Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 04 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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,----,-- - - - - - - ---,----- - - - - - - -- ~ - - - LOCAL EVENTS - .f e American Donny Schmit captured the overall win at the Genk Supen:up in Belgium. Winner Rick Schroeder (3) slid under L oren Bjorkman (40B) at Carlsbad ST. Mittl eberg (H on). OPEN : i , T . Gilliland (KTM); 2. T. Gilliland (ATK ); 5. M. Cudde (Kaw); 4. M. Burkhart (H on ): 5. R. Reed (Hon). 250: l. T. Summers (Yam); 2. J. Richardson (H on ); 3. K.. Harman (Yam ); 4. C. Davia (Hon); 5. M. Willis (H on). 200: l. J. Beav~r (Ya m); 2. R. Shreve (Kaw); 3. R. Wilson ( Kaw) ; 4. b . Delhngham ( Kaw); 5. T . Wu«up (Kaw ). 125: 1. P . Weber (H on ); 2. M. j ami eson (Kaw); 5. D. Reed (Ka w): 4. R. Caviness ( Ra w ); 5. C. Staggs (Yam). 4-ST RR: I. R. J on es (Hon ); 2. M. Surd vke (H bg); 3. S. Abua ombe (Suz): 4. S. McUttber (Ka w) ; 5. G. Pilant (Hon). SR: I. D. Perk in s (Kaw); 2. J. Ga rren ( Ra w); 3. M. Sheridan (H ue): 4. T . Mor gan (Han): 5. F. Leiv an ( Ka w). S/ SR : I. B. jungemegan (Ka w); 2. J. Letellier (KT M); 3. B. Powers (H us). JR: I. R. Pintl e (H on ): 2. D. Wilfon g (H on); 3. B.Busenbark (Hon ). . VtNT: I. j. Laswel l (H usj: 2.S. Yarbrough (Pen); 3. A. Long (Pen). BEG : I. D. Robertson ( Ka w ); 2. B. Bam eu (Suzj; 3. S. Will is ( )(aw); 4. N. Crnw£ ord (Ya m); 5. R. Bu r~1o (Suz). R esu lts Gravitt blasts Sandlapper Enduro 0 1A: I. Donn y Sch m it (S U1.); 2. Georges l obe (H on] : .3. Stefan Ever ts (Suz); 1. Alessandro Pu zar (Suz); 5. Kurt Nico ll (KT M); 6. Ja cky Marten s (KT M); 7. w ern er DeWi t (Kaw): 8. Edwin Evensen (Kaw): 9. Billy Li les (Ka w) ; 10. J oel Srnets (Ha n ); I I. n a ve Str ijbos (Suz); 12. Jo Mart ens (Hon); 13. Rudy Van Lee uwe n (; 14. Peter J ohansson (Y am); 15. Greg Alber tyn (Han) . MOTO I: I. Schm it; 2. Lil es; 3. Nicoll ; 4. J acky Mar tens: 5. P uzar: 6. Job e; 7. Sme rs: 8. Evensen ; 9. Pek ka Vehkcnen (Yam); 10. Joha n Boo ne n (KT M); . 1I. Pe ter Dirkx (Hon); 12. Van Lee u wen; 13. Peter Iven (S ur): 14. De Wit; 15. Axel Holv oet (Ka w ). MOTO 2: I. [ verts ; 2. j ob e: 3. Nicoll; 4. Pu zar: 5. Schmit; 6. Evensen : 7. De Wit; 8. Van Lee uwe n; 9. J ohansson; 10. Van den Berk : II. Oeu kens: 12. Smets; 13. Micky Dym on d (Yam ); 14. Pascal Sal (Ha n ); 15. Kees Van der Ven (Han ). MOTO 3: I. Schmi t; 2. Evens; 3. Strijbos: 4. J o Mart ens; 5. lobe; 6. De Wi t; 7. P; 8. J acky Martens; 9. Albertyn; 10. Ru d y Ooetsrouw ers (Ka w) : 11. Chris Jacobs (Hon); 12. Smets: 13. Gerard Delep ine (Kaw): 14. w eusren raed: 15. Johansson. Schroedersteals Carlsbad S1 win Schmit controlsGenk Supercup MX By Alex Hodgkinson GENK BELGIUM, MAR. 17 , ieffe Suzuki teammates Donn y Schmit and Stefan Evert s dominated th e Ge n k Su percup, o ne o f Europe' s maj or preseason MX events-. T he race featured th e top three riders fro m eac h of la st year's World Champ ionshi p s wi th th e exce p tio n o f Er ic Ge boers, who was present in the rol e of p romotor, an d Bob Moore, who was ra cin g a Ger ma n cha m p io ns h i p ro u nd. Mo st riders com pete d o n' 250 cc machiner y, a lthough so me o f th e 500cc G P rid ers ro de th eir b ig- bore bikes. Alt hough a flat rear tire four lap s into th e seco nd moto hampered Schmit as he recovered from a poor