Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1990 CR500 1983 Honda CX650TC Pro Circuit top-e nd. Oh lins. Moo s e. An sw er , Your ch oice. re d 18.000 m iles. $2O or blask 25. 000 m il es, $2500. Fuel inj ected and turbo charged . Excelle nt sport /tourer and all around fun motorcycl e. Your cha nce to own a piece of historyl (6 19) 443 -0 138. CA. (31B-20) Tecnosel, Hace-Tech , spares. S.F. Bay area, $3400/obo. (41 5) 23 6-6 115. CA. (319-20) WANTED TT-500 or XT-500 any year available. Please call Ivan et (30 5) 3B3 -9B53 alter 6 p.m. FL (117-20 ) Yamaha YFM100 4 Wheeler RD350 Parts Lost inte rest in resto rat ion project. Garage full enough to make two bikes or keep a vintage racer r unning into the next century . $300 take s it all. (608) 86B-4029 . WI. (1 20) New Non-Current Yamahas Ducati 900 MHR '89 FZR6oo . '8 7 FZ7oo, '90 FZR600 , '90 Radian, 'B9 XT350, '8 8 DT50 , '89 1100 Verago , '90 VM ax, '90 VZ250 . '90 VZBO, '90 BW80, '90 RTl 00, '90 FZR400. ' 90 FZRlooo, '90 FJI200, '90 535 Vrag o, '89 XT600, '90 750 OW01 , '88 YSR50 , '90 YZ4 9 0 , ' 8 7 8W 20 0 , ' 90 RTl 80. CONCOR D YAMAHA, l B9 1 M arket St.. Concord, (415 ) 798 25 80 . YAM A HA COUNTRY, 77 6 N. 13t h St reet. (219- 22 ) San Jose, (40B) 2B7 -2946. CA. 1984 M etzelers, Cont is. etc. M int con dition mu st sell. leavi ng country. Ph. Dave. leave message. (31 8-20/P) $135 00 /obo. (714) 58 1-223 6 . CA . Bi mota DB1 SR specs : Marvics. Fox shock . 41 .5 Malossis. Montjuich. cams and valves , factory 2/1. flowed heads , immaculate, l000Km, never raced, never down. (203) 669-1926. CT. (3 19-20) 1987 Yamaha 100 a -whee le r, ele ctric start. automatic, lig hts , small scale f or kid s. gr eat beginner mach ine to learn ri di ng tech niq ues. ssoo/eee. Alter 6 :00 p.m. (714) 894-1658. CA. (51 9-21) Suzuki DR100 $900 The ultimate kids tratlbske. 1989 Suzuki DR100. just like the big bikes but scaled down , ridden 6x; $900/obo . Alter 6 :00 p.m. (714) 894-1658. CA. (5 19 -2 1) 1990 CBR1000F Retired. M ore motorcycle than I need. 2600 miles, red/white/ blue model , Cobra sli p-ons. (21 3) 927 6246 . CA. (119-20) Wanted: Kawasaki KZ1000R Eddie Lawson Replica TZ 250J ' 8 4 GMC Box Van Sleeping quarters with roof air conditioning. holds four dirt bikes. pans. bins. v-e. cruise. auto-trans. Good low bUdget rid e. 38mm fJats lid es. Spondon brake. spare cylinders. heads. f resh crank in box, Rains rear Oymag for radials $2500. Spondon square tube alloy frame for T2 250 $500. (60 8 ) (119-20) 754 -7901. WI. low miles. was $8999. now $7999. (407) 6831642. FL (319 -20) Need for street 5-1 conversion . Tad, (800) 836· 69 6 6. (213) 275-01 88 . CA. (106 -20) Case Guards Roatx 500 AP LOCKHEED MASTER CYLINDER new, never (3 19- 2 1) used . Craig (20 9) 386 -0168. CA. New springs. big valves. clutch, pisto n. gr eat Pro Am motor. (313) 238 ·9207. MI . 1120) YAMAHA RZ500 only 5OOkm, a collector 's dream, plus new and used pans available fr om fiva othe r RZ500's, $5500. RG500 Gamma Walter Wolf Limited Edition soooee. $5500. AI (604) 9804060. Canada . (3 19-24) Wa nted:' ' 8 2 - '8 3 KZ1 0 0 0 R Edd ie Lawson Rep lica Pay top price . (BOO) 833 -3778. CA. Collectors On ly (320-23 ) '988 ATK 406 good condition , senior ridden. $1800.1513) 355 -7065. OH. (1 19 -21) Extremely rare, only 33 i mported to Nort h America . 