Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 05 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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:1..99:1.. VEARB Road RC!t~'!& THE 1991 YEARBOOK RESERVE &1#&#* ~ •• COpy Ital ian Diego Bosis (Fan) won the seco nd ro und of th e World Championship Obs erved Trials Series at Blackburn , Engla nd, April 21. Bosis finished th e tri al with a score of 64, two less marks th an th e 66 accumu lated by runner-up Donato Miglio (Ap r), also o f Italy. Defending World Champion Jordi Tarres (Beta) of Spain was third wi th 67. Defen d in g 125cc MX World Champi on Donny Schmit (Suz) won the ope ning round of th e World Championship 125cc MX Series in Arco, Italy, on April 21. Sch mi t of Minnesota scored 2-1 m o to fini sh es to top co mpa triot Bob Moore (KT M), who had 3-2 fini shes, a nd th e 1-6 sco re of Belgi an S t efan Everts (Su z) in th e o vera ll results. Ca lifornian Willie S u rra tt (Hon) finished fourth overall ' with 4-4 mota fin ish es. Schmit leads Moore in th e point standings, 37-32, whi le Everts is th ird with 30 po ints, four po ints ahead o f Su rra tt. " ,j ~ ~ d~,. lllustra/etl YOUR IN THE WIND B TODAY! Round two of th e World Champions h ip 500c c MX Series , sch edu led to h av e tak en pl ace Ap r il 21 in Sittendo rf, Au stria, was canceled due to snow. Co mpetitors arri ving two days pr ior to th e scheduled event had to be p ulied into th e pi ts by a tra ctor eq uip ped with snow cha ins, and with no brea k in th e weather forecast for th e weekend th e decision was made to ca ncel th e ra ce. Ron Nay lor (AT K) was th e overall winner a t round four o f the AMA Na tional Ch ampionship H ar e Scrambles Series in Redding, Ca lifornia, Ap ril 21. Defending cha m p Scott Summers (Hon) finished second, w hi le Greg Zitte rkopf (Kaw ) ro u nded o u t th e top three. I t' s back. Motorcycle Road Racer Illustrated's 1991 Yearbook - a complete review of the 1990 motorcycle road racing season. Everything from he U.S. National Championships to the exciting world of Grand Prix road racing, from the colorful personalities to hard-line technical information on the state-ofthe-art motorcycles. It's all packed into a full-color , perfectbound yearbook . The yearbook promises to give action photography from th e world 's top professional motorcycle racing photographers, facts and figures, and enjoyable reading from those in the know to bring back the high lights of the 1990 season. Motorcycle Road Racer Illus trated's 1991 Yearbook is su re to give road race fans months of enjoyment while also serving as a reference book to their favorite sport. Robbie Reynard (Kaw) was the big winner a t the 20t h An nua l NMA World Mini Grand Prix held in Las Vegas, Nevada, Apri l 19-21. Reynard wo n th e 80cc Stock a nd Modified (1213 year-old) classes, as well as in the Super Mini (12-18) class, where he topped 80cc Modified (14-16) winner Craig Decker (Kaw). Ricky Carmichael (Ka w) wo n the 80cc Stock, Modified, a nd 105cc (9-11) classes,' wh ile Phil Lawrence (Kaw) to p ped th e l 25cc Modified, 250cc Stock a nd Modified Pro classes. Ezra Lusk (Suz) topped Lawren ce in th e 125cc Stock Pro cla ss. Congratulations to Jerry CampbeU o f Gl endale, California, who won the drawing for th e 4'x6' blow -up of th e front page of last year 's Laguna Seca U.S. GP preview issu e of Cycl e News wh ich featu red Eddie Lawson. Watch for ou r new giant blow-up of this year's ' U.S. GP preview issue fro nt pa ge whi ch fea tures Wayne Ra in ey. It debuted a t La guna Seca during the G P weekend a nd will be on display a t our booth a t u pcoming motorcycle shows a nd even ts across th e cou ntry. The Rai ney bl ow-up wi ll be g iven away a t the 1992 U.S. G P at Lagu na Seca. Available Now! While supplies last. ,----- ----- ---------------1991 MOTORCYCLE ROAD RACER ILLUSTRATED I I I I I I I I I I , I , I I YEARBOOK ORDER COUPON Fill in completely and clearly Send me Name copies at $3.95 each totalling --'_ Address City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--'-_State Phone # -:-_ Zip _ Order Date - - - ' - - - - Method of Paymen t o Check or Money Order Enclosed (Sorry , no bill