Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 04 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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MO THE 1991 SUZUKI NAnONAL CUP SCHEDULE* REGION ONE 4/tr7 New 5/1 1·12 New 6/&-9 New 6/~·30 New 6/3-4 New 917-8 New REGION SIX Hampshire Intematlonol Speedway HampshireIntematlonol Speedway Hampshire Intematlonol Speedway Hampshire International Speedway Hampshire Internatlonol Speedway Hampshire Internatk>nol Speedway REGION TWO Road A_to Summit PointRaceway 3/22- 2' •• 4/13- 14 5/4~5 5/25-26 6/15-16 8/1 7- 18 8123-25 •• 912Pr2'l Nelson Led ges Road Course Summit PoIn Raceway t North Corolina Motor Speedway SummIl PoInt Raceway Pocono tnt emoliorol Rac"""'l' NeIsan ledges Road C"""" REGION THREE 2128·3 /3 Daylono Interncfionol soeecwcv 3/16-17 Roe bling Ilocd 4/6-7 T lladega Grand PrixRaceway a ' /20-2 1 Memph~ Matorspart PotIc 5/1 1-12 Talladega Grand PrixRac"""'l' 6/2'1-30 Tollodego Grand PrixRac"""'l' 8/3 1-9/1 MemphJSMotcxsport Potlc 9/14- 15 Roebling Rood 9/2 1·22 ' Morose Motorsp ol'1S Pork AMA/CCS AMA/CCS AMA/CC5 AMA/CC5 AMA/CC5 AMA/ C CS WERA WERA WERA WERA WERA WERA WERA WERA AMA/CC5 WERA WERA WERA WERA WERA WERA WERA AMA/CCS 5/4-5 5/19 6/9 7/20-2 1 8 /3-4 8/17 · 18 9/14-15 9/ 2Pr2'l 10/ 6 REGION FIVE Oak Hill Raceway 3/16-17 5/ 4-5 WheelsRac"""'l' Oak Hill Raceway 6/1-2 Wh eels Ra cew ay 6/22-23 7/4 -7 •• Heartland Pork Oak Hili Rac e wa y 7/20-2 1 Oak Hill Raceway 8/17 -18 9/14-15 Wheels Raceway WERA USBA 4/1 3- 14 5/ 11- 12 5/18-1 9 6/8-9 6/2 1-23 " 7/27 -28 8/18 9/21 -22 OMRRA WMRRA WMRRA OM RRA O MRRA WMRRA WMRRA O MRRA WMRRA Seattle Inte motiOnal Raceway Seattie Inte rnat ionol Raceway Portland Inte matlOoof Raceway Portland Intemotlonal Raceway SeoltIe Inte moliorol Rac eway Seatt1e Inte rnat ional Raceway Portlond Intemanonal Raceway Seattle Intemotlonal Raceway REGION EIGHT Sears PoInt Pocewcv Sears PoInt Rocewcv 6/ 15-16 SearsPoInt Roc8'o\ilOy 3/30-31 5/25- 26 6 /29..JO AfM-N AFM-N AfM-N AFM-N AfM-N AfM-N SearsPoint Raceway 8/1D-11 Sears Point Raceway SearsPoint Rac eway REGION NINE AMA/ C CS 3/2-3 los Vegas Rac eway WERA 4/1 2- 14 " 4120-21 5/25-26 6/15- 16 7/20-21 8/17- 18 8/3 1-9/1 WiIOW SprIngs Iloceway W'\oW Springs Raceway Areblrd Raceway Firebird Raceway WlUow Springs Race way WlUow Springs Raceway Los Vegas Raceway WER A WERA WERA AMA/CC5 WERA WERA WERA WERA WERA WERA WERA WERA WERA ·Schedule sut::>ject to change. Check wtttl sanctioning body to confirm '"WERA PRO • EVENT MRA MRA U5BA MRA MRA MRA MRA MRA REGI N SEVEN O 4/6--7 Portland Inte rnational Raceway 8/31·9/ 1 REGI N FOUR O 4/6-7 Indlanopol~ Rac eway Park 4127-28 Road Ameot Springs Second Creek Rac"""'l' Bonneville Rac eway AMA/CC5 AMA/CC5 ARRA ARRA AMA/CCS · 600 ' soeecwcv Heart10nd Park 9/20-22 1991 SUZUKI NAnONAL CUP RNAL ARRA REGION TEN(NAn ONAJ. 5UPEI1SPOIll 750 ONLY) 3/9-10 Daytona Intemotlonol Speedway 5/17 -19 ROOd Atlanta . 6/7-9 Brainerd International Raceway 6/ 1A· 16 Ne w Ha mpshire Internationa l Raceway 6/28·30 Rood America 7/ A-6 Charlotte Motor 7/20-21 Miami 8/2-4 Mid-ohlo Raceway 9/er8 cotes and Iocatlons. AMA/CCS WERA Willow Springs Raceway 10/»11/3· ROAD ATLANTA AMA/CCS AMA/CCS AM A/CC5 AMA/CC5 AMA/CC5 AMA/CCS AMA/CCS AMA/CC5 AMA/CC5 A MA/CC5 (750/1100 ~LY) 1991 SUZUKI PAYOUTS NAnONAJ. CUP ClU8 EVENlS ASSOCIATE SPONSOI1S Katgog fa}/GSX-R7 5QIGSX-R J 100 KgtaOQ 6OO/GSX-R75Q IGSX.Rl 100 lst 1st 2nd 3rd 2nd 3rd 'ttl 5ttl 5500 5300 5250 5200 5150 6ttl 7th 8th 9th 10th 5125 5100 5 75 5 50 525 $100 550 525 SlJPEI1SPOIll NAn O NALS WE11A Kqtg OQ 6OO/GSX.RZSO EOUDylg USA 1st • 51500 1st 51500 2nd 5900 5900 2nd 3rd 5750 3rd 5750 4ttl 5600 4ttl 5600 5th 5450 5ttl S 450 WERAENDUIlANCE Heowwejght Syoerbjke 1st 51500. 2nd 51000 5750 3rd 4th 5500 5th 5250 QIllllr 5500 5400 5300 5200 5100 AMA /CCS ENDURANCE ~ 1st 51000 2nd 5500 3rd 5250 5100 'ttl 5ttl 550

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