Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 04 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eLOCAL EVENTS ~ ...... ..... .... 0.. -< Bubba Eri ckson (5) led wi n ner Randy Mood y (61) in the 125cc Pro class at LACR. [).u rr ll Rotilt'y (U u n); 'l. CLim P il grim (I\.;aw ); s. I)a,,'id W h i l \o n ( HIlII ). ShuruidKt' lKo!w): 2. Jimlll Y I~OIII ( Y a m ): ~. Rid .. (","UP" (K4w); 1. Ma n y H ill ( loW ). w 2.\+ A: J. Herh A.JJlII) (Hun ). 2.')+ B: I. Stnr LilL (S UI). 2.'i+ C: I. CJlrilio Rllo,(" (uw l: 2. Mouk PrilMr (Hun): :S o Rantbll Ha ynn (Yam ): 4. Harold Hin" (Yaml: ~. TiK\'T OPE:-J A ~1 : I. CJlIl~ Mall,fi..ld (S UI) . SR R: I. Lin) Fita hum IKTM I; 2. Allm LumJu.d ( B u ll). SR C: I. I'lcluKI.nSr 1(SUI): 2. ~rk Adeux (Sul): :S. O,, \·id a R UI ~ lM1 (S UI) : 4·STR K: J. Kn ttl Hn b l(') (SUI') 2. David Vinl:~ (SUI): 3. : Oa\'id Ri\h u p (H n nl: 1. Qni\ Bu h n (Hnn ): 5. [louR Phillips... fIo:OS-CU R R 125: I. Jd f \ \' ih un ( K.o! w): 2. J.unn BU4 hman (H lan); S. Cl iff Ph ill ip" (Stu): -I. na\·id R uppm (SUI): 5. JOirnn. 8 ru wII (Y.u nl . "'O S·Ct JR R 2. ,o· ll P: I. jrlf SI.1Ir (H u n). r I I/I. AM: I. Mil.t' Sunn (Kdw): 2. jot,on. H..,.n (Hu IlI. Grier tops at Hillbilly Hills MX By Dene Olive ROBERTA: GA. MAR. 10 James Grier wo n both motos in th e 125cc C cla ss a' Hillbill y Hills Mot ocross. In the firs' 125cc C motu. PJ -I /Yokaham as~nsorl"d Grier led th e wa y fro m sta rt lO hnish . with Brad Simpson. Ryan Ballard. Randy Westfa ll a n d C hris Morrow followinll him across the finis h line. Grier handled the second molD wilh no prob lem s. Simpson go t orr to a fourth pl ace sta rl h UI found h is wa y illlo second p lace a l thr ch(:ck rn.. flag . Foll owing Sim p so n were d Wes tfa ll, Morrow a nd Ballar d. In the first 125cc B moto, Dwa yn e Bone Ilra bbed the ho leshot a hea d o f Bryan Thorn · ton, Brad H a yes, Aar on Da y a nd Kenn y Tipton. On lap o ne , Thorton cra shed a nd Da y moved arou nd Ha yes. On lap three Andre Pene moved into third p lace a rrer a sevent h p lace sta rt a nd o n the nexl lap mad e hi s move o n Da y. Bone h ad a comforta b le lead, a n d crossed ,h e fin ish line a head o f Pen e, Da y. Ken n y Kow a lczyk a nd H a yes. As Ihe rid ers ro u n ded the firsl lUrn in malo tw o , Bo n e had th e h ol eshot w ith Pen e cha llenll inll him for th e lead . They swa pped IX)sili ons a few times o n the fir sl la p , but th e orde r a t Ih e finis h was Pen e, Bone. Tipto n, Thorman a