Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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elOADRACE World Championshi Road Race Series: Round 4 pit at the top of the last lap I had a big slide and he take some space. H e was very hot the last lap and r say I can 't do like this so second place is okay," Cadalora said, adding that he cou ld co ntrol rear wheel slides, but wh en th e front went, there was nothing he could do . "Many times I was near crash and it was too mu ch to do in thi s race," Reggiani exp lained tha t he'd had trouble settin g the rear shoc k up and when they found th e setti ng in the Sunday morning warm-u p, th ey didn 't have the righ t tire . And, li ke the others, Chili was also . stru ggl ing with the front en d, and with the faster H onda of Shimizu. "After half race I had some problem in the fro nt tha t doesn' t give m e much confidence, but I th in k it was po ssible . to stay with the fir st three if there wa sn't Sh im izu, wh o was less fast than me in the long fast corne r, but he had more speed than me in th e straight," Chili said. " At the last corner I tried to pass him, but second gear didn 't work, an d I had no chance to stay inside wi thout taki ng the risk of a crash ." €N ~ Resu lts O ver 200,000 fans packed' the Jerez circuit; here they watch the 125cc Grand P rix wh ich was won by Noboru Veda (56). 16 sixth lap and wa ited a few lap s before passing h im goin g into the first turn starting the n in th lap. Bu t he knew th at he could as easily fry his tires, so he decided to take it easy at first, " Once I was out fro nt, I . started slidi ng around an d p ullin g a couple of IOths a lap," Doo han said. "I didn't want to pressu re myself. I knew I couldn' t afford to push too hard, bu t I would've done if he came back at me." By the lOth of 29 laps, Doohan had close to a two-second lead tha t would grow a couple of IOths a lap. Barring a problem he was gone, leaving Rainey to fend off Kocinski for second as a number of battles shaped up behind them. Schwantz had been leading a quartet contesting fourth until his engine went off just as he was entering the first of two fast double-rights behind the pits. He initially thought it was a carburetion problem and went one more lap before pulling in. That left Lawson to lead Garriga and Ruggia, and behind them was another pair of duels. Contesting seventh were Monaco neighbors, Australian Gardner and Belgian de Radigues with Ruggia's teammate, Morillas leading Chandler in ninth. "The bike just wasn't working right and I had to back off some," Chandler said. "Toward the end I just rode the thing around the track ," to a 10th place finish. Morillas was never a threat to the fight in front of h im and settled for ninth. After running in eighth for the midthird of the race, Gardner passed de Radigues on the 18th lap and held a tenuous lead to the fin ish. He would cross the line almost two seconds in front as de Radigues was slowed by a pulled muscle in h is shou lder. " I tri ed hard to get the bike to wor k, but it was .ju mping and bu ckin g all over the place," a disconsolate Gardner said afterwards. "At the moment, I simp ly can't ri de it." . The posi tions in fron t of Gardner began changing a lap before he'd taken over seventh. T o the immense delight of the cro wd, Garriga , riding in the new red and wh ite Ducados colors, was i n fro nt of Law so n with Ruggi a moving by a lap later as La wson 's Cagiva began to sou nd off-key. He lost touch with Ruggia, bu t ma intained sixt h, the same spot he ho lds in the World Championship. " T hat was a hard one," Laws on. said. " It' s too bad becau se fou rth place was ours lor sure and then the mo tor seemed to quit. I tho ugh t some thing came unplugged. After that it was real ha rd to ride an d I nearly got spa t off a coup le of times." Lawson's sick motor allo wed Ga rriga to fin ish fourth, a career best. The Spaniard said