Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 04 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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start to finish. U p to n stayed a half bik e len gth beh ind Huffman th e duration of th e race, provin g he was fast enough to s tay w ith Huffm an but s mart en ough to .hold back and earn the overall win. Er ik Anderson, Wr ight and Lex Mal an mixed it up [or third with Anderson eventua lly po wer in g to th e posi tio n in front of Wr ight a nd Mal a n. Bryan Curtis contin ued to show h is strength in both 25-2 9 a nd 500cc In term edi at e cla sses with a Iour-rnoto sweep in both class es. Curtis won with huge leads in all four rnotos. T odd Gould gassed it to th e gold in bo th l25cc Novice division threeand 25-29 Novice clas ses. Corey Holcomb was the fastest in the first I25cc mot o , whi le Gould worked to second by th e end of the rnoto, Billy Ezernack and J err y J etton battled for third ' with Ezernack getting the nod. Malan won the second moto while Gould again worked to second. H ol comb developed probl ems and dropped off th e rnoto, wh ile Azernack fi nished th ird. Malan's second moto win gave him the required points to finish second overall in front of Jetton. Gould's winn ing day continued in the 25-29 Novice class where he topped Ri ch ard Aldrich and J etton . CN ~ MOTOCROSS I" ~ PARK <, ~ ~ I Best In The Northwest j WASHOUGAL, WASHINGTON "Celebrating Our 20th Season ofMotocross Racing" Results 51 AUT O 4-8 STK: I. Michael Blose (Yam); 2. Johnathon Shimp (Ya m ); 3. Aar o n J o hnson (Yam); 4. Brayd on T ayl or (Yam ); 5. Dennis (Yam) . 51 AUTO 4-8 MO D: I. J ohnatho n Shim p (Yam ); 2. Scott Nelson (Yam) ; 3. Eri c Wood (Yam); 4. Aaron Johnson (Yam ); 5. Brayden T a ylor (Yam). 6S 7-11; I. Giovanni Tedesco (Kaw); 2. J ason Lark en (Kaw); 3. Jor!!e P05Cil (Kaw); 4. Johnathon Sh imp (Kaw); 5. Jusun Scullen (Kaw). 8S 7-11; I. J iri Dostal (SUI); 2. Cra ig Truglio (SU1); 3. joshua Chaves-Ca tron (Ya m ): 4. Gi ovanni Tedesco (Ya m); 5. William Sm ith (Yam). 85 12· 13: 1. Robert Reyn ard (Kaw); 2. Greg Yearsley (S UI); 3.Jason Shi rey (Ka w); 4. Rya n Clark (SU1); 5. Paul Ito (SUI). 85 14· 15: l. David Pingree (SUI); 2. Mike Metzger (Soz); 3. Ted Campbell (Han ); 1. John Ledd y (SUI); 5. Ro b Sheldon (SU1). 125 YTH 12-15: 1. Donald Up ton (H a n); 2. Dam on Hullman (Kaw ); 3. Lex Malan (SUI); 1. E.J. Wright (SUI); 5. Erik Anderson (Han ). • 125 NOV 0.1: I. Steve Moore (SUI); 2. Nat e Keyes (Suz); 3. Derek Gi est (Hon ); 4. J ared Jacob smeyer (Yam); 5. Kevin Pitts (Ha n) . 125 NOV D-2: I. Gr am Casper (SUI) ; 2. Jimmy Sca n (SU1); 3. Scan Run dle (SUI); 1. E.J . Wright (Suz); 5. J oh n Blair (Han) . 125 NOV D·3: I. Todd Gould (S U1); 2. Lex Ma lam (S UI); 3. Jerry jeuon (SUI ); 4. Joh n ny Chavez (Ya m); 5. Jules Farmer (Ka w) . 125 INT: I. Bill y Mercier (Han ); 2. Shawn Mo rga (Kaw); 3. T immy Staufenbeil (Ha n); 4. Dona ld U p to n (Hon ); 5. Ryan J ohnson (H o n ). 125 PR.O : I. Jimmy G add is (S UI) ; 2. Ch ris You ng (S UI); 3. T revor (Suz); 4. Dennis Park er (Suz); 5. See n Bistol (Ka w). 125 EX: l. Chris Young (Suz); 2. jimmy Gaddis (SUI) ; 3. Travis Hodges (Ha n ); 1. J ason Krempin (Ho n); 5. Drev Dircks (Han) . 