198 9 GSXR 750R R, Ser ial #32, ne w sti ll in crate, $20 ,000. Seria l # 33 , only 1500 km cosme tically damaged, $13 ,oo%bo. Call fo r details. A ll can deliver across border. (604) 98 0 -4060. Canada. . (319 -2 1) Scotts Tool Bags Torn Bagl Lost Tooisl Cordura H.D. bag w it h strap solv es the prob lam on ly $24 .95 . (81 8) 248· 67 47 . CA . (11 9-22/P) HONDA CX500 TURBO excellent co ndition, $3000, includes complete parts bike. (2 15 ) 294 928 0 . PA (11 9-20) Parting 'SS 600 Katana & GS500 Heavy duty replacement covers by NRC. available for FZR400, FZR600, GSX R750 and 1100. WERA and AMA approved. Dealer inquiries invite d. SPO RT CYCL E PRO DUCTS (BOOI 35 6-4230. PA . (217/TFN) Wanted: KB3, SB3 Bimota Tad (21 3) 275-o1B8 eves, (BIBI 763-0600 days. CA. (317 -21) TT 500 FLAT TRACKER, worked over, make offer, (118 -2 1) leaving town . (8 12 ) 752 -4324. IN. Also '87 C8 Rl ooo and CBR600. pl ease leave (31 9- 20) message. (405) 642-6177. OK. 1991 's Ducati 900SS ***Parting Out*** In stock. Will deliver anyw here. call before 5 p.m. (414) 684-0237. W I. (319-20) FZR6oo, FZ600-7oo, ZXl 0 , ZX7, ZX600, EX5oo, VF5 00, CBR6oo/1 oo0 . GSX R750, EX250R, VX250. D& M SPORTBIKE, (219) 4B3 683 3 . IN. (2 16/EOI) csxnoo. .PW-50 Ignitions $300 .Dealer Inq ui rie s. (21 3) 378-33 14. CA. 1990 Ducati 750 Sport 1991 RM250 by SCR Head work. pan ing. carburetor . pipe. fork and shock modific ations. fresh top-end w ith extras . $3400/obo. Gary, eves. (805) 399 -1607. CA. (31 9 -20) (3 17 -20 ) Back Canteen Pro s like Kevin Hin es. Jimmy Lewis and Paul Ostbo hydrat e w it h the origina l dr in kin g system . Check val ve. new helmet hose. un iversal mou nt, $26 .95. See your dealer or call (BOO) 342 -9 85 3. CA . (21 9- 20 /P) 1989 Kawasaki Ninja ZX1 0 Absol ute ly mi nt w it h only 3000 miles. Mu st sell , $3999 / obo. M ark (8 18) 99.1 -4 980 ext . 233. CA. (21B-21 ) ZX1 0 /ZX11 200 BHP Street Motors 1267 cc bored & stroked, pro bu ilt or D-I-Y kits . 1109cc and 1166cc pis ton s, stroker cra nks. 140 CFM hea ds . carbs, cams, cl ut c h es, et c. SUPERBIKE MIKE. (305 ) 4B4 -6969. FL. (2 18 -21) t Very beaut iful, very tric k. very fast . Dell 'Orto carbs, Verl icch i pipe, steel brake lin es. Corb in seat, cu st om c lip-ens, soft l uggage. shop manu al, $6595/obo. (81 BI 242-77 37 aves. and we ekends. CA. ' . (319-20) Wtd: 500 Botex Flat Tracker Wood or Kni ght fr ame. No junk wanted. Ask for Scon . (9 19 ) 723-1B44. NC. (319 -21) Wanted: RD 250 Race Parts Heads, cyl ind ars, Reeds pipes , etc . (80 5) 347 -4243 (119-201 days, (605) 347 -5278 n ights. SO. r-------------------------------------------------~ I WANT AD BLANK . I I I Cycle New s, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 . 2 1 3 / 427-7433 24 Hr. FAX Order Line (213) 427-6685 II -------------------------------- I I Prices Are For One Issue On ly (CftlargtJ Of WANT AD RAT ES ~I open KCOUrYU onty• .-.