after st icking with Lawson early, he made so me mistakes and lost ground, but was able to finally get by him and finish over four seco nds in front of Ruggia. The fourth was especi ally gratifying because he'd had suspension trouble in the morning warm-up and was forced to go to his back-up bike. The race for second was decided on the 27th lap when the junior member of the Marlboro Roberts Yamaha team, Kocinski, passed the struggling Rainey and quickly pulled away to a safe margin. Rainey said, " It seemed like right off the start I wa s chasing the front, he 'd chosen the . hardest compound Dunlop because, he said, "It was the only tire choice o n the front: " I think if the tire was good we could've raced Doohan for the thing," he added. "There's still a long way to go in the championsh ip, " Doohan answered when asked if his championship hopes were elevated. "It's going to be a long, hard season. I'm trying to win every race, bu t if I can' t do that, I'll do the next best th ing. " Doohan's Rothmanns Honda team ma te, 250cc campa igner Lu ca Cada lora, feels the same way. Where as in the past he mi gh t have crashed if .he couldn 't win, at J erez he pro ved that, though he led most of th e race, he 's seeing the big picture. Cadalora qualified second behind Bradl, who was using a new shorter manifold for the carburetor on th e front cylinder of his H onda NSR250. By shorteni ng the in let tract, Bradl thought he was getting better low end power wh ic h trans la ted to h alf a secon d a lap at J erez. At the sta rt i t was Aprilia Valesi Racing's Pier-Francesco Ch il i into th e lea d trai le d closely by Cadalo ra , Reggian i, Zeelenberg, Shimizu, Cardus and Lucky Strike Suzuki's Mart in Wimmer. Wh en Zeelenberg low- sided in a right-hand .turn o n the second lap, the leadi ng five opened a gap, setting up a second race for sixth. The order up front cha nged nea rly every lap with fou r different riders taking the point. Chili led the first four la ps before giving in to Cadalora , who briefl y gave up the lead to Reggiani, before taking it back, then giving it up once a gai n. The second tim e Reggi ani was forced from the front it was by Bradl who conceded to Cadalora o n the 15th of 24 laps. Reggian i would later say that the H ondas still hold a sligh t edge in acceleration out of the corners, but the gap is clos ing. . However at Jerez, with its numerous low gear corners, it was clearly an advantage for the Honda riders. . And Cardus needed it. After falling back as far as 12th following Zeelenberg's crash, the Spaniard began working his way up until, on the seventh lap, he moved into sixth. By then he 'd burned up his tires in pursuit of th e leaders, and couldn 't appreciably make up the difference, though at the end he was within a second and a hal f of Chili. . H onda T eam Zwafink 's Jochen Schmid was seventh, one better thanWim m er who wa s r id i n g wi th a pai nful hand tha t had been injured in a pair of practice fall s. "The last seven or eight laps were reall y difficult," the German vetera n said. "A nd I was just trying to fin ish withou t taking any risks. When he came past me on lap 17, I decided to leave i t at that." Cadalora was feeling much the same way abo ut Brad!. " I would have liked to try, but the last corner before the 125a: QUA U FYING: I. Nobor u Ueda (1:54.647): 2. Jorg~ Mar tinez (l:54 .86S); S. Fa usto Gresini (1:54.921); 4. Ezio Gi an ola (1;55.053); 5. Rail Waldmann (1:55.164); 6. G immi Bossio (1:55.344); 7. Heinz Luethi (1:55.398); 8. Adi Stadler (I:55.665); 9. Bruno Casanova (1:55.757); 10. Gabriele Debbia (1:55. 