25'0 NOV D-I : I. j am es Der idd er (Suz ); 2. Brett Ful gh an (S UI); 3. ]ared j acobsmeyer (Ya m ); 4. Da ve Claj den (Hon); 5. Steve Moo re (Ya m). 2SO NOV 0.2: I. Gra nt Gaspar (SUI); 2. J im Lan gesto n (Han); 3. Bobby Hubbar d (SU1); 4. Tracy Asher (SUI); 5. Ju les Farmer (Kaw). 250 INT: l. Ril1y Mercier (Han ); 2. Ti mmy Staufenbe il (Han); 3. Sha wn Morga (Kaw); 4. J .J . Petchel (H an ); 5. Ryan j ohnson (Ha n ). . 2SOPRO: I. Chris Young (SUI); 2. Jim my Gad dis (Suz); 3. Kerry Mulfigan (S Ui ): 4. Drey Dircks (H a n ); 5. Tim Co nnor . 2SO EX: I. J imm y Gaddis (SUI); 2. Chris Young (Suz); 3. Drev Dircks (Ha n); 4. T revor Meager (S UI ). 500 NOV : I. Adam Hosker (Han); 2. Matt WyckoH (Ho n): 3. Jay Spear (Hen ): 4. Russ H eist (Hon ); 5. Wilson LeW1 S (Han ). 500 INT: I. Bryan Curtis (Ha n ); 2. See n Frey (Ha n ); 3. Destrey Abbon (KT M); 1. Mike Seeley (Kaw); 5. J udd Denney (Ho n). 500 EX: 1. J im m y Gaddis (S U2); 2. Chris Young (S UI ); 3. Drey Dircks (Han ); 4. Kerry M ulligan (S UI ); 5. T revor Meagher (S U2). PLUS 25 NOV : I. Todd Gould (SUI); 2. Rich ar d Aldr ich (Ha n); 3. Jerry jenon (SUI); 4. Lee Medl in (Kaw ): 5. Kyle Ascf (Ha n ). PLUS 25 INT: I. Bryan C Urlis (Han); 2. Mike Seeley (Kaw); 3. Ro bert Shelson (Ha n). 30+ NOV: I. Greg Peroli o (H a n): 2. David Zahr l (Han); 3. Del Ocheltree (Ha n); 4. T om m y Brackens (Kaw]: 5. Bill Reim er (Ka w]. 30+ [NT: I. Ran dy Ski nne r (SUI ); 2. Mark Ol sen (Han); 3. Sca n Bell (Hon) ; 4. Doug Goodman (Han ); 5. Dave Claydo n (Han ). 35+ NOV: l. Dave Burns (Han ); 2. J eff T hompson (Han ); 3. Del Ocheltree (Ho n); 4. Ro n T uai nski (Han); 5. Clement Moor e (SUI). $5+ tNT: I. Greg Peroli o (Hon ); 2. Mike jones (Ka w) ; 3. Gary Dogget t (Han); 4. T ony Par sons (SUI ). 40+ NOV : I. Ra ben lVyckoll (H a n). 40+ INT: L Dave Bums (Ha n ); 2. Ron Tuainsk i (Han). 40+ EX: I. Gary 'Doggen (lion); 2. Ge ne Phelps (Ha n ). \ WMN INT: I. Pam ela Bobka (SUI); 2. Susa n Lee (Kaw). VET PRO: I. Ken lahn (Ha n ). Sanctioned Racing Events 1991 RACING DATES. April 13th: CMC Goldstar Series April 14th: CMC Goldstar Series ,M ay 5th: May 25th: May 26th:A.M.A. Loretta Lynn's Reg. Qualifier June 22nd: C.M.C. Pac West June 23rd: C.M.C. Pac West July 14th: Scott U.S .A. Day August 4th: A ugust 30th: A.M.A. Amateur Race Day August 3 1st: A .M.A. Amateur Race Day . Sept. 1 st: A.M.A. 125/500 National Sept. 22nd: October 6th : • Each Event Open To All Riders • All Classes - Beg .• Jr.• Int.• Pro. Womens. Vets.• Old Timers. Quads. • Overnight Camping Available • Gates Open - 6 :00 AM Practice - 8:00 AM Racing - 10 :00AM • Inf orm ation Ralph & Carolyn Huffman 503-673-1671 Bob Leach 503-928-4474 Bria n Barnes 206-695-9221 Track Race Weekend - 206-837-3975 CAMAS ffi - ~ ~ ~ w '" W ASHOUGAl. : . 6~MI.I 140 EAST Ar:DUN.£OP ~.. SUck W!IIlUs s p a . ' WIIl. SHOEI WINS s upercro ss AM A u Stadi um M arch 16 Sun O~VI Arizona Main E" ent Tempe. 125cc EMIG JEff and confidence, For corn'ri'Jers rely on-, &~~~£. "The ChOIce 0 CORPORATION HELMET ,11.90064 SHOEI sAfe . , LoS Angeles. C 605 1 2228 Cotner ~;~3) 477 _ ..-

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