-1 ~- CO MMERC IA L/ HELP W A N T ED $1 20 . wor d , .. • • •. ...... . . , , ,', • . . . . Headline in bold type . .. , , . - , , - $11 extra P er .. I . Run my ad in the follO Wing I p.cla l ectlon : _ _ Hel pWented _ _ Business Opportunities _ _ Co lle ctors (' 974 or el der ] _ _ Wen t Ads Bleck and Wh ite Photos. No color sli des (One photo per ad _ Printed im eg e size limited to 1 1 / 2" high, 2 1 /4- w ide) _ B l i n d Bo x Se rvice Charge , .86.00 Photo (no larger than 5x7) . . . , .$1 7 extra . PRIVATE PARTY Per W ord " ." , ,. $ ,SO Headline in bold type .., $S extra Photo (no larger tha n 5x7 ) ,. __• $1 0 extra WANT AD DEADLINE II I I FRIDAY 12 NOON for next week's issue. No cancellation s afte r deadl ine . Ads are accepted on a fi rst come fi rst serve basis. Cycle News reserves the r ightto edit /abbreviate copy & bold headlines. Any discrepancies must be reported with in one week of pub lication to receive any adju stment. Fill in the Visa /Master Charge bla nk or send h k d C I N t bo c ec or money or ar to yce ews a a ve address. .. . ~ ~, . CREDIT CARD LIMIT M INIM UM $5 .00 " I PLUS .50 C POSTAGE AND HA NDLING. ~ ~ Signat ure Skid Plates Heavy duty, bo lt -o n, full -c overage, anodized aluminum for most bikes. Call SCOTTS. (Bl B) 2486747. CA. (11 9-22/ P) 1988 Ducati 750'Paso _ Red. 14.000 miles. Corbin /stock seats, 5S brake li nes. Excellent in si de/ out , always garaged , complete serv ice records. $4 500/ abo. (213 ) 4305455. CA. (119-20) PHOTOS RETURNED ONLY WITH SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE Motorhome and Trailer Print name• • dd,... and ad copy clearly . Pl.... run my ad in # of iuue• . I I I Name i Zip State City Address .PRINT BOLD HEADLINE HERE (Leave.pace.) I I I W.nt Ad minimum $6.00 • Bold helidlin•• do not count toward. want ad word count. I I I I I I· 48 I I I I I I I I I I _ _ _ _ _ _-" 2 ..> 3 4 .:>5 6 7 Commander class A motorhome 24 ' $8900. ProTrac enclosed trailer 18' $3200. Great condi· ti on. Package $11 .100. (619) 240-4119. CA. (319 -211 OWO 1-1990-Superbike OWOl 1990 Jacques Guenane back -up superbike kined eng ine, showroom condit ion, race or street reedy. barga in $14.000. Cull Jacque" Sr . (514) 62B-2434. Canada. (319 -20) 1990 Yamaha TZ250A Road racer, m int cond it ion , never crashed, Marchesin i wheels, new spare f.irings, full y developed long rod motor. spare crenk, barrels. heeds, etc . Call asking $12.500 Caned ien . Will deliver to U.S. Nationals. (416) 664-5514 days, (319-22) (416) 580·4865 eves . Canade . _ _ _ _ __ ..88 -"9 10 " 12 13 14 _ _ _ __ _ 15 16 17 18 19 ---"20 ---" 21 Comp leta body /seet/screen, new $625. (4151 278-9809. CA. (319 -22) _ _ _ _ __ -"22 --"21 ~24 --"25 ~ 6 2 -<27 ..... 28 _ _ _ _ _ _..229 ..>30 ..$34 --'35 HARLEY XRlooo, 1983, Supertrepps, Mikunis, Oil-Cooler. 3500 miles, $7000. .Cull eves. (203) 733-0192. CT. (319-20) _ _ _ _ _-Oj36 -Oj _-'37 --'31 -"32 ---"33 ---"38 ---->39 40 ~4 1 42 Wanted: '82-'83 KZ1000R Eddie Lawson Replica 47 ~48 49 Pay top price . (800) 833-3778. CA. _ _ __ _ _43 44 45 ~46 50 51 52 53 01'_" ---- Crda Ne. . l. DOt ~.1IIIe lor ......................... L__ ~-- __-----_-- TZ250-B Fiberglass 54 ( ss Are. Code/~ No. Phone -_.sone_ · - __--_-_--_-------------J (320-23) 1990 Honda CR250 Suspens ion . revalve<1, Renthal bars, '91 plastic, many extras, low hours, $2800. (7141 627 -5580. CA. (119 -20)

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