start, it co u ld n' t prevent h im from ta king th e overall victo ry as he raced to unchallenged victories in the othe r two motos. Everts won th at second mo to a n d o n ly failed to co m p lete a 1-2 overa ll for th e team by o ne point, even th ough he pulled o u t of th e opening mo to following a first-l ap crash . The early cha lle nges o f 500cc men Bill y L iles an d Kurt Ni coll were hal ted by fir st-l ap cra shes in the h ecti c 50rider races, a nd it was a reju vena ted Geor ges Jobe who fin all y sp li t the Suzu ki duo o n th e ro stru m . Defending 250cc World Ch ampion Alessandro Puzar was th e hi ghest-placed 250 G P rider a t fou rt h overa ll. Schmi t had raced p ast J acky Marten s before half d istance in th e fir st 30m inute moto and neither Nicoll nor Lil es got th e chance to cha lle nge. L iles B 18 i, rode a particula rly good race from 11th on lap one, p assing N icoll for seco nd o ne lap from th e finish aft er ca tch ing th e Englishman by surprise as th ey battl ed th ei r w ay throug h la pped rid ers. . J ob e pa ssed Di rk Ge u kens for six th on th e last lap a fter th ey had bo th co me from well down th e field. Ge u ke ns then cras hed in th e fina l co rner a fte r h itting a post. They would never have ca ugh t Peter J ohansson, who h ad h is sig h ts on fifth-place fini sh er PU7 .ar, exce p t for a roc k which p unctured J ohansson 's rear tire. Venkonen rode th rough the p ack steadi ly to ninth as cras hes eli mina ted Everts, John Van den 'Berk a nd Dave Stri jbos . It was Everts' turn to take adva ntage o f th e ex tre me ly bumpy track to race h is 250 past th e 500s o f Nicoll , J ob e a nd , Martens in th e seco nd moto as Sch m it made a n appalling start a nd th en had to co ntend with a flat rear tire from th e fourth lap o f th e race. H is det erm in at ion w a s ev ide nt however as h e came from 17th o n lap o ne to fin is h fifth, right behind Ni coll a nd Puzar. jobe' s efforts to repa ss Everts on th e fin al lap were foiled by a back marker wh o go t in h is wa y. J ohansson and Vehkonen had raced through in tanden from poor sta rts until Vehk on en go t a fl at tire. Am ongst those who th ey passed with ease were Van den Berk a nd Strij ob s. Geukens a nd Liles both went down in th e hectic first two turns; G eukens finished II th while Liles retir ed with a damaged radiator hose. Puza r, L il es, Mi ck y Dymond , J ohansson, Van der Ven an d Greg Alb ertyn were a mo ngst th e first -turn crashe rs in th e final mot o. Puzar came back to finish seventh , Albertyn made event. Newell crashed hard on the second lap, allowing Sledge to get ahead, but Newell caught up and passed Sledge for good on lap three. Steve Leivan ran fourth from start to finish. it to ninth, Liles withdr ew with damaged fork s while Dymond, who had only got over the measles one week before th e ra ce, withdrew immediatel y. Schmit quickly raced past Martens for his second win to clinch the overall, while Nicoll's cha llen ge en ded when he cras h ed on the first lap. H e withdrew a t half distance with a flat tire. jobe a lso crashed early after getting through to second place behind the disappearing Schmit and had to spend the rest of the race recovering to fifth , which en sured him of second overall. Everts was handed second in the moto when Edwin Evertsen, who had kept him a t bay as th ey