Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 05 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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·2~2~~2. Friday Night CALENDAR Cal endar listings are a free service for Cycle News reade rs and race promoters. All informati on is the responsibility of the promoter. Calendar listings cannot be accepted over the phone; we must have a complete written Calendar listing on file. Use listing blank in this section, Listings must be received by Wednesday for publication in the foll owing week's issue. We strongly suggest racers/spectators call the promot er/ track to con firm detai ls before traveling to the event. May 31, 1991 ALSO CHAMPIONSHIP EVENTS In Concert World C'ship Road Race Series Immediately Following The Main Event 5112 5/ 19 5126 David Allan C oe GATES OPEN RACE CONCERT 6/9 6/16 6/29 7121 8/4 8/18 8125 9/8 9129 4,30PM 7. )/} PM { IIHJOPM World C'ship Superbike Road Race Series TENNESSEE STATE FAIRGROUNDS I' 0 BOX 101 585 • NASHVU..I..ETENNEsSEE 372 10-1585 *** EXCITING "TIRE SMOKIN""ACI10N (sgfJ (4'4) (57) 21 88 (]D ADV~~12.00 (J[Js AVI S *** 812 6/9 6/30 10/ 19 LMT OFRACE Sl 5.00 GOOD FOR THE RACE & CONCERT BADGERS MC MO'{HER'S' h<1j-' ~ ,.' . Tbe OfTbe West ..... • .' For Intonnalion: (615)726-1818 * 10% Trophies - Each Day, Plus Special Troph ies For 2 Day Overall Wi nners In Each Cla ss Based On Tota l CELEBRATE TH EIR 22N D ANNIVERSARY WITH A "t World C'ship Endurance Road Race Series ,r!lJi!J.~ t ONTRACK · PROMOTIONS, INC . Points Earne d Both Days. In Case Of Tie. Best Finish On Second Day Prevails. ENTRY FEE: $16 .00 one day OR 530 for bot h days No 3 Wheelers All owed No Under 18 Quad Riders Sloddard Valley - Hodge Rd. off 1 15 · * * * * * Dislriet 37 Point Even t * AMA Membersh ip Requir ed 1:00 .... T ·A' ,:, ' COPOUT 4 ~!Z,~% .AT 10:30 1:30 EX-AM EN IOR S&" e-' . - -_r-----r_ ' UN '. ' '''' EX-A M OPEN - --r--_.,..--'---, '-'--.;...:.'-'-J..-='-'-L.......:--'--'----"-'---l.--'-~ ~- • • FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Bryan Moyna ha n · (805) 298-921 6 Dick Postma 1805 ) 944-4743 Todd Parrick - 18051 265 -1948 Present s Mt1 ~, Mt1 ... ... ~ Professional Hill Climb $1,100.00 PURSE MAY 19 1:00 PM Iro n Ho rseman Clubgrounds Goshen. IN 2-1/2 miles eas t of S.A. 13 on S.R. 120 For More Information 219/674-8061 or 219/293-3398 36 Concessions Served World C'ship Observed Trials Series 5116 Bielstain.Belgium Cierp ·Gaud France . V •• Spain iell Myslenice Pol end . ustri. Piestinll- A Cervina. Italy H.I.inki, Finl. nd Gotllonberll- Swed.n Nepomuk. Czechoslovakia 6/2 6/9 6123 6/ 30 8123 9/1 9/1 5 World C'ship 125cc MX Series 5/5 5/ 26 612 6/ 9 6/23 6129 Mertello. Holl nd a Koposvar. H ry ung. Rogg.nburg. Switz.rl.nd G en ~ Belgium Hathenon. Greal Britain K illinthy. lrel.nd Amatillan. Guatemala Campos doJordao. Brazil R G iel .rm.ny Suzuk.. J.p.n 1/14 7/2 1 8/4 8/18 Want Ad Inf o . (2 1 31 4 2 7 -74 3 3 Goshen Iron Horsemen 711 4 Sp.. Belgium Suzuki. J.pan 7128 8/ 4 J.hor M.loysi. . 9122 loCastoll.l Franc. 