Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eLOCALEVENTS e lap five Ledbetter low-sided, taking Tyson Voll along an d bringing out a no ther red. From th e sm gle-file restart, Ledbetter took th e lead from the bac k. with Bret Bemis, Tyson Vo ll and Arago n [ailing in behind. H eat two was Dad's race, as Dennis Voll sho wed th e troops the wa y, Ledbetter a nd Ara gon look ed for a way around. T yson Vo ll led the junior s around th e track. With the nash of th e green lig ht to start the ma in , Dennis Vo ll shot o ut in front of Led better an d Arago, lea ving th em to battle for seco nd. Arago started making the o uts ide lin e work and moved ahead of Led be uer to close in o n Vo ll. Voll blew th e corner on lap five when his brakes fai led , letting Led bett er and Arago n by to fight [or th e lead . wit h Ledbetter inside and Ara gon outside. This ti me the po le was the fast wa y aro und and Led be tter too k over, foll owed by Aragon, Dennis Voll, T yso n Voll and Bem is. Aragon soo n too k up th e inside li ne, waiting for a cha nce to sneak under Ledbeuer. As his cha nce came, he and Ledbetter were side by side for th e next few laps. Aragon got a little ex tra tractio n and pulled off the win , as Ledbetter fin ish seco nd fotlowed by Dennis Voll:Tyson Voll, Beni s and Su hajda to pped the J uniors. Resu lts Dean Mizdal (12) led Mike Su rr att (7) at Las Vegas Internation al Sp eedway . L oren Bjorkman (40) slid under jim Kessler (5 2) at Carlsbad Sh ort T ra ck. OPEN J R: I. Dave Pelton (Han); 2. GnJrgt" Snodgrass (Y" m); 3. Pete M..yforth (Yam); 4. T om Moor e (T r i); 5. Steve Go rby (SUl ). 2.1)() EX: I. Ma rk Ar dglm (CA); 2. Mar k Ledbetter (Raw) ; 5. Dennis Voll (Ya m). 250 JR: I. Tyson Voll (Y" m); 2. B~t Bemis (Ya m ); !. Bob Suhajda (Yam ). VET: 1. Rick Schroeder (Va m): 2. f IlE) Ell iou Iverson (C-A)lTho mas Moor e (T ri). O PEN EX: I. Rick Schra nder (Ya m); 2. Lorm Bjorkman (Ya m ); 3. Jim Kesler (Yam); 1. Denni s Voll (Yam ); 5. Elliotl Iverson (C·A). .Morrison mauls Las Vegas RR By Naomi Bourne Photo by W.J. Field caused by a cras h involving Slezewski , wh o slam med in to some ha y bal es. Apparently un h urt, he asked a corner worker for water. and dropped a water coo ler on the trac k and soaked the turn with severa l gallons of water. O n the restart, Yoder led again wit h Sandy, Deathera ge and then Dave Ha nsen in tow . Sandy moved by Yoder for the lead and Eric Moe /:ot by two riders in to fourth. The or der remained Sandy, Yoder, Hansen and Moe for the rest of th e even t, which was cut short by o ne lap to end th e da y by the noi se-li m it deadl ine. Res ults U/ L G P EX : I. Bob Sandy (Ka w); 2. Ro y Yodn- Jr. (S UI) ; 3. David Ha nsen (SU 4. Eric Moe (Han); 5. Andrew I); Deatherage (8m)! U/L Sl SPRT EX: 1. Ray Yoder Jr . (SUl): 2. Todd H~ (Suz); 3. Mike Xarm (SUI); 4. Steve H eilman (S UI); 5. Andrew