Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 07 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ INTHE WIND By Papa Wealey American Bob Moo re (KT M) scor ed th e ove rall win in round seven of th e World Championship 125cc MX Seri es at Ha therton Hall , England, June 23. Ho lland's Pe dro Tra g t e r (S u z) finished second overa ll and American Willie Surratt (H o n) co m p leted th e top three. Moore tra ils Stefan Evert s in the point sta nd ings, 232-201, with fiv e sc he d u led rounds rem aining . H owever, two of those rounds are sch edu led to take p la ce in South Ameri ca a nd both are in danger o f bei ng cance lled. e Americans Trampas Parker (Hon) a nd Mike H ealey (KT M) eac h won a m oto a t round seven of the World Cha mp ions h ip 250cc MX Ser ies in Arbi s, Fran ce, June 23, but it was def en din g 250cc World C ha m p io n Alessandro P u zar (Su z) who scored the overa ll win with 2-3 rn oto fin ish es. Both Pa rker an d H ea ley failed to fin ish th eir other mo tos, bu t com patriots Bader Manneh (Ya m) and two- time 125cc National C hamp ion Micky Dymond (Ya m) finished second an d third overall, respectively. Pu zar lead s Parker in th e point standings. 188-164. Sam Ermolen k o emerged the top American scorer from the June 23 Overseas Speedway Fina l a t Bradford, England. Ermolenko, wh o finished second to Brit Kelv in Tatum in th e seco nd of three qua lifying ro unds which lead to the World Champ ionship, scored 12 points, one less than Tatu m. Fe llow Ca l iforn ia n B illy H a m ill was tied with Er mo lenko after five heat ra ces bu t a ru no ff saw Ermo1enko score th e tie-brea kin g win . Hami ll fin ish ed third in th e fin a l results. Ca lifo rnians Ron nie Corre y , who fin ished sixth with nine points , a nd Kelly Moran, wh o ea rne d six points, joined Ermo1en ko and H am ill in advancing to th e semi-final round which will take pl ace in G ermany on August 18. Ric k M ille r , th e win ne r of the American Fina l which was held in Long Bea ch , California, in March , fail ed to adva nce, scoring o n ly four points in his five heat races. Kurt Hough (Kaw) was th e ove ra ll winner in round five o f th e AMA Na tional Championsh ip Reliability Series in McMinnvill e, Oregon, June 22-23. Larry Roe s ele r (Kaw) was th e ru nner-up , while Stev e Hatch (S u z), Jimmy Lewis (KT M) a nd David Rhode s (H bg) rounded ou t th e top five, resp ectiv ely. Ca lifornian Rich O li ver (Ya m) top ped hi s Marlboro Yam aha tea mmate Robbie Petersen (Yam) to win th e Seattle, Wash in g ton , ro u nd 'o f th e WERA Fo rm ula USA Series on June 23. Mi ch ael Marti n (Suz) fin is he d thi rd. T he Formu la II win at Sea ttle Int er na tional Racewa y went to Alan Scott (Yam ) over Do n G reene (Yam) a nd Mi ke Su llivan (Yam). The po ints leader in F-I1 going into Seattle, Kenn y Robert s, J r. , crashed while leading with two laps to go. Wes Cooley and D o nald J acks of Team Suzuki Endur anc e (Suz) teamed to beat the regu lar Team Suzuki Endurance (Su z) squad of Kurt H a ll and Michael Martin in the SBS/ P M WER A Na tio na l Endurance Road Race Series a t Sea ttl e International Ra cewa y on June 23. H u tchins Racing (Yam) finished third. Road racer Kevin Schwantz recently inspect ed th e 2. 6- mile Inter lago s circui t in Brazil th a t is sla ted to host th e Ma y 8 Brazilian Gran d Prix . "Well , th ere's a possibilit y we m ight go and a po ssibility we might not," Schwantz CDC makes pointswithCo ng=-.: . :res=.=.-s_ F 2 o u neen members o f th e Cal ifo rnia Desert Coal itio n (CDC) d e liv ered th e trut h about desert conservation to members of Congress during a n int en sive fourday visit to Wash in g ton , D.C. The grou p made 36 visits to Hou se a nd Senate offices in a leg isla tive tour coo rd ina ted by the Mo to rcycl e Indu str y Co u nci l a nd th e Ame rica n Moto rcycli s t Associa t ion, June 10-13, . Coa li tio n delega tes met with memb er s o f Co ngress a n d key co m m ittee sta ff to explain th e Ji m Delaney (center) of the MIC's Washington drastic im p lica tio ns o f th e "Cali- office checks the day 's meeting schedule wit h fornia Desert Pro tection Act, " S21, visi ting members of the CDC . Behind Delaney is Bob H am , California O Il-Road Vehicle Legis lative no w in a Sena te com m ittee. T he Coalition; AMA District 37 Legislative Officer delega tion pr esented case stud ies Dana Ben is at right lo reground. showing th a t th e cu rrent Ca liforni a Desert Plan is an effective co nse rva tio n ma nage me nt tool. In the sched uled visit s, th e del egati on ca lled o n members o f the House and Sena te su bco m m ittees th a t ha ve jurisd iction over S21 a nd th eir staff. 