Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 06 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 63 of 63

IT ISN'T EVERY DAY TEAM GREEN SWEEPS BAJA. JUST EVERY FEW MONTHS. We're baaack.ln a n eerie reminder of last November's sweep of the Baja 1000, Team Green once again jammed south ofthe border. This time, it was for a b listering sixclass sweep of the 1 991Tecate SCORE/HDRA Baja 500. Garth Sw etland, Paul Krause and Greg e Zitterkopf got a little help from Mr.Baja, Larry Roeseler and took the overalL But even the locals got into the act as a Kawasa ki mounted team grabbed the prestig ious Govemor's Cup,awarde d to the top finishing Mexican National Team. Let's face it, we own Baja. Why e lse would we sweep it all the time? Garth Sweetland/Paul Krause Greg Zitterl

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