Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 05 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.----- Wanted Production Dirt Track b ikes. OMR. Astras. H-D XR750. oth er stock bikes considered . John. (216) 247 -602t .OH. (312· 20 / C) Laverdas Wanted "GunFighter" for Oead or A live. (5091 924-513 1. Fax: (509) 9280918. WA. (209/TFN/ C) ~Wf>.SAJ< 1 ZX 1 0'88- ':1.. (1 15-17 / EOI/ CI .' -.:r. RACING ·II.FUEl:-== MA.BVrC MARCHESINI #1 in the Baja 1000 A, 1IaIIIe It: Baldwin Pa r k. CA ( 8 1 8) 9 6 2 - 2 4 5 1 1974 Ducati 750 Sport. Exc.lI.nt. correct. $8500. 1961 125TSS. Restored to perf ect ion . $14 .500.1974 Leverde 1000 3C (E). Clean, stro ng. $6500. 1968 Mont... 250 lmpa la Sport. Easy res tora t ion. $ 1500. Al so Lav erdas 750SF 2. 1000RGS. LB125 Sport. Hond a TL250 . Tim Park.r (61 21 439·6001 days. 61 12 evesvwe. 5627 f ax. MN . (3 16· 17/ C) V isal ia . CA ( 2 0 9) 625 -2900 - ~ The Cl ubman 's Choice - San Pedro. CA ( 21 3 ) 548-6874 alEADI 100% Parts and Service San Bernardino. CA ( 7 1 4) 883-8891 1967 Chevy van , new motor, new paint. 40 gallon ga s tank. paneled. AM-FM cassette. 4O-channel CB. 2 beds. tr ai le r hi tch. $3000/ abo. (61 B) 684- Upland.CA·(7 1 4) 981-8721 (11 7/ C) Ii" ~~ t 'f DEALER REQUEST ~Y INFO ON SERVICE Easy to Buy. Easy to Service Ing lewood. CA ( 21 3) 678 -68 11 Van Nuys. CA ( 8 1 8) 786-8180 5196. IL el.~ SE: ASTRALITE Honolulu. HI (808 ) 373-2322 Ventura. CA (805) 648 -2000 Rebuilt Race Van ~o GJHf. GJnildil tocst Race whee l Techno logy by wh ich All Others a re Judged Las Vegas. NV ( 7 0 2) 871 - 1417 It alian & Spanish Bikes FA ST Full Range of O .E.M. and Race Equip m en t in cl u di n g Stainless St ee l Lines USA All part s rewound to manufacturers specs.. using only the finest materials! SLATER BROS. P .O . Box 1 . M ica. WA 99023 To!: (50 91 92 4-51 31 Fl. (50 91 928-0 91 8 Norwalk. CA ( 2 1 3 ) 864-1741 ~1() T()H.CYCI. E 1618 LAFAYETT E STREET DENVER. CO 80218 I>I-::"\'I-:H. C2-360 1969 Project bik• • cornptere $500. David (602) 967-3 386. AZ. (l 17 / C) COLLECTION FOR SALE. 1953 Vincent• • 1968 veieeene Clubman. 1969 BSA Rock.t. 196 2 BMW R27. 1935 Norton. 1969 Kaw.saki Blu. Streak, MG T.D. S.nd $2.00 for pictores, list. Fred Kolman. 16 96 Montr•• 1 Rd.. On.w•. Can.da K1J (3171CI 6N5. (613) 749-2020. CN. GENERAL MERCHANDISE New OW01 Yamaha Parts Oem A ll part s bran d new for 1990/91 Yamah a FZR750 RC. Includes rad iator, w heels, front and back t emp . ga uge. ti res . front forks . front f ender. handlbar s and triple clamps, carb set, exaust pipes. brak e claipers. camshaft s. disc brakes . many other mise.. too much to mention . (7 14) 894-2948. CA (3171 New IMS Desert Gas Tank For 1988 Honda CR250R. brand new still in or igin al (3 17) bag. $75 firm . (7 14) 894·2948. CA WANTED TT-500 or XT~500 any year available. Pl.... call lvan at (30 51 383 -9853 after 6 p.m . FL (1 17 -20) WANTED : Shock for Yam. ha TT600. 1983-86 . (7 14 184 6· 9 522. CA (417· 18 ) Wanted Road Race Leathers In good cond ition for 5'9 " . 