Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 07 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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v 0ICES INSIDE So long doesn't me an goodbye FEATURES INTERVIEWS 16 Road Racer Michael Doohan Dunlop T ire's Jim Allen SUPEllCROSS Bayle blasts LA . Coliseum season finale ' 20 RIDING IMPRESSION 6 Suzuki's GSXlI oo .,22 ., DRAG RACE OFF·ROAD Summers storms to Blackwater 100 win Letterstothe editor Schultz on top at Springnationals . .. 24 10 DEPARTMENTS LOCAL RACING Rainey tops Spanish GP Human Race Team conquers Loudon Endurance 1 2 18 26 CALENDAR 36 WANTADS ROAD RACE A2 ' 1 will soon be lea vin g Yama h a Mo to r Corp.. U. S. A a fte r a lmost 28 yea rs o f em p lo ymen t. I wo uld like to ex p ress m y g ra ti tude to th e m any Yamaha dea le rs , p eo p le in th e in d u stry, m ember s o f vari ou s cl ubs a nd orga niza t io ns, and Yam a h a emp loy ees w hom I' ve ha d th e p leasure of worki n g w ith th ese m an y yea rs. I've rea lly en joyed m eeting so m a ny fi ne p eopl e a n d I' m su re o ur pa th s w ill cross a ga in a s m y w ife Do ris and I co nt in ue to en jo y th e gra nd sport o f m o torcyclin g. RESULTS A I, 54 ON THE FRONT PAGE: Newly cro w ned 1991 Supercross Cham p ion j ean -Michel Ba yle scored a co nv in cing wi n a t the season -end ing Lo s An gel es Mem orial Colise u m Supercross. Fo r ra ce co vera ge , see page 6. Photo by Kinney J ones. Bill Varnes Audubon, NJ Disheartened rider In respons e to yo u r articl e in th e J u ne 12 issu e, this was se nt to the ci ty m a nager (o f Highland Pa rk, Illinoi s): Mr. Don E p p ley Ci ty Manager C ity o f H ighl and Park 1707 Sa int J ohn St. Hi ghland Park;IL 60035 Dear Mr. E p p ley: America's weekly motorcycle newspaper . . Volume XXVIII . Mi~hae1 Klinger, Pu blish" Caroline Gendry, Exe cut iv e Secretary to th ~ Pub lisher Edit orial Adverti sing Jack Mangus, Associa te Pu bl ish er/ Edi tor Pratt, N atio nal A ccou nts Manag" Mark T ho me. W t Slt'Tn S alt's Man ag er Ro n Davidson . Wt'stt'rn Sales Manager Tho mas R. Gomer, lVestern Sal es Manager Mark Mitchell , Eastern Accounts Manager Greg Mitchell, Eastern Sales Man ager Joan Bell, Western A d Coordinator Carla Borden Allen. Eastern Ad Coordinator Kit Pal mer , Associate Edi tor Paul Ca rr u the rs. Associate Editor Nate Ra ub a. Associate Editor Ken Fau ght, Assistant Edito r Donn Maeda, Assistant Editor Edwina Mangus, Calendar Edi tor Graphics an d Prod uctio n Ree J ohnson , Produ ction Su perviso r Mandy Loo, Prod ucti on Manager Dennis Green e. Lab. T ech . Stacey G uest, G rap hic Art ist Amy Harris, Grap hic Artist Carolyn Branham, T ypesetter Circulation Rheba Smith, Mana ger Sarah Taylor, Bill ing Coo rdi nato r Alm a Anguiano, Processin g Coord inator G abriel le G i llia m , Processing Assistant Debbie Weller. Dealer Coordinat or Want Ads Linda Von de Veld, Wan t Ad Sales T< TIy DealerSales Marketing &: Promotion Mark Th ome. Manager Accounting/Data Processing Donna Bryan-Diamond. A I R Coo rdi na tor Geneva Repass. Assistant Herlan e Lewis. C redi t Service and Support Chris Aitcheso n, H eadquarters R eception ist Leonard Herring, Service and Su p po rt National Headquarters Eastern Office 220 I Che rry Ave.• Lo n g Beach. CA 90806, . P.O. Box 198, Lo ng Beach. CA 90801-0498 4 190 First Ave.