Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 05 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GuikShop WANT ADS REACH FOR THE TOPo Sunstor to« has C'>'Oilable 530 Aluminum racing spoc:ln. Wo/2S3tl (30 4) 34 3- 22 n Mast.rcard. VIN .nd C. O , D . · Full Machin" Sh op . Ch assis Prep I Specia l Vint ag e Racin g Parts UPS Overnight Deli very Avai lab le MARV J: C Wheels (All Bikes) Con t i Exhaust Sy stems ~ Carburetors ARIAS . :\tEGACYCLE • MIKUNI KEIHIN CR " = "~i ' i @'! Tools 1&11 '5 . Eas to n Rd.. Willo w Grove. PA 19090 Motorcycle Sales HONDA/8MW OF NORTH HOLLYWOOD is looking for an experienced. aggressi ve. mot ivat ed. satesperson who w ants to make $$$ . Excellent benefits. call Hugh (8 18) 766-6134 . CA. H i-Performan ce Part s & Services for J apan ese & Du ca ti Superbi kes ' _ =-' ."' .f High Perfo rmance Street and Racing Kits , Clrbon Fibre Racing Peru: Tanks. fBiring_ etc. Original Pans/Service. TEL (2 15) 657-1276 FAX (2 15) 657. 3832 160 Sea Chff Ave.• Glen Cove. NY 1154 2 FAX 1516\674 -4001 1516) 674 -3 3 19 (2 17) Sales Reps if you ere curr entl y representing motorcyde or automotive accessory lines on a fu ll ti me basis. PIT CREW is int erested in talk ing w ith you about adding a fin e li ne of dom estic and impon ed appar el from PIT CREW and APRIUA or competition an by J ames Crespi nel to your produ ct list. Conta ct PIT CREW. Montrose. CA (8 18) 248·1054. Protected Terr itor ies. (317ITFN) Instructors Needed AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE INSTITUTE. Dayto na Beach , Florida. needs addit ional instr uctors for new specialty programs. Docum ented industry exper ience r equ ired . Cont act Lamar W ill iams. 'POOl 874·0645. FL (2 131TFN) ID "iT~' , !'it:i l.l': ~ D Motorcycle Technicians Tir ed of turn ing a wrench? If you have 5 years recent motorcycle deal ership experie nce and th e mot ivation to share your know ledge. we may have ju st th e career for you . Our rapi dly growing tr institut es. locat ed in Phoenix, AZ and Orl ando. FL are in need of career mind ed individuals to train as Instructors. If you are interested in a new career, the n call one of these n umbers today fo r mor e i nfor mat ion. (800) 52 8 -79 9 5. as k f or Larry Barr ingto n, for Phoen ix campu s or (BOO)342 -9253, ask for Bern ie Thomp son for Orl ando campu s. AZ.. (2 14- 17) ==:E: COntrolled RACING lor Unmatch.d Port MaChining ,M OSSBA R GER . AIr Flow ReedVIIYes. Rlcing EqMipment En,ill' Work for Rlcing 2-Strokes ATV. Ka rt s. MX Imora".m.nt_ (513) 642-2027 MICHELIN 8800 Somerset Boulevard Paramount, California 90723 fi ~/531-291 Bib mousse- Dasert-M x -Trials U S Distributor Starsport CYCLE CRAFTS 24111 Jeron imo R08d.EI Tore, CA 9 2630 (714) nO-34n Mechanic Immediate open ing for an experienced mechan ic in a nort hwest Tenn essee dealership. Contact 8 utch. 8UTCH'S SUZUKI. 470 Hwy 51 8 ypass. Dyersbur g. TN. (00 1) 285 -207 8. TN. (3 14- 2 1) Mechanic Needed H on ~ and Sea 0 00 dealer is looki ng for an expen enced technician to fill full -ti me position. Mus t have own tool s. located in beaut iful Perris, California. Ask for M ike in service. RACEWA Y HONDA, (71 4) 943 -2061 . CA. (31 6· 17) Honda Technician Motor cycle mechanic w ant ed for high vol ume serv ice depart menL Excelle nt pay and benef its . Mu st have experien ce. HONDA PENNINSULA. 1289 W. EI Cami no. Sun nyvale. CA . Contact M ike. (408 ) 24 5- 764 0. CA. (21 5 -17) Kawasaki /Honda Technician So. cars.' newest Kaw asaki dealer looking fo r experie nced techn ician. M in imum 5 years expe rience. Kaw asak i school a must. Var ification ' required. long term career posit ion. Salary. and benefits negot iable . Send Resum e to : Cycle News , Dept. 135 . P.O. Box 498. Long Beach . CA 90 801 ~9B com.....r HORSEPOWER BY ~16-1n SNOWMO BILE /SMA LL ENG INE me ch ani c. SNOW SUMMIT SKI RESORT. P.O. Box 77 . Big 8ear Lake. CA 92 315. Alln: Personn el. (714) 8665766. ext . 141. (3 16-1 8) WE REPAIR MOTORCYCLE BODYWORK RIGHT III ~ o u ro p e ~ r: b ikes . ro lle r bearing ty pe STREET &: RACING. 2&:4 str oke , f rom Bt.AW to Zundap p. si ng les &: tw ins . Better t ha n orig in a l. 81e Y,nta9t. Oi.,. of aley [ngin.ering y 700 Chan Ave.• [ lie Crolle. IL 60007 le i (708) 437-0671, f OI (708) 437-059 2 ~ BAOTl U .IS RAC ING ~ Honda Race Parts & Service 714-632-8820 00 -=- Z89l1 VII Mlrt. ... Anlhelm. cA 92806 !&I -= World's Best-Selling Line of . Premium Quality ~ i:.~l Motorcycle and fI A TV Lubricants. ROA D RACING SPECIAL Minor Body Work. Prep and Painted One Solid Color Only $395.99 SUSPENSION SERVICE KAVABA S PECIAUST Call Now - limned Time Offer Rebuild_ - Repairs - Revatves - S p ri n g s Suspension Auids • Fork Protectors (714) 839 -8741 (;li@ 71 4-272-7977 .~=~::JM~o~:E - DIRT- TRACK - BMX : ~RE~~:~K.; : ~~~~SDS 717-854·7286or 266-0268 1 4p.m. EST fter PLATES 5 8 N . B roa d S t .. York. PA 1 7 4 0 3 PIPE PROTECTORS Th ~ Banzai Bro s " PIPE SKI D" A.,.I .ble at your dealer Dealers please call: *WIIih 8,... (71& IM-M&Z ) Bon..; B, . o Roel.... Into (213) 256-49 2" 2 Motorcycle Mechanic Needed Thr ee li ne motorc yc le shop on Californ ia ' s beautiful Central Coast, needs mechanic w it h BMW and Japane se bike experie nce . If you 're reliable. prof essional and darn good. we want you . P'ease ca1l 8i11. (80 5)928 ·2050. CA. (216·1 7) Cole Bros. Suzuki #1 Nationally .. Needs 1 good organized salesperson. Huge earn ing potent..l. immediate. (8 18) 98 0 -37 15.CA. (216-1 7) RM CR ~SON 'ORTING YZ PROSTIIR M KX Quick Turnaround UPS Da ily John Lamso n (916) 644-2339 OT O R CY CL E V-W9-~ P.O. Box 182. Atco, NJ 08004 (609) 768-4624 or Fax (609) 753-9604 43

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