nd P.J . Howell. An swer/ Seoul Silko lene·spon o red Pen e ea rned th e overa ll win with hi s 2·1 sco re. Bon e placed scco nd, Da y Wa> ,h ird fo llo wed · by Tipton a n d Thorn ton . Resu lts 5 1: I. Ch ..d Albr illo ll (Vo n) : 2. J urWd1d1l I' , io- (\ ';,ml : 3. li W.' I lI t'rniu KWd)· ( ~ u l): .1. Cl im ·l1 lfll n l ll ll (!'lIvl: .'J Mo ' . m fka ll )' 1\",11 11). en :: JR I. Sh..t' lkllllr) (Koa wl: 2. Jdf R IJJlin~ (lUw); .1 A...wlI l.illd 1ot')' (lU w); ·1. :\Iid: lr )' (lo;,., wl. . 8:'-SR: I. nallt)'n ~ w"llt'p..('r{ Ya in l: 2. p.mid.;. Witd ~H ulI ); 3. "ih" c· ~ ·llIlt·) ( K... W) :·1. O l",d MurvJ l) (SUlI : .~ . "'-(' \"111 1..N' ( S U I ). SC.II""·: 1. J..rnn Coric· (H u n) ; 2. Brad Sirnp"C11l ( iU. w ); ' 3. I' illl ic I. H i/ t" (HuIII: -I. RY Rdllar d (H Ull): 5. l\ l1lhu u y l illl I .IIC \ ( 1111 . OJ 11) 12!I C: I. jalllt'\ G r ir r (H Ull): 2. Rnld Simp!otlTJ (K.. w): 5. Ra llli) W(':oI I;11I (H Ull): .1. R yall Ba ll'lId (H o ll l: rl. C lu i, MOll ll W tH ulI ). 125 R: 1. Audr t' PC'IIt' (SUI): 2. l)waylit· ROI\(' (IInll ): 3. A.II(III Il dy (H Im ): I. KrlJll y T ipll l1I(H cIII); 5. RryallTIulrll1Cl1I (lIun ). 2[,0 I. 1."0 11 SmiTh (H o lI): 2. Ch ri~ S<-hafn 1I-1,," ): 3. r.: Adam S rn il ll ( "'-iI W}: ·1. .li IUIn) St cIIU (1I u ll): !l . Oic ki c' · F" (Hon l. 2.') R: 1. Owi fil;l ll ( ;..lIl1w..y (Yarn,: 2. Ch r i~ lI .u b in (Hun ); 0 Brad H.lyn (It ''n); I. K"lIn)' Kuwa k / )1. ( H o lI): ~. ,\ .m 'll !ld' · (lI ulll . c' WES 8 : 1. R ill ~ Ec hridJl:~ ( Hun ): 2. Rdlld y B.u fif'ltI ( Kdw); ~. he·IllIY D.. mwu j(h (KT M):·1. Pa lll Kt- l1al1t ~1 (Kilwl . .2.'): I. Turnm ~ M.u lin (H Ull): 2. Lcoll ~ln ll h (H u n) ; .:t j im m y ~I "I H' ( lI u ll):!. LM.... 11 P.·m le'fJl:r..... t ~II" : ~I . l AT . Kuh n l lU v.'). ~R 26 (Sill). 4. J u h n n y R.ocwr (SUI ): 5. MiLl" P hi llippi I K.l w) . ~. !'o R . :SO: I. Ad<.m Smic h (lU w): 2. Rub Ril.l 't ISu/I: 3. R U~l y C. h('n (H u n): i . Ik-n n y DUU UlIKh (KT MI: S. Warn" o Wilb o u rn (K;,aw). SR ""40: I. Rand)' T ilkry (H un): 2. Warn" W ilbo ur n t Kotw ): 3. Rand )' Tum lilllolHI (K.ot w); ·1. fu!C" ", (;"II!dt' (Su/I; S. David tJcoll (KTM ). 