120 Ibs. A lso size 10 . boots. gloves I.rga. helmet 1'.4. (2 13 ) 822-3827. CA (117) The leader in safe & reliable n itrous kits for y our race or street bike needs: GS XA . FZR . C8 R. ZX. etc. A vailable from 2 5 10 tOO extra HPII Nitrous O:dde Systems,lne. 5930 Lak.shor. Driv. (7 14) 8 2 1 -0580 Cypr.... CA 90630 FA X (7141821 ·831 9 ~~C'. ·. . . ~.S MOTORCYCLE CENTERS Moro~ sctrvice. runeups, M:Cessonn .nd Ure$. s.wr. Conwn;'nt ~/ifomia Lou6on. : U MiretM 14258 E. ItrIf)ef~1 Hwy (2 13)946-3459 Sun V..u.y 9007 Sunl6rtd A VIP. (8181 768-9026 TonMCe2466 1115Bpu~BIwt_ Race Ready Box Van • Call f or infor mati on: days (805) 735· 1123. nights (8051736 -0035. CA (11 7- 18) Wanted RD 250 Race Darts Heads, cylinders. R.eds pipes • • te, (60 5) 347-4243 days. (605) 347 ·5278 nights. SO (117·181 1990 yz 80 tot.lly tr icked outl A must ... S 1050. (415)258-9489 . CA (117 ) ' 8 4 Harley XR 1000 To ta ll y orrigina l 460 miles. Nev e r been t itled . st ill on M. .5. $8000. Jim (8 17) 4 8 5 8476. TX. (317-1 9) b DUCA n: Br. nd new l000cc Mik. Hailwood Replica. In stock. available for w orldwide delivery. GHOST M OTORCYCLES. I.rgest Ducati de•.ler in U.S.. Pt. Wash Ington. NY. (5 16) 883-5300. FAX (5161767·3632. (3 171 OUCATI SALE: A ll new models in stoc k. Av.ilab l. for worldwide delivery . 1991 851 Superbike. 1991 907 I.E.. 1991 900 SS. 1990 750 Sport. 1990 906 Pesc . GHOST MOTORCYCLES . I. rg. st Oucat i d••ler in U.S.. Pt. W.shington. NY. (51 6) 883 5300: FAX (5 161 76 7 -36 32. (3 171 ~ AIUMim 828 W. VMmOI7tAllf'. (714) 774· 1()49 LontJ "-h 52 '0 lDng S"""" SIvd /2 13)423-8878 South c;.,. 58E 1 Fi(6fontlBJvd. (2J3) 92] -6895 U OtW'O'N806 E. HuntIngton DrNe (S rS) 303 -63$2 Keihin Flatslides 32mm drowndraft f it FZR 600. CBR 600 extra jetting. • ski ng $650. Call Bill (9 19) 887-8303 before 5 p.m.. (9 19) 861·5167 etter 6 p.m. NC (117) ~~ ~ (273j530-(J374 "OTOCROSS THE ., . 'ICI! IN I!UItOn. NOW IN THE U.s.A1 CAUFO. DEAU" INFO 185 EXPRESS ST.. PLAINVIEW. NY 1UI03 5'.... .3210 I Fas: S' ~n1·2150 ~ ...I' . ' is BEST ~~FORGENUINE A ,.__ 1Ii:i!t" _ H N APARTS O DAJIl . " HN N O DAU EACCESSORIES ' OV HA ER LFCENTURY OF GREA SERv T ICE D£AUlIS ",O UIIIIES IIMTED TOLL FREE 1 (800) NOW CARL li8iilhRiil~7!rri'8 1 (718)'ISr-0e02 CARL IIlIIlAIl2lI rAAllAIiUT RD_ I UJIl. U. l1lJi-ZJ9t 'SH MOTOACYCU....TV SUSPel8lOH S YSTEMS :! ! ~ .. AV.u.A8LE AT YOUR L~ PROGRESSIVE 5U5PINSIOH D£ALER Ameri ca 's Prem ier Road Racin g Associatio n (704) 684-4297 .....--Precislon Cyllnder--., BORING Baja Off Road Tours JLlrxLt£2is2 • A s • • en on " M ot o W",Id" ' • XR250", XR600 bik• • /HO"idHl. • Now ' ••tul in g Whit. Bros . S".".nsion • Fi"..t T,aiI riding s ou th 01 the bord., S PECIAL: Ba.- .nd ClHn 8. Morch PaM ' $1 60 ~==~= - . H P alatiac - ....., . ell E .. . . ......C (213) 862-0828 • Pr••enIN by Ch,i, HM"e. • VISA . M~t.rCMd Ar:uptftl 2!1108 M.pnl. Pkwy, Sulle 8126. MOUUIV"/O. tAo 92692 (7 1 4 183 0 -6 56 9 45

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