Deatberage (Suzl. H /W SIB K EX: 1. Eric Moe (H an); 2. Da vid Ha nsen (SUl ); 3. Alan lkrtagnoli (Suz); 4. Owen Weichel (SUI); 5. David 30 Ros no (SUI ). H/W SIBK AM: I. Bradl ey Bloo m (Suz); 2. Jam es Milroy J r. (SUl); 3. Sha wn O 'Brim ( Yam); i . Steve Seidl (SUI) : 5. Mike Kitc hen (Sw). HIW 5/SPRT EX: 1. Ra y Yoder J r. (8uz): 2. Todd Hoge (Sw); 3. Andrew lkatheragt (Suz); 4. David H en sen (Suz); 5. Alan BmagnoH (Suz). H/ W S/SP RT AM: l. Bradl~ Bloo m (SUI ); 2. J am es Milroy Jr. (SUl); 5. Mike Kiochen (SUI); 1. Steve Seidl (SUI); 5: Mike ll ossi (Sw). M /W CP EX: l. J am n H eilman (Ya m); 2. Rick Breuer (Yam ); 5. Roy Nicholson (Han ); 1. RotKort Meister (H an ); 5. Pa ul Nob le (Vam). M /W C P AM: l. Step-hen Pol izzi (H a n); 2. Steph en Wright · (Vam ); 5. Ed Berndt JR . (Yam); 1. Cl enn SchrfT (Han); 5. SltVen Keller (Kaw). M /W S/BK EX: 1. Kevin Siel ew ski (Yam ); 2. Roy Nicholson (Hon); 5. Rick Sr euer (Yam ); 1. Ja mn Hrilman (Yam ); 5. Robt'n Meister (H a n ). M /W S/ SK AM: I. Glr nn Scherr (H a n ); 2. Stephrn Poli zzi (Han); 3. Ed Bernd t J r. (Ya m); 4. Sha wn O 'Brien (Yam ); 5. Stephen WriJ!:ht (Ya m ). M /W S/S PRT EX: l. Mike- Moo res (H a n ); 2. Roy Nich o lson (Han ); 3. Robt'rt Me-istet' (H a n); 4. R ick Breuer (Va m ); 5. Darin Ch ic (Hon). M /W S/S PRT AM: 1. C lenn Scherr (Ha n ); 2. Strphen Polin i (H on ); 5. Sleven Kell er (Kaw); 4. Us Pa tak i (Ya m); 5. Rus~l1 Rapp (Yam ). LlW G P EX: I. Michael H Unler (Yam ); 2. Rick Pu etz l (Ya m); 5. Troy Ne-so n (Yam ); 4. Larry Coh~ (Va m ); 5. Rooney Sm its (Yam ). U W C P AM: l. Dou glas Fa rra r (Yam );2. T im Keen (Yam ); 5. Richard C reco (Ya m ); 4. Ru ssell G raff (Ya m) ; 5. Chrislop her T inda ll (Yam ). LlW S/ BK EX: I. Peler Kight (Rtx) ; 2. Rodn ey Sm its (Ya m);' 3. Larry Coh ~ (Ya m ); 4. Louis Drakulich (Ho n ); S. Mich ael Low er (Vam ). LlW S/ BK AM: l. Tim Kern (Yam ); 2. Brian Elli ngson (Yam ); 5. T im Kieper (Yam) ; 4. Richa rd G reco (Yam) ; 5. Ru ssell Graf (Yam). LIW S/SPRT EX; I. ' Michae l Low er (Va m); 2. Michael . Kremer (Yam); 5. T~ Bandstra (Yam). LtW S/SPRT AM : I. Douglas FaITaI' (Vam) ; 2. Richard Greco (Yam ); 5. T im Kieper (Vam ); 4. Da nn y Milner (Yam); 5. Brian Ellingson (Yam ). AIW srrw EX: 1. Peter Kigh t (Due); 2. O nis Helland (Due); 5. Kenneth Paul son (Due); 4. Walter Sakowsk i (Due); 5. Lo u is Drakulich (Han). AIW SITW AM: I. AI Cbe rles (Due); 2. Mike ROM (Due); i 3. Crq Melli.nger (Duc); 4. Dave CoHon (Cag ); 5. Pa ul . Marchae l (Du e). LIW SITW EX: 1. Orris HelJa nd (Due); 2. Richard Kcxh ler (H -D); .5 Lo uis Dra kul ich (Hon); 1. Mar k Joh nson (Dul); . 5. James Wood (Due). LtWS/TW AM: 1. AI Cha rln (Du c); 2. MoiuTucker(; 3. Grq Mellinger (Due); 4. Paul MarchaeJ (Due); 5. Daft Collon (Cag ). U.S. TW SPRT: 1. Rich ard Kochkr (H- D); 2. David KI05lerm a n (H H ·D); 5. AI

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