125 PR O : I. R yotn Rrynu kh (H' III); 2. Rill ~IIJ (Kaw ); , . M..11 Sh w=- (H ' Jf1 ): i . L ury McG ill (SUI). ZSOPR O : I. Tummy ~b Tl i n (H IH1); 2. A:.Irun y .un (Swr. , . RIIlU j ...h ll ~lIn (H unJ: -I. F.d Kilt') (H.. n ): 5. Rclb R ikr1" Moody muzzles LACR SX By Tony Al essi PAL~lDAU, CA. MAR. 10 Randy Moody topped the 125 a nd 250cc Pro classes at California Raci n g Club's 4t h Annual Stadiumcross even t a t Los An gel es County Racewa y. A supcrcro ss-sly le co u rse was built a l the facilily . featuring double a nd tripl e j u m ps . rock er s, labletops a nd slep- up jumps. Lone 501le Pro cla ss ride r T ony Su lek left c th e 125cc mach in es behind in the first moto as Bubba Erickson and Mood y had a serio us banle over the l25cc P ro lead. By the end of th e seco nd la p Moody pushed his DG / I' J I· backed Honda into the lead, bu ' Erickson ca me back with a vengean ce on the neXl la p a n d sla m med Moody. " It seemed li ke he cut inside a ju mp a nd j ust pinned it into me: ' Moody saId. " [ h ighsided a nd was o n the grou nd ." "[ came into th e tu rn too fast a nd co u ldn't stop," said Erickson. who rode on (or the win . Erickson led the firsl half o f mai o two with Mood y in his shadow. Moody even tua lly wore Erickwn down and made a clean pa ss ror th e lead on lap seven of lh e 13-la p motu. Moody pulled away for the win , whi le Er ichon held o n to seco nd. J ohn Ra y d aim ed lh ird a her Chris Radzinski experie nced shi ft ing p roblem s a nd dropped back a position. In the 250cc Pro d ass. Moody p u lled a head o f Eddi e Hi cks la te in eac h m ot a to sco re the o vera ll win. Hi cks da imed secon d foll ow ed by J on lahrl and Darrin Hod L Donald Up to n easi ly won bot h 125cc Imermedialc ma lUS. Da ve Evilsizer rod e ( 0 seco nd in th e £irst moto . but i n ma lO two Bob Sage Glrved hi s wa y to the runn er·up po siti on with J oe DePauo foll owing h im across lh e fini sh lin e. Resul ts I' /W A: I. RINo G-f,rcia (YAm): 2. T ..dd Gu..v-laar (Ya m): 3. Arc S.lIIdlrl Jr . (Yam ). P/W B-1: I. Ry.m T .. "n ("OIm): 2. Wn" Bruu k (Ya m): m y 3. Rubby Robn u (Yilm): 4. Brotndo n M(·R;,r (Ya m): 5. DiI" id McF:. lan d Jr . (Ya m). n P /W B·2: I. j am n Smd('lb.uh (Vam): 2. Micha d Br.rU (Yam ): 3. Dr-mdon o..w!'ion (Ya m); 4. Anlhlln y ILn ban lW' (Y;,un ): !J. Jildl, HotdMl (Yotm). 60 (6-8): 1. T ,.Ir1" Ti n lt"lf1('jr (lUlw): 2. Ryot T omn" (lUw ): n 3. An 5.4nch r- ( K.<. w): i . Midl.drl HurnJ,ft rm ( KOIw). l l 60 (9· 11): I. Michotd Young (Kaw); 2. jalolll1l. .uk im ( Kit",, ): 3. Oui!lotopher Go! ( ~ wl : 4. Mar !lohotll Li pp~ ( ). tID 8EG : I. David Stim-h[idd ( Koiw ): 2. Trmlm-r- Motl." . (K.. w): , . Dot "y W(xxilrd (K...w): 4. Oylotll Cr a iJ: (lU wl: 5. n TY!ol.J Ca n fid d. n w); !lONOV : I. Potu) Gilmotrtin ( K.a 2. Sh dwrl Fu rti !'r (SUI): ~. Rub G unt ..r (SUl ): 1. j aM>D Fum""·,, (u w): 5. B,('null R,,;llJliliota (SUl) . tW 1110'1': I. D.j . Swt.'