Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 05 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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v Letters to the editor 0ICES INSIDE Green Sticker bill author says . . . FEATURES INTERVIEW Hangtown National M X winner, privateer John Dowd . . .22 SUPERCROSS No messin' with Bradshaw inTexas 6 ' BUSINESS Laverda - Back from the brink.. .24 TFSTS 1991 Beta Zero Black Magic and Aprilia Climber300 trialers . .. . .10 MOTOCROSS Reynardon top ofthe world at Las Vegas World Mini GP ... .I4 HARE SCRAMBLES Naylor scores sixth win at Shasta Dam National DEPARTMENTS NEW PRODUCTS 24 LOCAL RACING .: ~ 30 RESULTS -: 42,54,55 CALENDAR 20 .36 WANT ADS .43 ON THE FRONT PAGE: Yamaha's Damon Bradshaw scored his third Camel Supercross w in of the yea r at th e Dallas Supercross in T exas Stad iu m . Check o ut page 6 for race co verage. Pho to by Nate Rauba. • Ameri ca's weekly motorcycle n ewspaper Volu m e XXVIII Michael Klinger, Publisher Caroline Gendry, Ex ecutive Secretary to th e Pu blish er Editorial . Jack Mangus, Associate Publisher! Editor Kit Pa lm er, Associate Ed itor Paul Carruthers, Associate Editor Nate Rauba, Associate Ed itor Ken Faught, Assistant Edito r Do nn Maeda, Assistant Ed ItoT Edwina Mangus, Calen dar Edi tor Graphics and Production Reejohnson, Produ ction Supervisor Ma nd y Lao, Producti on M ana ger Adverti sin g Terry Pra u , N atianal IIccou nts Manager Mark Thome, W estern Sales Manager . Ro n Davidson, Wt'stem Sales Manager Thomas R. Comer, Western Sales Ma na ger Mark Mitchell, Eastern A ccounts Man ager Greg Mitchell, Eastern Sal es Ma na ger Curtis Campbell, Eastern Sa les Manager J oan Ru ssian. Western Ad Coo rdinator Carla Borden Allen, Eastem Ad Coordinator Dealer Sales Allen Dennison. Dealer R epreseruat iue Den nis Greene, Lab . Tech. Stacey Guest, G rap hic A rtist Amy Harris, Grap hic A rtist Carolyn Branham, T yp esett er Marketing &: Promotion Mark Thome, Manager Circu la tion Accounting/Data Processing Rheba Smith, Manager Sarah Taylor, Billin g Coo rdinator Donna Bryan-Diamond, A I R Coo rdinator Ge neva Repa ss, Assistant H erlan e Lewis. Credi t Alm a Anguian o. Processin g Coord in ator Gabrielle Gilliam, Processin g Assistant Debbie Weller, Dealer Coord in ator Service and Support Want Ads Linda Vonde Veld, Wan t A d Sa les Chr is Ait cheson, H eadq uarters R ecep tionist Leonard Herring, Service and Support National Headquarters Eastern Office 2201 Cherry Ave.. Lo ng Beach, CA 90806, P.O . Box 498, Lo ng Beach. CA 90801·0498 4 190 First Ave.• T ucker. GA. 30084; ma ilin g address P .O . Box 805. Tucker, GA 30085-0805. (213) 427-7433; 2 13/ 636-8844. FAX (213) 427-6685 (404) 934-7850. FAX (404) 934-3112 Cycle News (USPS 141-340) is published weekly except the last two weeks of the calendar year for $50.00 per year by Cycle News, lnc., 2201 Cherry Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90806. Second class postage paidat Long Beach, CA. Canada Post Interna tional Publications Mail #546615. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Cycle News, P.O. Box 498, LongBeach, CA 9080100498. To determine th e exp irat ion date of your subscription, ch eck th e four num bers on the first line of yo ur address Iabel. The first two digi ts indicate th e last issu e n um ber you 'll receive an d th e last two characters indicate the year of the last issue . Subscriptio n rat es: Rates for the United Sta tes and its po ssessions for one year , (50 issues ). $50.00; two years (100 issues), $95.00; six months, (25 issues), $26.00; trial sub (15 issues), $ 19.00. Canada and Foreign, one