Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 05 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Code II RM 80 1987 AI Baker XR280 1991 KOX200 RZ350 Race Bike New 1991 com plete gold rush eng ine by OK. All coat ings, pipe, port ing and more. It 's a Ripper. DUBLIN KAWASAKI & SUZUKI. 1415) B29 -4466. (213·TFN) CA. Low miles. never raced , gre at condition, $1400/ (116·17) OBO. (213 ) 644-7071 . CA. Pro Circuit pipe . forks , 75 origi nal m iles , excellent showroom condi ti on. 52600. (213) 42 0 · 84 7 9 . CA. . (316.171 Excelle nt cond it ion pl us ma ny spare pans. Bike 518 00. parts nagotiable. Call (305) 25 3 -4 168 eves. FL. (315 -18) 1 9 8 9 KX500 Low hours. excellent cond it ion , Vet ow ned. Race Tech sus pension, $1900 or deal for 1991 VZ250. (31 6-1 7) Days. (916) 758-5554. CA. 19 88 HURRICANE 1000. spun rod. 51500. part (116· 181 out . trades. (614) 663 ·5010. OH. 1980 TZ2SOG,excellent condition. ready to race . 52200.12 15) 92 6-3986. PA. 111 6-19) M ust Sell 1989 TZ250-W Low ti me. Ohl ins , Noleen mods, race ready, f ull spares kit . Ma ke off er. (415) 635 -96 79 . CA. (116-17) 750 Shell Yamaha Half -Miler Star Racer fr ame . new D12 ·s. 52200. 1203} 283 . (3 16 -17) 47 83 or (203) 364 -0657. CT. '87 750 Oucati Laguna Seca **Bimota Co llectio n** 1990 Tuatara w it h FZR1000 fu el inje cted. 600 miles. one of 50. 1990 DB1SR Fina l Edition mode l. M ontjuich motor. 700 m il es. 1991 Tesi- 10 . 851 Ducat i eng ine . Cover Cycl e. Apri l issue. Togeth er or seperatelv. Ser ious call s onl y (4 15) 92 2- 1454. (3 16-17 / P) Evenings only 7·9 pm . CA. M iam i GP 2nd pl ace . All th e righ t st uff l White Pow er USC forks and shock . M arvi c w heels, Malossi carbs, NCR exhaust , F8F heads, Carillo rods, alum inum tank, Ver licchi sw ingar m, 320 mm 8 r am bo brakes. 58000. (30 1) 4 64 - 8685 . MD . (3 16 - 17) 19 78 YAMAHA SR5oo. Stock tra nsporta t ion. 1982 Honda M BS. stock condi tion, $400 each. (3 16- 17) (2 13) 438-6099. CA . 1990 Honda CR250 Wan ted : In stallation in str uct ion s for 198 2 Ven er Roost er Fairing to fit 440 Kawa saki fairing ser ial n umber starting 59 -. Top dollar paid. Call Pet e Love. (40 7) 686-6300. FL (1 15 -181 C8tJ RS750 Honda Ohlin sh ock, Ceriani, adjustable Kosman T-clamps, many spar es. All first class. fresh motor . Don (206) 979-7837 days. (206) 4 32 -91 21 avas. WA. (31 5-17) 1976 Moto Guzzi LeMans low m il eage. 2nd owner last 12 years . near mint condition. 53500. (2 12) 88 5-1 3 88. afte r 3pm . N~ . ~1~1~ Mazzaferro Husqvarnas 1991'5 available im mediat aly. UPS daily. (BOO) 397-7250 . CA. (208/TFN) Ford E-350 Super Van 44, OCX> highway miles. ai r, cruise, ster eo, extra s, ma intained , exce lle nt condit ion , set up r ight , 595 0 0 . Deliv er y possibl e. (607 ) 648 ·4997 . N~ ~1~1~ FJ 600 PA RTS M OTOR RE8U ILT. Wiseco big bore. Dyno -Jet. K& N filters. 5300. Wheels 575 . m ise part s 525 . (216) 255-2085. OH. (31 4-17) 1 9 9 1 CR125 Good condit ion , low hours, Barn ett , pat ched dr ive si de cas e. First 52200. (503) 3 2 5 -400 9 . OR. (31 6- 17) 1988 KTM 250M X Oucati Sea-Ooo Husqvarna Excell ant condit i on . 51775 . 1805 ) 266·2210. CA. (1 16- 18) Sates-Pan s-Serv ice. Central New Jersey. UPS daily. RIZZON'S CYCLE. (908 ) 271 ·1 616. NJ . (311-22) ZX-11 WAN TED, ro ugh condit ion okay, under 55000. Have cash. will tr avel. (702 ) 367-0316. NV. . (3 15-1 8) 1987 CR500 WELL MAINTAINED , suspension mods. 51500. ask for Tim afte r 7 pm . (619) 8685871. CA . (315· 17) '87 Husqvarna 250XC $1600 ' 9 0 RC30 1.0. #0005 We will sell this unit below dealer invoice. Sh ippin g avai labla. POWAY HONDA. (8oo) 350 -41 51. CA. (214·1 7) '90 Honda CR Sale "90 CR125R Now only 52598.00 V1N 12 5003. '90 CR500R Now only 528 98 .00 V1N 902 103. '9 1 CR250R Nowin stock . POWAY HONDA. (800) 3504151. CA . (214-17) Wanted: Used Combos Like new , excell ent condition, sto red last seven months, Race Tech suspensi on, lots of extras and accessorie s, must see. Mu st sell , $2800 or make offe r. (213) 406-4401 leave message. CA . (316 17) Any cond it ion . W a pay cash l Call COUNTDOWN . (20 3/ EOI/ P) (81 8) 348-8381. CA. 1990 ATK 250 Factory ang in a mods . full Enduro ACC, adj usta ble forks , Cal Fab swi ngarm. vet (116· 17) ridden . 