. mny (H Ull); 2. j.& Th ~y ~ (SUI-). y !'IO EX: I. Tt· rry P (Kaw ): 5. R ick n otvu. (H o n). VET BEG : I. C nK!' jim('JI('1 (K.o.r w): 2. Co nriiid Bron k. _ (lU w): 3. Don n i(' Quanmum (H o n): 4. H('rbt't t Allen (; 50. Sine c.~fX'r (Y..m ). VET NO\': I. G r~ Bmlu n (YOIm); 2. ~iilnd y \ ...·y..n dc.i (K.a w): 3. Do n Slinchhdd (Kaw l: i . Alf'x Sp rnd h (VOI m ): 5. lk-oln J('JI n i n~ (Kaw ). VET 1:'\ : L Bu rt ll imn (Ya m) : 2. Mile.(' Si xbng (K;,a wl: 1 ,. C u n jam('S(Yam); 4. CharJit'Slrong (Hnn): 5. O., Ob ri('n (H u n). VET EX: 1. ~ta rk Ga mbi!'"n ol 2. jOl Irwin (I-Io n ): 3. C ; y ~r g(' WOIliot r (H on ); aid Swet'tla nd '!lo tuner Dave Bros iu s. Finishing: sen md wa ~ Ken Kozlik. Kozlik a \'era~ffi '14.89 mph to fini sh six minules bdl ind th e 1e-JdC'r. while Darin Ca rt wrig:h l . ~co rl"'d th ird place al 11.89 m ph o n a Ya maha YZ250. Ca Tl wri~ h t nashed ea rly in th e race, bu t n: mo um ed unh urt. " I sho u ld h a.. . e a n o pen bik e for a ra n~ like lhi s." said Cartwright. Mik e Berkn er put in an t'xce llc nl ride 10 claim fift h, four minutes beh ind Sweet land. Rid in ll a Hon da XRfi28, Belk ner c1ncked a n a \'era ~c sper l! of 42.82 mph. . N K(u lik, who co m p leted thr tt laps al a n a" eralle 'p<'ed o f ·12.32 mph . whil< It,e 38 Plus St'n ior Expt'rl (-lass was wun by Elto n Ong:ley. Resu l ts (Wt .:-": EX: 1. 1>t~II} ALlJotl I KT~1 ) : 2. Kt·n Ku, lil. (H Ull): :t D;u in ( :aI' ''·li Klu tYOIml: I. Goluh ."iw"",I"lId ( Kotw ): :.. :\lil. .· Bo:11.1It, Iliu n i. · O l· ...;'\: AM: I. ~I\.OIwn !"'4lu n iu (lI u n): 2. \\'0I)"1It' _ tlll ll ' l Ya utl: l . OM.i W.. He (H u nl: i . Bru n Si ll~ I.. i, (H u nl: 5. DOl"," HIII·ui IlK ( lI u ll) . ~'OO AM; I. !'l t'\T R id \.Ol rrb (lU w): 2. j"!IoulI lkllt' (H IHI): 1 l . ji m I)ubu.., (K... w). ~ . EX : I. M. l. ~ KU/ Iil. IHu n ): 2. POll P Jl ~ ( KT M). :sg ..X : I. [hUll OUJl:Ir)' t KT M). . 3()+ AM: I. M ~ rl. l1 t KT M): 2. j M{ S;"rndn!> (H ol'I): :S ~M>1' Wt'imlt'l n (11011):·1. !'llrplM'11 (~)fIl... ll"!Io tY",m r. s. nan o fk. II,'II IHull j. · j()+ .'10 \': I. :'IOd l (~ II Kk-1l (H Ull); 2. Rich Ib,mof! (H un ); :t ~loIlI) G,,~n.1ll IKT M I: i . Jut' Suullln",n (Y.n n) : S. T im CUlli .. IKT M I. -10+ ~ O\ ' : 1. O lm Wt'bb j r.: 2. lden Wilk" , (KT M): 3. Jill' Ill tbc....,l K..& w): ·1. (;"') MI.