Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 05 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GLOCAL EVENTS e Schwartz jets to Costa Mesa Speedway win By Scott Daloisio H andicap ma in even t winner Doug Bowers led Mike Faria at Costa Mesa Speedway. Sean Dukes captured wins in the 125 and 250cc Pro classes at the Bremen Supercross• .. COSTAM ESA, CA, APR. 12 Befor e jetting off to Australia with former World Speedway Champion Bruce Pen hall , Bobb y Schwam won hi s second Costa Mesa Scratch main of the season on a chilly Friday n igh t. Starting in gat e four. Schwanz needed a perfect launch off th e line, and that's just what he go t as he led in to the first turn over Shawn McConnell , Louis Kossuth and teenager Josh Larsen. Sch war tz moved out to the dirt line a nd ga ve th e in side of the track to McCo n nell. While McConnell was trying to fight his way pa st on th e inside and the top three were within two len gths of each other at the halfway point. McConnell made a bold move for the lead off turn two o n lap th ree when he tried to shoot up the inside, but Schwartz dropped to th e pole and blocked the charge. At the whi te fla g, last-pl ace Larsen was o nly three lengths behind the lead er . Off . the final bend, McCo nnell too k one mor e loo k on the ins ide, but he didn 't have the speed to ca tch Schwartz and the Red Devil 8: Freedo m Fireworks/Bell Helm ets/Oakl ey Goggles/ Ci rello Raein g Weslak e. Third wen t to La rsen as he nipped Kossuth in a photo finish. For the secon d week in a ro w. McCo nnel was battling for the lead in the Handicap main and was pena lized after a cras h. However. this time he nearly came bac k and won. Doug Bowers was leadi ng the event when he got toget her with McConnell as they com pleted th e fourth circu it. The rest of the field too k evasi ve action with Gary Ackroy d going down. Referee Ji m Fishback deemed McCo nnell the cause a nd sent him to the penalty lin e. The race restarted with Bowers in front. but o ne lap later another red flew when Ackroyd went down and Kossu th laid it down to avoid him . . Fo r the final restart Bowers was in me lead a nd bei ng chased by Ph il Collins, Chris Manch ester and McConnell. Collins took himself out of th e h um by trying to ride an o utsi de lin e that didn't exis t, McCo nnell , ridi ng the po le, kn ifed h is way past Manchester on la p six. He aga in found himself o n the rear tire of Bowers RAZ Video Weslak e. Bowers carried a slim ad vantage o ver McConnell th e fina l two laps l O score his first victory of th e year by less th an o ne length. Third went to Natio na l Speed way Ch ampion Mike Faria . Resu lts p lace. On lap two , Nagy pa ssed Sheak and set after Harrison. Nagy nipped Harrison o n the last lap to tak e the wi n, whi le Wa lter work ed into third place where he fin ished beh ind Harrison. Nagy was fastest ou t of th e ga te in th e second mo to but bob bled in the second tur n and H arr ison and Walt er scoo ted past. Walter swooped pas t H arr ison and ~uised to th e mo to wi n, whi le Nagy also worked ,past Harr ison. Nagy 's 1-2 score top ped Wal ter 's 3I for th e overa ll win. Wayne Scott p ut his Hon da in front of th e Schoolboy class in each moto, eventually stre tching hi s lead to 10 seconds. Newt Swar tz sta rted in third behind Cha d Kresge a nd Sco tt, bu t the fina l or der was Scou , Swartz and Kresge. Swartz led Sco tt briefly in m oro two , but Scott ended up way o ut front at the finis h. Swa rtz finis hed second just a few seconds ahea d of Kresge. Resul ts 50: I. Jnnny R(lM'flkr;; s ( Yam); 2. R ichard A.pimall m ( Yam); , . Chri~loph" R UMC"II (Yam ). 