52BOO (50 7) 388-1 523. MN. . POWA Y HONDA KAWASAKI has KDX250 's ready for de livery . Super deal s on all '9 1 KX's. (800) 350~ 4151 . CA. (2 14·17 ) '91 KOX250 Now In Stock 1989 ATK 406 frash 1990 fact ory ported MX motor. ultr a clean. vet ridden . 525 00. 150 7} 388· 15 23 . MN . (11 6 · 171 Oucati 'S8 750 Paso New M iche li ns , new chain. mod if ied Weber. Cor bin seat , Euro tailligh ts, 16, 000 m iles. Days, (8 18) 569· 5 200. Even ing". (8 18) 9 9 2 -5 2 92 . CA. (316 -17) 1991 XR600 Honda Riddan once. 53700. (805 ) 496-1666. CA. (31 6 -18 ) Fieldsheer Leathers 1990 Sogo su it . excellent cond ition, size 42 . con tact Darr an at (9 13) 53 7·05 35 . KS. (316-17) 300 Horsepower $16,000 Lim ited edit ion GSXR750. 1500 m iles on bi ke. 500 miles on 12 5 5cc mot or, Carr ill o rods, 83ML Turbo piston s, ported head, lock up clu tch, Bill et motor mount s, M R Turbo Camp Turbo kit , JMC GP swi ngarm, Wh it e Power shock. Techno wheels, 4201bs wet. Makes maga zin e shoo tout bikes look . slowl 5t h gear whael i es at 170 mph l (70 81 344· (116-17) 9 52 9.IL. 1988600 HURRICANE. race ready. 1015 of extras includi ng bottom end w it h cases, race leat hers f it 5'8" 160 Ibs. m ust sell. B/O . (9 19) 220-32 0 7. NC. (3 15 -18) Patch Things Upl With a Cycle News Patch . This terri fi c looki ng patc h will sta nd out no matter where you ch oose to put it . Sew - it on your gear bag or over that hole in t he knee of your fa vorite jeans. Wherever it is. it will show the pr ide you have in your sport . Order yours today for only $1 .50 e8ch. To orde r use t he CN Products ord er fo r m. lo cated be low the advertisers index. . (5/TFN) Wtd: '87-90 CBR600 Frame An d for k or j ust fra me . A lso gas tan k. Call Seth, (316-1 7) (212) 58~ 76 16,le ave messa ge. NY. I Run m y ad in the f ollowing speci. 1sectio n : _ _ Help Wen ted _ _ Bu sin ess Opportunities _ _. Collecton(1974 o r older) _ _ Went Ads Black end W hit e Photos. No color slides (One photo per ed - Printed im eue size limit ed to 1 1 /2 " high. 2 1 / 4" w ide ) COMMERCIAL/ HELP W A NTE D Pe r w o r d • • •• .••• . .••••• • • • • • •• • $1. 2 0 Head l ine in bold type • • • ••••••• $ 11 extra B l ind Box Ser v ic e C h a r g e • • • • • • • • • $6 .0 0 Ph Ol 0 ( n o larger than 5x 7) •• ••• $ 17 e xtra PRIVATE PARTY Pe r Word . • • . • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $ .50 Headl ine i n bold typ e • •• • • • • • • • • $5 extra PhOl0 (n o lar ger tha n 5 x7 ) • • •• • $1 0 extra PHOTOS RETURNED ONLY WITH SELF·ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE WANT AD DEADLINE · FRIDA Y 12 NOON for next w eek's issue . No canc ellations aher deadl ine. A ds are accepted on a first come fi rst serve basis . Cycle News rese rves the right to edit / abbr eviate copy & bold head line s. An y discrepancies mu st be reported wit hin one w eek of publication to receive any adju stment . Fill in t he Visa / M aste r Charge blank or send check or money order to Cycle News at above address. CREDIT CARD LIM IT M INIMUM 55 .00 PLUS .50 C POSTAGE AND HAND LING. Signat ure • -=_ Exp irat ion Dat e 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pl•••• run m y ad in C ity S tate Z ip 1 1 1 1 I I. 1 48 1991 Oucati 851 Carbon fibe r/stainless ste el exha ust . chip, clutch updat e, steering dampner , brai ded line s, wo rk stand. mo re. perfect, 