Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 05 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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NEW VIDEO RELEA.SES VET BEG : 1. M ar k H U&Io n (K4Iw); 2. M ike IlOr star t, and when th e two reached the sma ller doubles. Wilson decided to go ar ound and McKen zie was able to make the pass in midair. Mou ral sco red. an easy win , followed by McKenzie and Wilson. Od ekir k took the lead at the sian of the second moto with Moural and Wade Wilson follow ing close behind. By the second lap , Odekir k bu ilt up what appeared 10 be a safe lead , bu t Moural was abl e to chip away at the lead until he was close eno ug h to attem p t a pas s on la p eight. As th e two rid ers a pproached the smaller doubles, Odekirk moved over and let Moural by. Moural went o n to win as Odekirk main tained second until the last tum of the race when Wil soll stu ffed und ern eat h him to steal second on at the finish. llaullS 50: I. Kevin Shim izu (Yam ); 2. Kurti a Weber (Yam ). 60 NOV : 1. S t~ Shimizu (Ka w); 2. Ni kk i Harris (Hon). 60 J R: 1. Evan Laughridge (Kaw). MINI NOV : I.J oah Fisher (Kaw); 2. Dale Hoofard (Yam); , ! . J ew: Han ( ). MINt JR: 1. Justin Brown (Yam). 125 NOV: 1. Alan Ramirn (Hon); 2. Lee Richard, (Ka w) ; 3. AMon Rogtn (H o n ). 125 JR: I. Jason Ritc~ (Ho n ); 2. Jim FrrJ{UM)n (Hon). 250 NO V: 1. Jnry Douglas (Ya m ); 2. Mar k BollinK'" (SUI). 250 JR: I. Qui, Vnbooli (Ho n ): 2. Darnn Delorme (Suz). OPEN NOV ; I. Nate Cagl e (H us). VET NOV: 1. R.mdy Howanh (S UI ); 2. jM"ry Dou glas (Yam ). VET tNT: l. Mik e Croll (Yam); 2. J o hn Nolind (H o n). EX/INT: I. Lowell Mou ral Jr . (H o n); 2. Brad WilliOn(Suz); 5. Ken McKm:r: e (SUI). i 'Nagy nails HurricaneHills Motocross win By Carla Nelson CUFFORD, PA, APR. 14 Steve Nagy won th e 250cc Amateur Class at Hurricane H ill s MX Park after two exci ting ~ mo tos. T om Harrison hol esh ot moto one, bu t Carl Sheak and Nagy were cla wi ng at h is rear fend er. George .Wa lter sto rm ed th rou gh th e pack aft er a poor start and was soo n in fourth Visitor Inf o : 1 -8 00-231 -4636 Enter now to win a 7-day/6-night vacation for two to Cha rlotte, North Carolina for th e 1st Annual July 4 Motorcycle Week! • Rou nd trip Airfare & Deluxe hotel accommoda tions for two • One M-2 Bell Helmet • Circle Bell Pro-Twins Merchandise inc lud ing : • Rental Car Golf shirt, T -shirt, hat, can holder, water bottle, patch, decals • TwoVIP Passes to July 4th Motorcycle Week • Honda CT-70 from Honda & Iron Horse Motorcycles • 1 year subscription to Cyc le News • 1 year sub scription to Cycle News • 1 year subscription to Cycle News • 6 Dinners & 2 Breakfastsat Quincy's Family Steakhou se • 2 Dinners & 2 Br eakfasts at Quincy's • 4 Dinners & 2 Br~kfasts at Quincy's 1l{QuincyS)W HONDA. ,;yILLA[jE . ~ ---- "TR A VE L (Family Steakhou se) USAic adams rrxrrzk. Iron Horse Motorcycles chaRlotte Monroe,NC ----- ----- ------- --------~---- ---- - -1991 . - - -- --- - - - - ----OffIcial Entry Form- Mall T oday - Deadline May 30. -o Yes, I want to subscl!be to CYCLE NEWS a nd be entered o No, I d on't want to SUbscribe, presen ts the but please enter me In the sweepstakes. July 4th Motorcycle Week o o ~ Name Address City Phone II In the swee psta kes - $35.oojone yeor, 50 Issue s. this Is a 0 New Subscriptio n 0 Renewal Please bill me o ne payment 01$35.00 Bill 3 payments 01$11.67 o Enclosed Is my check or money order _ -.,- ---,- _-'-_ _ SIaIe _ _ Zip Order Date One yeor (5 0 Issues), 2nd Closs Canada o r Mexico and a ll o ther Iolelg n countries $75.00 (U.S, funds). Am cl ass a irmail rates available upon request. _ _ Charge my 0 VIsa 0 M a stercard MCjVISA II _ Exp. Date _ Signature _ send To: Cycle News,lnc. Cha rlotte Sweepstakes P.O . Box 498, Long 8each, CA 908OHl498

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