Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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250cc B class victory. Klein grabbed the lead , oll the line at the start of moto one. and -in stan tly bu ilt up a three second lead. Tim Bernhard and Troy H oward motored thei r Hondas around the course in a ba ttle for second. H oward moved in to second with two laps remain in g. Trent Bartolot ti rode his Andrews-backed H on da to within a bike length of Bernhard at the checkered nag. In mo to two, Klein again was firs t off the line ahead of H owar d, Bern hard and Bartolot ti. H oward held second p lace th rou gh out th e entire five-lap mo to, but was unabl e to keep pace with Klein , who took the checkered n aj: nearl y 10 seconds a head. Bernhard held thud u ntil mi d- mote. wh en Barto lo u i motored in and took over, leavin g Bernhard in fourth at the fin ish . Results 50: I. Bren t Maimo ne (MM); 2. B.J. Wagn rr (Yam ); 1. Derick Espenschied (Yam); 4. Micky Man ha ll (Sw); 5. Troy Co ven "" (Sou). SOfBY; I. Adam lkchdel ( K.3w ); 2. Bren t Abel (Ha n); ! . T .). Somen (Sw.): i . Eo] . Mar tin (Suz). EX: l. Joe MaUIn (Ha n ); 2. Oiue:k Niche lson (Han ); 3. Mike Howell (Ha n); t. Jo hn Dim e (Ha n); 5. Allen Beech (Ya m) . 125 C: I. Brmt Abrl (Han ); 2. Mike Mun go (Suz); 5. Keith Reynol ds (Yam): t. La nce Dreher (Suz); 5. Bria n H ickman (H on). 250 C: I. Dave Bttnard (Sw) ; 2. Herbert Perkins (Suz); 5. Bud Moh r (Sut); 4. J ohnny Young (KTM); 5. Cu rt Baldwin (H on). OPEN B: I. J im Filkom (Han); 2. Thom Smirh (KTM ); 3.,Ln Ettwailer (H on); -t. Mike Hau ser (Han); 5. Rich (Hon) . SR 2: l. Bob Ha ll (KTM); 2. Mark O ar k (Kaw ). JR MINI : l. Levi Henmnger (Suz); 2. Kyle Barker (Kaw); 3. bavid Hill (Suz): 4. T yson I.q:getl (Kaw). , SR MINI: I. Brod<.Sellards H on): 2. Adam Ilcchdcl (Ka w) : 3. Jam ie Maron (Han): 4. Sha wn Kohr (Sw ); 5. Bryan Bellinger (K.a w). 125 B: l. Mike Katin (Suz); 2. David Jones (Suz); 3. Darin Zattnba (Yam); 4. Lany BeUman (Hon ); 5. Rick Roosa (Ha n) . 250 B: l. Eric Kln n (Kaw); 2. Troy Howard. (Han ); 5. T rent Bartolocti (Hon); 4. Tim Barnhard (Ho n); S. Rob Harris H earn ( Ka w ). . PLU S 25: l. Kevin Kallay (Yam): 2. OIris Brown e (Cag) ; 3. Strve Wilmin gton (Kaw); 4. Mark M~ (Hon ); S. Johnny Young (KTM). SR I: l. John Mrini (Hon) ; 2. Vic SUlek (Yam); , . Milan Cox.en(Suz); 4. Robnt Hanis (Suz); 5. Thorn Smirh (KTM). Bean wins Blackhawks HS By Sharon Bean MISHAWAKA, IN. APR. 28 Bill Bean pulled the holeshot in the Combi ned Lightweight a nd Heavyweight A class a t the sta rt of the two- hour Blackh awks H ar e Scram bles a nd steadi ly ra n away from the rest of the field of over 80 riders. Bean 's win came after some mi sfortune on his older brother's part. Bob Bean , who is usually a odds·on favori te to w in , had some trouble at the sta rt, when he found a stump just five feei into the woods and shea red hIS shi fter shaft out of the engi ne. The Blackhawks' Club members had to do a lot of rero u ting of the course, after heavy rai n s and some very persistent beavers had a lot of the orig ina l seven mi le course under water. T he final course