advanced p ast Van den Berk and Strij bos, was forced to giv e up th e p la ce with a damaged front brake disc. A damaged cl u tch elim in a ted Vehkonen , Geukens broke a front wheel and Van den Berk a lso disappeared with ineffective brakes. It was significant th at Strijbos and J o Martens, both of whom had retired early in the other ra ces, were to the for e this time as the physical pace to ld in this earl yseason race. CN By Greg Boo th CARLSBAD, CA, M 16 AR. Rick Schroederpicked up his first 1991 Open Expert m ain event vic tory a t Ca rlsb ad Raceway by beating Loren Bjorkman to the line by only inches. Ga ry Smith wo n the close ly con tested first hea t . w it h Bj orkm an fini sh in g secon d. Bjo rk ma n easily won th e seco nd heat a nd looked like a favorite for the win. When the green flag dropped at the start of the main, Schroeder pulled the holeshot with GarySmith second and Nigel Gale third. It took several laps for Bjorkman, who was runnin g fourth, to pass Gale and Smith. By then, Schroeder had what appeared to be an in su rm o untab le lead. But Bjorkman came on stro ng in th e clos ing laps, and pulled even with Schroeder down the last strai ght. Schroeder crossed the finish line inches ahead of Bjorkman. . David Pelton took top honors ahead of j oseph Roberts and Steve Gorby in the Open junio r class . Results O PEN EX : I. Rick Sc hroeder (Suz): 2. Loren Bjo rkman (Y.u n); 3. Ga ry Sm ith (Yam ); 4. N igel Ga k (Yam). O PEN JR : I. David pf"ll n (H on ); 2.JoM"ph Ro bt"Tt5(Yam ); o 3. Steve Gur by (Yam); 1. Peter Ma yforlh (Ya m). 250 MAIN : I. Mark Ledbeuer (Raw ); 2. Bill Li lsh in (Ya m ); 3. 8n h Su haj da (Ya m ); 4. 8Tt'H Rrmilo(Yam). Caplinger captures Ozark . Mountain Hare Scrambles win By Arlene H ej lek COlliNS, MO, MAR. 24 Chris Caplinger was the overall winner at the second round of the Missouri Hare Scrambles Series, hosted by Ozark Mountain Racing. Caplinger grabbedthe holeshot,but lost the lead to Leigh Letellier when he crashed in a mudhole on the first lap, but retook the lead when Letellier went into th e sa me mudhole on the second lap. Letellier had to pit after the second lap to fix a flat tire, allowing Donelson Cycles/Mister Motorcycle/Sprocket Specialists/ Kal-Gard-sponsored Caphnger to retake the lead and ride unchallenged [or two mor e lap s to th e win. Letelli er was ab le to con ti n ue in the fourth position, but engine problems on the fourth lap put him out of contention. Tim Newell and j effSledgedicedfor mostof the two-hour Intermediate clas s winner Rick Horton took the holeshotand heldoffa third-lap challenge from Vince Throckmorton to ftnish sixth overall. Terry Gilliland led the Open class for the entire race, coastinf> in on reserve fue l to take the win and finish m the top 10 overall. - Results O/ A: 1. Chril. Caplinger (ATK) ; 2. Tim Newell (H on); 5. Jeff Sledge (Yam); 4. Steve Le ivan (Ya m ); 5. Creg Surdyke (Hb g). EX: 1. Tim Newell (H on); 2. Jeff Sled.