Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 04 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GMOTOCROSS AM! National Championship_12_5/_250_cc_M_XS_en_'es_:R_OUll_ds_2_/2 _ m Larry Broo ks app roaches a stranded rider on his way to seven th in the 250cc class. A few riders return from inspecting the track. Many didn't like what they saw. Nob les (SU1); 23. Mark Myer s (H a n ); 24. Trent H ow ie Green's Bro oks on th e la st la p to claim sixt h. . £N Results 8 12S Q UAL I: I. SIeve Lamson (H a n); 2. Dean Matson (S uz ); 3. T y Davis (Hon ); 4. J ean Roy (H on ]: 5. Brian Roth (Ka w ); 6. Gr eg Tjerheim er (Ha n); 7. Ga ry Beyer (KT M); 8. Dave Castillo (SUl ); 9. Pal Bennett (S UI ); 10. ~ /A: II. Mik e Hamness (Ka w ]: 12. J immy Button (Yam); 13. G rayson Hart (H on) ; 14. Ron 'Tichenor (Suz ); 15. Tony Amaradio (Ya m); 16. LOwel l Moural (H o n ): 17. Jason Norton (S w ); 18. S(~OU G rimm ( Ka w ]: 19. Anthony" Mc G rath (lion); 20. Ch ris Neal (SUl); 21. J ack Azevedo (lion); 22. Pete P ia n ta nida (SU1); 23. jeremy Buehl (Han): 24. Erik Wicker (Ha n ); 25. Rob Forsberg (Ha n). 12S Q UAL 2: 1. Jelf Emig (Ya m ); 2. Erik Keh o< ; (H a n ); 3. Chad Ped erson (Yam); 5. Bill Wallin (SUl );: 6. Denn y Stephen son (Suz); 7. Edd ie H icks {Suz): 8. Randy Mood y (lion ); 9. Ray Cru mb (Ka w); 10. Tim McClintock (5 Ul ); II . Trevor Meagh er (S U1); 12. Rick Rya n (5Ul) ; 13. Ro b En gstrom (H a n )'; 14. Lan ce Smail (SU1); 15. Brian Wil son (Sw ); 16. Scon McElr oy (Soz); 17. Michael Bell (SUl ); 18. Don Bisceglin (5 uz); 19. Shaun w ooren (H us): 20. joel Albr ech t (Ya m ); 21. joel Howard (He n ]: 22. Ti m (Yam); 25. Ja son Krempin (Ha n ); 26. Butch Smi th (SUl ); 27. Bill Radcl iffe (Ka w) . 125 CO NS1: 1. j er emy Bueh l; 2. Shaun WOOlen ; 3. Michael Bell : 1. Butch Sm ith : 5. Ro n Tichenor; 6. Gra yson H an; 7. T im Nobl es; 8. Lance Sma il ; 9. Don Bisceg lin : 10. Brian Wilson: II. Alllhony Am ar adio : 12. j ack Azevedo; 13. J oe l Howard. 12S N ATIONAL: J. Dou g H enry (Yam) ; 2. Budd y Ant un ez (S UI) ; 3. Denn y Steph enson (SU1); 1. Brian S..... ink (Hon): 5. Mike Kiedrowski (Ka w): 6. GU) ' Cooper (S UI ); 7. Steve Lamson (H o n): 8. Chad Pederson ( Ya m); 9. Tyson Vohland (Ka w ); 10. J eremy McGrath (lion); I J. Pal Benneu (SUl ); 12. j eremy Buehl (H o n ): 13. Mike H amness ( Ka w): 14. T y Davis (lion); 15:Jcfl Emig (Yam); 16. Ray Crumb {Ka .....); 17. Mike Bell (SUI ); 18. Gr eg T icrhei mcr (lion); 19. Erik Keh oe (lio n ); 20. Eddie Hick s (SUl ); 21. Shaun Woot en (H us); 22. Brian Roth (Ka w]: 23. T all on Vohl and (SUl); 24. Ryan Hu gh es ( Ka w ); 2S. Bill Wallin ISUl ); 26. Gary Beyer (KT M); 27. Bubba Erickson (H us): 28. Ron Tichenor (S uz) 29. Tim Nobl es (SUl ); 30. Mike Bro wn (Ho n ); 3 1. Dean Matson . (SUI); 32. Dave Casti llo (SUI); 33. Butch Smi th (SUl); 34. Ran dy Mood y (lion ); 35. J imm y Bu tton (Ya m ); . 