Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Daytona Bike Week GuikShop 8 MICHELIII ROAD RACE TIRES ~ STILL NO.1••• And Here To Stay! Sucks . Ra In s & tn ter m em a tes 12 5cc to 10CX>cc. N ow In S tock Ne w Compo unds and Sizes in Slicks and Hi- Sport Radi als 17 in ch Rad ial Slic ks Now In Stock f or 1 2 5cc GP Ma n.,. Co m pc.u nd s Sch• • 1., Cycle Supply RI . 3. Boa 231 Altoona , AL 35952 205 /53 B·5906 And Sl urgis 81 aelt Hills Rally 50t h Ann iversary T- \ shins. Quality blaclt 5O-50 's wh il a prlm fronl and . back. Adu lts 611.00 S, M ,LX~ Kids 69.00 6-8. 1012.1 4-1 6. Free shipping. Dick Cope, 651'h Main, . Deadwood, Soul h Dakota 57732 . (60S) 578 -1344 . (120) ". ~ ~ ~< 1t~;1.,;~Jo " with AMI ,'972 B E COM E A M O TOR C Y C u: . M F. HA1HC/ " .. C AMI HAS IT ALl. !! ~ IM ICJ ~ ~ I IIGI II.\' n :C1 INICAL CUlSfo: Sll Pl-:UVI S I O N I'I .A C E M ~;NT ASS I:'TANn ; ' FI NAN CIAl . i\S.<;ISTANn; SPECIALIZED COURSES ; IIAR !. F:Y- DAVIDSON I ION D A . KJ\ W ASA K I YA M A li A SUZU K I BMW '91 YZ125 Must Go lII lII $2100 - Jeff (619) 371- 1522. CA. (320-21) 5 Quads Enclosed Dico Trailer 20 ft . Dico enclosed self-cont ain ed trailer . 5 Quads. 500 Suzuki. 230 Suzuki, 200 Yamaha, 100 Yamaha . 60 Yamaha , many ext ras and gear. 620.000 possible trade. Nite (714) 525 -8115, day (714) 526-485 8. CA. (320-2 1) Wanted Kimtab Wheel Rear wheel WM3x18 with or without brake rotor, must ba straighl . Ask for Dave. Days (305) 9746550, eves. (305) 462 -7082 . FL (320) 1987 KX80 ENGINE and Trans, just re -bu ut, like new, $650. (7 14) 944-5124, (714 ) 98 1-2099. CA. (320- 21) AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE INSTITUTE 144 5 S KY TROO PE R RD . DA YT ONA BEACH .FL · 321 14 C ALL TOLL FR EE 1-8DO-874-ll64 5 OR IN FLA. C AL L 1-904 -255-02 9 5 O I H t R OIVIS(»fS .. ...trll e .. '" ...... ' E RCR.. n INSl n Vl( ...... ...ItCAH ... AR lNt 1H"i1 l tll t t No Spill Quick Fill First ca n that really works. 3 .7 ga l. 10 sec. sta nd incl. rebuilda bla. SPORT ENGINEERING $1SO. (119- 221P) (818) 994-7475 . CA. For Sale XR250 SUDCO PERFORMANCE CATALOG 1984 Supertrepp, K&N, clean. wife's bike, $7SO. (818) 718-02 08. CA. (320-21) N EW 199 1 CATALOG W ITH 24 COLOR PAG ES O F THE HOTTEST BOLT-O N PERFOR MANC E PARTS FOR SPORTS BIKES & DIRTB IKES CATALOG FREE WITH ORDER or MAil $3 ONTARIO EXHAUS TSYSTEMS from $289.95' MIKUNI RS SIDEORAFT CAR8URETORS from $549 .95' KEIHINCRDOWNDRAFT CARas from $795.00' . . . . III CAonIy'v *"" wtIldII 'IIIII'lldI .... _ beUIId . . . . Trailer M /C 4-rail H.D. w/ storage box. new tires . bearings, 6500. (818) 718-0208 . CA. 1985 VZ250 6-spd, big lank. odo, skid plate, many extree. we ll mainla ined $950 . (818) 3578423 . CA. (320) ~. ORDER S (213) 7 47-5173 =L.JClC::CI 1824 East 22 nd <3 e>-t: For Sale St., Los A ngeles, CA a r l e> p i r l i e> Try Voices. (320-21 ) Naw 199 1 GSXR1100 Suzuki. 