9/29 Oonington P.ll Greet Britain 10/ 20 Philip bl. nd. 7/7 12:00 DU AL EUROPEA N SCRAMBLES(.qe£~., ' UN 'A' MAY 11 AND 12, 1991 = '-"-F=-=t--=--'-"-+-__'-+-="'-~:'-.:-l ~~ ~ ~ 3 M port. C . .. .n.d ar.,USA O lTlich Austria stl . Misano. San M lrino And. rslOrp. Swed... Sogo. Jopan Sh Al.nt, M.loysia ah, G .rmany M gny Coon. Frenco . Mug.lio.holy Philip Island Australia . 8/4 8/11 8125 9/1 9/15 9129 10/ 6 . PRESENTED BY Monza, Italy Hockenheim. Germany Salzhurgring. Austria Rijeka. Yugosllvil Assen, H olI.nd Paul Ricard. France ' Oonington P.ll G Britain reet Minna. San Marino Bmo. ezecho.lovoki. Intertagos. Brazil Sh.h A . M lam .loysi. World C'ship 250cc MX Series 5/5 5/ 12 5 /1 2 5 / 18 6/ 1 6/ 2 6 / 15 7/19 Short Trac k Short Track Half Mile - Am. Nat ional Qua lifier Half Mile - Am. Na1iona l Qualifier Short Track - Am . Nat'l Qualifier Sho rt Track Afton Fair Invitat ional 8 /3 Sho rt Track 8 /10 Short Track Short Track 8 /24 9 /7 Short Track Ha lf Mile 9 /8 Short Track 9 /21 10/13 Short Track DTX. Qua d cyc le. Sideca r and all Distr ict 3 Dirt Track Classe s available Locations: Sho rt Track - Harpursv ille. NY Half Mile - Afton. NY For more informal ion call: (607) 729-5395 (6071775-1 955 Schwanenstadt. Austria Mantova. Italy Hyvink... Finl.nd Bandasseron San Ma a. rino Amis. Fr.nce N . s. Belgium ism Un.dill. , USA Maracay.Venezuela Motol•• Sweden SuzukI, Ja pan 5126 6/16 6/23 6/30 7114 7/21 8/4 8/18 World C'ship 500cc MX Series 5/5 5/ 12 6/ 2 6/3 0 7/7 7/2 1 8/4 8/1 1 8/2 5 Vim fi.,d•• Sweden Cast lnau de lavis. Fr nce a a N HolI.nd orllEs.n ogli.. h.1y t. Hawksteme Park. Great Britain R eutlingen. Gennany Namur. Belgium K ohlenberg. luxemburg S.n Bem.rdino. CA. USA World C'ship Enduro Series 6/1 ·2 6/8· 9 6/ 22·23 The White Bros 6129·30 4-Stroke World TT Scrambles & Motocross Championships 7120-21 7127·28 9/2· 7 May 18 & 19 Perris Raceway 9122 For Info: (714) 554-9442 Jaemsae. Finland Vimmerby. Sweden lo Rufin•. Borgo M aggiore. Sin Marino Kielc•• Pol.nd Munster. G.rm.ny Int:1 Six Days Enduro Bra,.... ez.tho Motocross des Nations 9115••"l H olI.nd Trial des Nations G rosshauba Germany ch. AMA Grand Nat'l C'ship Camel Pro Series 511 1 5/19 Pom on., CA H M S.n Jose. CA M 5126 6/8 6129 Sp ringfield. Il M Louisvill•• ICY HM lim.. OH HM 711 3 H.gerstown. M HM O 7120 SyrBClJ$ll. NY M 7127 O hom. City. OK H kl. M P. ori.. Il TT 8/4 8/7 Rapid City. SO H M 8124 In .n.polis. IN M di 911 Springfi.ld, Il M 9/ 15 SanJ .... C AM Pomona.CA HM 10/ 5 10/ 12 Sacram.nto. CA M Info 614/ 881-2425 AMA Ca..11 Supercross Series 5/4 los V.gas. NV 5118 l Ruth.rlonl. NJ 6/8 Oklallom. City. OK 6/15 San Jose. CA 6/22 Lo. Anvol.s. CA Inf 614/89 1·2425 o AMA Nat1 C'ship 125/250 MX Siries Mt Morris. PA 5126 Buchanon. MI 7/7 Axton. VA 7121 TIlIY.OH' 7128 Southwicl<. MA 8/4 Info 614/891-2425 AMA Nat'l C'ship 125/500 MX Series 10120 • Tentativo Info 614/891·2425 W.IIs. NV . AMAlW'lSeco/ Y amaha/ Yokohama Grand Nat'l Cross Country Series 5/12 Beddoy. WV 612 Bucldlannon. WV 6/ 16 Davi . WV s 8/30 ClIarIotto. N C rfonl. O H 8125 Woto MilHi.ld. O H 9/8 Bunnor Ridllll. WV 9122 10/6 Elkins. WV 10120 Mt MOfris. PA 11/10 G reen.vill•• TN , Info 304/594-1157 AMA Amatl.rIYlIlIth Nat'! Dirt Track C'ship