Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Metzeler Delivers a Winning Edge . to Hare & Hound and Enduro Champions. Metzeler 's A ll Purpose 5 -p ly Moto/Multi Cross, and NEW Soft Terrain Soft Cross Win Again. AMA NAT'L HARE & HOUND Hiko, NV May 5 ......151 Danny Hamel 3rd Garth Sweetland 5th Jimmy Lewis Trampas Parker's overall win in Austria moved him into the 250cc points lead. AMA NAT'L ENDURO Union, SC May 5 reti red three laps before the end of the moto. .Dirckx took over the runner-up spot, and despite a late charge he finish ed 13 seconds behi nd winner Parker. After start ing fifth , Yannig Kervella passed La cher then moved to th ird o n Parker's mistake. After Parker repassed him, Kervella rem ained in fourth and then moved into his third-place fin ish in g posi tion on Eckenbach 's demise. Fanton claimed fourth ahead of Pekka Vehk onen , Bervoets and American Mik e H ealey. " Vehko nen had come under fire from Pu zar, bu t whe n the defending champ tried to pass, he fell and bent his han dlebars. P uzar then pulled into the wo rk area where h is mechanics tried to straighten the bars , but the metal bar they used only snapped th e handlebars in half and Puzar was forced to retire. P u zar stormed back to lead the start of moto two wit h Parker and Strijbos inhis tracks. Strijbos passed Parker for seco nd on lap two, th en a few laps later took th e lead from Puzar. Strijbos quickly stretched ou t a sma ll advantag e, but he later made a mistake which let P u zar retake the lead four la ps from the finish. Puzar stayed ahead to claim the win wh ile Strijbos maintained second at the fin ish . Parker ·fell a i the h alfway and Johansson got by to ride a steady th ird to th e end. Parker finished a distant fourth and Healey passed Rob Herring near th e halfway point then sta yed ahea d to finish fifth. 0'1 1st Randy Hawkins ~ 3rd Allen Gravitt METZELER@ 4620-107th St. s.w.• Mukilteo. WA 98276 (2061 348-4000 NEW VIDEO RELEASES Now Available Through Cycle News Action Theater "1991 SPEE~WAY I.C.E. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS" (# 10 2A) This is only the second time the I.C.E. World Championships have been held in the U.S . and t his very prestigious event decides who w ill be the world speedway ice racing champion for the 1991 season . This international event not on ly had some of the best riders in the U.S., but included riders from Poland, England, Czechoslavakia. Wales , Canada and Denmark. Interviews with riders are provided by I.C.E. promoter Gary Oensford and England's Screen Sport speedway commentator Clive Fisher. Cycle News contributor Scott Daloisio 60 minutes from RAZ Video . provides commentary on the action. "1991 BOB HETRICK MEMORIAL I.C.E. RACE" Retail price on these releases S29.9S each, includes shipping. (#134) Bob Hetrick was I.C.E. promoter Gary Densford's partner, as well as an accomplished speedway rider and an award-winning speed skater. He lost his life in an airplane accident in 1979. The Bob Hetrick Memorial is also round 1 of the Worl.;jI.C.E. Racing Championship. The riders who make it to the main transfer to the world final on night two. This allows riders who were not on the program for the World Championship to compete. Studded tires and no brakes make this an exciting World Championship Qua lifierl 60 minutes from RAZ Video . . Results O/A: 1. Trampas Park er (H a n ); 2. Dave Strijbos (SUI); 3. Michele Fanton (Han); 4. Yannig Kervell a (Kaw ); 5. Alessandro Puzar (SUI); 6. Peter Jo han sson (Yam ); 7. Mike Healey (KT M); 8. Pekka Vehk onen (Yam); 9. Mamiq c BervOCIS (Kaw); 10. Pe ter Dirckx (Hen): I I. Rob H erring (Hon); 12. Ismo Vehko nen (Cag); I! . R ick Ryan (Sur); 14. Teus Visser (Kaw ); 15. Axel H ovoet (Kaw); 16. Jorgen Nilsson (Hon); 17. Oen -Ia n Van DooJ::I1 (Han); 18. Ryan Hunt (Suz). MOTO 1: 1. T ra m pas Parker; 2. Peter Dirckx; 3. Yannig Kervella ; 4. Mich ele Fan ton; 5. Pek ka Veh kon en ; 6. Mamiq c Bervoets: 7. Mike Healey; 8. , Dave Strijbos; 9. Ismo Veh kon en ; 10. T eus Visser; 11. Peter Johansso n ; 12. Ric k Ryan ; 13. Axel Hol voe c 14. Gut-Jan Van Doo m ; 15. Ro b H erri ng ; .16. Yann Guedard (Kaw); 17. Peter lven (Sur ); 18. Jorgen N ilsson ; 19. Si mo Heljank o (Kaw); 20. Pe tteri Sep pi la (Hon): 21. Jochen J asin ski (Sur); 22. Micke Fns c (Hon); 2! . Mar k Bene" (Sur ); 24. Thomas Kneip (Sur); 25. Rober, Bengtsson (Hus); 26. Th ierry Bethys (Yam ); 27. Rudi Van Leeu wen (Kaw); 28. Bader Manneh (Yam). MOTO 2: I. Alessandro Pu zar; 2. Dave Stri jbos; 3. Pe ter Jo hansson; 4. Trampas Parker; 5. Mi ke Healey; 6. Rob Herring; 7. Michele Fanto n ; 8. Pekka vehkonen: 9. Mamiq c Bervoets: 10. Yannig Kervella: II. Rick Ryan ; 12. Ismo Veh kon en; 13. Teus Visser ; 14. j orgen Nilsso n; 15. Ryan H unt; 16. Axel Ho lvoe t: 17. Mir osl av Kucirek (Kaw ); 18. Bader Manneh ; 19. Gen-Jan Van Doom; 20. Thierry Bethys; 21. Bernd Eckenbach (Yam) ; 22. Simo He lja nko; 2! . Rupert Walker (Sur) ; 24. Mark Beneu; 25. Micke Frisc. To Order Videos, Use The Video Order Blank Elsewhere In This Issue Of Cycle News ------------------------------~---------~~--------~---- AttentiOIl - SubscriberS, - Please allow 3 weeks for change to take effect. 2. Print your NEW address here. NAME WOIUJ> CHAMPIONSHIP 250 MX SERIES POINT STANDINGS: I. T ra mpa s Parker (77); 2. Mamiqc BervOCIS (76); ! . Alessandro Puzar (75); 4. Dave Str ijbos (62); 5. Peter J ohansson (60); 6. Mike Healey (44); 7. Peter Dirckx (42); 8. (T IE) J ohn Van den BerkiEdwin Evensen (40); 10. Rob H err in g (! 8); II. Teus Visser (! 4); 12. Pekka Vehk on en (! I) ; l!. Ism o Vehk onen (25); 14. Werner DeWit (24); 15. Mich ele Fanton (22); 16. Yannig Kervella (21); 17. Jorgen Nilsson (14); 18. Ri ck Ryan ( l!); 19. (TIE) Bernd EckenbachlVan Wessel (8). 1. For FASTEST service attach old mailing label in space below. If mailing label is not available. p rint you r name . and address in this box. ADDRESS CITY l -;:- _ STATE ( ZIP 3. Mail to: Circulation Department CYCLE NEWS, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA ~ _ _ 90801-0498 --------------------- __ 25

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