36. Ri ck R yan (S UI ); 37. T revor Meagh er (SUI ); 38. ' J ea n Ro y (H em); 39 . Tim ' McClintock (SUI ); 40. Grayson Han (Ha n ). 12S NATIONA L CII AMPIO NSH t P MX POINT , STANDINGS: J. Guy Cooper (62 ); 2. Doug H enry ":... ,56): 3. (T I E) Mike Kied row sk i/Brian Swink (51); 5. T yson Vohl and (50); 6. Buddy Antunez (42); 7. J eremy ~kG ra th (35 ); 8. ] er omy Buehl (28) ; 9. T allon Vohland (26); 10. Michael Craig (24); 11. Steve Lam son (23); 12. Mik~ Brown (21); 13,. (T IE) Erik Keh oe/Denny S tep henson (20); 15. Jell Emig (19); 16. Jimmy Burton (16); 17. (TIE) Ryan lIughesn-y Davis (15); 19. Chad Pederso n (14); 20. Barry Carsten (13). . ' 2SO QUA L I: I. Mike Fisher (KTM ) 2. Lo well Thomson (Ya m ): 3. Rod ney Smith (SuI) ;" 4. M ike La R oc co (SUI) ; 5. Kell y Andris (SUI) 6. A ndy G r ide r (Kaw); 7. Chris Young (Suz): 8. Car l vallia nco un (lion ); 9. Ray So mm a (SU ); 10. Clilf Palmer (SUI); I 11. Dann y Paladino (Ka w) ; 12. Sco tt SteHy (Suz): I ~ . T erry Fowle r (S UI); 14. Robin Dahlman (Ka w ): 15. Martin Klossner (Ya m ); 18. Larry Dashiell (Suz]: 19. GreJ{Ziuerkopf (Ka w ); 20. Lance Norick (Kaw). 2SO Q UAL 2: I. Keith Bowen (SUl) ; 2. Terry Hamness (Ka w): ~ . Scali Myers (S UI ); 4. Mike Ch amberlain (Yam); 5. JeH Pestana (S UI ); 6. Dan jannett e (SUI ); 7. jim Ow ens (S UI ); 8. Jed Green (S UI ); 9. Kerry Mulligan (S UI) ; 10. Mike Mcnnin (Yam ); II. N/A; 12. N/A; 13. Brandon Reycs (Kaw); 14. Dan iel McDonnel (KTM ); 15. Joey Rodriguez (Ka w ): 16. Mike O 'Shaughnessy (lion) ; 17. N/A; 18. Ron Milligan (Sui ); 19. John Dauth (Kaw ): 20. Rich T a ylor (SUl ). 2SO N ATION AL: I. John Dowd (lio n ); 2. Jean Michel Bayl e (lio n); 3. Mi ke La Rocco (SUl) ; 4. Dan jannette ( SUl); 5. Rodney Smith (SUl ); 6. Kell y And ris .(Sul); 7. Larry Broo ks (Kaw); 8. Rich Tay lor (SUl ); 9. Kei th Bowen (SUl); 10. Kerry Mull iga n (SUl) ; " I I. Clif f Palm er (SUl); 12. J eff Pestana (SUl ); 13. G rc(it Zitte r kapf (Kaw); 14. Ca rl Va llian cou n {Hen): 15. Jim Owe ns (SUl) ; 16. Danny Pa ladi no (Kaw); 17. Scali Myers (SUI ); 18. Terry Fowler (SUl ); 19. Jed Gr een (SUl ); 20. Chris Yo ung (SUI). 2SO NATI ON AL CHAMPIONSHIP MX POINT ST ANDINGS : I. Jean-Mich el Bayle (69 ); 2. John Dowd (56); 3. Jeff Stanton (47); 4. Larry Brooks (44); 5. Dam on Bradsha w (38); 6. Rod ney Smith (34); 7. Jell Ward (33); 8. Jell Mauasevich (30); 9. Phil Lawr ence (29); 10. Keith Bowen (28); 11. Dan jannene (24); 12. (TIE) Fred Andrcw slQill Palmer (22); 14. Gen e Naumec (2 1); IS. (TIE) Mike LaRocco / Ross Pederson (20); 17. Kelly Andri s (15); 18. (TIE) Mike J o ncslRich T a ylor (13); 20. Kerry Mulliga n (I I).

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