60: l. In.'Cph BUfa u i ( ~w ); 2. J~m y RO'onlk.rOllU (YOIm ): 3. Mik f' InvUo. 80 7-11: I. JOIqlh Bur.aui ( Ka w ). 80 12·13 I. Michaf:1 Umhodn {H o n j: 2. David Um hode f : (H on); S. Shawn Branning ( Kaw ). 80 14-15: I. 010td' (Kaw l; 2. Vin ni e Bunn i (Ka w); 3. Elmn H an lein (Hon). 125 SCHBY: 1. Wa yne Scott (Hon); 2. Nnrt t Swam (Suz): S. Clad K.rn~ (uw). WDSM N: I. J t'T OITl(' Lynn (Sw); 2. oms Brolin ; 3. Robttt H~yn (uw ). CO LU C EBO Y AM: 1. Mau C riHin (Yam ); 2. Rogt't Han na (Han); 3. Brutt LeOl~ (Kaw). CO LLE CEBOY EX: I. J.. rn~s Nagy (Suz): 2. Chuck POits ( PL US 25 AM: l. Scot t Bunh (SUL): 2. Will iam Proti~s (Sw); 3. Scou Garri lOn (Raw). PLUS 25 EX: l. Bruce W int~t (Ha n ); 2. Crq Ndw n (SUI): 3. Phi l Carl in. SR AM: I. Dav~ Di~hl (SUI); 2. Mi c~1 Davis (Han); 3. K~SR~~~~~~~lu~r1in (Han); 2. Mic~d T wi ford (Raw); .s . Jeff Brt:hm (u w). SlSR: l.J am~s Spence t (Han); .2. Geot~ ~nk~ (Sw). 125 NO : L Ryan Ik'u (SUI); 2. Ja m" lLpori (Ha n ); 3. J a~n Musid" (Ya m ). 125 AM: J. Wayn~ Sro n (Ho n); 2. Newt Swa nz (SUL); 3. Robert Stta vinsky (SUI). 125 EX: I. Grt'g NdlOn (SUI); 2. St~ F..arnn t (Kaw); 3. T odd Bort-lli (Kaw). 250 NOV : I. JO(' WilMt'1I (H on ); 2. Brian Ral HOli rri lOn (Kaw). 250 EX: I. Man Bond (H a n ); 2. John Wall on (Ha n); 3. ~"b gy (Sur). . O PE:'IJ AM: I. Gmrg~ Walla (Han ); 2. 8anard A~jack (KT M); 3. Tony Kowalch ik (Kaw). O PEN EX: J. Micha~1 Twiford . (Hon); 3. Bob Wah on (Kaw). ( ~ w) ; 2. Bru ce Wifllt't Surface smokes to Ligonier Hare Scrambles win By J an Warner LIGONIER, IN, APR. 14 Rob Surface captured hi s first overall wi n at th e seaso n-opening hare scra m bles a t the Riders MC clubsrounds, near . Ligonier. A total of 59 com pe u tio rs showed up to co mpete o n a co urse dam pened by two days of heavy rai ns. Sto ug hto n Ra cin g Cor po rat ion -sponsored Su rface appeared to be ridi ng on the edge of con tro l, but led all eight laps o n th e 3.3-mi le co urse and finished a full seven mi n utes ahea d of Lightweigh t A class wi n ner Steve Scherer. Ugly Brothers Racin g/La ke Ci ty Honda Kawasaki-supported Neil Peti t too k third overa ll and Iirst in th e Veterans class . Michigan rider Rodney Reese surprised many of the A class riders by ta king fourth overa ll with hi s win in th e 250cc B class . Rounding o ut th e top five was R&D Yama ha 's SIeve DeWitt . In the Mini class. Trav is Troy~r was awa rde d th e win aft er th e appa re nt to p fin ish er was disqualified for havlOg an illegal en gine. Resul ts U W A: I. Sieve Scherer (Yam ); 2. TnT)' Bmd n (YOI m ): S. Jd f Cla born ( Ka..... l; 4. Mark McLa ughlin (Ka w). H/W A: I. JonOlthon FunkhouYT(H on); 2. Richard GUlis h (Raw); 3. Trml Ooran (KT M). VET : I. Neil P~tit (Hon); 2, S t ~ IkWiu (Yam ); ~ . DaY(' Lappin (Yam) : 4. Charli~ Will iams (Kaw): 5. William Burn t> (H u5). 125 B: J. Nor m..n Scht'TM (Yam ); 2. Ln Truyt't ( ~ .....); : gil: 3. Slev~ U:)fke (H on) ; 4. Craig &011 Yam ): 5. Andy Crt(Kaw). 200 8 : J. & o u LiMon (Kaw); 2. Grt"RJon" (Ya m); ~ . Jo n Holdn-baum (Kaw). 250 B: 1. Rodn~ Rnost" (Kaw); 2. Mich;lt-I Grim m (Hun ); 3. Ho ward Riner (Ya m) ; 4. Jamn Dillm an Jr . (Y..m ); 5. Cha rln Miller (SUL). OPEN B: 1. S!m Shaw (Ya m); 2. Willi llm Lromud (Yam); 3. David Thoma, (Ho n). 