'T he gro up also visi ted 'the o ffices o f members of Ca liforn ia 's Co ngressiona l delega tio n whose di stricts wo ul d be affected by S2 !. Ca liforn ia Senato r Alan Crans to n has introd uced the sa me basic bi ll in th e past three sessio ns o f Congress. The Cra nston bill would lock u p as " w ildern ess" nearl y nine mill ion ac res of p u blic la nd - an area lar ger tha n Massach usetts, Connecti cut a nd Rh od e Island co m bi ned. Federal wilderness design ation essentia lly p rohibits all for ms of motorized recrea tion a nd mechan ized tra vel as well as min in g , grazing, and o the r productive uses. MIC' s Jim Delaney said the re is no com pa n io n bill in the House th is term as yet. H e ad ded tha t a nu mb er o f Rep resentat ives a nd sta ff me mbers a re new to the Ca lifornia desert issue du e 10 cha nges in co mmi ttee assign ments. The meet ings gave the coa lition a n opport u n ity to provide th ose mem bers with importa nt backgro u nd sho ul d a H ouse bill be in troduced . "From that point of view a lo ne, th e visit was very successfu l," Delan ey said. " If a H o use version is introd uced or the Senate bill begins to mo ve, the gron ndwork has been laid." . Delaney a lso arranged a meeting for the delegation wi th Cy Jamison , director of the federal Bureau of Land Management. That agency imp lement s the current desert p lan wh ich the CDC supports. F ok to headline GPs in '93 our-str e500s ust as Cycle News was going to press on June 24, we received word fro m a reliable source that the FIM Management Council has decided to cha nge th e en gi ne formu la for the 500cc World Championship Road Race Series to 500cc our-strok es on ly begin ni ng in 1993. The surprise move calls for 500cc four -stroke en gi nes featuring ro u nd pisto ns o n ly, no su pe rchargers, six -speed transmissions, 105 db sound limits, and a 286pound minimum weigh t limi t. The 125 a nd 250cc World Ch am p io nsh ip ru les will remain unch an ged, however. In add itio n , a ll FIM events, with the exception of speedway , wi ll req u ire th e u se of unleaded gasoline o n ly, effective in 1993. The FIM Ma nagement Co u ncil m et on J une 22-23 in Geneva, Switzerla n d , and is expected to announce this decision shortly. 1. said fro m hi s home in Austin, T exas , on J u ne 19, after just returning from Brazi l. T he T exan insp ected th e track from both a heli copter a nd a Suzuki GSXR IIOO, a nd reports th at the re are still two corners which are unsafe. "They're go ing to try an d bu ild a ch ica ne in one and move a wa ll in the other," Schwantz ad ded. " I mad e a video that I' ll ta ke back wi th me to Assen, We'll all ta ke a look at it and make a group decisio n ." Sch wa n tz a lso celebra ted his 27th birthday on June 19. Spotted turning wrenches for road ra cer Phil Kress at the recen t AMA Superbike National a t New Hampsh ire Internationa l Speedway was none other than Gene Amaiz, Ri ch Arnaiz's father: " My two-year-old grandda ughter has a bett er se t o f tools," the elder Arnaiz was overheard telling Kress. Road ra cer/dirt tra cker Jon Cornwell will com pe te in the Dutch road rac e GP o n J u ne 28 in Assen , Holland. The Canadian will ride hi s 1991 Yamaha TZ250 in his first a ttempt at a GP held o uts ide of th e U.S . Co rnwell has had su ccess in nearly all forms of moto rcycle ra cing, includ ing Grand Na tio na l dirt track, road racing, speedway and ice raci ng. Steady rains forced post p o nement o f the AMA 600 Nati onal Ch am p ionship Dirt Track Series half mile ro u nd th at was sche d uled for 1-96 Spe e d w a y in Lake O dessa , Mich iga n , o n Sa tu rday, J u ne 22. T he even t