• T uc ker, G A. 30084; mai li ng add ress P.O. Box 805, T uck er. G A 30085-0805. (213) 427-7133; 213/636-8844, FAX (213) 427·668 5 (404) 934-7850. Dwayne W. Young Algonquin, IL FAX (404) 934-3 112 Cycle News (USPS 141-340) is published weekly except the last two weeks of the calendar year for $50.00 per year by Cycle News. Inc., 2201 Cherry Avenue, Long Beach. CA 90806. Second class postage paid at Long Beach. CA. Canada Post In ternational Publications Mail #546615. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Cycle New P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-0498. s, To determin e the exp ira tio n date of yo u" su bscrip tio n. check the four numbers on the r first line of your address label. The first two digits indicate the last issue number you'll receive an d th e last two characters indicate the year of th e last issue. Su bscr ip tio n rates: Ra tes for th e U n ited Sta tes and its pos sessio ns for o ne year, (50 issu es). $50.00; two years (l OO issues), $95.00; six month s, (25 issues), $26,00; trial sub ( 15 issues), $ 19.00. Canada and Foreign. one year (50 issues), $90.00; two years ( 100 issues), $17:'. 00; six months (25 issues), $45.00; trial sub (15 issues), $38.00. Cycle News welco mes un so licit ed ed ito ria l mat erial incl u d ing sto ries. ca rtoo ns, p hotos, etc. Suc h material, if published. beco mes th e excl usive pro perly o f Cycle News . Suc h accepted material is subject to revis io n as is necessary in the so le disc retion o f Cycle News . Unso licited ma teria l whic h is not used wi ll be retu rned if accom pa n ied by a self ad dressed sta mped en velo pe . All un so licit ed ma teria l wi ll be hand led wi th reason a b le care. ho wever, Cycle News ass u mes n o responsibility for the safety, loss o r damage to such ma teri al. Reprinting in wh o le or part on ly by permissio n o f the p ub lish er. Advertising rates and cir cu lati on in for ma tio n will be sent u po n request. See S.R. D.S. 4 Yesterda y, I di sco ver ed the City o f H ighland Park ha s denied a permit for Kawasaki a nd Highland H ouse Ca fe fo r a Good Times Event. Ap p a rently, yo u h av e no id ea h o w this wi ll ha ve a rip p ling effec t. As yo u see , Mr. Eppley, motorcycl e ' riders a re so me of th e m ost cha ri ta b le people a ro u nd . T h ey a re th e best peo pl e to hav e o n yo u r si de a t a ll times a nd no t o n ly tha t, t hey vo te! It is very di shearten in g to di sco ver th e Ci ty o f Hi gh la nd Park ha s denied u s th e opport u ni ty to show ou r su p po rt for o ur vo l u nteer fire fig hter s, hosp ital s, city libra ry a n d d isa bl ed worker s. Whi le Ka wasak i ha s do n e ever yth in g to m ake th is event as easy for th e city as th ey co u ld, incl uding payin g for i t, a pe rm it was still den ied. I a m a m otorcycl e en th us iast a n d wo u ld ha ve p arti cipa ted in this event. I m ak e regul ar tr ips to th e Highl and H ouse every week end and wo uld h a ve enjoy ed a little national recogni ti on for o ur little ga theri ng pl ace. My last trip to th e Highl and House, to be wi th fell ow r iders, was la st week end. I ca n n ot su p port a co m m u n ity wh ich will not su p po rt m e. U n fo rt u na tely, th e o n l y o n es wh o wi ll s u ffe r fr om den ying th is eve nt are th e charitie s a n d th e Hi gh land H ouse itself. . Mr. Epp ley , fo r your sa ke a nd th at o f Highland Park , I h ope th e o ther 5000 p eopl e thi s deci sion a ffects w ill n ot take th e sa m e sta nd I hav e. W/B0'A AUDITED 'if rl CIRCULA TION Copyright" Cycle News, Inc, 1991. TrademarkCycleNtws r

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