year (50 issues), $90.00; two years (100 issues), $175.00; six months (25 issues), $45.00; trial sub (15 issues), $38.00. Cycle News welcomes unsolicited edi to ria l materi al in cluding stor ies, cartoons , photos , etc. Such material, if published, becomes the exclusive property of Cycle News. Such accepted. materia l is su bject to revision as is necessary in th e sa le di scret ion of Clcle News. Unsolicited material which is not used will be returned if accompanied by a sel addressed stampedenvelope. All unsolicited material will be handled with reasonable care, however, Cyde New s assumes no responsibility for th e safety, loss or da mage to such ma teria l. Reprinting in whole or part only by permission of the publisher. Advertising rates and circulation information will be sent upon request. See S.R.D.S. ~/B~'A A UD ITED V r, elRCULA nON Copyright41 Cycle News, Inc. 1991. Trademark Cycle News registeted U.s. Patent Office. All righlS reserved. Last week you ra n a letter which su ggested that the o riginal article you ran in Cycle News was in some way fac tually ina ccurate. As one who was p resen t d uri ng the presentat ion of the bill, let me assure that. th e original version of th e hearing as it a p peared in th e Cycle N ews art icle was ac cu ra te. First, th e ar ticle d id not sta te th at (Lee ) Chauvet testi fied tha t th e billsshould be dr opped, it sta ted thai he tried to get me to d rop th e bills. H e did th is in my office in a meeting with a m ember of my sta ff a nd Bob H am, th e lob byist for the Off- Road Vehicle Legi slative Coalition. . Next , th e letter disputes the ear lier Cycle N ews co nten tio n th at Chauvet presented testimony against th e bill in Committee. Acco rding to Mr . Ken Ca ter 's letter, Chauvet only testified . that th e Department ha s no " officia l" posit ion. This is true, however, if Mr. Caler was present when th e bi ll was presented , he wo uld have heard the Committee Chairman ask Mr. Chauvet to 'repea t th e co ncerns he exp ressed previously to the commi ttee staff. At th is point, Chauvet proceeded to testify that he had two co ncerns wi th th e bills. The issu es he rai sed q uestio ned the need for the bil l. We co untered h is testimony with a rebu tta l which th e Comm ittee a pparen tly found m ore credible beca use they proceeded to cas t a unanimous vo te to support the measu re. If Mr . Chauvet is indeed su p portive o f the bill packa ge as t he letter su ggests, I would welcome that support. However, if he in sists o n saying he is neutral and then follows u p wi th testimony designed to have th e bill defeated , he should n ot co m p la in when a publica tion su ch as Cycl e N ews accu rat ely reports thi s information to its reader s. I wish to tha n k Cycl e N ews for a ll o f it s kind su p port o f my many bills over th e yea rs to mak e th e off-road program in California a model for th e rest of the nation, a nd for your readers ' support of my ca mpa ign. Doris Allen Assemblywoman, 7lst Distri ct Sacramento, CA Assem blyw oman Allen is th e author of Iwo bills, A B252 and 253, w hich would require th e slate of Californ ia to repa y th e $21.5 million w hich was ." bo rt oured" from th e Off-H ighway Veh icle Fund (G reen Slic ker Fund). L ee Chauve t is th e deput» director of th e Off-H igh w ay D iv isi on of th e Calif ornia Dep artment of Parks and R ecreatio n. Th e Cycle News article A ssemblyw o m an A li en ref ers t o appeared in our March 20 issue; Mr . Cater's letter appeared in ou r Ma y 1 issue . . . Edito r. Back in the U .S.A. I'm writi ng to send m y tha n ks to th e motorcyclists a nd people