has been reschedu led for Sa turda y, Sep tember 7. In add itio n to th e revised da te for th e 196 Spee d way event, a July 20 race has bee n added to th e 600 Nati onal sch edu le a t W e s t Virginia Motor Speedway which is loca ted in Min era lwe lls, West Vir gin ia , near Pa rkersburg. The half mil e race track has resu med opera tions under new o wnersh ip. The Ju ly 20 600 Nationa l will be the AMA' s first visit to th e track since 1988. T he Senate version o f the $ 123 billion Surface Trans po rta tion Efficien cy Act passed on June 19 a n d the National Recreatio nal Trail s Fund A c t ~N RTFA) , in corporated as Part B of th e transporta tion bill, su rvived lar gely intact , repo rts th e Motorcycle Ind ustry Counci l. T he trail s ac t wo u ld return federa l fuel tax es paid by O H V recreatio nis ts to state trail s p rograms, and passage of the tra ils act in th e tra ns portation bill is regarded as a major victory for O H V en thusias ts. A House version o f th e tra nsporta tion bi ll is expected th is summer, possi bly before the Aug us t recess, a nd th e MIC is wo rking fo r incl usio n o f HRl1 55 in the bill . H R l155 is th e H ouse companion bill for the trai ls fun d ac t and it was introduced by Rep. T homas Petri of Wisco nsin. T he H ouse Publ ic Works and Transportatio n Co mm ittee will be ma king that decision soon an d you are u rged to write or 'ca ll th e co m m ittee 's cha irma n , Rep. Robert A. Roe (U .S. H ou se o f Rep resenta tives, Washin g ton, DC 20515; 202/ 225-5751) to th an k h im Io r cos po nso r i ng NRTFA. Rep . Roe's office ca n a lso provide you wi th the nam es o f o ther rep resentatives who are members of th e comm ittee . Northern Ca lifornia's Donner S ki Ranch will host the Donner Pas s National Vintage Trial, a round of th e AHRMA Vintage National Trials Seri es on Sunday, July 14. The ra nch/ tr ia l site can be reac hed by exiting 180 at th e Norden-Soda Springs turnoff. P ra ct ice sections wi ll be open on Satu rday and following a po t luck din ner th a t even ing, Bru ce Brown's On Any Su nday wi ll be shown. Camping in th e pa rking lo t is permitted. Signu p on Su nda y begins a t 9 a.m . with the co m petition ge tt ing u nd erw ay at 10 a.m . For more informati on , ca ll 415/ 426-1275 o r 916/ 967-0262. Spaniard Jordi Tar res sco re d a r e cord 34th win in hi s home co u ntry ro u nd o f th e World Ch ampionship Observed Tria ls Series, June 9. The pr evious record of 33 World Ch am pionship wins was held by Edd y Lejeune. Defending World Ch ampion T arres, 23, a Beta factory rider, logged a scor e of 46 in Sp ain. D onato Miglio (Ap r) was seco nd with 49 mark s, while D ie g o B o s is (Fan) was th ird with 52. Aft er six ro u n d s, Tarres lea ds th e cha m p io ns h ip with a tot al of. ' 110 points. Bosis is second with 100 a n d Mi g lio th ird with 88. E d d ie Mulder , th e star o f TT a nd desert racing in th e six ties (he won five G rand Nat ional Cham p ionsh ip TT races between 1965 a n d 1970), will spearhead a Wood-R otax assa u lt a t th e J ul y 4 Pikes Pea k Hi llcl imb in Co lorad o. " Eddie will be riding a WoodRota x with o ne of th e new twin-cam, liq u id -coo led head en g ine s," Ron Wood sa id . "Eddie used 10 ride for me a n d we're having a kind o f reunion - just having fun ." Mulder is currentl y working as a stuntman in movies a nd TV co m me rcia ls. Wo od a dded th at dirt tr a ck ers Da v i d D ureIle , Tony Donahue , Clint Va hsh o lt z a nd Ste v e Wilson will a lso be aboard Wood-Rotax bikes at th e h illclimb. Vahsh oltz is the son of six-time Pi kes Peak winner Leonard Vahsholtz. Also sche du led to compete a t Pikes Peak is Team G reen 's Larry Roeseier , wh o is co m ing o ff h is eig h th Baj a 500 vic tory . Roeseler will lead th Kaw asaki team's assa u lt on th e famou mo u nta in . " We are rea lly exci te about th e o p port u n ity p rovided by Wall y Dall enbach 's Co lorado 500 t pa rt icipate in the Pikes Peak hillclimb this year," said Team Green man a ge' Mark J ohnson. ' " We' re bringin g ou top riders, a fu ll support effort, an we're looking to win ."

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