1700 miles. $12,400. Call (317 -18 /P) M ax. (7 14 14 54· 1002. CA. 1990 KX250 Race Tech suspensio n, Bills pipe, (117) low hours . Call (71 4) 688-5204. CA. Wanted: Kawasaki KZ1000R Eddie Lawson Replica 1 I 1 1 Jota. Naw and used. all mu st go, (619) 446-6287. CA. (117/ C) Twe races on compl et e rebu ild. Branc h, Meg ac· ycle, Forget rue , Cer ian i, Grim eca. M an y spare s, very good condition. Asking for 53250 . (9 19) 7660445 . NC. (3 17-1 8) ( Le a v espac e. ) Wan t Ad m in imum &5 .0 0 · Bold he.dli ne. do not count tow.rd . went ad word ec u nt . I 1 1 1 5001750 Montju ich. Form ula 500. GT. SF-2 1000 750 Champion .yamaha 1 1 PRINT BOLD HEADLINE HERE 1 (2) 1974 German Racing Bikes MZ TS 150cc motorcycles. Inter nat ional 6-day world trophy w inn er, 1963 th r u 1969, bot h bikes low mil es plus over $5000 in new MZ part s. $1800 take s all. ca ll Karl (60 9 ) 767-1 233 . NJ. . (3 17-18 /C) Media coverag e requi re s pr ess kits . Publ icity gives you r ra ce team credib ilitV. Pub licity sells to sponso rs and keeps th em com ing backl Prospecti ve sponsors need res u mes. Everyone must get press releasesl POWERSPORTS M KTG; PU8L1C ITY & SPONSOR RELATION. Billee Davies (5 18) 4278727 . FAX (5 18 ) 4 32-9194. NY. (3 17) # of iss ue• . Name 1 Xlnt. Fu ll spares kit . One race. Ji m, (7 14 ) 849 55 30 . CA. (316- 17) Who are You? Pri nt nlme. addre.. and .d c opy clearly. Addna... 1988 TZ 250-U Mu st sell , extra f iberglass , new paint, spares kit. rain t ires. Fox shock . 56495. EST. (904}2 55-6633 . FL (314-1 9 ) Laverda Parts . WANT AD BLANK Cycle News, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 213 /427-7433 24 Hr. FAX O~.~ !-~~m~~:lo~L~~.?:..~~~ 1987 VZ250 ROLLING CHA SSIS. comp lete . Al so have COl. radiator s and exhaust . Selling for parts . (3 16-1 7) (402) 224·8335. NE. 1991 TZ250B Yamaha 1990 KX125 Pride 8t Joy Mu st see . Bran d new con d it ion, Race Te ch susp ension, Pro Circu it prepped. lots of extra s and accessories. My loss, mu st sell , $3 200 or make off er. Call Ad rian . (213) 406· 4401 leave message. CA. . (316 -17 ) r---~---------------------------------------------, P r i c e s A r e F or O n e Issue O n ly ' 87 Honda RS250 Very fa st, custom Toomey pipes, lots of spares, asking 55000. Call (5 13 ) 631 ·2220 . OH. (316-18) Stock . bar aly rtdden.Hke new . (6 19) 868 -4 73 1. CA. (11 6- 171 . WANT AD RATES 1987 HUSKY 25DXC rolling chass is. exce ll ent cond ition, with/without engin e t hat needs wo rk. (11 5-17) 537 5. Ned. (8051944-6329. CA. . 3 _ _ _ _ _ -'-_1 8 -"9 _ . 10 _ _~--- 15 16 17 _ __ _ _ --'-22 --'-3 2 _ __ _ __ ..<2 9 -' 30 _ _ _ _ _--'36 .;j37 43 50 . _ _ __ Need for st reet S·1 converslon. Tad. (8oo) 8355966, (2 13) 275 ·0188. CA. (106 ·20) 5 ,1 12 13 _ 18 19 .2 20 1977 HA RLEY XLCR, 54000. (913) 262 ·4254 . ~ 1~1~ KS. 14 1988 H-O 1200 Sportster .2 21 --'-25 • ..22 6 --'- 7 2 --'28 --'32 -'33 --' 34 --' 39 --'38 39 ,0 4 41 . 2 4 44 45 46 47 ~48 49 51 52 53 54 . A real Sportst er, 40mm M ikun i, 18" Mitchell front w heel. P.M. 13 " fl oating disk fr ont br ake. clip-ons rear -sets, Storz seat, fen der and exhau st. 4 gallon ta nk, w ide Ounl ops, Cafe fa ir ing, fast canyon bike. A ll pans to make st andard bike if desired, low mileage, excellent co ndition , $8600/ 0 8 0. Call (3 16- 181 Kla us. (2 13)925 -7604. CA. --'- 4 2 ~- 31 -; 1 L . Cycle Ne.... not.--.....for ................. _ben or copy. ( 55 Area C...../ Phone No. Phone ' counts s . one wo.d '87 Honda RS250R J Try HRC's f ines t . Previou sly owned by Japanese race team . Rebuilt top to bottom before leavin g J apan . Two sets of bodywork and lots of spare parts. Race ready or coll oeetor's item. Immacu late condition. 57000. Call Steve. (503) 364· 3927. OR. (316 -17)

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