-hd (H'K)). ·IS" OTU : I. j uh n Km:li le. (KT M ): 2. AI Fur bn (Y..m ]. :-0,,": I. Jur Pllllo..... (KT M): 2. D.rl ung-h , -r .lIn t AT K~ : l . Gr..y j ('II'01.·1I( t1u III: t T UII)' Huhl (V..ln l; 5. Iklbn-t G"'M (KT MJ. (W ..: '" ".X: 1. M..u C.aIlClll t lU wl : 2. Ik- n Wil.... 11 t H u IIoI: .. ~ . Riian Rulll'lh 9Vam ): -I. Glt' n n t lUt'1 (liu nl. 2:'",0 ",o\' : I. j u1m H lili . Ie. l Ko! wl: 2. Potu ick Mu'p h)' ( Ka w): ~. j m h Rol lld.&II IH u ~ J: 4. j t"n )' Murr i!lfHI ( 1I . 1lI): 5. Ru )' K.·1I1 IKT M). :"00 :'IO n \ ' : I. j ,II01!o MU ' t'IIt'T ( ~ wI: 2. l. Roim.... {HI HI): ~ . R i. h.nd R.rml ... (H Ull ). C; nI :'IO(): I. Mil hal"'l Rul l (H' lll); 2. RIIII ~ mil h {l lll nl: j. jim FdwilJ(l~ (Vdml: l. Tim H"wn (Vam) ; S. Tim RI..... IKT Poh \ . m ",( ) : I. Pill " 11l"n ; 2, Mi. h'lt'! Wotddin K IK ·I ·~ ); ~. ·'· rill)" 1~lII l i .. {lI ml: ·1. AI.III Bt'1IIK'"1I (\ 'a mJ: ': . RulX'lI RlJrn ~ (H o ll). 1 O P E~ RI-(; : I. Kb IJl:It' {HIIIII: 2. T u m FrnmUlh (H onl; . ~. El i. MUIll/II' (KT M): 'I. Li l Iw\' iJllo (KT M): :J. Tim ( ;IIII'n illJ.;l·r 111" 11). :Cit, BEe;: I. Rohhi.· n .l... .. (H u n l: 2. PI'flwll Ya"il"(H u ll l: i ~~ ~ ~I~;;.I II"'Cy w i ll~ l. i (H IIII);·1. Rill. Hull .., ( S ~lI l:!'l . Ruh D.rvi, w 200 BEG : I. Do n Yiilnay (Vam ); 2. JnTY Ci ce. (Kiii ): .5. j t"H Hill (V..m ): i . Pa u l Mut"lIer (Va m ); S. Kevin Arnott (H o n), 1.,\ IH I-"': 1. Cylll h i;. Po w," " IKT M.': 2. T ;lInOlI •• N i.·1U . IK.n\"l: j . B,.IIIt1I·" 1'Oll1l.U (Ka w ): .1. l.i ~ WaJl:IU'1 (KT M): ;1. K;III' Ko. hl·IUII·l ll·r (H" n ). IRO :O-; J\lIS I: I. M.lll lw w MllIp h y (H" n ). .' P T.' ~ I :"O H INRA CER: I. K,·... ll Th"nh"n (H Ull): 2. i Buh h) C ,. , ·l. ( KT M); ~. Ill lII Bull (H IIIll: I. C h ri.. l. iVl'lIi IlI un I: ;l . Ill ·;lIl Rru ......11 (....1111). . MI :'IO I AM : I. Rotnd, ,\ lh u ll ( 1-1 1111): 2. M.Ulht'w MlIll'h, I lIu III. ,\ 11:'10 1 :'\0\': I. n olllDubu!Io/ (lUw J: 2.I·, nlo Jl P it'tlr (KT MI: J.... . I II R il h.ll d t HIIIl): -I. Tnr)' Wt'bb (KT M I. .\ 11:'\1 B" G : I. KUlI "ot h ull (5 11/1: 2. S oitholll Mt'1tu n (!'lull: :1. BI.IIIII" .. D.l\i.. (II ,,"): I. R, i.. n P"'......'t ( K.! w ): ~) . R" bbil · j ..h n"'llI ( ~ TMI. j . Haynes, Cozadd top Cane Creek Motocross By Toni Antoni HEFUS, AL MAR 10 Danny Nel son a nd Kevi n Cozadd em erged victo r io us in th e Sen ior Mini, 125 a nd 250cc B cla sses. respectively. a t ,h e grand openinll o f the Ca ne Cr e

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