layout of 3.8 mi les had only one small sectio n of mud and 'the rest of the track was mostly sand trails. Rob Surface was moving th rough the pack and had gai ned to with in a minute behi nd Bean on the th ird lap un til some mecha nical ' problems proved to be hi s undoi ng .' . Steve Scherer was looking very fast and had moved up to second overa ll. but cou ldn' t close the gap of almost five minutes behi nd the lead er. "When I got the holeshot. I just rode as hard as I cou ld, " said Bill Bean. " I knew Bob (Bean ) would be coming u p beh ind me and I thought I saw him stan di ng by the barrels at th e end of the first lap. Bu t I wasn 't sure. and then all of a ,sudden on the third lap , Bob was right behind mell " Yeah, I bit it good when I hit a stu mp a t the start ," said Bob Bean. " I saw a stu mp and swerved to mi ss it a nd when I did there wa s a no ther one just past it. I h it it with the shifter and it ri pped the shaft rig h t out of the side case. It threw me right over the bars. " I sat out the first cou ple of laps when I pulled the case 0 [[ a nd figured out if I could fix it and go back out . When I went back ou t on the third lap I knew I couldn 't fin ish well , but I was goi ng to ride just for fun a nd to keep my brother hon est. I got beh ind him and star ted pus hin g him faster a nd faster. H e didn't know I was down three larsl "When Bob caught me a ll 0 a sudden , I thought we were bauling for the lead so I wicked it up " said Bill. " We upped the pa ce a lot and- when the whi te flag ca me out for the last lap we really turned it on then . I rod e my rear off. When I found out th at I cou ld hav e cruised to a n easy win , I wa nted 10 bea n him, Results o LIW A: I. Bill Bean (Kaw); 2. Sieve Scherer (Yam); S. Mar k McLaughlin (Kaw): 4. Mike SparOa (Ka w) ; 5. Rob Surface (Sw ). H /W A; 1. Q u is Hanlage (XTM ): 2. Jo na tha n Funkho user (Han); , . T on y &oneu (Yam); 4. Bob Bean (H us); 5. T rml llor.m (KTM). . 4·STR. K: I. Kenneth Eby (Hon); 2. Jam" Bink.ley (Hon); 5. Ru ss Barth (Hon); -t. Tom Funkhouser (Ha n); S. j erry Weldy (Hon). SlSR: I. Richard Roth (Ha n); 2. Don Matthews (Suz): , . Phil Funkhould' (Hon); 4. Tom Dygnt (Kaw). Sa.: 1. Jeff Mezoai (Hon); 2. Lon Wahen (Xa w ); 5. Raben Fox,(Hon); 4. Jdf Sun..:. (KTM). Josh Stevens (24) and Jared Jacobsmeyer (3) diced at LACR night MX. VT: I. Herm an Pc·ni l (Hen ): 2. Bria n Rei der (Yam ); S. Oaten Campbe ll ( Kaw); 4. John Fugil (Ka w ); 5. Bill Bums (H us). OPEN B: I. Brett Chilwood (H us); 2. Bill Leonard (Yam ); 5. Dave Thoms (Hon ); .... Kyle Bruce (Ya m); 5. George Myers ( KT M ). 250 B: 1. Rod Ree {Kaw ): 2. Mike Gri mm (Ho n): S. se Howard Riner (Ya m ); 4. Ti m Sch oo nve td (Kaw); 5. Jim Dillm an (Yam ). 125 B: I. Andy Grt=gg (Kaw): 2. Les lie T royer (Kawl; 3. Crdig Scott (Yam ); ... Steve l.ock (Ho n): 5. Jason Kersting (Kaw). 200 B: I. Mark Sprigp ( Ra w ); 2. Soon Liston ( lCaw ); S. Ke n Wit kow ski ( K'lw) ; 4. Lee Fis c her (ka ",,); 5. Jon Hold erbau m ( Ka w ). MINI: I. Rick T royer (Yam); 2. Jeremy Slon e (Raw); 3. T ravis Troyer (Y

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