848); 11. Lo ris Capirossi (I :55.861); 12. Alessandro G ram ign i (1:56.215); 13. Han s Spaan (1:56.327); 14. Hi sashi Unemoto{l :56.3367); 15. Lui, Alvaro (1:56.439); 16. Kanno Sakata (1:56.477); 17. Dirk Raudies (1:56.485); 18. Nobuy uki Wakai (I;56 .642); 19. Hem Torro ntegu (1:56.720); 20. Ian McCon nachi e (1:56 .740 ); 21. Emi li o Cu ppini (1:56.771); 22. Julian Miralles (1:56.998); 23. Peter Oedl (1:57.008): 24. Ma urizio Vital i (1:57.027); 25. Alfred Wai bel (1:57.102); 26. Alai n Bronee (I:57.122); 27. Steve Patr ickson (1:57.215); 28. Manuel Herrero' (1:57.363); 29. Kohl" Takada (1:57.383); 30. Javier Debon (1:57.517); 3 J os Van Donrn (1:57.539); 32. Robin Appleyard (1:57.544); 3 . T hierry Feuz (1:57.617); 34. Ari Molenaar (1:57.753); 35. Manu el Hernandez (1:57.789); 36. Serafino Foti (1:57.817). 25OccQUAUFYING: 1. Helmut Bradl (1:49.108); 2. Lu ca Cada lcra (1:49.353); 3. Masah iro Sh imizu (1:49.514); 4. Pier-Francesco Ch il i (1:49.516); 5. Carlos Card us (I :49.538); 6. Wil co Zeelenb erg (1:49.567); 7. Loris Reggiani (1:50.207); 8. Alex Cri vill e (1:50.347); 9. Paol o Casoli (1:50.556); 10. Andreas Prein ing (1:50.656); 11. Martin Wimmer (1:50.736); 12. Alberto Pui g (1:50.742); 13. Jochen Schm id (1:50.816); 14. Renm Cotlconi (1:50.924); 15. Car los Lavado (1:51.212); 16. Dorian o Romboni (1:51.370); 17. Dominiq ue Sarro n (1:51.578); 18. Kevin Mitchell (1:51.684); 19. Ha rald Eckl (1:51.769); 20. Jean-Pierre Jean dat (1:51.788); 21. Leon V.D. Heyden (1:52.057); 22. F. Pmtat (1:52.219); 23. Erkka Ko r pia h o (1 :52 .231 ); 24 . Marsellino Lucch i (1:52.347): 25. Urs Jucker (1:52.473); 26. Bernard Hae ngge li (1:52.581); 27. Car los Catalan o (1:52.779); 28. Patri ck V.D. Goo rberg h (1:52.941); 29. Jaime Mari an o (1:53.054); 30. Stefan Prein (1:53. 172); 31. Fausto Ricci (1:53.491); 32. Ian Newton (1:55.629); 33. Jean Fora y (1:55.687). 500ccQUAUFYlNG: 1. Wayne Rain ey (1:46.881); 2. Jnhn Kocinski (1:47.282); 3. Michael Doohan (1:47.3'4); 4. Kevin Schwantz (1:47.906); 5. Eddie Law son (1:48.163); 6. Juan Ga rriga (1:48.683); 7. Wayn e Gardner (1:48.700); 8. Dou g Ch andler (1:48.907); 9. Jean ·Philippe Ruggia (1:49.023); 10. Didier de Radigu es (1:49.285); l l. Adrian Moritlas (1:49.412); 12. Eddie Laycock (1:52.329); 13. Marco Papa (1:52.476); 14. Cees Doorakkers (1:54.190); 15. H ans Becker (1:5.5. 115); 16. Michael Rudroff (1:56.606); 17. Niggi Schma ssman (1:57.052). SIDECAR QUALIFYING: 1. Alain Michell Sim on Birchall (1:50.817); 2. Steve Webster/Gavin Simmon s (1:50.861); 3. Rolf Bilan diKurt Waltisperg (1:51.979); 4. Paul Gudel/Charly Gude1 (1:53.204); 5. Steve AbbottlShaun Smith (1:1:53.284); 6. Marku s Egloff/ Urs Egloff (1:53.306); 7. Alfred Zurbrugg/ Martin Zurbrugg (1:53.712); 8. Yosbisad a Kumagaya/llrian Houghton (1:53.772); 9. Barry Brindley/ Atkinson (1:53.874); 10. Egbert Streuer /Peter Essaff (1:54.002); 11. Darren Dixon /Scan Dixon (1:54.290); 12. Derek Brindley/Nick Roch e (1:54.317); U . T ony Wyssen/Rilian Wyssen (1:54.388); 14. Klaus Klaffenboc k/Christian Par cer (1:54.721); 15. Theo Van Kempen /Jan Kuyt (1:55.021); 16. Masao Kumano / Eckart Rosinger (1:55.152); 17. Marcu s Bosiger/ Hitler 0 :55.329); 18. Ren e Progin/Gary Irlam (1:55.599); 19. Wern er Kraua /T'hom as Schrod er (1:55.6 15); 20. Ralph Bohnhorst/Bruno Hitl er (1:55.940); 21. Bill y G aelleros/Peter Berglund (1:56.059); 22. Gary Thoma s/Michel Van Pu yvelde (1:56.108); 23. T on y Baker/ Simon Pri or (1:56.280); 24. Barry Smith/ David Smith (1:56.989); 25. Kenny Howl es/A lan Lawgton (1:57.396); 26. Frank Voight! Holger Voight 0 :58.155): 27. Reiner Koster/ Jurg Egli (2:00.950). 125cc GP : 1. Noburo Ueda (Hon): 2. Fausto Gresini (Ha n); 3. Lori s Capirossi (Ha n ); 4. Gabriele Debbia (Apr): 5. Jorge Mar tin er (Cob); 6. Brun o Casanova (Han); 7. Ralf Waldmann (Han); 8. Han s Spaa n (Han ); 9. Dirk Raudies (H a n) ; 10. Manuel Herreros (Cob); 11. H isashi Unemo to (Han); 12. Herri Torrontegu i (Cob); U . Adi Stadler (Cob); 11. Julian Mirall es (Cob); 15. Luis Alvaro (Der); 16. Alessandr o Gramigni (Apr); 17. Peter Oed l (Rot); 18. Steve Patrickson (Hon); 19. Ari Molenaar (Hon); 20. Ian McCon nachi e (Hon ): 21. Nobuyuk i Wakai

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