4-STRK B: I. Krn [by (Ha n ); 2. Ja ck T omand. (H on ); 3...Jamn Binkl~ (Hon ); 4. J"ry Wrl a y (Han); 5. RUM> 8cInh (Ho n). . S~ I. Lon Wall m (K..w); 2. J tf f Surf;l«' (KT M); 3. Rohal Fa ll.(Han) ; 4. Rn Rich ards (SUI). MINI : I. Travis T royn (Yam) ; 2. Jernny Slo ne (K..w); 3. Richard T ro ya Jr. (Ya m). SC RATCH: 1. BOOby Schwaru(WtoI); 2. Shaw n McConn~J1 (G M); 3. J o~h Larsen (Cdn) ; 4. Loui s Ko ssu th (C M). H DCP : I. Doug Bo.....ers (Wes); 2. Sha wn McConnd l (G M); ~. M ik~ Fa ria (Wes); 1. Dlris Manch~Jler (Ja.....). D-2: l. John Aden (jaw); 2. Ru ss w ageman (Wes); S. Bob Bechtol d (w es): 4. Jim Turner (wes]. . D·S: 1. Nil:k Bt- lt"( W~s); 2. Robe rt Sabbury (Wt'I); 3. Ca rtes a Cardona (Wes): 4. Rick w ebb (Wes). JR : I. Chris W('fTIM"; 2. Pere Peral ta: $. Hea th Hammon ds: 'I. Aaron Ma tln on. Dukes dashes to Bremen Supercross victory By J oey Casey BREMW, GA, APR. 14 Sea n Dukes ea rned th e li on' sha re of the $100 0 P ro p ur se at the Brem en Su pe rcross by wi nning the 125 a nd 250cc Pro classes.. Mik e Goolsby g ra bbed the hol eshot in the fi rst 125cc Pro moto, but Dukes was hot o n his tail. Du kes fo llo wed Gool sb y for a lap, and mo tored past a t the start of lap two. G ool sby kept Dukes in sigh t, but was never a cha ll enge. Brian Stokes timed th e gat e perfectly in the seco nd moto, but Dukes assu med th e lead o n th e seco nd lap . Once o u t [rant. Dukes ro o st ed away wi th th e win , a hea d o f Goolsby, who had sliced his wa y i nt o second p lace . In 250cc P ro ac tio n. it wa s virtually the sa me . a s Dukes holeshot and ran away with both motos. Goolsby and Stokes fi nis hed second and th ird both motos o n borrowed ma chines. Results· P/W: I. Eric Elsbcny (Ya m); 2. y Hick enbottom (Ya m); 3. Brra Faircl ot h (Ya m): 4. un Slay (SUI). JR CVe: I. An thony Dam ico (Kaw); 2. Brya n Bradsh~ar (H on); 3. T .J. Fairc loth (Suz); 4. Otris H am lOn (Kaw). JR MINI : l. Ch ris Mason (Ya m); 2. Na tha n Sunon (Hon ). SR MINI: I. Michad Dam ico (Kaw). 125 A: I. Sean Duk es (Ha n ); 2. M ik~ Goolsby (Han ); 3. Bria n S tok~s (Hon); 4. Ryan R~ nolds (H on); 5. Jo nat ho n 8 1ain (H on) . 125 8 : l. Billy Cant rell (Ha n). 125 C: I. Dwayn~ Da l~ (H on ); 2. Wayne 1k'van (K.a.w); 3. Ric-ha rd J mk ins (Kaw); 4. Tim Bruer (SUI); 5. K~ith Mormw (Han). SCH BY: J. Michad Dam ico (Ka.....). BEG: I. MOlirk Cyphm (Ya m); 2. Rob bit- T em p in (Han); 3. J a m~ Lmdrum (Hon) ; ... T ommy Pa yn~ (Ho n): 50. Budd y Kiiw). 250 A: J. San Du kn (Hon); 2. Mik~ Goolsby (Ha n); 3. Brian Stokn (Ho n ). 250/ O PEN B: l. Mich4lel Hmdenon (Ha n); 2. Billy Ca ntrell (Hon); 3. R~.l Heistand (KTM). 250 C: I. J~f£ Shnly (Hon); 2. Rodney Va ughn (Hon); 3. Jimm y Callaway (H on). SR MEN : I. Michzl H enderson (Hon); 2. Mar k Cyphn1. (Yam ); 3. Robnt H~il1and (KTM). EN D R: I. Otria Willi ami (Ya m ); 2. Mar k Harrison (H on); 3. Bob Wnler~rd (H a n); 4. Troy Rai nn (Han). VINT: I. Eric Stoekwdl (Ya m ). Ki~lty scores win at Dade City Motocross By Jeff Bryer DADE CITY, FL,APR. 20-21 J acob Kielt y wo n the 125cc C class at ro u nd two of the Dade City Spring Series held at Dad e City Raceway. In mo to o ne, Kiel ty jumped out of the starting ga te first, with Alex Ciciretti an d Joey Edwards in hot p urs uit. Kielt y opened a small lead, while Cicireui a nd Edwards ba u led for second p lace. On lap four, Edwards go t by Cici retti wh en Ciei reui bobbled on the back straight, Jason Peres also worked past Cicir eui o n lap rive. Kiehy wen t on to win the m oto