me's) Charge my 0 Visa 0 Mastercard Credit Card # ---''--__ Exp. Date Signatu re - - I _ _ Send to: CN Publishing, Motorcycle Road RacerYearbook, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 . Phone Orders: 2131427·7433 I, CN 2 ,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ' T h e 1991 Police Motorcycle , Roadracing World Champions h ip , sched uled for September 25-30 at Circui t Carole in Paris, France, has been ca nce le d : Detective Bru ce Wilso n o f th e Los An geles Police Department, th e director of motorsports for th e Ca liforn ia Po lice Ath letic Federa tio n (C P AF ). sa id that co n tract negotiatio ns with th e Federation des Clubs Mot ocycliste de la Pol ice Nationa le (FC MPN ) broke do wn on March 'I , ca using th e CPAF to wi thd raw support . FCMPN p ledged to con tin ue with a n event o f th eir own, bu t on April I the y canceled that effort, citin P ersia n Gulf war-related finan cial concerns. Wi lson, who has organized three Pol ice Motorcycle World Cha mpionship events, said he hopes to put together ano the r suc h event in 1993 a nd ho ld it in conjunction with a major road raci n g championship meet, Severa l sharp-eyed readers hav e asked us what the small circu lar item is o n the rig ht fork leg o f th e Triumph 1200 Trophy we feat ured in a tes t report last week. No, i t's not a part of an ABS sys te m, as o ne re ader suggested. It's a registration certificate mounting plate, and it ap pea rs o n ly on bi kes bui lt for the ho me market in England. Three-time 500cc MX World Champi on David Thorpe was riding a hyb rid works Kawasaki at the April 14 500cc G P in Pa yern e, Switzer land. Tho rpe wa s unhappy with the perimeter-framed SR500 in preseason testing, so the bike he rode in Swit. zerland had a sta ndard KX500 main frame . Th at was a bo u t th e on ly sta ndard part o n th e machine as the fork, triple clamps, swi ngarm, rea r , suspe nsio n system, whee ls, complete motor including th e radiators and th e footpegs were lif ted from th e SR500 . O ther th an th e frame, only the ign ition , seat an d tank were st anda rd KXSOO item s. Ap parently David Thorpe hasn 't broken his arm as reported las t week. That report was based o n th e medical op in io n from the paramedic w ho trea ted Tho rpe a t the track and the hospital in Payerne, Sw itzer land. Afte r an exa mi nation by his personal' p hy sician in Engla nd, it was determ ined th a t Thorpe chipped a bone in his arm and suffered a d islocated shoulder . Thorpe in itially indicated that he would ta ke a six-week break fro m raci ng to allow th e shoul der to heal. In the credit w here cr edit is due departmen t, a tip of Papa 's helmet to Steven VameU. who finish ed second in th e Beginner class at th e Ap ril 7 EI T rial de Espana at Lucerne Valley. Ca li fornia. Varnell celebrated h is 12th birt hday j us t a week a nd a half before the event. He's been ridi ng since he was 5. bu t the El Tria l de Espana was only the th ird tim e o ut against ad ults on a full-size bik e for the Santa Monica. Ca lifornia, yo u ngster. Co ngratulations , Steven l After receiving sponsorship from La Cie, Ltd., a computer co mpany which produces hard drives and scan ners, T ea m Ice, the Northridge, Ca liforniaroad ra ce team, has changed its nam e to La Cie Ltd. Racing. The team will fiel d a Yamaha TZ25 0 for Benjam in Wi lliams and a Yamaha FZR600 for Ross Hahn. They 'll compete in WERA Formula II even ts a long wi th AMA Nationals at Willow Sp ri ngs and so me AR RA local eve n ts. T he team is availab le fo r p u blic a p pearances where the y'll ta lk abou t " mo torcycles and computer technology a nd what power rea lly mea ns." For info rmation o n ho w you can have La Cie Ltd. Racing co me to your school, bu sin ess or o ther organization. ca ll 818/83 1-3953. Richard Arnaiz, the Team Commonweal th Ca mel Honda road racer, will join Indy car drivers Bobb y Raha l and Scott Bra yton and other car racers at th e April 23 Mid- O hio Sport Car Co urse Med ia Day and 30th An n iver sary Celebration Din ner on April 23. Arnaiz , th e reigning European Superbike Champion, will rep resent the

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