Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 05 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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winner Dement, who suffered injuries in the second 80cc (14-16) Modified class moto. ' 'I' m really surprised !" sai d an elated Reyn ard. " I didn't expect to win; it feels nea t to bea t the older gu ys." Terry Parsons ripped ou t of the gate in the openi ng 80cc (14-16) Stock division o ne rnoto , but right beh in d him were Decker, Metzger, a nd H engeveld. Decker wasted little tim e and qu ickly blas ted into the lead while Dement was workin g up fro m a poor start. As Decker began to pull away , Dement steadi ly moved up throug h the 21-rider field . By the last la p , Dement had worked past Pars ons and into second, bu t hi s charge through the pack had taken its toll o n hi s machin e. Just one tum from the finis h, Dem ent 's rear wh eel exploded and left the Suzuki rider str an ded. Decker crossed th e finish line un chall enged , wh i le Dement picked up his bike and car ded it acros s the line in seventh. Parsons fin ished in second, ahead of Brad Woos ley and Metzger. Decker continued his winning ways in the second moto, and led Dement across the finish line. Parsons topped a hard-charging Bill y Akers for third. Divisio n two saw David Pin gr ee and Clint Latham ba ttle for the lead, with each ri der scoring a moto victory, It was Latham ho wever, who scored the second rnoto victory and advanced to the final with a perfect score. Steve Andrich charged across th e finish line ah ead of Freddie Mitch ell 10 earn the th ird tra nsfer positio n. Dement went on virtually uncha llenged in the fina l moto, as he motored into the lead and left La tham , Metzger an d Pin gr ee to argue over second. Decker suffe red a miserable start and rode like a man posessed in an attempt to work tow ards the front in th e four lap mo to. Dement greeted the checkered flag well ah ead of Pingree , La tham, Metzger and Decker. Dement scored th e overall win ahea d of Pingr ee and Latham . Decker smo ked o ut of the ga te in the first 80cc (14-16) Modified di vision o ne moto , and i m med ia tely began to establ ish a lead th at would be quite sizab le by th e more's end. Beh ind Decker, Jeff Willoh fought off the charges of Brad Woosley to secure second in the moto. . Metzger con tro lled moto two; while Decker spent th e majority of the race pl aying ca tch up. Decker worked in to second by the th ird lap , and seemed content 10 finish there. Ted Campbell trailed across the fini sh line in third. Decker entered th e run-off mot o wi th a first-place score, via his 1-2 fini shes. The seco nd divisio n was domin ated by Dem ent, who easily won bo th motos. Pingree and Latham diced throughout bo th motos, but it was Pingree wh o emerged second in both outings. Metzger blasted his SCRIClover / ShoeilBill 's P ipes /En zo R a cing/ MNFX-sponsored Suzuki to the front of th e pack in the .Ii n a l. Behind Metzger, Pingree, Casey Johnson and Decker ra llied for position. Decker quickl y smo ked past J o h nson and Pi ngree, bu t ra n out of time before he could catch Metzger, who had esta blished a commanding lead . Metzger crossed the fini sh line ahea d of Decker, Pingree and J ohnson. Decker earned the overall win, wh ile Metzger scored second. ... " Fo ur la ps didn't give me a whole lot of time to work up," said Decker, " But once I was in second I knew that I had the overall, and I didn 't want to push it and chance making a mistake." Brian Knopf (491) bolesbot th e ~c Modified (12-13) runoff mOlO, ahead of Bill y Gartman (531) and Jason Partridge (72:7). . " It 's too bad I didn't do better in my first moto, " said Metzger. " I cou ld've won the overall." King Richard Saxton grabbed th e holeshot in the first 125cc Stock Pro moto, and led for four laps befo re succumbing to the pressure of Lawrence. On that same lap, Ezra Lu sk charged past and set after Lawrence but cras hed a few turns later. After remounting in third, the 15-year-old rider from Bainbr idge, Georgia snuck pa st Saxt on o n the last lap and fini sh ed seco nd. Saxton cru ised across th e fin ish lin e in th ird, just ahead of Tommy Clowers. Lawren ce an d Lusk: stole th e sho w in th e second moto, After work in g into the first and second positions, the two riders tang led and went down. La wren ce was the first to remount, while L usk had tro uble starting hi s motor cycle. Lusk rejoined th e race in second p lace, eigh t seconds behind Lawrenc e. Slowly bu t su rely, L usk ree led in Lawrence and was brea thing do wn his jersey on the fin al lap. As they entered the final turn , La wrence went 10 the insi de and slid o ut, while Lus k railed the o uts ide and crossed the finis h lin e in first aboa rd h is MS Ra cing/ Sco tt/ PJ IIIOO SN D DesignsiCTi/FMF/ %/ R&D/D un lop / Bell -backed Suzuki. Lawrence remo unted in time 10 finish second, ahead of Ra y Crumb. " I was gonna square it off and try 10 cut under Law rence in the last tum," said Lusk. " But I di dn 't have 10 beca use he fell. " " I kn ew he was co ming , said Lawrence. "I went to guard the inside lin e, but I just lost my rear end. This track is so slippery." Dana Wiggins trounced the competition in the first 125cc Modified Pro rnoto, while Clowers foug ht off a la te rnoto charge by Lawrence, who had ga ted poorly. Ryan Ca rlisle ra n with . the fro nt runners and crossed the finis){ line in fourth. Carlisle stormed out of the gate in the second rnoto , but Lawrence stole the lead away . As Lawrence began to pull away, Jimmy Button snuck past Carlisle and settled 'into second place. Carlisle sucessfully held off Wiggins for third pl ace. Lawrence earned th e' Robbie Reynard topped the 80cc Stock and Modified (12-13) and Supermini classes. overall. while Wiggins edged Carlisle for second. " I wanted to win that o ne, especially since I crashed in the stock rno to ,' said Lawrence. "Everyone says that it looked easy, but it wasn 't easy. There's a lot of talented riders here." La wrence carried his momentum into the 250cc Stock Pro class, as he roosted away with the win in the opening mo to, Clowers ran second for mo st of the rnoto, but Button stormed thro ugh the pack to snatch the positio n away in the late stages of the mo to, Crumb finished a di sta nt fourth. In the final moto, Lawrence o nce again put his Fox/ShoeilScot tlAcerbis /Brush Factory/Ceet/Dunlop/ CTi/Powerbar-backed Kawasaki o ut front and cruised to the moto and overa ll wins. Ca rlisle fin ished a strong second after a moto-Iong battle with 17

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