277 miles. call PRITCHETT CYC LES (209) 784-0897 for details. $6500 firm . CA. (220) Wanted : Yamaha TA125 RR rl? HAll'S HUSnVARNA (t!) Husq varna CAO'J'V'A Larca l nvant ory 25 ya. ... In The Dirt ~lln~ __ , rr,.."• ...,;, .-'_....... (2 17 ) 528-0542 (217) 528-8356 UP S Hou rs Tue / Fr l9-7 ._ D AI LY .Over 150 excl~ng motorcycle vtdeos In stock. Supercross, motocross, road racing, flo t track. instructionc is and more. vVed lTh ur 9·6, Sat 9·5 ..... ~REWS YAMAHA . KaI ak-- wasrll= Sprockets Curre nt and earl y years. Din and Street. European and Japenese. MIKE'S CYCLE SUPPLY 8al on , Rouge, LA . (800) 367· 5209 . (202/TFN/EOI) . 3755 N orth Oirkaon P. rkw. y. Sprin gf ield . IL 62707 Dealer Rental Center Available Nowl Any shape or pens . (804) 672-0021 . VA. (318/20/ 23) 1989 GSXR1100 Swingarm, fairi ng bra cket, wiring harness, fOOl eontrets. 1989 GSXR7SO fra me . ca rbs , starter. alt .. 5wi ngarm . 198 7 GSXR750 lilla, carbs, rear wheel. Keihin 36mm smooth-bore carbs . (S08) 531·261 7. MA. (119-20) L. rges YZ l support de.lersh ip in Northero Ohio . e OAll Y UPS SHIPPING • _ COMPLETE PARTS AND ACCESSOR IES INVENTORY FORDEAI.£R INFORMATION. CAll. TOD YI A 1-800-688-0686 F (714)499-5570 AX P.O. Box501 South laguna. CA mn ~ NDREWs HONDA. lMpsI C " 1II • •lInIIlp II • .., . SUZUKI = ' 8 2 CBX Hon da 6 -Cyl. 11.000 miles. stock new tires . runs perfect. $2600. (513) 836 -5894 . Also haw 1975 Honda 400-4 minI . OH. (319-20/ PI 2 1986 RG500 Gammas One. blue /white . 3000 miles . $6400. other red l wh ite . 1500 miles. $6900. Both showroom condit ion, stock. ca lifornia titles. call M ike for delai ls. (714) 744 -1534. CA. (319-20) 1990 ZX7 750cc Kaw 19 91 M odel Pipes Now Available Dyno-Jet Dislribulor / llaoiIr InquiriooW _ 1 mm Wiseco. 0&0 . scr eami ng super sport racebike. low miles, $SOOO/obo. Dave All ey, (301) 263-1 127. MD. (319-20) 1987 GSXR1100 COMPLETE front end and HODAKA • BMW PARTS New and Used, Crank Rebuilding Cylinders. Boring & Paning 01'-. FMF· DG • PRO CIRCUIT - RENTHAL • RK SINISALO - ONEAL · SCOTT - EBC - AFAM MAXIMA - MOTUL - BOYESEN • DICO - ITP For lo cation of your nearest dea ler and dea ler inquiries ca ll : _.1.-800-748-8454 DUNLOP - BELL· GATORZ AND MORE!!! WHOLESALE TO DEALERS ORDER LINE". .. 800-783-5859 , . . MAGNUM DEALERS SA VE SSS Ship Hei d's Hodaka - BMW ' " " UPS Daily 53 Gar net l ake Road Johnsburg , NY 1284 3 HODAIlA ' (518) 251-2110 gaug e cluster. also Oh lin shock new. best off er . (212) 580-2156. NY. (319-20) 1991 KX500 Kawasaki Excelle nt cond it ion. ridden 3 t imes. leNrear wheel . sus pen si on m ods. spa rk ar restor. extras- Best offer. . . (714) 524 -2632. CA. (319·20) Woman Wanted Good cook.cleans motorcycles. pit boss. owns own moto rcycle. Se nd pict ure of motorcycle to Kris Kisar, AMA N44 . (419) Wanted: RZ Parts Pa rts for RZ350 a nd RZSOO. Performa nc e parts and regular pans . (313) 239-2946.MI. (320) WANTED: HONDA NS400R. Reasonable price. wou ld like to meet at Char kme National race J uly 4. (919) 349-4078. NC. (119)

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