wi th Edwards a close second. and Peres in third. Moto two saw Kielty aga i n gra b the holeshot , with Peres a nd Edwards follow ing through th e first sweepe r. The three stayed bunched up through lap two, Peres passed Kielt y in a turn o n lap thr ee. Peres then ope ned a four bik e lengt h lead over Kielt y. Meanwhile. Scott Davis was working hi s way up from a bad sta rt, and took over third place. Edw ards fell an d ended hi s hopes fot a win. Peres went o n to win me moto, bu t finis hed second overall with his 3-1 finishes. Kielty look th e overall with a I-2 score. Results PIW: I. Jam tol Sll~wart (Ya m); 2. Ow: Noi'1:My (Yam); 3_Trey Foro (Ya m); 4. J.D. VeniU (Ya m); 5. CaylOR Marti n (Yam). 60: 1. J .B. Ballard (K.a.w); 2. Augwt L.awbag (Kaw). 80 BEG: I. Dean Iknul (SUl); 2. Jady Cill (SUl); S. Billy L.a~ (Xaw); 1. Shawn RaJ (Hon); 5. BriOlIn Mill.OlL 80 C r. Dal< SoW; 2. Brett Btal (Suz) ; 3. KOlIvin L.ampr (Hon ); 1. Mike La m pe (Ho n); 5. David Sandason (Hon ). ~ BEC : I. R. n HOIokinlOfl (Yam ); 2. Rand y Cap (Yam ); , . Daryl Jernigan (Hon ); 1. Dua ne Schwa m (Raw); 5. JO(' Diae (Ha n). 250 C: I. Rick Bigalow (Hon); 2. Bob Wood (K.a.w); , . • J im Hafk e (H on ); 4. Ruck y Denni s (H on ); 5. GOliry Emerson (H on). 250 B: I. T om Currey (Hon)i 3. Robert Kong (Ho n); 4. Gene Pearson (Ya m ); 1. I n.wo MOlI cDonald (Ha n); 5. Brett Beale (SUI). • OPEN AM : I. T om CuTn')' (Hon); 2. David Sanderson (Han); 3. Bob Wood ( Ko......); 4. Wn Ciffin (Yam ); 5. Bocky Iknnis (Hon/. 25-+: J. Jd L.ayman (Hu n)i 2. Paul R id~a')' (Ya m); 3. David Jonn (Raw); 1. Tom upp (Hon ); 5. Beth Rewis (lCOlIw). SR: l. Tim H atk l' (H on ); 2. Gary Emerson (Kaw); 3. J.D . Stockt on (Hon); ... Ot'nny Davis (Hen) , 5. Ron H~IIl"t1Un . (Ya m). Cunico clinches win at Pueblo Motocross . By C.M. Raysin PUEBLO, CO, APR H David Cunico topped th e 80cc Ama teur class a t th e SRACIPueolo Motorsports-sponso red motocross race at Pueblo MX Par k. Kyle Britt, Cunico and Randy Reisch traded the lead through out the firs t mot o , bu t it was Bri u who greeted the checkered flag in first, Cunico settled for second place in th e mota. bu t stormed back with a ven geance to win moto two . Cunico secured th e overall win with h is 2-1 scores. Oint Britt sto le th e lead in the first f25cc Amateur class moto, but ha d to fight off the charges of Brian Jones, Steve Schultz and Kirk H un ter, Jones found his way aro und Britt on th e last lap and scored the moto wi n. Hunter grabbed the holeshot in the second moto, but Jones and Britt quickly roo sted pasL Britt dove past jones and held o n for the mo to and overall wi ns. Mike J ones owned the 250cc Amateur class, as he g,."bbed both holeshots and rode to a pai r o[ u n ca p tes ted wi ns. Mike Schenk follo wed in a distant second pl ace. . In the seco nd of a IO-race vin tage series : Larry Ed ma n stole the lead in both motos and held on for th e win . Davey Stewart wen t home with seco nd place hono rs. hsuIts 60 NOV: I. BiIIi~ Dauon (Kaw); 2. Damon IcaJ:x:meo (K.a w); 3. Jimmy Rei ~ (Ka.....); 4. Dus ty Ril~ (Kaw); 5. Rwty Riley (K.>w). 60 AM: I. Tra~is Ril ey (Kiiw ); 2. Jeff Gr~ wood (Kaw ). 80 NOV : 1. Travi~ Riley (Kaw); 2. Kenn y Andon (Kaw); , . Bryan P~nny (Kaw); 4. Bradl~ Anderson (Kaw) ; 5. JUil in Regg (SUl) • 80 AM: I. David Cunico (Kaw); 2. Kyl~ Britt (Kaw); 3. Randy hid (Raw); 1. John Morgan (Ka.....); S. Don Bums (Ho n). 80 EX: J. M_ Mo}'

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