages Mann was long go ne, picking up his overa ll wi n for th e da y. Crutenden fin ished second to Mann, good for th e Intermediat e win , foll owed by Keeton, second place Exper t Hanninger, Novice win ner Kay Mann and Shepard. Foster won th e firs t 250cc Sportsman m oto a head o f Dots on, who loomed in hi s shadow th rough out th e mot o. Mot o two saw Do tson ta ke hol esh ot laurels a nd lead sta rt to finish to beat Foster, who gated dead last and ca me from way back to cha lle nge Dotson, who held o ff th e last-lap ad van ces to p ick up th e win. CN Resu lts SPTSMN 5000 EX: l. Duane j oi ce (Ya m) ; 2. John Handelin (CZ); 3. Bill McClinton (BSA). SPTSMN 500 AM: 1. Wyall whinen (H us); 2. Mike Ralph Foster (5) scored the win in the 250cc Expert class at Silver State Vintage MX. Chris Carr (I ) finished second behind Rodney Farris at the Hales Comers 600cc National. Atkins (BSA); 3. Ro n Dotson (Pen ). SPTSMN 500 NOV: I. Bill Rianda (CZ); 2. Peter Hipp (BSA); 3. Mike Ligh tfoot (H us). SPTSMN 250 EX: I. Ralph Foster (Ha n ); 2.J ohn And enon (Hon); 5. Ed Newm an (H us ). SPTSMN 250 AM: I. David Dotson (Kaw); 2. Tony Tam (Han); 3. Mike Tripp (Ya m); 1. Doug Edelman (Ha n); 5. T on y Pogu e (CZ). SPTSMN 250 NOV: I. Gr eg Kendrick (Bul); 2. T om Zarponondia (Pen). PRE LIW 2 EX: 1. Did Mann (BSA); 2. Rodn ey Hanniger (H us); 3. John Oeer (Cl ). PKE LIW 2 INT: I. Peter Crutend en (BSA); 2. J im Keeton (CZ); 3. Lee Shepard (Ore ). PKE LIW 2 NOV: I. Kay Mann (Oss). WMN: I. j aren j ocie (Ma n); 2. Gwen Gee (Ha n); 3. Debra Willi s (Han). SPTSMN OPEN TW NOV: 1. Bill Rianda (T ri); 2. J im McEwin {Tri), ' 40. EX: I. J Im McClin ton (CCM); 2. Rodney Henniger (H us); 3. O ayl o n ROM (Ka w). SO+ EX : I. Do n Sw ear i ng er ( Hon ); 2. Bill McClinton (BSA); 3. Duan e Spence (Yam!. 10• .~M: I. Greg Gro u ldf (Han); 2. Ji m Keeton (CZ); 3. Rober. Pool (BSA); 1. Bob Bank. (Han ); 5. Klau s Hoh man (BSA). SO+ AM: I. Ron Dotson (Pen); 2. Ron Clawson (Mai): 3. Jerome Wh ite (H IlS). 10. NOV : I. John Na ins (Han ); 2. J ohn G uilford (Ha n); 3. Bill Rian da (CZ); 1. Mike Kopp (Han ); 5. Mike Lig h tfoot (H u.). 50. NOV: I. Phil Anderson CZ); 2. Key Mann (Oss); 3. Bob Smith (Ya m); 1. AI Padur (A-E); 5. Geo rge T amura (BSA). VET EX: I. Duane Joice (Yam ); 2. Ralph Foster (H en ): 3. J ohn Hand elin (CZ ); 1. Mart y Luka szewski .(Mai); 5. Clay Light (el). VET AM: 1. Dave Dotson (Kaw); 2. Mike Atkin s (BSA); 3. Bill Knight (Ha n); 1.,Tony Pa ger (el); 5. Randy Yaw. (CZ). 125 EX: I. J ohn Anderson (Han); 2. David Waldon (S w ). Silver State Vintage MX wins to Joice By Clay Ligh t CARSON CITY, NV,JULY 7 ua ne Joice, riding a 1974 Yamaha YZ360, picked up a pair of overall wins at the AHRMA West Vintage Series held at Silver State Raceway. Joice, of Newark, Cal ifornia, won the Vet a nd 500cc Sportsman Expert classes, by winning two of the four motos he entered and finishing seco nd in the o ther rounds. In th e first 500cc Sportsman moto, which like all other classes ran in Expert, Amateur and Novice configurations in one wave, saw CZ-mounted John Handelin take the lead to set up what was one of the day 's best battles between himsel£ and Joice. The two riders spent the entire moto locked in a sensatio nal battle on the tight, jumplined course, and in the end it was Handelin winning by a wheel over J oi ce. Following the pair across th e line were Amateurs Wyatt Whitten , Mik e Atkinsand Je££Gleason. Moto two saw Joice and Handelin fight it out for the lead until th e last lap. That's when Handelin dropped o££ the pace slightly to allow Joice to build up a small