Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1O ITBA SIll Frana-. CA 'T_ Inf 714/938-4100 o AFMROld Rice Series 5/25-28 6115-18 8129-30 I 7113-14 8/ 11).11 8131·9/ 1 10120 Inf 415/537·8208 o SuB Poiln. Soars Poi... Soars Poiln. Soars Poiln. Soars Poiln. Soars Poi Soars Poi CA CA CA CA CA CA CA NM Mini ROld A Rice Series Rivarside.CA Am.go. CA Riversid•• CA AmIgo. CA Rivarside.CA Rivarside.CA AmIgo. CA Rivarsid•• CA AmIgo. CA Rivarsid•• CA Am.go. CA Riversid.. CA 812 8/9 717 7128 8118 9115 9129 10113 10127 11/17 11124 1217-8 Info 213/884-5214 GFI Amateur Supercross Series 8123 lo' Angel... CA NMA Off ROld Series 6/9 8/17·18 917 9/22 10120 11110 Bollingll.on. WA Bollingll.on. WA Sulton. WA Sb.~on. WA WA Sbe~ WA BoDing/llm. WA 601_. 11/17 Info 2081724-7515 CAUFORllA SPEEDWAY • Intlfl1llional SptHway. 0rIntI. County FIi......... Costa M .... Info 714/492·9933CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS Cyd.l..... Spe.d....,. CIlia>. Info 916/342-0083. COLORADO SUPERCROSS • ClllClHigIl Coun1ry Promotions. Adams County FIir;ruunds. Brighl n. o Info 303/883-3358. INDIANA SHORT TRAIX • AIIIA. UMollClbu Spring SIries~ Productions. Higll Point ftIceWI'/. Mt. IIIotris. Info 304/5941157. PENNSYlVANIA SUPERCROSS AIIIA. floawoys, 1Ier· "ct. lnfo 7171759-2841. TENNESSEE MOTOCROSS I-4lI IIX PIIt. lonoi City. Info r 815/573-5425 ... 986-1817. TENNESSEE SAND DRAGS • Wi lt rim. SInd Drags. Fri ndship. l Info 9011656·2320. TENNESSEE SHORT TRAIX Wl(CRAlPIris Dill Trocbn Mt. Henry County FairvnJunds. Piris. Info 901l842-lJ511. TEXAS MOTOCROSS NIllAlPonc.1 City llat'l Ouolifior. Tylor.1nfo 214/660·6107. TEXAS MOTOCROSS Dirt Bib.. aub 01 San Amonio. loknide Motonport Romny. Bu· 1JOp. Info 5121321 ·9861 ... 6940388. WASHINGTON MOTOCROSS IIXNW Sori... Wnilougal IIXTract. WaIIoDgal. lnfo 503/873·1871. _n. KI May 25-26 AlASKA MOTOCROSS Alaska MC Racing Assn. Kincaid P.rt. Anellor.g.. Info 9071894· 2805. CAUFORNlA ROAD RACE AFM. Soan Point Roce....,. Soars Point. Info 415/537·8208. COLORADO SUPERCROSS • SRACIIlocty PromotiOlll. Sat. sx. Sun. !IX. A1-.oA h ir· grounds. Alamosa. Info 303/ 4775333. COLORADO TIIIALS AIIIAIPITS. h ll h r hila. Info 9161723·9660. MEXICO OFF ROAD SUDS SIlort-Colna Serie sITlCIlI Boll" GoodIifa. Santa V.runica 011 Road PIIt & ftIceWI'/. TICIlI. 8Ija. a t. Info 818/340 -5750 ... 992· 6355. IIIlCHIGAN MOTOCROSS MRA.1risIl Hilla. Clinton. Info3131 289-2100. NEVADA MOTOCROSS OTHG V Ilat'L Silver Stili !IX. II Carson City. Info 916/ 544-11548 ... 7021883-6111. VERMONT MOTOCROSS VMA/NEMAl NMAl Pon.. City llat'l Quolifior. D.rtry. Info 20713842451. WASHINGTON MOTOCROSS Inn Oldtimlrs C" lhip Serino Washington D1dtim.n. Rielll.nd. Info 208/ 467·3593. WASHINGTON MOTOCROSS • AMA/CIIIC/MXNW. Sun. Lorono L ynn', Rag. DuaL WaIIoUllIl IIX P. rt. Wu hoD g.1. Inlo 503/873· 1671 ... 