TT Scrambles Final Poori.. ll Shon Track Final 719-1 0 P.ori.. Il Half Mile Fina l 718 -7 H.nry. Il Info 614/891-2425 711 2-13 AMA AIIIatlur Nat'l C'" SUPlrCrOSS Siries Millvill•• MN 8/11 9/ 1 W.shoug.l. WA Binghamton. NY 9122 O .lmont, PA 9/29 Budd. Craek. MO 10/6 N Berlin. NY •• 10/1 3 Info 614/8 91 -2425 5/ 5 los vigas. NY 5/ I8 l Rutherford. NJ 612 Foxboro. MA 6/ 16 San J... . CA 6/ 23 Los Ang.les. CA Info 813/822·8929 AMA 600 Nat'! C'ship Dirt Track Series AMA/CCS Pro/AnI C'ship Road Race Siries 5/5 CA M 511 8 SanJ.... CA TT 6/2 P. ori.. Il TT 6116 H utdlin.on. KS HM 6/ 22 l.k. Od. . . .. M H I M Franklin. WI ST 717 8/9 Sturvis. SO ST 8/10 SturgIS. SO HM 8/ 17 H omburg. NY HM 9121 C _ Rock. WA TT Info 614/891 -2425 AMA Nat'l C'ship Road Race Siries 6/14-16 6128·30 Loudon. NH E1ld1ort loka WI . 71 4-6 Cllorlott.. N C 7113-1 4 M iomi. Fl 812-4 lo.ington. OH 8/9 -11 CoII.g. Station. TX 9/6 -8 Topoka, KS 9120-22 Rosamond. CA Info 614/891-2425 AMA Nat1 C'ship Hillclimb Series 5/ 19 Middlebury. IN 612 J.ff.rson. PA 6/9 Fre.m n.burg. PA . 6/16 Avoca. N Y 8/ 4 J.ff.rson. PA 9/ 15 Fre. m. nsburg. PA 9129 Jofl.rson. PA 10113 Oregoni.. OH • All Star InvitltiollIl Info 614/ 891 ·2425 AMA Amateur Nat'l C'ship Hillclimb 8/31 Info 614/891·2425' Everott, PA AMA Nat'! C'ship Enduro Series Union.SC p.rkinston. M S NowWavorly. TX 9122 10/ 13 R ddinll- CA . Beer. D E 10127 Morrison. Il 11/3 • Tentativl Info 614/891 -2425 5/5 7114 AMA Nat'l C'ship Hare Scrambles Series 6/9 6/3 0 712I West Gra. nwich, AI Kotdlum.1 0 Flet River. M O 7128 S. Edmonston. NY 9129 lynnvi lle. IN Info 614/89 1·2425 AMA Nat1 C'ship Hare & Hound Series 5/5 9129 los V.gas. NV W.ndovar. UT Great Lakes Region 5/ 11·12 S. Beloit. ll Gron.n. M I 6/15·16 716-7 Gran.n. M I 7127·28 S. Beloil ll 8124-25 S. Beloit. Il 9114-15 G ran.n. MI 10/5·6 Granan. MI South Florida Region 5127 W P. im Beoch, Fl . 6129-30 Sa......... GA 7120-21 W P. 1m Beoch, FL . 8/3 ·4 Savonnoll G . A 8/17-18 W P. 1m Beoch, Fl . 8/31-9/ 1 Savenn.... GA 9121-22 W P. 1m Beoch, FL . 8128-29 _ hon. GA 10/2 7 W P.1m Beoch, FL . 12/ 15 W. Palm Beoch, Fl Southeast Region 5/ 4-5 _ hon. GA 5125-2 6 Save"" 6A 6129-30 Sav."" GA 8/3 -4 Savenn G A 8117-18 T.II.deg Al .. Sav.nn.... GA 8/ 31-9/1 10/1 2·13 T.II.d.g .. Al . Mid Atlant ic Region Summit Po WV int, 5/11·12 5125-26 Sav.nnah, GA 6122-23 Summit Point. WV 1120 ·21 Summit Point. WV 9114-15 Summit Point, WV 8128-29 h.hon. GA Midwest Region 5/11·12 S. Beloit. Il 6/1·2 S. Beloit. Il 6115·18 G r.ttan. MI 716-7 Gretten. MI 7127·28 S. Beloit, Il 8124-2 5 S. Beloit. Il S. Beloit. Il 9/7-8 Grattan. MI 10/5-6 Salt Lake Region Bonnevill.. UT 5/5 Bonneville. UT 5127 Bonnevill•• UT 7/7 Bonneville. UT 911 10/6 Bonnevill•• UT Southwe st Region 5125-26 Chandler. A1. 6/15-16 Chandlar. A1. 8/ 31·911 los V .gas. NY 9121·22 Chandler A1. . 10-/ 12-13 los V.gas. NY Northeast Region 5/ 11-12 Loudon. NH 5125·26 Bridg.hamton. NY 6/8·9 Loudon. NH 8/29-30 Loudon.N H 7120-21 Bridphamton. NY 8/3-4 Loudon. NH 9/7-8 loudon. NH Mountain Region SacondCrael co 5/ 4-5 Mt Vi.... co 5/ 25·26 Puetllo,CO 6/8·9

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