advantage that he 'd maintained to the finish for the overall win. Handelin 's 1-2 tallies earned the San Francisco rider second overall in the Expert class ahead of Bill McClinton. Whitten also won out again in th e Amateur portion to take the overall D 24 win while Bill R ianda was th e Novice class overall winner. Joice had his work cut out for him in the first Vet m o t o as Hon da mounted Ralph Foster picked up the win ahead of Joice, who su££ered from a poor start and recovered to beat Ha ndel in , Marty Lukaszewski and Clay Light, who filled th e top five at the m o te 's end. The second moto saw Light, riding a CZ400, and Maico-mounted Lukaszewski enter tum one side by side, but by turn two it was Joice slipping inside th e duo and motoring o ££ into a comfortable lead. Foster and Handelin battled behind followed by Lukaszewski , Light, Nevada's Tom Muto and Ed Newman, which was th e final finish order in the Expert cla ss. " I really love this place," said Joice after picking up his second overall win of th e day . " Wha t I like about this tra ck is that there's plenty of places to pass." Dick Mann, riding his BSA, had it relatively easy in both o f th e Premiere class motos, winning both rather handily. In the first rnoto, John Gee r, aboard a '66 CZ 360 twinpipe, hounded Mann momentarily, as did Nevad a's Jim Keeton, also on a CZ twinpipe, but Mann gradually built up a lead he 'd never relinq uish. Geer had brake problems and dro p ped out of th e first moto, allowi ng Keeton to finish second ahead o f BSA rid er Pete Crutenden, Rod ney Henninger, Kay Mann and Lee Shepard. Mann gated poorly in moto two , but it didn't take long for " Bugsy" to mov e to the head of the pack, this time again followed by the CZ duo of Geer and 125 AM: I. Pal Foster (Yam); 2. Tony Tam (Ha n ); 3. Greg Grouldf (Han); 1. Aaron Hohman (Ha n); 5_Jim Willis (Ha n). 125 NO V: 1. Greg Kendrick (Bu l); 2. John Haines (Ya m); 3. J ohn Gulliford (Ric). Farris cashes in at Hales Corner 600cc National By Dave Hoenig HALES CORNER, WI,JULY 7 .T he AMA 19916OOccNational Dirt Track Series is proving to be a wet one, as rains hit the Hales Corners Speedway during th e Last Chance race , washing out the Budweiser-sponsored, MOlOr Sports Compan y promoted short track National. Payoff was made, based on starting positions for the main. Rod ney Farris was th e big winner for the da y, pocketing th e winner's share by virtue of his fast .heat win, and frosted the cake by winning th e $5000 Dash For Cash . The Dash For Cash pitted the six heat winners in a five-lap war. Farris used a great sta rt and held a light line to keep his Gardner Racing/ Walters Bro s. H -D-sponsored, Bill Wieblertu ned Harley ahead o f defending 600cc National Champion, C hris Carr, on the hard, slick and ro ugh quarter mile. Carr posted the fastest running tim e, rounding the tra ck in 20.054 seco nds to earn the pole in heat one. Roy H art turned a 20.191 second lap to edge Rex Fisher's 200195 for seco nd fastest . Erick Gruber, Mik e Ha le and Larry Pegram would sit on the pole in heats four , five and six . Ca rr got a poor start in heat one, whi le Troy No rr is led Dave Camlin a nd Dave Durell e th rough turn o ne. Ca rr was mired in sixth , but quickl y wo rked his way up. Carr mad e it a three-way fight for first, as he joined Norris a nd Durell e up front. Once Carr took th e lead , he stead ily pulled away. while Norri s a nd Durell e swa p ped positio ns severa l times in th e last laps. Norris took th e last transfer spot, while Durell e headed for a sem i. Farris worked h is wa y around Rich King