928-4474. W ASHINGTON SHORT TRAIX • AMAIO·271Mt. Bobr Mt. H ... neglll Speed....,. Bollinghom. Info 2061733-1894 ... 734-3929. MIY25-27 FORA You've come to the right place. Right now, for a limited time only, KTM is offering local support to qualified riders. We're loo king for the hottest local riders who ca n put KTM out in front of the competition and tear up the tra cks - just like Mike F isher, Jeff Russell, Danny Hamel, and our other highly successful Notiona l Motocross, Enduro, and Desert riders are doing notiona lly. Whatts in it for you? Substantial savings off the retail price of se lected KTM models, a K-Style jersey identifying you as a Sponsored Rider, and loca l deal er support. Best of all, based on your performance and racing results this year, you'll be first in line to be considered for KTM support next year. Visityour KTM dealer now and find out more. . WISCONSIN DRAGS . 11.-.. Day w....... Olympics 01 Drat1 Racing. Groat loka IIrap....,. Union G_. Info 414/878- 3783. - KTII - - , Inc. b at: 1906 8f oadway . Lorain , Ohio 44052 . .... 930 Fesl'" Street. EI Cajon. Calilomia 92020 . ~_.illiJ~ ~ FUN IN MOTION May 26 ALABAMA POKER RUN a..... Trail Riden 011 Road P.R. Hallin. Info 205/831·1935. . AIIZONA DESERT RACE ADRA 1nI'I DISIrt RacintI Assn. _ Mauntain 100. Camp Wood. Info 8021274-0010. CAUFORIIA II0T0CROSS NIIA Ponc.1 City NII'I 0ualifiIf . SunriA Cydo Part. Adelanto. Inf o 213/868-8112. CAUFORNIA MIl"l:lCROSS • CIIIC M !<.\. . \ ~ ~ Spring a-ic [~~ Glen Htleo OHV Pill •SonllemonIino. lnfo 7141261 ·611 8. CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS • CRt. LA. Caonty ftIceWI'/. Pol... dol.. In 805/272·8889 fo . CAUFORNIA HARE SCRAMIIUS AIIIAID·371lost Coyot... T.og/. Wah. Rod Info 805/942· 8795. CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS • CIIIt. 8Iythe Roce....,. 1lIythe. Info 602/971-lJ2D3. CANADA MOTOCROSS CIlIA NII'I t'sIrip 125/500 Sori. .. Rivergl.d.. Now Bnmswict.lnfo 5141 854-8193. FLORIDA MOTOCROSS • FMC Sori... South GA !IX. Va l· _Info 904/591·2377. IDAHO II0T0CROSS . NIllAlPonc.1 City llat'l Dualir .... CollI" D'A1.... lnfo 208/867·8515. KENTUCItY MOTOCROSS lJbland !IX. TritIo IIoc. ComtJlu. Cadiz. Info 5021522-6389. MIIIIlESOTA MOTOCROSS AMAINMAIPOIlCI City NIl'I 0.. We have now available For Sale a 1991 Y amaha FlR 750RRI Those interested $$ CASH PAID $$ USED S TREET BIKES BERT'S M OT OR CYCL ES 818-334-1288/81 8-334-2926 Dirt Track Ra cing MotOl"CYcies. Quads & Odysseys .• Flat Track 1/4 Mile Ova l. & TT · Tr k '" .. ac May 3 1 ~100'l> ; June 14 Payback ....enfIeIcI Speedway Info. Hot Line805-323·7877 39

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