~ (Yam) ; 3. Steve Leivan (Yam); 4. Cr eg Surdyke (H bg); 5. Kevin O 'Brien (Kaw~ tNT: 1. Rick Horton (Ya m); 2. Vin ttThrockmorton (Hon); 5. Jay Williams (Kaw); 4. Kevin Borts (Kaw); 5. Creg By Elaina Reynolds PEUON, SC, MAR. j Factory KTM rider Allen Gravitt scored the overall win at the Columbia Enduro Riders Association 's Sandlapper Enduro, edging factory Suzuki rider Kevin Hines by on e point. Canadian Blair Sharpless, johnny McCoy, Mark Eaddy and j eff Russell rounded out the top five. Heavy rain th e night before , as well as race morning, had all the competitors drenched before the y even reach ed the start area. The first nine mil es o r roads led th e riders into th e fir st, eig ht-m ile mud section . From the re the riders would go into tight woods, open road s th en to mor e mu d. . As the riders came in to th e ga s stop, many were removing what was left of shredded ra insui ts and all were cleaning goggles and hopin g th e mud was o ver. From the gas they went to what was th eir last section, 26 miles of tight woods with no resets. Thi s being the toughest, it took the most points from all riders. At the finish of the 65-mile enduro, Gravitt topped the fieldwith I I pointsdropped, while Hines and Sharpless tied at 12 Hines ended . up nipping Sharpless on the tiebreaker. Mark Allman scored the 250cc B class win with 23 . points, while Robert Pearson dropped 27 for the 250cc C class victory. Results AA: l . Allm G ra vitt (KT M) 11; 2. Kn'in H ines (Suz) 12; 3. Mark Eaddy 13; 4. Jdf RUSM'II (KTM ) 15; 5. Bryan Adam 5 14. O PEN A: I. Travis Ha yes; 2. Wad e Baxley; 3. Derrall Co x; 4. Keilh McJ nty~ 5 . "Jt"fTY Kelly. 250 A: I. Blair Sba rp jess: 2. Johnny McCoy; 3. Terry HUKhn ; 4. Mit ch McRee; 5. Mike Legomars tno. 200 A: I. Steven Sm ith; 2. Ken Brown ; 3. Brian Blanchard; • 4. Cra iR Holasr k; 5. Sam Plumb. VET A: 1. Robert Nelltry; 2. Ch arl es Brid gn. ; 3. Sta nley Ga m; 4. John HoHman; 5. BaIT)' Cro ne. SR A: I. J im Ford; 2. Mike Shank; 3. Jimmy Lynch ; 4. ~ Bruce Tripl rtt; 5. Ca ry Doerr. 4-STRK A: 1. Hob Bennett; 2. Dale Cross; 3. John Smith. S/S R A: 1. Cha rles Staplt'forfd ; 2. J amer.Br.m sford ; 3. Farrel Lo rd; 4. Wol£Jr.lng Kruse. O P EN B: 1. Dale Burroughs; 2. David Cri~; 3. T ve DaURhrr ty; 4. Monte Orr; 5. Phillip Myers. 250 8 : I. Mar k Allm an ; 2. Doug Deaton ; 3. Bill y Nobl es; 4. Donnie Brewer: 5. J im Sparow. 125 B: I. Allan O tdden: 2. Brent Mrr cer; 3. Todd H oh on ; 4. T im KinR; 5. Pat Ha tcliff. 200 B: I. Michael An denon; 2. T~ Caiz: 3. Bo MdntOlih; 4, James Allen ; 5. Alan Moon. VET B: I. J oe Royal; 2. John Stra nge: 3. David Anderson; 4. Lee Hermansen; 5. Ken Myers. SR B: I. Paul Richardson; 2. Clyde Brown; 3. Dan Lilley. S/S R B: I. Johnny Thomas; 2. Larty While; 5. Ron Miller; 4. Wil ton Buskey: 5. Erni e Mill er. 4-STRK B: I. John Thompson: 2. Steve Hardema n: 5. Pal Cr u th feild: 4. Mark Moon; 5. Chase Furnas. 125 C: 1. Robert Whi seman: 2. Jeff Scbaec : 5. David Evette; 4. Will ia m Ru sell : 5. Robert Brown. 250 C: 1. Robert Pear son : 2. Roger Reed: 3. Ru ssell Bearden ; 4. Ph il Hubbard ; 5. Dou glas Ritchie. 200 C: 1. Rusty Tho mas ; 2. Keith Charpenen 3. Robert Cro ley; 4. j a mes Pace; 5. Step hen Cu..n:! ' O PE N C: I. John Langston ; 2. Ja ck Derryberry; 5. Richa rd Sp ivey; 4. Ra ndal Miller; 5. Jeff Alexander. Montero muscles to West Florida Motocross win By D ian e Silcox MILTON, FL, MAR. 17 Chad Montero used the mud and rain to his advantage as he dominated the Pro class at West Florida Motocr Park. oss Kevin Knightdashedthrough the mud with the holeshot in what would be the only rnoto followed by. Ed Kiley and Montero. By doubling the whoops. Montero passed Kiley . and went after Knight, who was able to hold

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