and went on to win th e fastest heat of the day . King held second, well ah ead of Doug O'Boyle. The third heal belonged to Fisher. Randy Roose and Aaron Hill finished second and third, respectively. Wink Freitas jumped into the lead o f heat four, but Charlie Orr and Eri ck Gruber closed quickly. On lap four, Gruber took the lead, but Freitas' problems were notover , as Orr challenged cons ta n tly. Scott Scherb suddenly appeared , and slipped by Orr and Freitas. Orr then passed Freitas, and closed on Gruber 's rear wheel as the race finished. Mike H a le ra n away with the fifth heat, but th e mo st exci ting race was for second. Vern Browne lead P a u l Polhemus, Kris Kiser and Bret Beyer until th e last lap, wh en Kiser , who had sta rted from the pen alty lin e, shot into second. Browne al so lo st third to Beyer. The last heat was a runaway for Larry Pegram and fin ish ed well ahead of Tim Selb y. The first sem i saw Hill and Durell e battle for first , with O 'Bo yle in tow. Durell e held first, briefly, but Hill took over for good on la p three. Durelle stayed close, as O'Boyle faded. The last semi was won by Freitas, who was well ahead of Orr. Beyer passed Scott Stump on the last lap for third. • In the $5000 Dash For Cash, Farris, Fisher and Carr filed into turn one. Carr quickly disposed of Fisher, a nd began to pressure Farris. Farris was not to be moved o££ the narrow groove, a nd Carr was forced to settle for the $ 1000 second place m one y. Fish er led Pegram , Hale and G ruber home in th ird. Farris earned $2000 for h is fivelap e££ort. As the threat of rain became m ore o bvious, the Last Chance was quickly brought to the line. Stump and Du rell e . hit turn one side by side, but Durelle hoo ked up exiting turn two , and held a IO-yard lead at the end of la p one. By the end of lap two, the rain had started, and the red flag signaled the end of the day's racing. CN Resu lts TIME TIlIALS: 1. Chri. Carr (20.051); 2. Roy Han Jr. (20.191); 3. Rex Fisher (20.195); 1. Erid Gruber f20.2(8); 5. Mike Hal e (20.231); 6. Larry Pegram (20.212); 7. Scan Stu mp (20.277); 8. Paul Polhemus (20.281); 9. Wink Freitas (20.289); 10. Randy Roose (20.301); II. Rich Kin~ (20.330) 12. Dave Durelle (20.365); 13. Troy NolTU (20.385); 11. Rodn ey Farris (20.390); 15. Aaron Hill (20.119); 16. Schall Schab (20.121); 17. Kris Kiser (20.173); 18. Brian Kromroy (20.516); 19. T im Selby (20.519); 20. Bret Beyer (20.510); 21. Charlie Orr (20.560); 22. Erik Graybeal (20.599); 25. SIeve Kasten (20.617); 24. Jama Han (20.627); 25. Dave Camlin (20.631);26. Doug O 'Boyle (20.717); 27. T on y Donahue (20.750); 28. Frank Kaiser (20.769); 29. Vern Brown (20.822): 30. Bob Ybema (20.836); n . Mark Gruber (20.859); 32. Bill Hofmei ster (20.902); 33. Greg Crow (20.906); 31. Jim Sumner (20.981); 35. A.J . Su mner (21.010); 3• . Donald Paul (21.172); 37. T erry Va ta 1 (21.518); 38. Steve Rasmu ssen (21..;73); 39. Steve Champi ne (21.623). HEAT 1: 1. Carr (H- D); 2. Norri s (W-R); 3. Durelte (W-R ); 1. Camlin (H -D); 5. J. Han (H- D): 6. Pa ul (WoR); 7. ves ta 1(Ya m). T ime: 3 min .• 27.594 S«. H EAT :!: I. Farri s (H oD);2. King (H -D); 3. O 'Boyie (H-D); 1. R. Hart J r. (H ·D): 5. Rasmussen (H ·D); 6. A.J. Sumner (Ha n); 7. Kasten (W-R). Time: 3.25.782 - HEAT 3: 1. Fisher (W-R); 2. Roose (H·D); 3. H ill (H- D); 1. Donahue (H- D); 5. Champine (RlX); 6. J. Sumner (H- D); 7. G raybeal (WoK). Time 3.27.983 HEAT 4: I. E. Gruber (WoR); 2. Schab (H -D); 3. Orr (H-D); 1. Frei.... (WoR); 5. vow (H -D); 6. Kaiser (W-R). T ime 3.39.763

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