in th e motorcycle industry who su p port ed me a nd my Iellow so ldi ers during o ur tour in th e Persian G ulf. First o f all, I wo uld li ke to th ank my famil y, my parents Lee and Sh ell y Chapin , and m y friends wh o kep t me going th e who le seven mon ths I was there. I'd a lso like to thank o ne of the Cycle News staff members, Terry Pr all. H e . sent me issues of Cycl e Ne ws a nd a pair of Oa kley go gg les th a t I ga ve to a fri end wh o didn 't have a ny. I don 't th ink he 'too k th em o ff o f his he lme t th e whole time he had them. H e even went into Iraq wi th them on ! Terry -a lso wrote me a few letters to keep me informed on what wa s going o n in th e States while I was over there. I wou ld a lso like to ex tend my thanks to J oh n and Rita Gregory of JT Racing for o u tfitt ing my tank platoon with new sets of goggles. T he y definite ly ca me in handy, espec ia lly during the man y sand sto rm s we encountered whi le in the desert. I've just ret urned 10 the Stat es and it really feels grea t to be back. I ca n ' t wait to start riding again . I hope I will be able to th ank th ese people personall y when I get back to Ca li fo rn ia. From myself and othe rs who served in th e Gulf War, th anks again for all of you r su pport. Spec. Rob Chapin Is t Calvalry Div. Ft. Hood, TX Rob's fat h er, L ee Chapin , is t he assista nt v ice pres ident, aftermarket sales, al Mikun i USA . . . Editor. Road racing's future? Try this idea on for size: Ig nore the FIM , ma ke Kenn y Ro berts king of a new world roa d racing seri es, give Bernie Ecclestone excl u sive televi sion rights, sig n contrac ts with promo ters who ca n g ua ra nt ee reasonab ly safe race circu its, hold Yamaha to th eir wo rd o n producing in expen sive yet co mpetitive V-4 m otors, a nd agree to a llow twins, triples a nd fours to compete aga inst each o ther. Weight limitations a mo ng th e different engine config u ra tio ns will mak e for better racin g and no t supp ress technol ogy. Also , pl ace the U .S . GP o n a rota tin g basis betwee n La gun a Seca a n d R o ad Atlanta (I ca n dream). Ton y Parso ns Jacksonville , FL P.S. I' m in th e phone book if th ey need hel p (o th er than fin ancia l). Alwa ys a legend Re J ohn Krell 's " Say it a in 't so, Jay " letter in th e April 10 issue : Wh at righ t do you think you have to put down a G rand Nat iona l C ha m pion, Mr. Krell? I have grown up around motorcycles; m y fathe r was G ra nd Natio nal Champion in 1967 a nd 1968. I happen ed to be a t Dayto na a nd heard th e story from J a y. For one, wh en you rent a bike yo u expect it to be the type you asked for. T wo , racers are no t respon- . sible for th e bi ke a nd how it wo rks; th eir jo b is to race it the best th ey ca n. If they wan t to ch eck the bike ou t they ca n . When you said, " H ow can he even think of a p pea l i ng th is?" yo u obvio us ly had no idea th at he was in nocen t. His bike was proteste d in th e beginning o f th e race a nd from what I . viewed Jay was n ' t raci ng li ke he usually do es - the bike was too slow . o n th e ba nks I Springer will al ways be a legend. Yo u are j U SI to o ig norant 10 understand. Kary Nixon Phoenix, MD Ms. N ixon, 16, is the daug hter of former Grand Nat ion al Ch am pion Gary Nixon . . . Ed itor.. Letters to the editor sho ul d be sent to: Voices, Cycle News, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-0498. Published lette rs do not necessaril y reflect the pos ition of Cycle News, Inc. Letters should not exceed 200 words and all letters are subject to edi ting. 5

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